Translated using Weblate (Estonian)

Currently translated at 65.2% (297 of 455 strings)

Translation: FreeTube/Translations
This commit is contained in:
Karl Tammik 2021-05-09 20:41:29 +00:00 committed by Hosted Weblate
parent 51bb0ca89f
commit eba4fe47df
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A3FAAA06E6569B4C
1 changed files with 226 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -79,11 +79,18 @@ Subscriptions:
tellimuste loend on hetkel tühi. Telli kanaleid ja sa näed neid siin loendis.'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Laen tellimusi, palun oota.'
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Värskenda tellimusi'
Trending: ''
Load More Videos: Laadi veel videosid
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: Sellel
profiilil on väga palju tellimusi. Vältimaks serveripoolseid piiranguid teen RSS-voo
päringud harvemini
Trending: 'Populaarsed videod'
Most Popular: 'Populaarseimad'
Playlists: 'Esitusloendid'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: 'Sinu esitusloendid'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: Sa
pole veel videosid siia salvestanud. Selleks palun vajuta video nurgas asuvat
# On History Page
History: 'Ajalugu'
@ -96,16 +103,17 @@ Settings:
General Settings: 'Üldised seadistused'
Check for Updates: 'Kontrolli uuendusi'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Vaata viimaseid blogipostitusi'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Luba vigade korral kasutada teist
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Kasuta otsingusoovitusi'
Default Landing Page: 'Vaikimisi avaleht'
Locale Preference: 'Lokaadi eelistus'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: ''
Local API: ''
Invidious API: ''
Preferred API Backend: 'Eelistatud taustateenuste API'
Local API: 'API kohalikus arvutis'
Invidious API: 'API Invidious''e veebirakenduses'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: ''
Video View Type: 'Kasutatav videote vaade'
Grid: 'Võrgustik'
List: 'Loend'
Thumbnail Preference:
@ -114,99 +122,115 @@ Settings:
Beginning: 'Alguses'
Middle: 'Keskel'
End: 'Lõpus'
'Invidious Instance (Default is': ''
Region for Trending: ''
'Invidious Instance (Default is': 'Invidious''e
veebirakendus (vaikimisi kasutatav sait on'
Region for Trending: 'Mis geograafia alusel tuvastame populaarsemad videod'
#! List countries
System Default: Arvuti vaikeseadistused
View all Invidious instance information: Vaata kõike teavet kasutatava Invidious'e
veebirakenduse kohta
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: ''
Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
Theme Settings: 'Välimuse seadistused'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Kasuta ülaribal põhivärvi'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: ''
Black: ''
Dark: ''
Light: ''
Base Theme: 'Põhiteema'
Black: 'Must'
Dark: 'Tume'
Light: 'Hele'
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: ''
Red: ''
Pink: ''
Purple: ''
Deep Purple: ''
Indigo: ''
Blue: ''
Light Blue: ''
Cyan: ''
Teal: ''
Green: ''
Light Green: ''
Lime: ''
Yellow: ''
Amber: ''
Orange: ''
Deep Orange: ''
Secondary Color Theme: ''
Main Color Theme: 'Põhiline värviteema'
Red: 'Punane'
Pink: 'Roosa'
Purple: 'Purpurpunane'
Deep Purple: 'Sügavpurpurpunane'
Indigo: 'Indigosinine'
Blue: 'Sinine'
Light Blue: 'Helesinine'
Cyan: 'Rohekassinine'
Teal: 'Sinakasroheline'
Green: 'Roheline'
Light Green: 'Heleroheline'
Lime: 'Kollakasroheline'
Yellow: 'Kollane'
Amber: 'Merevaigukollane'
Orange: 'Oranž'
Deep Orange: 'Sügavoranž'
Secondary Color Theme: 'Värvide alamteema'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: Kasutajaliidese suurus
Disable Smooth Scrolling: Ära kasuta sujuvat kerimist
Expand Side Bar by Default: Vaikimis näita külgriba laiana
Player Settings:
Player Settings: ''
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
Play Next Video: ''
Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
Player Settings: 'Videomängija seadistused'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Pärandvormingute puhul kasuta sundkorras
kohalikku taustateenust'
Play Next Video: 'Esita ka järgmist videot'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Vaikimisi näita subtiitreid'
Autoplay Videos: 'Esita videod automaatselt'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
Autoplay Playlists: ''
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
Default Volume: ''
Default Playback Rate: ''
