import { MAIN_PROFILE_ID } from '../../../constants' import { DBProfileHandlers } from '../../../datastores/handlers/index' const state = { profileList: [{ _id: MAIN_PROFILE_ID, name: 'All Channels', bgColor: '#000000', textColor: '#FFFFFF', subscriptions: [] }], activeProfile: MAIN_PROFILE_ID } const getters = { getProfileList: () => { return state.profileList }, getActiveProfile: (state) => { const activeProfileId = state.activeProfile return state.profileList.find((profile) => { return profile._id === activeProfileId }) }, profileById: (state) => (id) => { const profile = state.profileList.find(p => p._id === id) return profile } } function profileSort(a, b) { if (a._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) return -1 if (b._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) return 1 if ( < return -1 if ( > return 1 return 0 } const actions = { async grabAllProfiles({ rootState, dispatch, commit }, defaultName = null) { let profiles try { profiles = await DBProfileHandlers.find() } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) return } if (!Array.isArray(profiles)) return if (profiles.length === 0) { // Create a default profile and persist it const randomColor = await dispatch('getRandomColor') const textColor = await dispatch('calculateColorLuminance', randomColor) const defaultProfile = { _id: MAIN_PROFILE_ID, name: defaultName, bgColor: randomColor, textColor: textColor, subscriptions: [] } try { await DBProfileHandlers.create(defaultProfile) commit('setProfileList', [defaultProfile]) } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } return } // We want the primary profile to always be first // So sort with that then sort alphabetically by profile name profiles = profiles.sort(profileSort) if (state.profileList.length < profiles.length) { const profile = profiles.find((profile) => { return profile._id === rootState.settings.defaultProfile }) if (profile) { commit('setActiveProfile', profile._id) } } commit('setProfileList', profiles) }, async updateSubscriptionDetails({ getters, dispatch }, { channelThumbnailUrl, channelName, channelId }) { const thumbnail = channelThumbnailUrl?.replace(/=s\d*/, '=s176') ?? null // change thumbnail size if different const profileList = getters.getProfileList for (const profile of profileList) { const currentProfileCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(profile)) const channel = currentProfileCopy.subscriptions.find((channel) => { return === channelId }) ?? null if (channel === null) { continue } let updated = false if ( !== channelName || (channel.thumbnail !== thumbnail && thumbnail !== null)) { if (thumbnail !== null) { channel.thumbnail = thumbnail } = channelName updated = true } if (updated) { await dispatch('updateProfile', currentProfileCopy) } else { // channel has not been updated, stop iterating through profiles break } } }, async createProfile({ commit }, profile) { try { const newProfile = await DBProfileHandlers.create(profile) commit('addProfileToList', newProfile) } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } }, async updateProfile({ commit }, profile) { try { await DBProfileHandlers.upsert(profile) commit('upsertProfileToList', profile) } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } }, async removeProfile({ commit }, profileId) { try { await DBProfileHandlers.delete(profileId) commit('removeProfileFromList', profileId) } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } }, compactProfiles(_) { DBProfileHandlers.persist() }, updateActiveProfile({ commit }, id) { commit('setActiveProfile', id) } } const mutations = { setProfileList(state, profileList) { state.profileList = profileList }, setActiveProfile(state, activeProfile) { state.activeProfile = activeProfile }, addProfileToList(state, profile) { state.profileList.push(profile) state.profileList.sort(profileSort) }, upsertProfileToList(state, updatedProfile) { const i = state.profileList.findIndex((p) => { return p._id === updatedProfile._id }) if (i === -1) { state.profileList.push(updatedProfile) } else { state.profileList.splice(i, 1, updatedProfile) } state.profileList.sort(profileSort) }, removeProfileFromList(state, profileId) { const i = state.profileList.findIndex((profile) => { return profile._id === profileId }) state.profileList.splice(i, 1) } } export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }