import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' import FtCard from '../../components/ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtInput from '../../components/ft-input/ft-input.vue' import FtSelect from '../../components/ft-select/ft-select.vue' import FtFlexBox from '../../components/ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import FtLoader from '../../components/ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtElementList from '../../components/ft-element-list/ft-element-list.vue' import FtAgeRestricted from '../../components/ft-age-restricted/ft-age-restricted.vue' import FtShareButton from '../../components/ft-share-button/ft-share-button.vue' import FtSubscribeButton from '../../components/ft-subscribe-button/ft-subscribe-button.vue' import ChannelAbout from '../../components/channel-about/channel-about.vue' import FtAutoLoadNextPageWrapper from '../../components/ft-auto-load-next-page-wrapper/ft-auto-load-next-page-wrapper.vue' import autolinker from 'autolinker' import { setPublishedTimestampsInvidious, copyToClipboard, ctrlFHandler, extractNumberFromString, formatNumber, showToast } from '../../helpers/utils' import { isNullOrEmpty } from '../../helpers/strings' import packageDetails from '../../../../package.json' import { invidiousAPICall, invidiousGetChannelId, invidiousGetChannelInfo, invidiousGetCommunityPosts, youtubeImageUrlToInvidious } from '../../helpers/api/invidious' import { getLocalChannel, getLocalChannelId, parseLocalChannelHeader, parseLocalChannelShorts, parseLocalChannelVideos, parseLocalCommunityPosts, parseLocalListPlaylist, parseLocalListVideo, parseLocalSubscriberCount } from '../../helpers/api/local' export default defineComponent({ name: 'Channel', components: { 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-input': FtInput, 'ft-select': FtSelect, 'ft-flex-box': FtFlexBox, 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-element-list': FtElementList, 'ft-age-restricted': FtAgeRestricted, 'ft-share-button': FtShareButton, 'ft-subscribe-button': FtSubscribeButton, 'channel-about': ChannelAbout, 'ft-auto-load-next-page-wrapper': FtAutoLoadNextPageWrapper, }, data: function () { return { isLoading: false, isElementListLoading: false, currentTab: 'videos', id: '', /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel|null} */ channelInstance: null, channelName: '', bannerUrl: '', thumbnailUrl: '', subCount: 0, searchPage: 2, videoContinuationData: null, shortContinuationData: null, liveContinuationData: null, releaseContinuationData: null, podcastContinuationData: null, playlistContinuationData: null, searchContinuationData: null, communityContinuationData: null, description: '', tags: [], viewCount: 0, videoCount: 0, joined: 0, location: null, videoSortBy: 'newest', shortSortBy: 'newest', liveSortBy: 'newest', playlistSortBy: 'newest', showVideoSortBy: true, showShortSortBy: true, showLiveSortBy: true, showPlaylistSortBy: true, lastSearchQuery: '', relatedChannels: [], latestVideos: [], latestShorts: [], latestLive: [], latestReleases: [], latestPodcasts: [], latestPlaylists: [], latestCommunityPosts: [], searchResults: [], shownElementList: [], apiUsed: '', isFamilyFriendly: false, errorMessage: '', showSearchBar: true, showShareMenu: true, videoLiveShortSelectValues: [ 'newest', 'popular', 'oldest' ], playlistSelectValues: [ 'newest', 'last' ], autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled: false, supportedChannelTabs: [ 'videos', 'shorts', 'live', 'releases', 'podcasts', 'playlists', 'community', 'about' ], channelTabs: [ 'videos', 'shorts', 'live', 'releases', 'podcasts', 'playlists', 'community', 'about' ] } }, computed: { backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback }, hideUnsubscribeButton: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideUnsubscribeButton }, showFamilyFriendlyOnly: function() { return this.$store.getters.getShowFamilyFriendlyOnly }, currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, activeProfile: function () { return this.$store.getters.getActiveProfile }, subscriptionInfo: function () { return this.activeProfile.subscriptions.find((channel) => { return === }) ?? null }, isSubscribed: function () { return this.subscriptionInfo !== null }, isSubscribedInAnyProfile: function () { const profileList = this.$store.getters.getProfileList // check the all channels profile return profileList[0].subscriptions.some((channel) => === }, videoLiveShortSelectNames: function () { return [ this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Newest'), this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Most Popular'), this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Oldest') ] }, playlistSelectNames: function () { return [ this.$t('Channel.Playlists.Sort Types.Newest'), this.