
1171 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { ClientType, Endpoints, Innertube, Misc, Utils, YT } from 'youtubei.js'
import Autolinker from 'autolinker'
import { join } from 'path'
import { PlayerCache } from './PlayerCache'
import {
} from '../utils'
* Creates a lightweight Innertube instance, which is faster to create or
* an instance that can decode the streaming URLs, which is slower to create
* the lightweight one only needs a single web request to create the new session
* the full one needs 3 (or 2 if the player is cached) web requests to create:
* 1. the request for the session
* 2. fetch a page that contains a link to the player
* 3. if the player isn't cached, it is downloaded and transformed
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} options.withPlayer set to true to get an Innertube instance that can decode the streaming URLs
* @param {string|undefined} options.location the geolocation to pass to YouTube get different content
* @param {boolean} options.safetyMode whether to hide mature content
* @param {import('youtubei.js').ClientType} options.clientType use an alterate client
* @param {boolean} options.generateSessionLocally generate the session locally or let YouTube generate it (local is faster, remote is more accurate)
* @returns the Innertube instance
async function createInnertube(options = { withPlayer: false, location: undefined, safetyMode: false, clientType: undefined, generateSessionLocally: true }) {
let cache
if (options.withPlayer) {
const userData = await getUserDataPath()
cache = new PlayerCache(join(userData, 'player_cache'))
return await Innertube.create({
retrieve_player: !!options.withPlayer,
location: options.location,
enable_safety_mode: !!options.safetyMode,
client_type: options.clientType,
// use browser fetch
fetch: (input, init) => fetch(input, init),
generate_session_locally: !!options.generateSessionLocally
let searchSuggestionsSession = null
export async function getLocalSearchSuggestions(query) {
// reuse innertube instance to keep the search suggestions snappy
if (searchSuggestionsSession === null) {
searchSuggestionsSession = await createInnertube()
return await searchSuggestionsSession.getSearchSuggestions(query)
export function clearLocalSearchSuggestionsSession() {
searchSuggestionsSession = null
export async function getLocalPlaylist(id) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
return await innertube.getPlaylist(id)
* @param {Playlist} playlist
* @returns {Playlist|null} null when no valid playlist can be found (e.g. `empty continuation response`)
export async function getLocalPlaylistContinuation(playlist) {
try {
return await playlist.getContinuation()
} catch (error) {
// Youtube can provide useless continuation data
if (!error.message.includes('Got empty continuation response.')) {
// Re-throw unhandled error
throw error
return null
* Callback for adding two numbers.
* @callback untilEndOfLocalPlayListCallback
* @param {Playlist} playlist
* @param {Playlist} playlist
* @param {untilEndOfLocalPlayListCallback} callback
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} options.runCallbackOnceFirst
export async function untilEndOfLocalPlayList(playlist, callback, options = { runCallbackOnceFirst: true }) {
if (options.runCallbackOnceFirst) { callback(playlist) }
while (playlist != null && playlist.has_continuation) {
playlist = await getLocalPlaylistContinuation(playlist)
if (playlist != null) { callback(playlist) }
* @param {string} location
* @param {'default'|'music'|'gaming'|'movies'} tab
* @param {import('youtubei.js').Mixins.TabbedFeed|null} instance
export async function getLocalTrending(location, tab, instance) {
if (instance === null) {
const innertube = await createInnertube({ location })
instance = await innertube.getTrending()
// youtubei.js's tab names are localised, so we need to use the index to get tab name that youtubei.js expects
const tabIndex = ['default', 'music', 'gaming', 'movies'].indexOf(tab)
const resultsInstance = await instance.getTabByName(instance.tabs[tabIndex])
let results
// the default tab can have duplicate videos so we need to deduplicate them
if (tab === 'default') {
const alreadySeenIds = []
results = []
resultsInstance.videos.forEach(video => {
if (video.type === 'Video' && !alreadySeenIds.includes( {
} else {
results = resultsInstance.videos
.filter((video) => video.type === 'Video')
return {
instance: resultsInstance
* @param {string} query
* @param {object} filters
* @param {boolean} safetyMode
export async function getLocalSearchResults(query, filters, safetyMode) {
