import store from '../../store/index' import { stripHTML, toLocalePublicationString } from '../utils' import autolinker from 'autolinker' function getCurrentInstance() { return store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance } export function invidiousAPICall({ resource, id = '', params = {}, doLogError = true }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const requestUrl = getCurrentInstance() + '/api/v1/' + resource + '/' + id + '?' + new URLSearchParams(params).toString() fetch(requestUrl) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => { if (json.error !== undefined) { throw new Error(json.error) } resolve(json) }) .catch((error) => { if (doLogError) { console.error('Invidious API error', requestUrl, error) } reject(error) }) }) } /** * Gets the channel ID for a channel URL * used to get the ID for channel usernames and handles * @param {string} url */ export async function invidiousGetChannelId(url) { try { const response = await invidiousAPICall({ resource: 'resolveurl', params: { url }, doLogError: false }) if (response.pageType === 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL') { return response.ucid } else { return null } } catch { return null } } export async function invidiousGetChannelInfo(channelId) { return await invidiousAPICall({ resource: 'channels', id: channelId, }) } export async function invidiousGetPlaylistInfo(playlistId) { return await invidiousAPICall({ resource: 'playlists', id: playlistId, }) } export async function invidiousGetVideoInformation(videoId) { return await invidiousAPICall({ resource: 'videos', id: videoId, }) } export async function invidiousGetComments({ id, nextPageToken = '', sortNewest = true }) { const payload = { resource: 'comments', id: id, params: { continuation: nextPageToken ?? '', sort_by: sortNewest ? 'new' : 'top' } } const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload) const commentData = parseInvidiousCommentData(response) return { response, commentData } } export async function invidiousGetCommentReplies({ id, replyToken }) { const payload = { resource: 'comments', id: id, params: { continuation: replyToken } } const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload) return { commentData: parseInvidiousCommentData(response), continuation: response.continuation ?? null } } export function youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(url, currentInstance = null) { if (currentInstance === null) { currentInstance = getCurrentInstance() } // Can be prefixed with `https://` or `//` (protocol relative) if (url.startsWith('//')) { url = 'https:' + url } return url.replace('', `${currentInstance}/ggpht`) } export function invidiousImageUrlToInvidious(url, currentInstance = null) { return url.replace(/^.+(ggpht.+)/, currentInstance) } function parseInvidiousCommentData(response) { return => { comment.showReplies = false comment.authorLink = comment.authorId comment.authorThumb = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(comment.authorThumbnails[1].url) comment.likes = comment.likeCount comment.text = comment.dataType = 'invidious' comment.isOwner = comment.authorIsChannelOwner comment.numReplies = comment.replies?.replyCount ?? 0 comment.replyToken = comment.replies?.continuation ?? '' comment.isHearted = comment.creatorHeart !== undefined comment.replies = [] comment.time = toLocalePublicationString({ publishText: comment.publishedText }) return comment }) }