import { Innertube, ClientType, Misc, Utils } from 'youtubei.js' import Autolinker from 'autolinker' import { join } from 'path' import { PlayerCache } from './PlayerCache' import { CHANNEL_HANDLE_REGEX, extractNumberFromString, getUserDataPath, toLocalePublicationString } from '../utils' /** * Creates a lightweight Innertube instance, which is faster to create or * an instance that can decode the streaming URLs, which is slower to create * the lightweight one only needs a single web request to create the new session * the full one needs 3 (or 2 if the player is cached) web requests to create: * 1. the request for the session * 2. fetch a page that contains a link to the player * 3. if the player isn't cached, it is downloaded and transformed * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.withPlayer set to true to get an Innertube instance that can decode the streaming URLs * @param {string|undefined} options.location the geolocation to pass to YouTube get different content * @param {boolean} options.safetyMode whether to hide mature content * @param {string} options.clientType use an alterate client * @returns the Innertube instance */ async function createInnertube(options = { withPlayer: false, location: undefined, safetyMode: false, clientType: undefined }) { let cache if (options.withPlayer) { const userData = await getUserDataPath() cache = new PlayerCache(join(userData, 'player_cache')) } return await Innertube.create({ retrieve_player: !!options.withPlayer, location: options.location, enable_safety_mode: !!options.safetyMode, client_type: options.clientType, // use browser fetch fetch: (input, init) => fetch(input, init), cache, generate_session_locally: true }) } let searchSuggestionsSession = null export async function getLocalSearchSuggestions(query) { // reuse innertube instance to keep the search suggestions snappy if (searchSuggestionsSession === null) { searchSuggestionsSession = await createInnertube() } return await searchSuggestionsSession.getSearchSuggestions(query) } export function clearLocalSearchSuggestionsSession() { searchSuggestionsSession = null } export async function getLocalPlaylist(id) { const innertube = await createInnertube() return await innertube.getPlaylist(id) } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/core/TabbedFeed').default} TabbedFeed */ /** * @param {string} location * @param {string} tab * @param {TabbedFeed|null} instance */ export async function getLocalTrending(location, tab, instance) { if (instance === null) { const innertube = await createInnertube({ location }) instance = await innertube.getTrending() } // youtubei.js's tab names are localised, so we need to use the index to get tab name that youtubei.js expects const tabIndex = ['default', 'music', 'gaming', 'movies'].indexOf(tab) const resultsInstance = await instance.getTabByName(instance.tabs[tabIndex]) const results = resultsInstance.videos .filter((video) => video.type === 'Video') .map(parseLocalListVideo) return { results, instance: resultsInstance } } /** * @param {string} query * @param {object} filters * @param {boolean} safetyMode */ export async function getLocalSearchResults(query, filters, safetyMode) { const innertube = await createInnertube({ safetyMode }) const response = await, convertSearchFilters(filters)) return handleSearchResponse(response) } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/youtube/Search').default} Search */ /** * @param {Search} continuationData */ export async function getLocalSearchContinuation(continuationData) { const response = await continuationData.getContinuation() return handleSearchResponse(response) } export async function getLocalVideoInfo(id, attemptBypass = false) { let info let player if (attemptBypass) { const innertube = await createInnertube({ withPlayer: true, clientType: ClientType.TV_EMBEDDED }) player = innertube.actions.session.player // the second request that getInfo makes 404s with the bypass, so we use getBasicInfo instead // that's fine as we have most of the information from the original getInfo request info = await innertube.getBasicInfo(id, 'TV_EMBEDDED') } else { const innertube = await createInnertube({ withPlayer: true }) player = innertube.actions.session.player info = await innertube.getInfo(id) } if (info.streaming_data) { decipherFormats(info.streaming_data.adaptive_formats, player) decipherFormats(info.streaming_data.formats, player) } return info } export async function getLocalComments(id, sortByNewest = false) { const innertube = await createInnertube() return innertube.getComments(id, sortByNewest ? 'NEWEST_FIRST' : 'TOP_COMMENTS') } /** * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Format').default[]} formats * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/index').Player} player */ function decipherFormats(formats, player) { for (const format of formats) { format.url = format.decipher(player) // set these to undefined so that toDash doesn't try to decipher them again, throwing an error format.cipher = undefined format.signature_cipher = undefined } } export async function getLocalChannelId(url) { try { const innertube = await createInnertube() // resolveURL throws an error if the URL doesn't exist const navigationEndpoint = await innertube.resolveURL(url) if (navigationEndpoint.metadata.page_type === 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL') { return navigationEndpoint.payload.browseId } else { return null } } catch { return null } } /** * Returns the channel or the channel termination reason * @param {string} id */ export async function getLocalChannel(id) { const innertube = await createInnertube() let result try { result = await innertube.getChannel(id) } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Utils.ChannelError) { result = { alert: error.message } } else { throw error } } return