const innertube = await createInnertube({ safetyMode })
const response = await, convertSearchFilters(filters))
return handleSearchResponse(response)
* @param {YT.Search} continuationData
export async function getLocalSearchContinuation(continuationData) {
const response = await continuationData.getContinuation()
return handleSearchResponse(response)
export async function getLocalVideoInfo(id, attemptBypass = false) {
let info
let player
if (attemptBypass) {
const innertube = await createInnertube({ withPlayer: true, clientType: ClientType.TV_EMBEDDED, generateSessionLocally: false })
player = innertube.actions.session.player
// the second request that getInfo makes 404s with the bypass, so we use getBasicInfo instead
// that's fine as we have most of the information from the original getInfo request
info = await innertube.getBasicInfo(id, 'TV_EMBEDDED')
} else {
const innertube = await createInnertube({ withPlayer: true, generateSessionLocally: false })
player = innertube.actions.session.player
info = await innertube.getInfo(id)
if (info.streaming_data) {
decipherFormats(info.streaming_data.adaptive_formats, player)
decipherFormats(info.streaming_data.formats, player)
return info
export async function getLocalComments(id, sortByNewest = false) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
return innertube.getComments(id, sortByNewest ? 'NEWEST_FIRST' : 'TOP_COMMENTS')
// I know `type & type` is typescript syntax and not valid jsdoc but I couldn't get @extends or @augments to work
* @typedef {object} _LocalFormat
* @property {string} freeTubeUrl deciphered streaming URL, stored in a custom property so the DASH manifest generation doesn't break
* @typedef {Misc.Format & _LocalFormat} LocalFormat
* @param {Misc.Format[]} formats
* @param {import('youtubei.js').Player} player
function decipherFormats(formats, player) {
for (const format of formats) {
// toDash deciphers the format again, so if we overwrite the original URL,
// it breaks because the n param would get deciphered twice and then be incorrect
format.freeTubeUrl = format.decipher(player)
export async function getLocalChannelId(url) {
try {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
// Resolve URL and allow 1 redirect, as YouTube should just do 1
// We want to avoid an endless loop
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// resolveURL throws an error if the URL doesn't exist
const navigationEndpoint = await innertube.resolveURL(url)
if (navigationEndpoint.metadata.page_type === 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL') {
return navigationEndpoint.payload.browseId
} else if (navigationEndpoint.metadata.page_type === 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN' && navigationEndpoint.payload.url?.startsWith('')) {
// handle redirects like, which resolves to, which we need to resolve again
url = navigationEndpoint.payload.url
} else {
return null
} catch { }
return null
* Returns the channel or the channel termination reason
* @param {string} id
export async function getLocalChannel(id) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
let result
try {
result = await innertube.getChannel(id)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Utils.ChannelError) {
result = {
alert: error.message
} else {
throw error
return result
export async function getLocalChannelVideos(id) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
try {
const response = await innertube.actions.execute(Endpoints.BrowseEndpoint.PATH,{
browse_id: id,
params: 'EgZ2aWRlb3PyBgQKAjoA'
// protobuf for the videos tab (this is the one that YouTube uses,
// it has some empty fields in the protobuf but it doesn't work if you remove them)
const videosTab = new YT.Channel(null, response)
// if the channel doesn't have a videos tab, YouTube returns the home tab instead
// so we need to check that we got the right tab
if (videosTab.current_tab?.endpoint.metadata.url?.endsWith('/videos')) {
const { id: channelId = id, name } = parseLocalChannelHeader(videosTab)
return parseLocalChannelVideos(videosTab.videos, channelId, name)
} else {
return []
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Utils.ChannelError) {
return null
} else {
throw error
export async function getLocalChannelLiveStreams(id) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
try {
const response = await innertube.actions.execute(Endpoints.BrowseEndpoint.PATH,{
browse_id: id,
params: 'EgdzdHJlYW1z8gYECgJ6AA%3D%3D'
// protobuf for the live tab (this is the one that YouTube uses,