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Puhverda videosid Invidious''e veebiteenuse kaudu'
Autoplay Playlists: 'Automaatselt mängi esitusloendit'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Vaikimisi kasuta teatrivaadet (laia vaadet)'
Default Volume: 'Vaikimisi helivaljus'
Default Playback Rate: 'Vaikimisi videoesituse kiirus'
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: ''
Dash Formats: ''
Legacy Formats: ''
Audio Formats: ''
Default Video Format: 'Vaikimisi videovorming'
Dash Formats: 'DASH-vormingud'
Legacy Formats: 'Pärandvormingud'
Audio Formats: 'Helivormingud'
Default Quality:
Default Quality: ''
Auto: ''
144p: ''
240p: ''
360p: ''
480p: ''
720p: ''
1080p: ''
1440p: ''
4k: ''
8k: ''
Default Quality: 'Vaikimisi videokvaliteet'
Auto: 'Vali automaatselt'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
480p: '480p'
720p: '720p'
1080p: '1080p'
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
Next Video Interval: Viivitus järgmise video esitamisel
Privacy Settings:
Privacy Settings: ''
Remember History: ''
Save Watched Progress: ''
Clear Search Cache: ''
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
Search cache has been cleared: ''
Remove Watch History: ''
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: ''
Watch history has been cleared: ''
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: ''
Privacy Settings: 'Privaatsuse seadistused'
Remember History: 'Jäta ajalugu meelde'
Save Watched Progress: 'Salvesta vaatamise olek'
Clear Search Cache: 'Kustuta otsingute ajalugu'
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: 'Kas sa oled kindel, et
soovid kustutada sinu otsingute ajaloo?'
Search cache has been cleared: 'Otsingute ajalugu on nüüd kustutatud'
Remove Watch History: 'Kustuta vaatamiste ajalugu'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Kas sa oled kindel,
et soovid kustutada kogu sinu vaatamiste ajaloo?'
Watch history has been cleared: 'Vaatamiste ajalugu on nüüd kustutatud'
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Kustuta kõik tellimused / profiilid'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Kas
sa oled kindel, et soovid kustutada kõik tellimused/profiilid? Seda tegevust
ei saa tagasi pöörata.'
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: Automaatselt kustuta videote metateave
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: ''
Hide Videos on Watch: ''
Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
Manage Subscriptions: ''
Subscription Settings: 'Tellimuste seadistused'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Vaatamisel peida videod'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Laadi RSS-uudisvood'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Halda tellimusi'
Data Settings:
Data Settings: ''
Select Import Type: ''
Select Export Type: ''
Import Subscriptions: ''
Import FreeTube: ''
Import YouTube: ''
Import NewPipe: ''
Export Subscriptions: ''
Export FreeTube: ''
Export YouTube: ''
Export NewPipe: ''
Import History: ''
Export History: ''
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
Data Settings: 'Andmehaldus'
Select Import Type: 'Vali imporditava faili vorming'
Select Export Type: 'Vali eksporditava faili vorming'
Import Subscriptions: 'Impordi tellimused'
Import FreeTube: 'Kasuta FreeTube vormingut'
Import YouTube: 'Kasuta YouTube vormingut'
Import NewPipe: 'Kasuta NewPipe vormingut'
Export Subscriptions: 'Ekspordi tellimused'
Export FreeTube: 'Ekspordi FreeTube vormingus'
Export YouTube: 'Ekspordi YouTube vormingus'
Export NewPipe: 'Ekspordi NewPipe vormingus'
Import History: 'Impordi ajalugu'
Export History: 'Ekspordi ajalugu'
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Osal profiilis pole piisavalt
andmeid ja selle jätan vahele'
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 'Kõikide tellimuste
ja profiilide import õnnestus'
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: 'Kõikide tellimuste õnnestus'
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: 'Ühte või enamat tellimust
ei õnnestunud importida'
Invalid subscriptions file: 'Vigane tellimuste fail'
@ -221,8 +245,10 @@ Settings:
edukalt eksporditud'
Unable to read file: 'Faili lugemine ei õnnestu'
Unable to write file: 'Faili kirjutamine ei õnnestu'
Unknown data key: ''
How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
Unknown data key: 'Tundmatu andmevõti'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Kuidas ma saan oma tellimusi importida?'