result } export async function getLocalChannelVideos(id) { const channel = await getLocalChannel(id) if (channel.alert) { return null } if (!channel.has_videos) { return [] } const videosTab = await channel.getVideos() return parseLocalChannelVideos(videosTab.videos, } /** * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/Video').default[]} videos * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Author').default} author */ export function parseLocalChannelVideos(videos, author) { const parsedVideos = // fix empty author info parsedVideos.forEach(video => { = video.authorId = }) return parsedVideos } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/Playlist').default} Playlist * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/GridPlaylist').default} GridPlaylist */ /** * @param {Playlist|GridPlaylist} playlist * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Author').default} author */ export function parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist, author = undefined) { let channelName let channelId = null if ( { if ( instanceof Misc.Text) { channelName = if (author) { channelId = } } else { channelName = channelId = } } else { channelName = channelId = } return { type: 'playlist', dataSource: 'local', title: playlist.title.text, thumbnail: playlist.thumbnails[0].url, channelName, channelId, playlistId:, videoCount: extractNumberFromString(playlist.video_count.text) } } /** * @param {Search} response */ function handleSearchResponse(response) { if (!response.results) { return { results: [], continuationData: null } } const results = response.results .filter((item) => { return item.type === 'Video' || item.type === 'Channel' || item.type === 'Playlist' }) .map((item) => parseListItem(item)) return { results, continuationData: response.has_continuation ? response : null } } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistVideo').default} PlaylistVideo */ /** * @param {PlaylistVideo} video */ export function parseLocalPlaylistVideo(video) { return { videoId:, title: video.title.text, author:, authorId:, lengthSeconds: isNaN(video.duration.seconds) ? '' : video.duration.seconds } } /** * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/Video').default} video */ export function parseLocalListVideo(video) { return { type: 'video', videoId:, title: video.title.text, author:, authorId:, description: video.description, viewCount: extractNumberFromString(video.view_count.text), publishedText: video.published.text !== 'N/A' ? video.published.text : null, lengthSeconds: isNaN(video.duration.seconds) ? '' : video.duration.seconds, liveNow: video.is_live, isUpcoming: video.is_upcoming || video.is_premiere, premiereDate: video.upcoming } } /** * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/helpers').YTNode} item */ function parseListItem(item) { switch (item.type) { case 'Video': return parseLocalListVideo(item) case 'Channel': { /** @type {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/Channel').default} */ const channel = item // see upstream TODO: // according to // the response can be the new or old one, so we currently need to handle both here let subscribers = null let videos = null let handle = null if (channel.subscribers.text.startsWith('@')) { handle = channel.subscribers.text if (channel.videos.text !== 'N/A') { subscribers = channel.videos.text } } else { videos = extractNumberFromString(channel.videos.text) if (channel.subscribers.text !== 'N/A') { subscribers = channel.subscribers.text } } return { type: 'channel', dataSource: 'local', thumbnail:, name:, channelID:, subscribers, videos, handle, descriptionShort: channel.description_snippet.text } } case 'Playlist': { return parseLocalListPlaylist(item) } } } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/CompactVideo').default} CompactVideo */ /** * @param {CompactVideo} video */ export function parseLocalWatchNextVideo(video) { return { type: 'video', videoId:, title: video.title.text, author:, authorId:, viewCount: extractNumberFromString(video.view_count.text), // CompactVideo doesn't have is_live, is_upcoming or is_premiere, // so we have to make do with this for the moment, to stop toLocalePublicationString erroring publishedText: video.published.text === 'N/A' ? null : video.published.text, lengthSeconds: isNaN(video.duration.seconds) ? '' : video.duration.seconds } } function convertSearchFilters(filters) { const convertedFilters = {} // some of the fields have different names and // others have empty strings that we don't want to pass to youtubei.js if (filters) { if (filters.sortBy) { convertedFilters.sort_by = filters.sortBy } if (filters.time) { convertedFilters.upload_date = filters.time } if (filters.type) { convertedFilters.type = filters.type } if (filters.duration) { convertedFilters.duration = filters.duration } } return convertedFilters } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/TextRun').default} TextRun * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/EmojiRun').default} EmojiRun */ /** * @param {(TextRun|EmojiRun)[]} runs * @param {number} emojiSize */ export function parseLocalTextRuns(runs, emojiSize = 16) { if (!Array.isArray(runs)) { throw new Error('not an array of text runs') } const timestampRegex = /^(?:\d+:){1,2}\d+$/ const parsedRuns = [] for (const run of runs) { if (run instanceof Misc.EmojiRun) { const { emoji, text } = run // empty array if video creator removes a channel emoji so we ignore. // eg: pinned comment here if (emoji.image.length > 0) { let altText if (emoji.is_custom) { if (emoji.shortcuts.length > 0) { altText = emoji.shortcuts[0] } else if (emoji.search_terms.length > 0) { altText = emoji.search_terms.join(', ') } else { altText = 'Custom emoji' } } else { altText = text } // lazy load the emoji image so it doesn't delay rendering of the text // by