// it has some empty fields in the protobuf but it doesn't work if you remove them)
const liveStreamsTab = new YT.Channel(null, response)
// if the channel doesn't have a live tab, YouTube returns the home tab instead
// so we need to check that we got the right tab
if (liveStreamsTab.current_tab?.endpoint.metadata.url?.endsWith('/streams')) {
const { id: channelId = id, name } = parseLocalChannelHeader(liveStreamsTab)
return parseLocalChannelVideos(liveStreamsTab.videos, channelId, name)
} else {
return []
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Utils.ChannelError) {
return null
} else {
throw error
export async function getLocalChannelCommunity(id) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
try {
const response = await innertube.actions.execute(Endpoints.BrowseEndpoint.PATH,{
browse_id: id,
params: 'Egljb21tdW5pdHnyBgQKAkoA'
// protobuf for the community tab (this is the one that YouTube uses,
// it has some empty fields in the protobuf but it doesn't work if you remove them)
const communityTab = new YT.Channel(null, response)
// if the channel doesn't have a community tab, YouTube returns the home tab instead
// so we need to check that we got the right tab
if (communityTab.current_tab?.endpoint.metadata.url?.endsWith('/community')) {
return parseLocalCommunityPosts(communityTab.posts)
} else {
return []
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Utils.ChannelError) {
return null
} else {
throw error
* @param {YT.Channel} channel
export function parseLocalChannelHeader(channel) {
/** @type {string=} */
let id
/** @type {string} */
let name
/** @type {string=} */
let thumbnailUrl
/** @type {string=} */
let bannerUrl
/** @type {string=} */
let subscriberText
/** @type {string[]} */
const tags = []
switch (channel.header.type) {
case 'C4TabbedHeader': {
// example: Linus Tech Tips
* @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.C4TabbedHeader}
const header = channel.header
id =
name =
thumbnailUrl =
bannerUrl = header.banner?.[0]?.url
subscriberText = header.subscribers?.text
case 'CarouselHeader': {
// examples: Music and YouTube Gaming
* @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.CarouselHeader}
const header = channel.header
* @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.TopicChannelDetails}
const topicChannelDetails = header.contents.find(node => node.type === 'TopicChannelDetails')
name = topicChannelDetails.title.text
subscriberText = topicChannelDetails.subtitle.text
thumbnailUrl = topicChannelDetails.avatar[0].url
if (channel.metadata.external_id) {
id = channel.metadata.external_id
} else {
id = topicChannelDetails.subscribe_button.channel_id
case 'InteractiveTabbedHeader': {
// example: Minecraft - Topic
* @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.InteractiveTabbedHeader}
const header = channel.header
name = header.title.text
thumbnailUrl =
bannerUrl = header.banner[0]?.url
const badges = => badge.label).filter(tag => tag)
id = channel.current_tab?.endpoint.payload.browseId
case 'PageHeader': {
// example: YouTube Gaming
// User channels (an A/B test at the time of writing)
* @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.PageHeader}
const header = channel.header
name = header.content.title.text.text
if (header.content.image) {
if (header.content.image.type === 'ContentPreviewImageView') {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ContentPreviewImageView} */
const image = header.content.image
thumbnailUrl = image.image[0].url
} else {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.DecoratedAvatarView} */
const image = header.content.image
thumbnailUrl = image.avatar?.image[0].url
if (!thumbnailUrl && channel.metadata.thumbnail) {
thumbnailUrl = channel.metadata.thumbnail[0].url
if (header.content.banner) {
bannerUrl = header.content.banner.image[0]?.url
if (header.content.actions) {
const modal = header.content.actions.actions_rows[0].actions[0].on_tap.modal
if (modal && modal.type === 'ModalWithTitleAndButton') {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ModalWithTitleAndButton} */
const typedModal = modal
id = typedModal.button.endpoint.next_endpoint?.payload.browseId
} else if (channel.metadata.external_id) {
id = channel.metadata.external_id
if (header.content.metadata) {
subscriberText = header.content.metadata.metadata_rows[0].metadata_parts[1].text.text
return {
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Video[]} videos
* @param {string} channelId
* @param {string} channelName
export function parseLocalChannelVideos(videos, channelId, channelName) {