$t('Channel.Playlists.Sort Types.Last Video Added') ] }, formattedSubCount: function () { if (this.hideChannelSubscriptions) { return null } return formatNumber(this.subCount) }, showFetchMoreButton: function () { switch (this.currentTab) { case 'videos': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.videoContinuationData) case 'shorts': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.shortContinuationData) case 'live': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.liveContinuationData) case 'releases': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.releaseContinuationData) case 'podcasts': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.podcastContinuationData) case 'playlists': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.playlistContinuationData) case 'community': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.communityContinuationData) case 'search': return !isNullOrEmpty(this.searchContinuationData) } return false }, hideChannelSubscriptions: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelSubscriptions }, hideSharingActions: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideSharingActions }, hideChannelShorts: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelShorts }, hideLiveStreams: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideLiveStreams }, hideChannelPodcasts: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelPodcasts }, hideChannelReleases: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelReleases }, hideChannelPlaylists: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelPlaylists }, hideChannelCommunity: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelCommunity }, tabInfoValues: function () { const values = [...this.channelTabs] const indexToRemove = [] // remove tabs from the array based on user settings if (this.hideChannelShorts) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('shorts')) } if (this.hideLiveStreams) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('live')) } if (this.hideChannelPlaylists) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('playlists')) } if (this.hideChannelCommunity) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('community')) } if (this.hideChannelPodcasts) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('podcasts')) } if (this.hideChannelReleases) { indexToRemove.push(values.indexOf('releases')) } indexToRemove.forEach(index => { if (index !== -1) { values.splice(index, 1) } }) return values }, }, watch: { $route() { // react to route changes... this.isLoading = true if (this.$route.query.url) { this.resolveChannelUrl(this.$route.query.url, this.$route.params.currentTab) return } // Disable auto refresh on sort value change during state reset this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled = false = this.$ this.searchPage = 2 this.relatedChannels = [] this.latestVideos = [] this.latestShorts = [] this.latestLive = [] this.videoSortBy = 'newest' this.shortSortBy = 'newest' this.liveSortBy = 'newest' this.playlistSortBy = 'newest' this.latestPlaylists = [] this.latestPodcasts = [] this.latestReleases = [] this.latestCommunityPosts = [] this.searchResults = [] this.shownElementList = [] this.apiUsed = '' this.channelInstance = '' this.videoContinuationData = null this.shortContinuationData = null this.liveContinuationData = null this.playlistContinuationData = null this.podcastContinuationData = null this.releaseContinuationData = null this.searchContinuationData = null this.communityContinuationData = null this.showSearchBar = true this.showVideoSortBy = true this.showShortSortBy = true this.showLiveSortBy = true this.showPlaylistSortBy = true this.currentTab = this.currentOrFirstTab(this.$route.params.currentTab) if ( === '@@@') { this.showShareMenu = false this.setErrorMessage(this.$i18n.t('Channel.This channel does not exist')) return } this.showShareMenu = true this.errorMessage = '' // Re-enable auto refresh on sort value change AFTER update done if (!process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { this.getChannelInfoInvidious() this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled = true } else { this.getChannelLocal().finally(() => { this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled = true }) } }, videoSortBy () { if (!this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled) { return } this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestVideos = [] switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelVideosLocal() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousVideos(true) break default: this.getChannelVideosLocal() } }, shortSortBy() { if (!this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled) { return } this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestShorts = [] switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelShortsLocal() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousShorts(true) break