defmodule Mix.Tasks.MigrateLocalUploads do use Mix.Task import Mix.Ecto alias Pleroma.{Upload, Uploaders.Local, Uploaders.S3} require Logger @log_every 50 @shortdoc "Migrate uploads from local to remote storage" def run([target_uploader | args]) do delete? = Enum.member?(args, "--delete") Application.ensure_all_started(:pleroma) local_path = Pleroma.Config.get!([Local, :uploads]) uploader = Module.concat(Pleroma.Uploaders, target_uploader) unless Code.ensure_loaded?(uploader) do raise("The uploader #{inspect(uploader)} is not an existing/loaded module.") end target_enabled? = Pleroma.Config.get([Upload, :uploader]) == uploader unless target_enabled? do Pleroma.Config.put([Upload, :uploader], uploader) end"Migrating files from local #{local_path} to #{to_string(uploader)}") if delete? do Logger.warn( "Attention: uploaded files will be deleted, hope you have backups! (--delete ; cancel with ^C)" ) :timer.sleep(:timer.seconds(5)) end uploads =!(local_path) |> id -> root_path = Path.join(local_path, id) cond do File.dir?(root_path) -> files = for file <-!(root_path), do: {id, file, Path.join([root_path, file])} case List.first(files) do {id, file, path} -> {%Pleroma.Upload{id: id, name: file, path: id <> "/" <> file, tempfile: path}, root_path} _ -> nil end File.exists?(root_path) -> file = Path.basename(id) [hash, ext] = String.split(id, ".") {%Pleroma.Upload{id: hash, name: file, path: file, tempfile: root_path}, root_path} true -> nil end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) total_count = length(uploads)"Found #{total_count} uploads") uploads |> Task.async_stream( fn {upload, root_path} -> case, uploader: uploader, filters: [], size_limit: nil) do {:ok, _} -> if delete?, do: File.rm_rf!(root_path) Logger.debug("uploaded: #{inspect(upload.path)} #{inspect(upload)}") :ok error -> Logger.error("failed to upload #{inspect(upload.path)}: #{inspect(error)}") end end, timeout: 150_000 ) |> Stream.chunk_every(@log_every) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn done, count -> count = count + length(done)"Uploaded #{count}/#{total_count} files") count end)"Done!") end def run(_) do Logger.error("Usage: migrate_local_uploads S3|Swift [--delete]") end end