/* This file is part of FreeTube. FreeTube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FreeTube is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeTube. If not, see . */ const mainHeaderTemplate = require('./templates/mainHeader.html'); const aboutTemplate = require('./templates/about.html'); const settingsTemplate = require('./templates/settings.html'); const videoListTemplate = require('./templates/videoTemplate.html'); const playerTemplate = require('./templates/player.html'); const channelTemplate = require('./templates/channelView.html'); const progressViewTemplate = require('./templates/progressView.html'); const playlistViewTemplate = require('./templates/playlistView.html'); const currentProfileViewTemplate = require('./templates/currentProfileView.html'); const profileSelectViewTemplate = require('./templates/profileSelectView.html'); const subscriptionManagerViewTemplate = require('./templates/subscriptionManagerView.html'); const editProfileViewTemplate = require('./templates/editProfileView.html'); /* * Progress view * * Shows progress bar on bottom of application. * * seen: Toggles visibility of view * progressWidth: sets width of the progress bar */ let progressView = new Vue({ el: '#progressView', data: { seen: true, progressWidth: 0 }, template: progressViewTemplate }); let loadingView = new Vue({ el: '#loading', data: { seen: false } }); let searchFilter = new Vue({ el: '#searchFilter', data: { seen: false } }); let noSubscriptions = new Vue({ el: '#noSubscriptions', data: { seen: false } }); let sideNavBar = new Vue({ el: '#sideNav', data: { distractionFreeMode: false }, methods: { subscriptions: (event) => { hideViews(); if (subscriptionView.videoList.length === 0) { loadingView.seen = true; } headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Latest Subscriptions'; subscriptionView.seen = true; loadSubscriptions(); }, popular: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } if (popularView.videoList.length === 0) { loadingView.seen = true; } headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Most Popular'; popularView.seen = true; showMostPopular(); }, trending: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } if (trendingView.videoList.length === 0) { loadingView.seen = true; } headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Trending'; trendingView.seen = true; showTrending(); }, saved: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } else { loadingView.seen = true; } headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Favorited Videos'; savedView.seen = true; showSavedVideos(); }, history: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } else { loadingView.seen = true; } headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Video History'; historyView.seen = true; showHistory(); }, settings: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } settingsView.seen = true; updateSettingsView(); }, about: (event) => { hideViews(); if (loadingView.seen !== false) { loadingView.seen = false; } aboutView.seen = true; } } }); let headerView = new Vue({ el: '#mainHeaderView', data: { seen: true, title: 'Latest Subscriptions' }, template: mainHeaderTemplate }); let subscriptionView = new Vue({ el: '#subscriptionView', data: { seen: true, isSearch: false, videoList: [], fullVideoList: [], }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { ft.log(videoId); clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let popularView = new Vue({ el: '#popularView', data: { seen: false, isSearch: false, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let trendingView = new Vue({ el: '#trendingView', data: { seen: false, isSearch: false, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let savedView = new Vue({ el: '#savedView', data: { seen: false, isSearch: false, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { toggleSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let historyView = new Vue({ el: '#historyView', data: { seen: false, isSearch: false, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let playlistView = new Vue({ el: '#playlistView', data: { seen: false, playlistId: '', channelName: '', channelId: '', thumbnail: '', title: '', videoCount: '', viewCount: '', description: '', lastUpdated: '', videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId, playlistView.playlistId); backButtonView.lastView = playlistView }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); backButtonView.lastView = playlistView }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); } }, template: playlistViewTemplate }); let aboutView = new Vue({ el: '#aboutView', data: { seen: false, rssFeed: [], versionNumber: electron.remote.app.getVersion() }, template: aboutTemplate }); let settingsView = new Vue({ el: '#settingsView', data: { seen: false, useTheme: false, useTor: false, apiKey: '', history: true, autoplay: true, autoplayPlaylists: true, playNextVideo: false, subtitles: false, updates: true, localScrape: true, region: 'US', proxyAddress: false, invidiousInstance: 'https://invidio.us', checkProxyResult: false, proxyTestLoading: false, hideWatchedSubs: false, debugMode: false, distractionFreeMode: false, defaultVolume: 1, defaultVideoSpeed: 1, subWatched: false, videoView: 'grid', defaultProfile: 'Default', }, methods: { checkProxy() { this.checkProxyResult = false; this.proxyTestLoading = true; electron.ipcRenderer.send("setProxy", this.proxyAddress); proxyRequest(() => { $.ajax({ url: "https://ipinfo.io/json", dataType: 'json', }).done(response => { console.log(response); this.checkProxyResult = response; }) .fail((xhr, textStatus, error) => { console.log(xhr); console.log(textStatus); showToast('Proxy test failed'); }).always(() => { this.proxyTestLoading = false; if (!useTor) { electron.ipcRenderer.send("setProxy", {}); } }); }) }, setDistractionFreeMode(setting) { settingsView.distractionFreeMode = setting; sideNavBar.distractionFreeMode = setting; channelView.distractionFreeMode = setting; playerView.distractionFreeMode = setting; }, }, computed: { proxyTestButtonText() { return this.proxyTestLoading ? "LOADING..." : "TEST PROXY" }, volumeHtml() { return Math.round(this.defaultVolume * 100); } }, template: settingsTemplate }); let searchView = new Vue({ el: '#searchView', data: { seen: false, isSearch: true, page: 1, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); backButtonView.lastView = searchView }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); backButtonView.lastView = searchView }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, nextPage: () => { ft.log(searchView.page); search(searchView.page); }, playlist: (playlistId) => { showPlaylist(playlistId); backButtonView.lastView = searchView }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let channelView = new Vue({ el: '#channelView', data: { seen: false, id: '', name: '', icon: '', baner: '', subCount: '', subButtonText: '', description: '', distractionFreeMode: false }, methods: { subscription: (channelId) => { let channelData = { channelId: channelView.id, channelName: channelView.name, channelThumbnail: channelView.icon }; toggleSubscription(channelData); }, }, template: channelTemplate }); let channelVideosView = new Vue({ el: '#channelVideosView', data: { seen: false, channelId: '', isSearch: true, page: 2, videoList: [] }, methods: { play: (videoId) => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId); }, channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, toggleSave: (videoId) => { addSavedVideo(videoId); }, nextPage: () => { channelNextPage(); }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, history: (videoId) => { removeFromHistory(videoId); }, miniPlayer: (videoId) => { clickMiniPlayer(videoId); } }, template: videoListTemplate }); let playerView = new Vue({ el: '#playerView', data: { seen: false, playlistSeen: false, legacySeen: false, firstLoad: true, currentTime: undefined, publishedDate: '', videoUrl: '', videoId: '', channelId: '', channelIcon: '', channelName: '', subscribedText: '', subscriptionCount: '', savedText: '', savedIconType: 'far', description: '', videoThumbnail: '', subtitleHtml: '', currentQuality: '', videoAudio: '', validAudio: false, video360p: '', valid360p: false, video720p: '', valid720p: false, videoDash: '', validDash: true, videoLive: '', validLive: false, embededHtml: '', currentSpeed: 1, lengthSeconds: 0, videoTitle: '', videoViews: '', likePercentage: 0, videoLikes: 0, videoDislikes: 0, playerSeen: true, playlistTitle: '', playlistChannelName: '', playlistIndex: 1, playlistTotal: 1, playlistLoop: false, playlistShuffle: false, playlistShowList: true, recommendedVideoList: [], playlistVideoList: [], distractionFreeMode: false }, methods: { channel: (channelId) => { goToChannel(channelId); }, subscription: () => { let channelData = { channelId: playerView.channelId, channelName: playerView.channelName, channelThumbnail: playerView.channelIcon }; toggleSubscription(channelData); }, quality: (url, qualityText) => { ft.log(url); ft.log(qualityText); if (playerView.legacySeen === true) { // Update time to new url const currentPlayBackTime = $('.videoPlayer').get(0).currentTime; ft.log(currentPlayBackTime); playerView.videoUrl = url; playerView.currentQuality = qualityText; setTimeout(() => { $('.videoPlayer').get(0).currentTime = currentPlayBackTime; $('.videoPlayer').get(0).play(); }, 100); } }, embededPlayer: () => { playerView.playerSeen = false; playerView.legacySeen = false; playerView.currentTime = undefined; checkedVideoSettings = false; }, legacyFormats: () => { if (typeof (player) !== 'undefined') { playerView.currentTime = player.currentTime; } checkedVideoSettings = false; playerView.playerSeen = false; playerView.legacySeen = true; }, dashFormats: () => { if (typeof ($('#legacyPlayer').get(0)) !== 'undefined') { playerView.currentTime = $('#legacyPlayer').get(0).currentTime; } checkedVideoSettings = false; playerView.legacySeen = false; playerView.playerSeen = true; }, copyYouTube: (videoId) => { const url = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, openYouTube: (videoId) => { shell.openExternal('https://youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoId); }, copyInvidious: (videoId) => { const url = invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); }, openInvidious: (videoId) => { shell.openExternal(invidiousInstance + '/watch?v=' + videoId); }, save: (videoId) => { toggleSavedVideo(videoId); }, play: (videoId, playlistId = '') => { loadingView.seen = true; playVideo(videoId, playlistId); }, loop: () => { let legacyPlayer = $('.videoPlayer').get(0); if (legacyPlayer.loop === false) { legacyPlayer.loop = true; showToast('Video loop has been turned on.'); } else { legacyPlayer.loop = false; showToast('Video loop has been turned off.') } }, playlist: (playlistId) => { showPlaylist(playlistId); }, playlistLoopToggle: () => { if (playerView.playlistLoop !== false) { showToast('Playlist will no longer loop'); playerView.playlistLoop = false; } else { showToast('Playlist will now loop'); playerView.playlistLoop = true; } }, playlistShuffleToggle: () => { if (playerView.playlistShuffle !== false) { showToast('Playlist will no longer shuffle'); playerView.playlistShuffle = false; } else { showToast('Playlist will now shuffle'); playerView.playlistShuffle = true; } }, }, computed: { thumbnailInterval: function () { if (this.lengthSeconds < 120) { return 1; } else if (this.lengthSeconds < 300) { return 2; } else if (this.lengthSeconds < 900) { return 5; } else { return 10; } }, storyBoardUrl: function () { return invidiousInstance + '/api/v1/storyboards/' + this.videoId + '?height=90'; } }, template: playerTemplate }); let backButtonView = new Vue({ el: '#backButton', data: { lastView: false }, methods: { back: function () { // variable here because this.lastView gets reset in hideViews() const isSearch = this.lastView.$options.el === "#searchView"; hideViews(); loadingView.seen = false; // Check if lastView was search if (isSearch) { // Change back to searchView headerView.seen = true; headerView.title = 'Search Results'; searchView.seen = true; // reset this.lastView this.lastView = false; } else { // if not search then this.lastView has to be playlistView // Change back to playlistView playlistView.seen = true; // Check if searchView has videos if it does set this.lastView as searchView this.lastView = searchView.videoList.length > 0 ? searchView : false; } } }, computed: { canShowBackButton: function () { // this.lastView can be either searchView or playlistView return !!this.lastView && !this.lastView.seen && this.lastView.videoList.length > 0; } }, }); let profileSelectView = new Vue({ el: '#profileSelectView', data: { seen: false, activeProfile: [], activeProfileInitial: '', activeProfileInitialColor: '#000000', profileList: [], }, methods: { showSubscriptionManager: function () { hideViews(); subscriptionManagerView.seen = true; }, setActiveProfile: function (index) { this.activeProfile = this.profileList[index]; this.activeProfileInitial = this.profileInitials[index]; this.activeProfileInitialColor = this.profileTextColor[index]; this.seen = false; displaySubs(); addSubsToView(subscriptionView.fullVideoList); if (playerView.seen !== false || channelView.seen !== false) { let checkSubscription; if (playerView.seen !== false) { checkSubscription = isSubscribed(playerView.channelId); } else { checkSubscription = isSubscribed(channelView.channelId); } checkSubscription.then((results) => { if (results === false) { channelView.subButtonText = 'SUBSCRIBE'; playerView.subscribedText = 'SUBSCRIBE'; } else { channelView.subButtonText = 'UNSUBSCRIBE'; playerView.subscribedText = 'UNSUBSCRIBE'; } }); } } }, computed: { profileInitials: function () { let initials = []; if (this.profileList.length > 0) { this.profileList.forEach((profile) => { initials.push(profile.name.charAt(0)); }); } return initials; }, profileTextColor: function () { let colors = []; if (this.profileList.length > 0) { this.profileList.forEach((profile) => { let cutHex = (profile.color.charAt(0) == "#") ? profile.color.substring(1, 7) : h; let colorValueR = parseInt(cutHex.substring(0, 2), 16); let colorValueG = parseInt(cutHex.substring(2, 4), 16); let colorValueB = parseInt(cutHex.substring(4, 6), 16); let luminance = (0.299 * colorValueR + 0.587 * colorValueG + 0.114 * colorValueB) / 255; if (luminance > 0.5) { colors.push('#000000'); } else { colors.push('#FFFFFF'); } }); } return colors; } }, template: profileSelectViewTemplate }); let currentProfileView = new Vue({ el: '#currentProfileView', data: {}, computed: { activeProfile: function () { return profileSelectView.activeProfile; }, activeProfileInitial: function () { return profileSelectView.activeProfileInitial; }, activeProfileInitialColor: function () { return profileSelectView.activeProfileInitialColor; } }, template: currentProfileViewTemplate }); let subscriptionManagerView = new Vue({ el: '#subscriptionManagerView', data: { seen: false, }, methods: { editProfile: function (isNewProfile, index) { hideViews(); editProfileView.isNewProfile = isNewProfile; if (isNewProfile) { editProfileView.profileName = ''; editProfileView.profileColor = ''; editProfileView.newProfileName = 'Profile ' + (this.profileList.length + 1); let colorPaletteKeys = Object.keys(editProfileView.colorPalette); let randomColor = colorPalette[colorPaletteKeys[colorPaletteKeys.length * Math.random() << 0]]; editProfileView.newProfileColorText = randomColor; editProfileView.subscriptionList = []; } else { editProfileView.profileName = this.profileList[index].name; editProfileView.profileColor = this.profileList[index].color; editProfileView.newProfileName = this.profileList[index].name; editProfileView.newProfileColorText = this.profileList[index].color; if (this.profileList[index].name === 'All Channels') { // Sort alphabetically subDb.find({ }).sort({ channelName: 1 }).exec((err, subs) => { let list = []; subs.forEach((sub) => { sub.checked = false; list.push(sub); }); editProfileView.subscriptionList = list; }); } else { // Sort alphabetically subDb.find({ profile: { $elemMatch: { value: this.profileList[index].name } } }).sort({ channelName: 1 }).exec((err, subs) => { let list = []; subs.forEach((sub) => { sub.checked = false; list.push(sub); }); editProfileView.subscriptionList = list; }); } } editProfileView.seen = true; loadingView.seen = false; //backButtonView.lastView = subscriptionManagerView; } }, computed: { profileList: function () { return profileSelectView.profileList; }, profileInitials: function () { return profileSelectView.profileInitials; }, profileTextColor: function () { return profileSelectView.profileTextColor; } }, template: subscriptionManagerViewTemplate }); let editProfileView = new Vue({ el: '#editProfileView', data: { seen: false, isNewProfile: false, subscriptionList: [], profileName: '', profileColor: '', newProfileName: '', newProfileColorText: '', selectedProfile: '', colorPalette: { red: '#d50000', pink: '#C51162', purple: '#AA00FF', deepPurple: '#6200EA', indigo: '#304FFE', blue: '#2962FF', lightBlue: '#0091EA', cyan: '#00B8D4', teal: '#00BFA5', green: '#00C853', lightGreen: '#64DD17', lime: '#AEEA00', yellow: '#FFD600', amber: '#FFAB00', orange: '#FF6D00', deepOrange: '#DD2C00', }, }, methods: { changeProfileColor: function (value) { this.newProfileColorText = value; }, selectAll: function () { this.subscriptionList.forEach(channel => { channel.checked = true; }); }, selectNone: function () { this.subscriptionList.forEach((channel) => { channel.checked = false; }); }, defaultProfile: function () { if (editProfileView.profileName === settingsView.defaultProfile) { showToast('This profile is already set as your default.'); return; } settingsDb.update({ _id: 'defaultProfile' }, { value: editProfileView.profileName }, {}, function (err, numUpdated) { showToast(editProfileView.profileName + ' is now your default profile.'); settingsView.defaultProfile = editProfileView.profileName; }); }, deleteProfile: function () { if (this.profileName === settingsView.defaultProfile) { showToast('You cannot delete your default profile.'); return; } let confirmString = 'Are you sure you want to delete this profile? Any subscriptions will also be deleted.'; confirmFunction(confirmString, () => { settingsDb.find({ _id: 'profileList' }, (err, docs) => { let profiles = docs[0].value; let nameIndex = profiles.findIndex(x => x.name === this.profileName); profiles.splice(nameIndex, 1); settingsDb.update({ _id: 'profileList' }, { value: profiles }, {}, function (err, numUpdated) {}); subDb.update({ profile: { $elemMatch: { value: editProfileView.profileName } }, }, { $pull: { profile: { value: editProfileView.profileName } } }, { multi: true }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } let subMap = subscriptionView.fullVideoList.map(x => x.profile.map(x => x.value).indexOf(editProfileView.profileName) !== -1); for (let i = 0; i < subMap.length; i++) { if (subMap[i]) { let subProfileIndex = subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.findIndex(x => x.value === editProfileView.profileName); subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.splice(subProfileIndex, 1); } } let profileIndex = profileSelectView.profileList.findIndex(x => x.name === editProfileView.profileName); profileSelectView.profileList.splice(profileIndex, 1); if (profileSelectView.activeProfile.name === this.profileName) { profileSelectView.setActiveProfile(0); } hideViews(); subscriptionManagerView.seen = true; showToast('Profile has been successfully deleted'); }); }); }); }, updateProfile: function (updateView = true) { if (this.newProfileName === '') { showToast('Profile name cannot be blank.'); return; } let patt = new RegExp("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$"); if (patt.test(this.newProfileColor)) { if (this.isNewProfile) { let newNameIndex = this.profileList.findIndex(x => x.name === this.newProfileName); if (newNameIndex !== -1 && this.profileName !== this.newProfileName) { showToast('Profile name already exists. Please choose a different profile name.'); return; } // Create new profile settingsDb.find({ _id: 'profileList' }, (err, docs) => { let profiles = docs[0].value; let newNameIndex = profiles.findIndex(x => x.name === this.newProfileName); if (newNameIndex !== -1 && this.profileName !== this.newProfileName) { showToast('Profile name already exists. Please choose a different profile name.'); return; } else { let newProfile = { name: this.newProfileName, color: this.newProfileColor }; profiles.push(newProfile); settingsDb.update({ _id: 'profileList' }, { value: profiles }, {}, function (err, numUpdated) { profileSelectView.profileList.push(newProfile); if (updateView) { hideViews(); subscriptionManagerView.seen = true; showToast('The ' + newProfile.name + ' profile has been added!'); } }); } }); } else { // Update existing profile settingsDb.find({ _id: 'profileList' }, (err, docs) => { let profiles = docs[0].value; let newNameIndex = profiles.findIndex(x => x.name === this.newProfileName); if (newNameIndex !== -1 && this.profileName !