import store from '../store/index' import { calculatePublishedDate } from './utils' /** * Filtering and sort based on user preferences * @param {any[]} videos */ export function updateVideoListAfterProcessing(videos) { let videoList = videos if (store.getters.getHideLiveStreams) { videoList = videoList.filter(item => { return (!item.liveNow && !item.isUpcoming) }) } if (store.getters.getHideUpcomingPremieres) { videoList = videoList.filter(item => { if (item.isRSS) { // viewCount is our only method of detecting premieres in RSS // data without sending an additional request. // If we ever get a better flag, use it here instead. return item.viewCount !== '0' } // Observed for premieres in Local API Subscriptions. return (item.premiereDate == null || // Invidious API // `premiereTimestamp` only available on premiered videos // item.premiereTimestamp == null ) }) } if (store.getters.getHideWatchedSubs) { const historyCacheById = store.getters.getHistoryCacheById videoList = videoList.filter((video) => { return !Object.hasOwn(historyCacheById, video.videoId) }) } // ordered last to show first eligible video from channel // if the first one incidentally failed one of the above checks if (store.getters.getOnlyShowLatestFromChannel) { const authors = new Set() videoList = videoList.filter((video) => { if (!video.authorId) { return true } else if (!authors.has(video.authorId)) { authors.add(video.authorId) return true } return false }) } videoList.sort((a, b) => { return b.publishedDate - a.publishedDate }) return videoList } /** * @param {string} rssString * @param {string} channelId */ export async function parseYouTubeRSSFeed(rssString, channelId) { // doesn't need to be asynchronous, but doing it allows us to do the relatively slow DOM querying in parallel try { const xmlDom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(rssString, 'application/xml') const channelName = xmlDom.querySelector('author > name').textContent const entries = xmlDom.querySelectorAll('entry') const promises = [] for (const entry of entries) { promises.push(parseRSSEntry(entry, channelId, channelName)) } return { name: channelName, videos: await Promise.all(promises) } } catch (e) { return { videos: [] } } } /** * @param {Element} entry * @param {string} channelId * @param {string} channelName */ async function parseRSSEntry(entry, channelId, channelName) { // doesn't need to be asynchronous, but doing it allows us to do the relatively slow DOM querying in parallel const published = new Date(entry.querySelector('published').textContent) return { authorId: channelId, author: channelName, // querySelector doesn't support xml namespaces so we have to use getElementsByTagName here videoId: entry.getElementsByTagName('yt:videoId')[0].textContent, title: entry.querySelector('title').textContent, publishedDate: published, publishedText: published.toLocaleString(), viewCount: entry.getElementsByTagName('media:statistics')[0]?.getAttribute('views') || null, type: 'video', lengthSeconds: '0:00', isRSS: true } } /** * @param {{ * liveNow: boolean, * isUpcoming: boolean, * premiereDate: Date, * publishedText: string, * publishedDate: number * }[]} videos publishedDate is added by this function, * but adding it to the type definition stops vscode warning that the property doesn't exist */ export function addPublishedDatesLocal(videos) { videos.forEach(video => { if (video.liveNow) { video.publishedDate = new Date().getTime() } else if (video.isUpcoming) { video.publishedDate = video.premiereDate } else { video.publishedDate = calculatePublishedDate(video.publishedText) } return video }) } /** * @param {{ * liveNow: boolean, * isUpcoming: boolean, * premiereTimestamp: number, * published: number, * publishedDate: number * }[]} videos publishedDate is added by this function, * but adding it to the type definition stops vscode warning that the property doesn't exist */ export function addPublishedDatesInvidious(videos) { videos.forEach(video => { if (video.liveNow) { video.publishedDate = new Date().getTime() } else if (video.isUpcoming) { video.publishedDate = new Date(video.premiereTimestamp * 1000) } else { video.publishedDate = new Date(video.published * 1000) } return video }) }