const parsedVideos =
// fix empty author info
parsedVideos.forEach(video => { = channelName
video.authorId = channelId
return parsedVideos
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ReelItem[]} shorts
* @param {string} channelId
* @param {string} channelName
export function parseLocalChannelShorts(shorts, channelId, channelName) {
return => {
return {
type: 'video',
title: short.title.text,
author: channelName,
authorId: channelId,
viewCount: parseLocalSubscriberCount(short.views.text),
lengthSeconds: ''
* @typedef {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Playlist} Playlist
* @typedef {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.GridPlaylist} GridPlaylist
* @param {Playlist|GridPlaylist} playlist
* @param {string} channelId
* @param {string} chanelName
export function parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist, channelId = undefined, channelName = undefined) {
let internalChannelName
let internalChannelId = null
if ( && !== 'N/A') {
if ( instanceof Misc.Text) {
internalChannelName =
if (channelId) {
internalChannelId = channelId
} else {
internalChannelName =
internalChannelId =
} else if (channelId || channelName) {
internalChannelName = channelName
internalChannelId = channelId
} else if ( {
// auto-generated album playlists don't have an author
// so in search results, the author text is "Playlist" and doesn't have a link or channel ID
internalChannelName =
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.PlaylistVideoThumbnail} */
const thumbnailRenderer = playlist.thumbnail_renderer
return {
type: 'playlist',
dataSource: 'local',
title: playlist.title.text,
thumbnail: thumbnailRenderer ? thumbnailRenderer.thumbnail[0].url : playlist.thumbnails[0].url,
channelName: internalChannelName,
channelId: internalChannelId,
videoCount: extractNumberFromString(playlist.video_count.text)
* @param {YT.Search} response
function handleSearchResponse(response) {
if (!response.results) {
return {
results: [],
continuationData: null
const results = response.results
.filter((item) => {
return item.type === 'Video' || item.type === 'Channel' || item.type === 'Playlist' || item.type === 'HashtagTile' || item.type === 'Movie'
.map((item) => parseListItem(item))
return {
// check the length of the results, as there can be continuations for things that we've filtered out, which we don't want
continuationData: response.has_continuation && results.length > 0 ? response : null
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.PlaylistVideo|import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ReelItem} video
export function parseLocalPlaylistVideo(video) {
if (video.type === 'ReelItem') {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ReelItem} */
const short = video
return {
type: 'video',
title: short.title.text,
viewCount: parseLocalSubscriberCount(short.views.text),
lengthSeconds: ''
} else {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.PlaylistVideo} */
const video_ = video
let viewCount = null
// the accessiblity label contains the full view count
// the video info only contains the short view count
if (video_.accessibility_label) {
const match = video_.accessibility_label.match(/([\d,.]+|no) views?$/i)
if (match) {
const count = match[1]
// as it's rare that a video has no views,
// checking the length allows us to avoid running toLowerCase unless we have to
if (count.length === 2 && count.toLowerCase() === 'no') {
viewCount = 0
} else {
const views = extractNumberFromString(count)
if (!isNaN(views)) {
viewCount = views
let publishedText = null
// normal videos have 3 text runs with the last one containing the published date
// live videos have 2 text runs with the number of people watching
// upcoming either videos don't have any info text or the number of people waiting,
// but we have the premiere date for those, so we don't need the published date
if (video_.video_info.runs && video_.video_info.runs.length === 3) {
publishedText = video_.video_info.runs[2].text
return {
title: video_.title.text,
lengthSeconds: isNaN(video_.duration.seconds) ? '' : video_.duration.seconds,
liveNow: video_.is_live,
isUpcoming: video_.is_upcoming,
premiereDate: video_.upcoming
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Video | import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Movie} item
export function parseLocalListVideo(item) {
if (item.type === 'Movie') {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Movie} */
const movie = item
return {
type: 'video',
title: movie.title.text,