defining a height and width, that space is reserved until the image is loaded // that way we avoid layout shifts when it loads parsedRuns.push(`${altText}`) } } else { const { text, bold, italics, strikethrough, endpoint } = run if (endpoint && !text.startsWith('#')) { switch (endpoint.metadata.page_type) { case 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_WATCH': if (timestampRegex.test(text)) { parsedRuns.push(text) } else { parsedRuns.push(`${endpoint.metadata.url}`) } break case 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL': { const trimmedText = text.trim() if (CHANNEL_HANDLE_REGEX.test(trimmedText)) { parsedRuns.push(`${trimmedText}`) } else { parsedRuns.push(`${endpoint.metadata.url}`) } break } case 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_PLAYLIST': parsedRuns.push(`${endpoint.metadata.url}`) break case 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN': default: { const url = new URL(endpoint.payload.url) if (url.hostname === '' && url.pathname === '/redirect' && url.searchParams.has('q')) { // remove utm tracking parameters const realURL = new URL(url.searchParams.get('q')) realURL.searchParams.delete('utm_source') realURL.searchParams.delete('utm_medium') realURL.searchParams.delete('utm_campaign') realURL.searchParams.delete('utm_term') realURL.searchParams.delete('utm_content') parsedRuns.push(realURL.toString()) } else { // this is probably a special YouTube URL like parsedRuns.push(endpoint.payload.url) } break } } } else { let formattedText = text if (bold) { formattedText = `${formattedText}` } if (italics) { formattedText = `${formattedText}` } if (strikethrough) { formattedText = `${formattedText}` } parsedRuns.push(formattedText) } } } return parsedRuns.join('') } /** * @typedef {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Format').default} Format */ /** * @param {Format} format */ export function mapLocalFormat(format) { return { itag: format.itag, qualityLabel: format.quality_label, fps: format.fps, bitrate: format.bitrate, mimeType: format.mime_type, height: format.height, url: format.url } } /** * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/comments/Comment').default} comment * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentThread').default} commentThread */ export function parseLocalComment(comment, commentThread = undefined) { let hasOwnerReplied = false let replyToken = null if (commentThread?.has_replies) { hasOwnerReplied = commentThread.comment_replies_data.has_channel_owner_replied replyToken = commentThread } return { dataType: 'local', authorLink:, author:, authorThumb:, isPinned: comment.is_pinned, isOwner: comment.author_is_channel_owner, isMember: comment.is_member, memberIconUrl: comment.is_member ? comment.sponsor_comment_badge.custom_badge[0].url : '', text:, 16)), time: toLocalePublicationString({ publishText: comment.published.text.replace('(edited)', '').trim() }), likes: comment.vote_count, isHearted: comment.is_hearted, numReplies: comment.reply_count, hasOwnerReplied, replyToken, showReplies: false, replies: [] } } /** * video.js only supports MP4 DASH not WebM DASH * so we filter out the WebM DASH formats * @param {Format[]} formats * @param {boolean} allowAv1 Use the AV1 formats if they are available */ export function filterFormats(formats, allowAv1 = false) { const audioFormats = [] const h264Formats = [] const av1Formats = [] formats.forEach(format => { const mimeType = format.mime_type if (mimeType.startsWith('audio/mp4')) { audioFormats.push(format) } else if (allowAv1 && mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="av01')) { av1Formats.push(format) } else if (mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="avc')) { h264Formats.push(format) } }) if (allowAv1 && av1Formats.length > 0) { return [...audioFormats, ...av1Formats] } else { return [...audioFormats, ...h264Formats] } } /** * Really not a fan of this :(, YouTube returns the subscribers as "15.1M subscribers" * so we have to parse it somehow * @param {string} text */ export function parseLocalSubscriberCount(text) { const match = text .replace(',', '.') .toUpperCase() .match(/([\d.]+)\s*([KM]?)/) let subscribers if (match) { subscribers = parseFloat(match[1]) if (match[2] === 'K') { subscribers *= 1000 } else if (match[2] === 'M') { subscribers *= 1000_000 } subscribers = Math.trunc(subscribers) } else { subscribers = extractNumberFromString(text) } return subscribers } /** * Parse community posts * @param {import('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/classes/BackstagePost').default} post */ export function parseLocalCommunityPost(post) { let replyCount = post.action_buttons.reply_button?.text ?? null if (replyCount !== null) { replyCount = parseLocalSubscriberCount(post?.action_buttons.reply_button.text) } return { postText: post.content.text === 'N/A' ? '' : post.content.text, postId:, authorThumbnails:, publishedText: post.published.text, voteCount: post.vote_count, postContent: parseLocalAttachment(post.attachment), commentCount: replyCount, author:, type: 'community' } } function parseLocalAttachment(attachment) { if (!attachment) { return null } // image post if (attachment.type === 'BackstageImage') { return { type: 'image', content: attachment.image } } else if (attachment.type === 'Video') { return { type: 'video', content: parseLocalListVideo(attachment) } } else if (attachment.type === 'Playlist') { return { type: 'playlist', content: parseLocalListPlaylist(attachment) } } else if (attachment.type === 'PostMultiImage') { return { type: 'multiImage', content: => thumbnail.image) } } else if (attachment.type === 'Poll') { return { type: 'poll', totalVotes: attachment.total_votes ?? 0, content: => { return { text: choice.text.text, image: choice.image } }) } } else { console.error(attachment) console.error('unknown type') } }