Manage Subscriptions: Halda tellimusi
Check for Legacy Subscriptions: Kontrolli pärandvormingus tellimuste olemasolu
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: ''
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): ''
@ -245,9 +271,39 @@ Settings:
#& Yes
#& No
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Active Subscriptions: Peida aktiivsed tellimused
Hide Live Chat: Peida veebivestlused
Hide Playlists: Peida esitusloendid
Hide Popular Videos: Peida enimvaadatud videod
Hide Trending Videos: Peida populaarsust koguvad videod
Hide Recommended Videos: Peida soovitatud videod
Hide Comment Likes: Peida kommentaaride meeldimised
Hide Channel Subscribers: Peida kanalite tellijad
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: Peida videote meeldimiste ja mittemeeldimiste arvud
Hide Video Views: Peida videote vaatamiskordade arv
Distraction Free Settings: Seadista endale võimalikult rahulik videote vaatamine
Proxy Settings:
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: Võrguteavet
ei õnnestu leida. Kas sa oled puhverserveri ikka korralikult seadistanud?
City: Linn
Region: Piirkond
Country: Riik
Ip: IP-aadress
Your Info: Sinu andmed
Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: Puhverserveri testimisel saadame
päringu aadressile
Test Proxy: Testi puhverserverit
Proxy Port Number: Puhverserveri pordi number
Proxy Host: Puhverserveri aadress
Proxy Protocol: Puhverserveri protokoll
Enable Tor / Proxy: Kasuta Tor'i või puhverserverit
Proxy Settings: Puhverserveri seadistused
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: See
rakendus vajab muudatuste jõustamiseks uuesti käivitamist. Kas teeme seda nüüd?
#On About page
About: ''
About: 'Rakenduse teave'
#& About
'This software is FOSS and released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.': ''
@ -268,59 +324,91 @@ About:
Latest FreeTube News: ''
Email: E-post
Donate: Toeta meid
these people and projects: tänu nendele inimestele ja projektidele
FreeTube is made possible by: FreeTube loomine ja arendamine on olnud võimalik
Credits: Tänuavaldused
Translate: Tõlked
room rules: jututoa reeglitega
Please read the: Palun kindlasti tutvu
Chat on Matrix: Vestle meiega Matrix'i võrgus
Mastodon: Mikroblogiteenus Mastodon
Blog: Ajaveeb
Website: Veebisait
Please check for duplicates before posting: Enne uue veateate tegemist palun kontrolli,
kas sellest on juba meile teada antud
GitHub issues: Teata vigadest GitHub'i vahendusel
Report a problem: Vead ja probleemid
FreeTube Wiki: FreeTube viki
Help: Abiteave
GitHub releases: Avaldatud versioonid leiad GitHub'ist
Downloads / Changelog: Allalaadimised ja muudatuste logi
View License: Vaata litsentsiteavet inglise keeles
Licensed under the AGPLv3: Avaldatud AGPLv3 litsentsi alusel
Source code: Lähtekood
Beta: beetaversioon
Profile Select: ''
All Channels: ''
Profile Manager: ''
Create New Profile: ''
Edit Profile: ''
Color Picker: ''
Custom Color: ''
Profile Preview: ''
Create Profile: ''
Update Profile: ''
Make Default Profile: ''
Delete Profile: ''
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
Profile could not be found: ''
Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
Profile has been created: ''
Profile has been updated: ''
Your default profile has been set to $: ''
Removed $ from your profiles: ''