authorId: !== 'N/A' ? : null,
description: movie.description_snippet?.text,
lengthSeconds: isNaN(movie.duration.seconds) ? '' : movie.duration.seconds,
liveNow: false,
isUpcoming: false,
} else {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Video} */
const video = item
return {
type: 'video',
title: video.title.text,
description: video.description,
viewCount: video.view_count == null ? null : extractNumberFromString(video.view_count.text),
publishedText: (video.published == null || video.published.isEmpty()) ? null : video.published.text,
lengthSeconds: isNaN(video.duration.seconds) ? '' : video.duration.seconds,
liveNow: video.is_live,
isUpcoming: video.is_upcoming || video.is_premiere,
premiereDate: video.upcoming
* @param {import('youtubei.js').Helpers.YTNode} item
function parseListItem(item) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'Movie':
case 'Video':
return parseLocalListVideo(item)
case 'Channel': {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Channel} */
const channel = item
// see upstream TODO:
// according to
// the response can be the new or old one, so we currently need to handle both here
let subscribers = null
let videos = null
let handle = null
if (channel.subscriber_count.text?.startsWith('@')) {
handle = channel.subscriber_count.text
if (!channel.video_count.isEmpty()) {
subscribers = channel.video_count.text
} else {
videos = extractNumberFromString(channel.video_count.text)
if (!channel.subscriber_count.isEmpty()) {
subscribers = channel.subscriber_count.text
return {
type: 'channel',
dataSource: 'local',
descriptionShort: channel.description_snippet.text
case 'HashtagTile': {
/** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.HashtagTile} */
const hashtag = item
return {
type: 'hashtag',
title: hashtag.hashtag.text,
videoCount: hashtag.hashtag_video_count.isEmpty() ? null : parseLocalSubscriberCount(hashtag.hashtag_video_count.text),
channelCount: hashtag.hashtag_channel_count.isEmpty() ? null : parseLocalSubscriberCount(hashtag.hashtag_channel_count.text)
case 'Playlist': {
return parseLocalListPlaylist(item)
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.CompactVideo} video
export function parseLocalWatchNextVideo(video) {
return {
type: 'video',
title: video.title.text,
viewCount: video.view_count == null ? null : extractNumberFromString(video.view_count.text),
publishedText: (video.published == null || video.published.isEmpty()) ? null : video.published.text,
lengthSeconds: isNaN(video.duration.seconds) ? '' : video.duration.seconds,
liveNow: video.is_live,
isUpcoming: video.is_premiere
function convertSearchFilters(filters) {
const convertedFilters = {}
// some of the fields have different names and
// others have empty strings that we don't want to pass to youtubei.js
if (filters) {
if (filters.sortBy) {
convertedFilters.sort_by = filters.sortBy
if (filters.time) {
convertedFilters.upload_date = filters.time
if (filters.type) {
convertedFilters.type = filters.type
if (filters.duration) {
convertedFilters.duration = filters.duration
return convertedFilters
* @param {(Misc.TextRun|Misc.EmojiRun)[]} runs
* @param {number} emojiSize
* @param {{looseChannelNameDetection: boolean}} options
export function parseLocalTextRuns(runs, emojiSize = 16, options = { looseChannelNameDetection: false }) {
if (!Array.isArray(runs)) {
throw new Error('not an array of text runs')
const timestampRegex = /^(?:\d+:){1,2}\d+$/
const spacesBeforeRegex = /^\s+/
const spacesAfterRegex = /\s+$/
const parsedRuns = []
for (const run of runs) {
// may contain HTML, so we need to escape it, as we don't render unwanted HTML
// example: (see pinned comment)
const text = escapeHTML(run.text)
if (run instanceof Misc.EmojiRun) {
const { emoji } = run
// empty array if video creator removes a channel emoji so we ignore.
// eg: pinned comment here
if (emoji.image.length > 0) {
let altText
if (emoji.is_custom) {
if (emoji.shortcuts.length > 0) {
altText = emoji.shortcuts[0]
} else if (emoji.search_terms.length > 0) {
altText = emoji.search_terms.join(', ')
} else {
altText = 'Custom emoji'
} else {
altText = text
// lazy load the emoji image so it doesn't delay rendering of the text
// by defining a height and width, that space is reserved until the image is loaded
// that way we avoid layout shifts when it loads
parsedRuns.push(`<img src="${emoji.image[0].url}" alt="${altText}" width="${emojiSize}" height="${emojiSize}" loading="lazy" style="vertical-align: middle">`)
} else {
const { bold, italics, strikethrough, endpoint } = run