== this.newProfileName) { showToast('Profile name already exists. Please choose a different profile name.'); return; } else { let oldNameIndex = profiles.findIndex(x => x.name === this.profileName); profiles[oldNameIndex].name = this.newProfileName; profiles[oldNameIndex].color = this.newProfileColor; settingsDb.update({ _id: 'profileList' }, { value: profiles }, {}, function (err, numUpdated) { if (editProfileView.profileName === settingsView.defaultProfile) { settingsDb.update({ _id: 'defaultProfile', }, { $set: { value: editProfileView.newProfileName } }, (err, numRemoved) => { console.log(numRemoved); }); } subDb.update({ profile: { $elemMatch: { value: editProfileView.profileName } }, }, { $push: { profile: { value: editProfileView.newProfileName } } }, { multi: true }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } let profileIndex = profileSelectView.profileList.findIndex(x => x.name === editProfileView.profileName); profileSelectView.profileList[profileIndex].name = editProfileView.newProfileName; profileSelectView.profileList[profileIndex].color = editProfileView.newProfileColor; profileSelectView.setActiveProfile(profileIndex); let subMap = subscriptionView.fullVideoList.map(x => x.profile.map(x => x.value).indexOf(editProfileView.profileName) !== -1); for (let i = 0; i < subMap.length; i++) { if (subMap[i]) { let subProfileIndex = subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.findIndex(x => x.value === editProfileView.profileName); subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.splice(subProfileIndex, 1); subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.push(editProfileView.newProfileName); } } if (editProfileView.profileName !== editProfileView.newProfileName) { subDb.update({ profile: { $elemMatch: { value: editProfileView.profileName } }, }, { $pull: { profile: { value: editProfileView.profileName } } }, { multi: true }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); } editProfileView.profileName = editProfileView.newProfileName; editProfileView.profileColor = editProfileView.newProfileColor; window.setTimeout(() => { // Refresh the list of subscriptions on the side navigation bar and subscriptions view. displaySubs(); addSubsToView(subscriptionView.fullVideoList); showToast('Profile has been successfully updated!'); }, 100); }); }); } }); } } else { showToast('The current HEX value is not valid, please fix and try again.'); } }, move: function () { if (this.amountSelected === 0) { showToast('A channel must be selected before it can be moved.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === '') { showToast('A profile must be selected first before channels can be moved.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === this.profileName) { showToast('Select a profile other than the one being edited.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === 'All Channels') { showToast('There is no need to move channels to "All Channels".'); return; } let confirmString = 'Would you like to move the selected channel(s) to the ' + this.selectedProfile + ' profile?'; confirmFunction(confirmString, () => { let amountRemoved = 0; this.subscriptionList.forEach(channel => { if (channel.checked) { subDb.update({ channelId: channel.channelId, }, { $push: { profile: { value: this.selectedProfile } } }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); channel.profile = this.selectedProfile; amountRemoved++; subDb.update({ channelId: channel.channelId, }, { $pull: { profile: { value: this.profileName } } }, (err, numRemoved) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } let subMap = subscriptionView.fullVideoList.map(x => x.author === channel.channelName && x.profile.map(x => x.value).indexOf(this.profileName) !== -1); for (let i = 0; i < subMap.length; i++) { if (subMap[i] !== false) { subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.push({ value: this.selectedProfile }); let profileIndex = subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.findIndex(x => x.value === this.profileName); subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.splice(profileIndex, 1); } } let index = this.subscriptionList.findIndex(x => x.channelName === channel.channelName); this.subscriptionList.splice(index, 1); }); } }); window.setTimeout(() => { // Refresh the list of subscriptions on the side navigation bar and subscriptions view. displaySubs(); addSubsToView(subscriptionView.fullVideoList); showToast('Moved ' + amountRemoved + ' channel(s) to the ' + this.selectedProfile + ' profile.'); }, 500); }); }, copy: function () { if (this.amountSelected === 0) { showToast('A channel must be selected before it can be moved.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === '') { showToast('A profile must be selected first before channels can be moved.