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
$ is now the active profile: ''
Subscription List: ''
Other Channels: ''
$ selected: ''
Select All: ''
Select None: ''
Delete Selected: ''
Add Selected To Profile: ''
No channel(s) have been selected: ''
Profile Select: 'Vali profiil'
All Channels: 'Kõik kanalid'
Profile Manager: 'Profiilihaldur'
Create New Profile: 'Loo uus profiil'
Edit Profile: 'Muuda profiili'
Color Picker: 'Vali värv'
Custom Color: 'Vali täpne värv'
Profile Preview: 'Profiili eelvaade'
Create Profile: 'Loo profiil'
Update Profile: 'Uuenda profiili'
Make Default Profile: 'Määra vaikimisi profiiliks'
Delete Profile: 'Kustuta profiil'
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: 'Kas sa kindlasti soovid selle profiili
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: 'Samaga kustutame ka kõik tellimused.'
Profile could not be found: 'Profiili ei leidunud'
Your profile name cannot be empty: 'Profiilil peab olema nimi'
Profile has been created: 'Profiili loomine õnnestus'
Profile has been updated: 'Profiili uuendamine õnnestus'
Your default profile has been set to $: 'Määrasin $ sinu vaikimisi profiiliks'
Removed $ from your profiles: 'Kustutasin $ sinu profiilide loendist'
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: 'Muutsin sinu esmase
profiili vaikimisi kasutatavaks profiiliks'
$ is now the active profile: '$ on nüüd kasutusel olev profiil'
Subscription List: 'Tellimuste loend'
Other Channels: 'Muud kanalid'
$ selected: '$ on valitud'
Select All: 'Vali kõik'
Select None: 'Ära vali mitte midagi'
Delete Selected: 'Kustuta valik'
Add Selected To Profile: 'Lisa valik profiilile'
No channel(s) have been selected: 'Sa pole kanaleid valinud'
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: ''
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
: 'See on sinu algne profiil. Kas sa kindlasti soovid kustutada valitud kanalid?
Me kustutame nad sel juhul ka kõikidest profiilidest.'
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: 'Kas
sa kindlasti soovid kustutada valitud kanalid? Sellega me ei kustuta neid teistest
#On Channel Page
Profile Filter: Sirvi profiile
Subscriber: ''
Subscribers: ''
Subscribe: ''
Unsubscribe: ''
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): ''
Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
Search Channel: ''
Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
Sort By: ''
Subscriber: 'Tellija'
Subscribers: 'Tellijad'
Subscribe: 'Telli'
Unsubscribe: 'Lõpeta tellimus'
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: 'Kustutasin kanali sinu tellimustest'
Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): 'Kustutasin tellimuse ka $''st must
Added channel to your subscriptions: 'Lisasin kanali sinu tellimuste hulka'
Search Channel: 'Otsi kanalit'
Your search results have returned 0 results: 'Otsingul on 0 tulemust'
Sort By: 'Sortimise alus'
Videos: ''
This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
Videos: 'Videod'
This channel does not currently have any videos: 'Sellel kanalik pole hetkel ühtegi
Sort Types:
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
Newest: 'Uusimad'
Oldest: 'Vanimad'
Most Popular: ''
Playlists: ''
@ -481,3 +569,5 @@ Canceled next video autoplay: 'Tühistasin järgmise video automaatse esituse'
Yes: 'Jah'
No: 'Ei'
More: Veel
Open New Window: Ava uus aken