if (endpoint) {
switch (endpoint.metadata.page_type) {
if (timestampRegex.test(text)) {
} else {
const trimmedText = text.trim()
// In comments, mention can be `@Channel Name` (not handle, but name)
if (CHANNEL_HANDLE_REGEX.test(trimmedText) || options.looseChannelNameDetection) {
// Note that in regex `\s` must be used since the text contain non-default space (the half-width space char when we press spacebar)
const spacesBefore = (spacesBeforeRegex.exec(text) || [''])[0]
const spacesAfter = (spacesAfterRegex.exec(text) || [''])[0]
parsedRuns.push(`${spacesBefore}<a href="${endpoint.payload.browseId}">${trimmedText}</a>${spacesAfter}`)
} else {
parsedRuns.push(`<a href="${endpoint.metadata.url}">${text}</a>`)
default: {
const url = new URL((endpoint.dialog?.type === 'ConfirmDialog' && endpoint.dialog.confirm_button.endpoint.payload.url) || endpoint.payload.url)
if (url.hostname === '' && url.pathname === '/redirect' && url.searchParams.has('q')) {
// remove utm tracking parameters
const realURLStr = url.searchParams.get('q')
const realURL = new URL(realURLStr)
let urlChanged = false
TRACKING_PARAM_NAMES.forEach((paramName) => {
if (!realURL.searchParams.has(paramName)) { return }
urlChanged = true
// `searchParams.delete` changes query string unnecessarily
// Using original unless there is any change
parsedRuns.push(urlChanged ? realURL.toString() : realURLStr)
} else {
// this is probably a special YouTube URL like
} else {
let formattedText = text
if (bold) {
formattedText = `<b>${formattedText}</b>`
if (italics) {
formattedText = `<i>${formattedText}</i>`
if (strikethrough) {
formattedText = `<s>${formattedText}</s>`
return parsedRuns.join('')
* @param {LocalFormat} format
export function mapLocalFormat(format) {
return {
itag: format.itag,
qualityLabel: format.quality_label,
fps: format.fps,
bitrate: format.bitrate,
mimeType: format.mime_type,
height: format.height,
width: format.width,
url: format.freeTubeUrl
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Comment} comment
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.CommentThread} commentThread
export function parseLocalComment(comment, commentThread = undefined) {
let hasOwnerReplied = false
let replyToken = null
if (commentThread?.has_replies) {
hasOwnerReplied = commentThread.comment_replies_data.has_channel_owner_replied
replyToken = commentThread
return {
dataType: 'local',
isPinned: comment.is_pinned,
isOwner: comment.author_is_channel_owner,
isMember: comment.is_member,
memberIconUrl: comment.is_member ? comment.sponsor_comment_badge.custom_badge[0].url : '',
text:, 16, { looseChannelNameDetection: true })),
time: toLocalePublicationString({ publishText: comment.published.text.replace('(edited)', '').trim() }),
likes: comment.vote_count,
isHearted: comment.is_hearted,
numReplies: comment.reply_count,
showReplies: false,
replies: []
* video.js only supports MP4 DASH not WebM DASH
* so we filter out the WebM DASH formats
* @param {Misc.Format[]} formats
* @param {boolean} allowAv1 Use the AV1 formats if they are available
export function filterLocalFormats(formats, allowAv1 = false) {
const audioFormats = []
const h264Formats = []
const av1Formats = []
formats.forEach(format => {
const mimeType = format.mime_type
if (mimeType.startsWith('audio/mp4')) {
} else if (allowAv1 && mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="av01')) {
} else if (mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="avc')) {
if (allowAv1 && av1Formats.length > 0) {
return [...audioFormats, ...av1Formats]
} else {
return [...audioFormats, ...h264Formats]
* Really not a fan of this :(, YouTube returns the subscribers as "15.1M subscribers"
* so we have to parse it somehow
* @param {string} text
export function parseLocalSubscriberCount(text) {
const match = text
.replace(',', '.')
let subscribers
if (match) {
subscribers = parseFloat(match[1])
if (match[2] === 'K') {
subscribers *= 1000
} else if (match[2] === 'M') {
subscribers *= 1000_000
subscribers = Math.trunc(subscribers)
} else {
subscribers = extractNumberFromString(text)
return subscribers
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
* Parse community posts
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.BackstagePost[] | import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.SharedPost[] | import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.Post[] } posts
export function parseLocalCommunityPosts(posts) {
const foundIds = []
// `posts` includes the SharedPost's attached post for some reason so we need to filter that out.
