# Put the name of your locale in the same language Locale Name: 'नेपाली' FreeTube: 'FreeTube' # Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History 'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >- एपको यो भाग अझै तयार भएको छैन। केहि प्रगति भएपछि आउनु होला। # Webkit Menu Bar File: 'फाइल' Quit: 'अन्त्य गर्नुहोस्' Edit: 'सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्' Undo: 'पूर्ववत् गर्नुहोस्' Redo: 'फेरि गर्नुहोस्' Cut: 'कट गर्नुहोस्' Copy: 'सार्नुहोस्' Paste: 'पेस्ट गर्नुहोस्' Delete: 'मेटाउनुहोस्' Select all: 'सबै रोज्नुहोस्' Reload: 'फेरि लोड गर्नुहोस्' Force Reload: 'फेरि लोड गर्न बल गर्नुहोस्' Toggle Developer Tools: 'Developer Tools टगल गर्नुहोस्' Actual size: 'वास्तविक आकार' Zoom in: 'अझ ठुलो बनाउनुहोस्' Zoom out: 'अझ सानो बनाउनुहोस्' Toggle fullscreen: 'फुलस्क्रिन टगल गर्नुहोस्' Window: 'विन्डो' Minimize: 'न्युनतम बनाउहोस्' Close: 'बन्द गर्नुहोस्' Back: 'पछाडि' Forward: 'अगाडि' Open New Window: 'नयाँ विन्डो खोल्नुहोस्' Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'भर्जन {versionNumber} उपलब्ध छ! थप बुझ्न यहाँ थिच्नुहोस्' Download From Site: 'साइटबाट डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्' A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'एउटा नयाँ ब्लग उपलब्ध छ, {blogTitle}। थप बुझ्न यहाँ थिच्नुहोस्' # Search Bar Search / Go to URL: 'खोज्नुहोस् / URL मा जानुहोस्' Search Bar: Clear Input: 'इन्पुट खाली गर्नुहोस्' # In Filter Button Search Filters: Search Filters: 'खोजी फिल्टरहरू' Sort By: Sort By: 'क्रमबद्ध गर्नुहोस्' Most Relevant: 'सबैभन्दा प्रासङ्गिक' Rating: 'रेटिङ्ग' Upload Date: 'प्रकाशित मिति' View Count: 'हेरिएको सङ्ख्या' Time: Time: 'समय' Any Time: 'जुनसुकै समय' Last Hour: 'पछिल्लो घण्टा' Today: 'आज' This Week: 'यो हप्ता' This Month: 'यो महिना' This Year: 'यो वर्ष' Type: Type: 'प्रकार' All Types: 'सबै प्रकार' Videos: 'भिडियोहरू' Channels: 'च्यानलहरू' #& Playlists Duration: Duration: 'अवधि' All Durations: 'सबै अवधि' Short (< 4 minutes): 'छोटो (< ४ मिनट)' Long (> 20 minutes): 'लामो (> २० मिनट)' # On Search Page Search Results: 'खोजी परिणामहरू' Fetching results. Please wait: 'परिणामहरू खोजिँदै छ। कृपया पर्खनुहोस्' Fetch more results: 'थप परिणामहरू खोज्नुहोस्' There are no more results for this search: 'यस खोजीका लागि थप परिणामहरू छैनन्' # Sidebar Subscriptions: # On Subscriptions Page Subscriptions: 'सदस्यताहरु' Latest Subscriptions: 'नवीनतम सदस्यताहरू' This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: 'यो प्रोफाइलमा ठुलो सङ्ख्यामा सदस्यताहरू छन्। दर सिमित हुनबाट बच्न RSS लाई बल गरिँदै' 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'तपाईँको सदस्यता सूची अहिले खाली छ। तिनीहरूलाई यहाँ हेर्न सदस्यताहरू थप्न सुरु गर्नुहोस्।' 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'सदस्यताहरू प्राप्त गरिँदै छ। कृपया पर्खनुहोस्।' Refresh Subscriptions: 'सदस्यताहरू ताजा पार्नुहोस्' Load More Videos: 'थप भिडियोहरू लोड गर्नुहोस्' More: 'थप' Trending: Trending: 'प्रचलित' Default: 'पूर्वनिर्धारित' Music: 'सङ्गीत' Gaming: 'गेमिङ्ग' Movies: 'चलचित्रहरू' Trending Tabs: 'प्रचलित ट्याबहरू' Most Popular: 'सबैभन्दा लोकप्रिय' Playlists: 'प्लेसूचीहरू' User Playlists: Your Playlists: 'तपाईंका प्लेसूचीहरू' Playlist Message: 'यो पृष्ठले पूरै काम गर्ने प्लेसूचीहरूको प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दैन। यसले तपाईंले बचत गर्नुभएका वा मन पराउनुभएका भिडियोहरू मात्र सूचीबद्ध गर्दछ। काम सकिएपछि हाल यहाँ रहेका सबै भिडियोहरू ''मन पराइएका'' प्लेसूचीमा स्थानान्तरण गरिनेछ।' Settings: # On Settings Page General Settings: Check for Updates: '' Preferred API Backend: Local API: '' Thumbnail Preference: Middle: '' View all Invidious instance information: '' Theme Settings: Base Theme: Black: '' Main Color Theme: Indigo: '' Yellow: '' Player Settings: Turn on Subtitles by Default: '' Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: '' Default Quality: Auto: '' 4k: '' Privacy Settings: Remember History: '' Watch history has been cleared: '' Distraction Free Settings: Hide Video Views: '' Hide Live Chat: '' Data Settings: Import NewPipe: '' Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: '' History object has insufficient data, skipping item: '' Proxy Settings: Proxy Settings: '' Ip: '' SponsorBlock Settings: Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: '' About: #On About page Help: '' Email: '' these people and projects: '' Profile: Edit Profile: '' Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: '' Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: '' Add Selected To Profile: '' Channel: Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: '' Videos: Sort Types: Newest: '' About: About: '' Video: Video has been saved: '' Open Channel in YouTube: '' Reverse Playlist: '' Live Now: '' video only: '' Published: Mar: '' Nov: '' Day: '' Ago: '' Sponsor Block category: sponsor: '' External Player: playlist: '' Unsupported Actions: shuffling playlists: '' Playlist: #& About Views: '' Change Format: Audio formats are not available for this video: '' Share: Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: '' Comments: Getting comment replies, please wait: '' Hide: '' Tooltips: General Settings: Preferred API Backend: '' External Player Settings: External Player: '' Falling back to Invidious API: '' Shuffle is now disabled: '' Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''