name: Feature request description: Suggest an idea for FreeTube which you would like to see in a future release title: "[Feature Request]: " labels: "enhancement" body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | **README: Before You Submit Your Issue** - Issues are not a place to go ask support questions or start discussions. Please ask support questions or start discussions on the [discussions page]( - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Guidelines description: Please ensure you've completed all of the following. options: - label: I have searched the issue tracker for [open]( and [closed]( issues that are similar to the feature request I want to file, without success. required: true - label: I have searched the [documentation]( for information that matches the description of the feature request I want to file, without success. required: true - label: This issue contains only one feature request. required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Problem Description description: Please add a clear and concise description of the problem you are seeking to solve with this feature request. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Proposed Solution description: Describe the solution you'd like in a clear and concise manner. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Alternatives Considered description: A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. validations: required: true - type: dropdown attributes: label: 'Issue Labels' description: Please select a label that fits this feature request. Choose multiple, if applicable. multiple: true options: - display more information to user - ease of use improvement - improvement to existing feature - new feature - new keyboard shortcut - new optional setting - support for external software - visual improvement validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional Information description: | Add any other context or screenshots/videos about the feature request here. You may drag-and-drop screenshots.