// see:
// we don't currently support SharedPost's so that is also filtered out
for (const post of posts) {
if (post.type === 'SharedPost') {
return posts.filter(post => {
return !foundIds.includes(
* Parse community post
* @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.BackstagePost} post
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
function parseLocalCommunityPost(post) {
let replyCount = post.action_buttons?.reply_button?.text ?? null
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
if (replyCount !== null) {
replyCount = parseLocalSubscriberCount(post?.action_buttons.reply_button.text)
return {
postText: post.content.isEmpty() ? '' :, 16)),
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
publishedText: post.published.text,
voteCount: post.vote_count,
postContent: parseLocalAttachment(post.attachment),
commentCount: replyCount,
type: 'community'
function parseLocalAttachment(attachment) {
if (!attachment) {
return null
// image post
if (attachment.type === 'BackstageImage') {
return {
type: 'image',
content: attachment.image
} else if (attachment.type === 'Video') {
return {
type: 'video',
content: parseLocalListVideo(attachment)
} else if (attachment.type === 'Playlist') {
return {
type: 'playlist',
content: parseLocalListPlaylist(attachment)
} else if (attachment.type === 'PostMultiImage') {
return {
type: 'multiImage',
content: => thumbnail.image)
} else if (attachment.type === 'Poll') {
return {
type: 'poll',
totalVotes: parseLocalSubscriberCount(attachment.total_votes.text) ?? 0,
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
content: => {
return {
text: choice.text.text,
image: choice.image
} else if (attachment.type === 'Quiz') {
return {
type: 'quiz',
totalVotes: parseLocalSubscriberCount(attachment.total_votes.text) ?? 0,
content: Object.values(attachment.choices).map(choice => {
return {
text: choice.text.text,
isCorrect: choice.is_correct,
image: choice.image
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
} else {
console.error(`Unknown Local community post type: ${attachment.type}`)
Channel community page (#1568) * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Comunity page strings, Communtiy tab, Community initial API call Added: 1) Community page strings - the first few strings are now available 2) Community tab - A clickable tab is now displayed on channel pages 3) Community initial API call - on loading the page, the initial access * Data returning added * Images are now displayed in the community tab * Added primitive video display * Current changes * Added preston's change with the ftcard and started on some layout basics * Created Community Post Component and added fetch more button + functionality * Fixed problem with videothumbnails not loading and adjusted their height to 100% in the ft-list sass file * Added poll and ft-list-video to the community page * Added author name placeholder (missing in module), the published date, the likes and dislikes as well as comment counts to posts. Additionally scaling of images was added * Added basis for community page playlists * Finalized a setup for playlists when wide enough * Fix for missing key in custom list * Added publish date translation * Add empty alt tags Co-authored-by: Jason <> * fix accessibility issue Co-authored-by: Jason <> * change: ununique ids to classes * add missing alt tag * Redirect channel/id/community to the channel's community tab * update yt-channel-info * update to 3.0.1 * Update yarn.lock * add basic multiImage support * use tiny-slider for multiImage community posts * update getChannelCommunityPostsMore * Update yarn.lock * fix yarn lock * swap community and about tab * Update yarn.lock * Fix missing comma * Removed trailing spaces * Clearing all community post data when changing to another channel * Restructuring of how the post cards are added, Empty page text, ft-element-list props customization 1) Now the community page uses the same setup of ft-element-list as the other pages on the channel. 2) If no posts are available, now it displays a message saying so 3) The ft-element-list component's display style can now be forced into a certain display mode (list/grid) with the new prop. It will overwrite the corresponding default value for list display * Fixed display text path * Fix lint" * Adjusted css to fit to new layout * Final touches community page to tidy up the console * fix icons, fix linter * fix hiding showmore button for community page * fix showToast calls * change all this.showToast to showToaast * reinstall tinyslider * use helpers * small fixes * fix: getting continuation of community posts * remove unused code * improve slider style import * fix hiding 'ShowMore' button * fix weird typo in css * add invidous community tab support * remove console testing code * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: absidue <> * implement suggestions, improve thumbnail replacement * use flip horizontal * readd invidious fallback code, remove author name workaround * replace another google domain when using invidious * suppport invidious multiImage posts * Use youtube.js for community posts * add invidious polls, remove support for fetching more * reorder icons alpabetically * re-allow loading more when using localapi * fix styling of multiImage, hide NA text * fix loading playlist * fix spacing of items * fix issue with direct url to community tab * make review recommendations Co-Authored-By: absidue <> * fix displaying selected tab, get best quality image --------- Co-authored-by: Preston <> Co-authored-by: ChunkyProgrammer <> Co-authored-by: Jason <> Co-authored-by: absidue <>
2023-03-04 09:56:04 +01:00
export async function getHashtagLocal(hashtag) {
const innertube = await createInnertube()
return await innertube.getHashtag(hashtag)