import { app, BrowserWindow, Menu } from 'electron' import { productName } from '../../package.json' require('electron-context-menu')({ showSearchWithGoogle: false, showSaveImageAs: true, showCopyImageAddress: true, prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [] }) // set app name app.setName(productName) // disable electron warning process.env.ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS = 'true' // const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock() const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' const isDebug = process.argv.includes('--debug') let mainWindow // CORS somehow gets re-enabled in Electron v9.0.4 // This line disables it. // This line can possible be removed if the issue is fixed upstream app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-features', 'OutOfBlinkCors') // TODO: Uncomment if needed // only allow single instance of application // if (!isDev) { // if (gotTheLock) { // app.on('second-instance', () => { // // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window. // if (mainWindow && mainWindow.isMinimized()) { // mainWindow.restore() // } // mainWindow.focus() // }) // } else { // app.quit() // process.exit(0) // } // } else { // require('electron-debug')({ // showDevTools: !(process.env.RENDERER_REMOTE_DEBUGGING === 'true') // }) // } async function installDevTools () { try { /* eslint-disable */ require('devtron').install() require('vue-devtools').install() /* eslint-enable */ } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } function createWindow () { /** * Initial window options */ mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ backgroundColor: '#fff', width: 960, height: 540, autoHideMenuBar: true, // useContentSize: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, webSecurity: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, show: false }) // eslint-disable-next-line setMenu() // load root file/url if (isDev) { mainWindow.loadURL('http://localhost:9080') } else { mainWindow.loadFile(`${__dirname}/index.html`) global.__static = require('path') .join(__dirname, '/static') .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') } // Show when loaded mainWindow.on('ready-to-show', () => { mainWindow.focus() }) mainWindow.on('closed', () => { console.log('closed') }) } app.on('ready', () => { createWindow() if (isDev) { installDevTools() } if (isDebug) { mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools() } }) app.on('window-all-closed', () => { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit() } }) app.on('activate', () => { if (mainWindow === null) { createWindow() } }) /** * Auto Updater * * Uncomment the following code below and install `electron-updater` to * support auto updating. Code Signing with a valid certificate is required. * */ /* import { autoUpdater } from 'electron-updater' autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', () => { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall() }) app.on('ready', () => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() }) */ /* eslint-disable-next-line */ const sendMenuEvent = async data => { mainWindow.webContents.send('change-view', data) } const template = [{ label: 'File', submenu: [ { role: 'quit' } ] }, { label: 'Edit', submenu: [{ role: 'cut' }, { role: 'copy', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+C', selector: 'copy:' }, { role: 'paste', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+V', selector: 'paste:' }, { role: 'pasteandmatchstyle' }, { role: 'delete' }, { role: 'selectall' } ] }, { label: 'View', submenu: [{ role: 'reload' }, { role: 'forcereload', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+R' }, { role: 'toggledevtools' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'resetzoom' }, { role: 'zoomin' }, { role: 'zoomout' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'togglefullscreen' } ] }, { role: 'window', submenu: [{ role: 'minimize' }, { role: 'close' } ] } ] function setMenu () { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { template.unshift({ label: app.getName(), submenu: [ { role: 'about' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'services' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'hide' }, { role: 'hideothers' }, { role: 'unhide' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'quit' } ] }) template.push({ role: 'window' }) template.push({ role: 'help' }) template.push({ role: 'services' }) } const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu) }