default: this.getChannelShortsLocal() } }, liveSortBy () { if (!this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled) { return } this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestLive = [] switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelLiveLocal() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousLive(true) break default: this.getChannelLiveLocal() } }, playlistSortBy () { if (!this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled) { return } this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestPlaylists = [] this.playlistContinuationData = null switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelPlaylistsLocal() break case 'invidious': this.getPlaylistsInvidious() break default: this.getChannelPlaylistsLocal() } } }, mounted: function () { this.isLoading = true document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardShortcutHandler) if (this.$route.query.url) { this.resolveChannelUrl(this.$route.query.url, this.$route.params.currentTab) return } = this.$ this.currentTab = this.currentOrFirstTab(this.$route.params.currentTab) if ( === '@@@') { this.showShareMenu = false this.setErrorMessage(this.$i18n.t('Channel.This channel does not exist')) return } // Enable auto refresh on sort value change AFTER initial update done if (!process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { this.getChannelInfoInvidious() this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled = true } else { this.getChannelLocal().finally(() => { this.autoRefreshOnSortByChangeEnabled = true }) } }, beforeDestroy() { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardShortcutHandler) }, methods: { resolveChannelUrl: async function (url, tab = undefined) { let id if (!process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { id = await invidiousGetChannelId(url) } else { id = await getLocalChannelId(url) } if (id === null) { // the channel page shows an error about the channel not existing when the id is @@@ id = '@@@' } // use router.replace to replace the current history entry // with the one with the resolved channel id // that way if you navigate back or forward in the history to this entry // we don't need to resolve the URL again as we already know it if (tab) { this.$router.replace({ path: `/channel/${id}/${tab}` }) } else { this.$router.replace({ path: `/channel/${id}` }) } }, currentOrFirstTab: function (currentTab) { if (this.tabInfoValues.includes(currentTab)) { return currentTab } return this.tabInfoValues[0] }, getChannelLocal: async function () { this.apiUsed = 'local' this.isLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel|undefined} */ let channel if (!this.channelInstance) { channel = await getLocalChannel( } else { channel = this.channelInstance } let channelName let channelThumbnailUrl if (channel.alert) { this.setErrorMessage(channel.alert) return } else if (channel.memo.has('ChannelAgeGate')) { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ChannelAgeGate} */ const ageGate = channel.memo.get('ChannelAgeGate')[0] channelName = ageGate.channel_title channelThumbnailUrl = ageGate.avatar[0].url this.channelName = channelName this.thumbnailUrl = channelThumbnailUrl document.title = `${channelName} - ${packageDetails.productName}` this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl, channelName, channelId: }) this.setErrorMessage(this.$t('Channel["This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube."]'), true) return } this.errorMessage = '' if (expectedId !== { return } const parsedHeader = parseLocalChannelHeader(channel) const channelId = ?? const subscriberText = parsedHeader.subscriberText ?? null let tags = parsedHeader.tags channelThumbnailUrl = parsedHeader.thumbnailUrl ?? this.subscriptionInfo?.thumbnail channelName = ?? this.subscriptionInfo?.name if (channelThumbnailUrl?.startsWith('//')) { channelThumbnailUrl = `https:${channelThumbnailUrl}` } this.channelName = channelName this.thumbnailUrl = channelThumbnailUrl this.bannerUrl = parsedHeader.bannerUrl ?? null this.isFamilyFriendly = !!channel.metadata.is_family_safe if (channel.metadata.tags) { tags.push( } // deduplicate tags // a Set can only ever contain unique elements, // so this is an easy way to get rid of duplicates if (tags.length > 0) { tags = Array.from(new Set(tags)) } this.tags = tags document.title = `${channelName} - ${packageDetails.productName}` if (subscriberText) { const subCount = parseLocalSubscriberCount(subscriberText) if (isNaN(subCount)) { this.subCount = null } else { this.subCount = subCount } } else { this.subCount = null } this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl, channelName, channelId }) let relatedChannels ={ author }) => ({ name:, id:, thumbnailUrl: author.best_thumbnail.url })) if (channel.memo.has('GameDetails')) { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.GameDetails[]} */ const games = channel.memo.get('GameDetails') relatedChannels.push( => ({ id: game.endpoint.payload.browseId, name: game.title.text, thumbnailUrl: game.box_art[0].url }))) } if (relatedChannels.length > 0) { /** @type {Set} */ const knownChannelIds = new Set() relatedChannels = relatedChannels.filter(channel => { if (!knownChannelIds.has( { knownChannelIds.add( return true } return false }) relatedChannels.forEach(channel => { if (channel.thumbnailUrl.startsWith('//')) { channel.thumbnailUrl = `https:${channel.thumbnailUrl}` } }) } this.relatedChannels = relatedChannels this.channelInstance = channel if (channel.has_about) { this.getChannelAboutLocal() } else { this.description = '' this.viewCount = null this.videoCount = null this.joined = 0 this.location = null } const tabs = ['about'] if (channel.has_videos) { tabs.push('videos') this.getChannelVideosLocal() } if (!this.hideChannelShorts && channel.has_shorts) { tabs.push('shorts') this.getChannelShortsLocal() } if (!this.hideLiveStreams && channel.has_live_streams) { tabs.push('live') this.getChannelLiveLocal() } if (!this.hideChannelPodcasts && channel.has_podcasts) { tabs.push('podcasts') this.getChannelPodcastsLocal() } if (!this.hideChannelReleases && channel.has_releases) { tabs.push('releases') this.getChannelReleasesLocal() } if (!this.hideChannelPlaylists && channel.has_playlists) { tabs.push('playlists') this.getChannelPlaylistsLocal() } if (!this.hideChannelCommunity && channel.has_community) { tabs.push('community') this.getCommunityPostsLocal() } this.channelTabs = this.supportedChannelTabs.filter(tab => { return tabs.includes(tab) }) this.currentTab = this.currentOrFirstTab(this.$route.params.currentTab) this.showSearchBar = channel.has_search this.isLoading = false } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelAboutLocal: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance const about = await channel.getAbout() if (about.type === 'ChannelAboutFullMetadata') { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ChannelAboutFullMetadata} */ const about_ = about this.description = about_.description.isEmpty() ? '' : const viewCount = extractNumberFromString(about_.view_count.text) this.viewCount = isNaN(viewCount) ? null : viewCount this.videoCount = null this.joined = about_.joined_date.isEmpty() ? 0 : new Date(about_.joined_date.text.replace('Joined').trim()) this.location = ? null : } else { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.AboutChannelView} */ const metadata = about.metadata this.description = metadata.description ? : '' const viewCount = extractNumberFromString(metadata.view_count) this.viewCount = isNaN(viewCount) ? null : viewCount const videoCount = extractNumberFromString(metadata.video_count) this.videoCount = isNaN(videoCount) ? null : videoCount this.joined = metadata.joined_date && !metadata.joined_date.isEmpty() ? new Date(metadata.joined_date.text.replace('Joined').trim()) : 0 this.location = ?? null } } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelVideosLocal: async function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance let videosTab = await channel.getVideos() this.showVideoSortBy = videosTab.filters.length > 1 if (this.showVideoSortBy && this.videoSortBy !== 'newest') { const index = this.videoLiveShortSelectValues.indexOf(this.videoSortBy) videosTab = await videosTab.applyFilter(videosTab.filters[index]) } if (expectedId !== { return } this.latestVideos = parseLocalChannelVideos(videosTab.videos,, this.channelName) this.videoContinuationData = videosTab.has_continuation ? videosTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && this.latestVideos.length > 0 && this.videoSortBy === 'newest') { this.updateSubscriptionVideosCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, the store will get angry at us for modifying it outside of the store, // when the user clicks load more videos: [...this.latestVideos] }) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, channelLocalNextPage: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation|import('youtubei.js').YT.FilteredChannelList} */ const continuation = await this.videoContinuationData.getContinuation() this.latestVideos = this.latestVideos.concat(parseLocalChannelVideos(continuation.videos,, this.channelName)) this.videoContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, getChannelShortsLocal: async function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance let shortsTab = await channel.getShorts() this.showShortSortBy = shortsTab.filters.length > 1 if (this.showShortSortBy && this.shortSortBy !== 'newest') { const index = this.videoLiveShortSelectValues.indexOf(this.shortSortBy) shortsTab = await shortsTab.applyFilter(shortsTab.filters[index]) } if (expectedId !