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# Put the name of your locale in the same language
Locale Name: 'Latina'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
Haec programmatis pars perfecta non est. Remea cum in hac profectum sit.
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'tabula'
Quit: 'Exi'
Edit: 'Muta'
Undo: 'Tolle'
Redo: 'Refac'
Cut: 'Deseca'
Copy: 'Effinge'
Paste: 'Agglutina'
Delete: 'Dele'
Select all: 'Omnia selige'
Reload: 'renovare'
Force Reload: 'Vi Reficite'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'Mutatio Constitutor Instrumenta'
Actual size: 'Vera magnitudine'
Zoom in: 'Visum propius'
Zoom out: 'Visi repostus'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Totus mutatur ostentationem'
Window: 'fenestram'
Minimize: 'Redigo'
Close: 'Claude'
Back: 'Redeo'
Forward: 'Promoveo'
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Editio {versionNumber}
nunc praesto! Tactus pro magis singula res'
Download From Site: 'Adepto ex situ'
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'Novum scripturam creata
est, {blogTitle}. Tangere hic pro magis notitia'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Requiro / Adeo URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'Requiro Filtra'
Sort By:
Sort By: 'Disponere Per'
Most Relevant: 'Maxime Pertinentes'
Rating: 'Transientes'
Upload Date: 'Transporto Dies'
View Count: 'Iteratio visibus visibile'
Time: 'Tempus'
Any Time: 'Umquam'
Last Hour: 'Intra Horam'
Today: 'Hodie'
This Week: 'Hoc Septimana'
This Month: 'Haec Mensis'
This Year: 'Hoc Anno'
Type: 'Genus'
All Types: 'Omnes'
Videos: 'Movens Imaginibus'
Channels: 'Canalis'
#& Playlists
Duration: 'Diuturnitas'
All Durations: 'Omnes Durationes'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Brevis (< 4 minutes)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Longus (> 20 minutes)'
# On Search Page
Search Results: 'Quaerere Eventus'
Fetching results. Please wait: 'Lignatio eventus. Placet expectare'
Fetch more results: 'Adepto plus eventus'
# Sidebar
There are no more results for this search: Adepto plus eventus non possunt
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: 'Subscriptio'
Latest Subscriptions: 'Tardus Subscriptio'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Subscription
vestri album sit vacua. Incipe addere subscriptions videre hic.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Questus subnotationes. Placet exspectare.'
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Refectorius Subnotationes'
Load More Videos: Voce plus Movens Imaginibus
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Haec
profile copia subscriptioni habet. Impono RSS ut impedio restrictionis per celeritatis
Trending: 'Inclinant'
Most Popular: 'Maxime Popular'
Playlists: 'Album ludere'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: 'Album Ludere Vestra'
Playlist Message: Haec pagina est a plene reflective opus playlists. Is solum album
et conservi videos quod favorited. Ubi consummatum opus est, omnia hic Move Imaginibus
commodum migravit ad "Favorites" Album Ludere.
# On History Page
History: 'Historiam'
Watch History: 'Specto Historia'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Tua historia album sit amet vacua.'
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Optiones'
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Generalis Occasus'
Check for Updates: 'Reprehendo pro Updates'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Reprehendo pro recentissimus diurnus ingressum'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Revertere ad secundarium ratio
cum defectum'
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Permitte Quaerere Conmendatio'
Default Landing Page: 'Usitatus Portum Pagina'
Locale Preference: 'Locus Praedilectionis'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'Praedilectionis API Ratio'
Local API: 'Locus API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Video Modus Visio'
Grid: 'Reticulum'
List: 'Album'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Parva Imago Occasus'
Default: 'Iusto'
Beginning: 'Initium'
Middle: 'Medium'
End: 'Finis'
'Invidious Instance (Default is': 'Invidious nusquam
esset (Iusto est'
Region for Trending: 'ad usum inclinanatus regionem'
#! List countries
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: 'Occasus Lemma'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'par cacumen cum pelagus color'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Basis Lemma'
Black: 'Lividus'
Dark: 'Niger'
Light: 'Illustris'
Added Dracula Theme (#1727) * Added Dracula Theme • Added Light and Dark versions of the logo using Dracula Colors • Added the base theme and Dracula accent colors to the theme.css • Added the options for the new theme and colors in the theme-settings comp • Added translations for the theme and color names to all local yaml files that already had theme and color information * fixed some yamls that I broke * fixed some more yamls that I broke * fixed an indentation error * fixed the formating issues. It's back to 2 spaces rather than 4. * removed package-lock, added back a new line at the end of the .gitignore, tweaked the colors a bit to add more contrast beween the text and backgroud colors in the overflow menu on the video cards., changed the card color to be slightly ligher than the background instead of slightly darker. * apparently there was a blank line in the package.json file that was removed. Just trying to get this diff out of the pr * apparently there was a blank line in the package.json file that was removed. Just trying to get this diff out of the pr * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * resoliving conflicts in a local file * added contract to all of the dracula primary colors. Added contrast for the main dracula theme's secondary and teriary text colors
2021-09-23 00:26:14 +02:00
Dracula: 'Dracula'
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Pelagus Color Lemma'
Red: 'Ruber'
Pink: 'Roseus'
Purple: 'Purpura'
Deep Purple: 'Purpura Tenebris'
Indigo: 'Indicus'
Blue: 'Caeruleum'
Light Blue: 'Caeruleum'
Cyan: 'Galben'
Teal: 'Querquedulae'
Green: 'Prasinus'
Light Green: 'Levis Prasinus'
Added Dracula Theme (#1727) * Added Dracula Theme • Added Light and Dark versions of the logo using Dracula Colors • Added the base theme and Dracula accent colors to the theme.css • Added the options for the new theme and colors in the theme-settings comp • Added translations for the theme and color names to all local yaml files that already had theme and color information * fixed some yamls that I broke * fixed some more yamls that I broke * fixed an indentation error * fixed the formating issues. It's back to 2 spaces rather than 4. * removed package-lock, added back a new line at the end of the .gitignore, tweaked the colors a bit to add more contrast beween the text and backgroud colors in the overflow menu on the video cards., changed the card color to be slightly ligher than the background instead of slightly darker. * apparently there was a blank line in the package.json file that was removed. Just trying to get this diff out of the pr * apparently there was a blank line in the package.json file that was removed. Just trying to get this diff out of the pr * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * fixed formating issues that I created in the theme.css. Converted my new code to use double quotes and uppercase hex codes to match existing formatting. * resoliving conflicts in a local file * added contract to all of the dracula primary colors. Added contrast for the main dracula theme's secondary and teriary text colors
2021-09-23 00:26:14 +02:00
Dracula Cyan: 'Dracula Galben'
Dracula Green: 'Dracula Prasinus'
Dracula Orange: 'Dracula Orange'
Dracula Pink: 'Dracula Roseus'
Dracula Purple: 'Dracula Purpura'
Dracula Red: 'Dracula Ruber'
Dracula Yellow: 'Dracula Flavum'
Player Settings: {}
Data Settings:
All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
Advanced Settings: {}
Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
Videos: {}
Playlists: {}
Days: ''
No: 'nullum'
More: plus
Open New Window: aperiere fenestram novum