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === this.profileName) { showToast('Select a profile other than the one being edited.'); return; } if (this.selectedProfile === 'All Channels') { showToast('There is no need to copy channels to "All Channels".'); return; } let confirmString = 'Would you like to copy the selected channel(s) to the ' + this.selectedProfile + ' profile?'; confirmFunction(confirmString, () => { let amountCopied = 0; this.subscriptionList.forEach(channel => { if (channel.checked) { subDb.find({ channelId: channel.channelId, profile: { $elemMatch: { value: this.selectedProfile } } }, {}, (err, subs) => { if (subs.length === 0) { channel.profile.push(this.selectedProfile); subDb.update({ channelId: channel.channelId, }, { $push: { profile: { value: this.selectedProfile } } }, (err, numAdded) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } let subMap = subscriptionView.fullVideoList.map(x => x.author === channel.channelName); for (let i = 0; i < subMap.length; i++) { if (subMap[i] !== false) { subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.push({ value: this.selectedProfile }); } } amountCopied++; }); } }); } }); window.setTimeout(() => { // Refresh the list of subscriptions on the side navigation bar and subscriptions view. displaySubs(); addSubsToView(subscriptionView.fullVideoList); showToast('Copied ' + amountCopied + ' channel(s) to the ' + this.selectedProfile + ' profile.'); }, 500); }); }, deleteChannel: function () { let confirmString = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected channel(s) from this profile?'; let amountDeleted = 0; if (this.amountSelected === 0) { showToast('A channel must be selected before it can be deleted.'); return; } confirmFunction(confirmString, () => { this.subscriptionList.forEach((channel, index) => { console.log(channel); if (channel.checked) { removeSubscription(channel.channelId, editProfileView.profileName, false); let subViewListMap = subscriptionView.fullVideoList.map(x => x.author === channel.channelName); for (let i = 0; i < subViewListMap.length; i++) { if (subViewListMap[i]) { let subProfileIndex = subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.findIndex(x => x.value === editProfileView.profileName); subscriptionView.fullVideoList[i].profile.splice(subProfileIndex, 1); } } amountDeleted++; } }); window.setTimeout(() => { // Refresh the list of subscriptions on the side navigation bar and subscriptions view. displaySubs(); addSubsToView(subscriptionView.fullVideoList); showToast(amountDeleted + ' channel(s) have been deleted from this profile.'); this.subscriptionList = this.subscriptionList.filter(a => { return !a.checked; }); }, 500); }); }, }, computed: { newProfileColor: function () { if (this.newProfileColorText[0] === '#') { return this.newProfileColorText; } else { return '#' + this.newProfileColorText; } }, isDefaultProfile: function () { return settingsView.defaultProfile === this.profileName; }, profileList: function () { return profileSelectView.profileList; }, amountSelected: function () { let amount = 0; this.subscriptionList.forEach((item) => { if (item.checked) { amount++; } }); return amount; } }, template: editProfileViewTemplate }); function hideViews() { if (playerView.seen !== false && (playerView.playerSeen || playerView.legacySeen)) { let lengthSeconds = 0; let duration = 0; if (playerView.legacySeen === false) { lengthSeconds = player.currentTime; duration = player.duration; } else { lengthSeconds = $('.videoPlayer').get(0).currentTime; duration = $('.videoPlayer').get(0).duration; } updateWatchProgress(playerView.videoId, lengthSeconds); let videoIndex = subscriptionView.videoList.findIndex(x => x.id === playerView.videoId); if (videoIndex !== -1) { subscriptionView.videoList[videoIndex].watched = true; subscriptionView.videoList[videoIndex].progressPercentage = (lengthSeconds / duration) * 100; } } subscriptionView.seen = false; noSubscriptions.seen = false; aboutView.seen = false; headerView.seen = false; searchView.seen = false; settingsView.seen = false; popularView.seen = false; trendingView.seen = false; savedView.seen = false; historyView.seen = false; playlistView.seen = false; playerView.seen = false; channelView.seen = false; channelVideosView.seen = false; profileSelectView.seen = false; subscriptionManagerView.seen = false; editProfileView.seen = false; backButtonView.lastView = false; }