/** * This script updates the files in static/geolocations with the available locations on YouTube. * * It tries to map every active FreeTube language (static/locales/activelocales.json) * to it's equivalent on YouTube. * * It then uses those language mappings, * to scrape the location selection menu on the YouTube website, in every mapped language. * * All languages it couldn't find on YouTube, that don't have manually added mapping, * get logged to the console, as well as all unmapped YouTube languages. */ import { mkdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { dirname } from 'path' import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import { Innertube, Misc } from 'youtubei.js' const STATIC_DIRECTORY = `${dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))}/../static` const activeLanguagesPath = `${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/locales/activeLocales.json` /** @type {string[]} */ const activeLanguages = JSON.parse(readFileSync(activeLanguagesPath, { encoding: 'utf8' })) // en-US is en on YouTube const initialResponse = await scrapeLanguage('en') // Scrape language menu in en-US /** @type {string[]} */ const youTubeLanguages = initialResponse.data.actions[0].openPopupAction.popup.multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[0].multiPageMenuSectionRenderer.items[2].compactLinkRenderer.serviceEndpoint.signalServiceEndpoint.actions[0].getMultiPageMenuAction.menu.multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[0].multiPageMenuSectionRenderer.items .map(({ compactLinkRenderer }) => { return compactLinkRenderer.serviceEndpoint.signalServiceEndpoint.actions[0].selectLanguageCommand.hl }) // map FreeTube languages to their YouTube equivalents const foundLanguageNames = ['en-US'] const unusedYouTubeLanguageNames = [] const languagesToScrape = [] for (const language of youTubeLanguages) { if (activeLanguages.includes(language)) { foundLanguageNames.push(language) languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: language, freeTube: language }) } // special cases else if (language === 'de') { foundLanguageNames.push('de-DE') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'de', freeTube: 'de-DE' }) } else if (language === 'fr') { foundLanguageNames.push('fr-FR') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'fr', freeTube: 'fr-FR' }) } else if (language === 'no') { // according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes // "no" is the macro language for "nb" and "nn" foundLanguageNames.push('nb-NO', 'nn') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'no', freeTube: 'nb-NO' }) languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'no', freeTube: 'nn' }) } else if (language === 'iw') { // according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes // "iw" is the old/original code for Hebrew, these days it's "he" foundLanguageNames.push('he') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'iw', freeTube: 'he' }) } else if (language === 'es-419') { foundLanguageNames.push('es-AR', 'es-MX') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'es-419', freeTube: 'es-AR' }) languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'es-419', freeTube: 'es-MX' }) } else if (language !== 'en') { unusedYouTubeLanguageNames.push(language) } } foundLanguageNames.push('pt-BR') languagesToScrape.push({ youTube: 'pt', freeTube: 'pt-BR' }) console.log("Active FreeTube languages that aren't available on YouTube:") console.log(activeLanguages.filter(lang => !foundLanguageNames.includes(lang)).sort()) console.log("YouTube languages that don't have an equivalent active FreeTube language:") console.log(unusedYouTubeLanguageNames.sort()) // Scrape the location menu in various languages and write files to the file system rmSync(`${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/geolocations`, { recursive: true }) mkdirSync(`${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/geolocations`) processGeolocations('en-US', 'en', initialResponse) for (const { youTube, freeTube } of languagesToScrape) { const response = await scrapeLanguage(youTube) processGeolocations(freeTube, youTube, response) } async function scrapeLanguage(youTubeLanguageCode) { const session = await Innertube.create({ retrieve_player: false, generate_session_locally: true, lang: youTubeLanguageCode }) return await session.actions.execute('/account/account_menu') } function processGeolocations(freeTubeLanguage, youTubeLanguage, response) { const geolocations = response.data.actions[0].openPopupAction.popup.multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[0].multiPageMenuSectionRenderer.items[4].compactLinkRenderer.serviceEndpoint.signalServiceEndpoint.actions[0].getMultiPageMenuAction.menu.multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[0].multiPageMenuSectionRenderer.items .map(({ compactLinkRenderer }) => { return { name: new Misc.Text(compactLinkRenderer.title).toString().trim(), code: compactLinkRenderer.serviceEndpoint.signalServiceEndpoint.actions[0].selectCountryCommand.gl } }) const normalisedFreeTubeLanguage = freeTubeLanguage.replace('_', '-') // give Intl.Collator 4 locales, in the hopes that it supports one of them // deduplicate the list so it doesn't have to do duplicate work const localeSet = new Set() localeSet.add(normalisedFreeTubeLanguage) localeSet.add(youTubeLanguage) localeSet.add(normalisedFreeTubeLanguage.split('-')[0]) localeSet.add(youTubeLanguage.split('-')[0]) const locales = Array.from(localeSet) // only sort if node supports sorting the language, otherwise hope that YouTube's sorting was correct // node 20.3.1 doesn't support sorting `eu` if (Intl.Collator.supportedLocalesOf(locales).length > 0) { const collator = new Intl.Collator(locales) geolocations.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a.name, b.name)) } writeFileSync(`${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/geolocations/${freeTubeLanguage}.json`, JSON.stringify(geolocations)) }