== { return } this.latestShorts = parseLocalChannelShorts(shortsTab.videos,, this.channelName) this.shortContinuationData = shortsTab.has_continuation ? shortsTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && this.latestShorts.length > 0 && this.shortSortBy === 'newest') { // As the shorts tab API response doesn't include the published dates, // we can't just write the results to the subscriptions cache like we do with videos and live (can't sort chronologically without the date). // However we can still update the metadata in the cache such as the view count and title that might have changed since it was cached this.updateSubscriptionShortsCacheWithChannelPageShorts({ channelId:, videos: this.latestShorts }) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelShortsLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation|import('youtubei.js').YT.FilteredChannelList} */ const continuation = await this.shortContinuationData.getContinuation() this.latestShorts.push(...parseLocalChannelShorts(continuation.videos,, this.channelName)) this.shortContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, getChannelLiveLocal: async function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance let liveTab = await channel.getLiveStreams() this.showLiveSortBy = liveTab.filters.length > 1 if (this.showLiveSortBy && this.liveSortBy !== 'newest') { const index = this.videoLiveShortSelectValues.indexOf(this.liveSortBy) liveTab = await liveTab.applyFilter(liveTab.filters[index]) } if (expectedId !== { return } // work around YouTube bug where it will return a bunch of responses with only continuations in them // e.g. let videos = liveTab.videos while (videos.length === 0 && liveTab.has_continuation) { liveTab = await liveTab.getContinuation() videos = liveTab.videos } this.latestLive = parseLocalChannelVideos(videos,, this.channelName) this.liveContinuationData = liveTab.has_continuation ? liveTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && this.latestLive.length > 0 && this.liveSortBy === 'newest') { this.updateSubscriptionLiveCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, the store will get angry at us for modifying it outside of the store, // when the user clicks load more videos: [...this.latestLive] }) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelLiveLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation|import('youtubei.js').YT.FilteredChannelList} */ const continuation = await this.liveContinuationData.getContinuation() this.latestLive.push(...parseLocalChannelVideos(continuation.videos,, this.channelName)) this.liveContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, getChannelInfoInvidious: function () { this.isLoading = true this.apiUsed = 'invidious' this.channelInstance = null const expectedId = invidiousGetChannelInfo( => { if (expectedId !== { return } const channelName = const channelId = response.authorId this.channelName = channelName document.title = `${this.channelName} - ${packageDetails.productName}` = channelId this.isFamilyFriendly = response.isFamilyFriendly this.subCount = response.subCount const thumbnail = response.authorThumbnails[3].url this.thumbnailUrl = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail, this.currentInvidiousInstance) this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl: thumbnail, channelName: channelName, channelId: channelId }) this.description = this.viewCount = response.totalViews this.videoCount = null this.joined = response.joined > 0 ? new Date(response.joined * 1000) : 0 this.relatedChannels = => { const thumbnailUrl = return { name:, id: channel.authorId, thumbnailUrl: youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnailUrl, this.currentInvidiousInstance) } }) if (response.authorBanners instanceof Array && response.authorBanners.length > 0) { this.bannerUrl = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(response.authorBanners[0].url, this.currentInvidiousInstance) } else { this.bannerUrl = null } this.errorMessage = '' // some channels only have a few tabs // here are all possible values: home, videos, shorts, streams, playlists, community, channels, about const tabs = => { if (tab === 'streams') { return 'live' } return tab }) this.channelTabs = this.supportedChannelTabs.filter(tab => { return tabs.includes(tab) }) this.currentTab = this.currentOrFirstTab(this.$route.params.currentTab) if (response.tabs.includes('videos')) { this.channelInvidiousVideos() } if (!this.hideChannelShorts && response.tabs.includes('shorts')) { this.channelInvidiousShorts() } if (!this.hideLiveStreams && response.tabs.includes('streams')) { this.channelInvidiousLive() } if (!this.hideChannelPodcasts && response.tabs.includes('podcasts')) { this.channelInvidiousPodcasts() } if (!this.hideChannelReleases && response.tabs.includes('releases')) { this.channelInvidiousReleases() } if (!this.hideChannelPlaylists && response.tabs.includes('playlists')) { this.getPlaylistsInvidious() } if (!this.hideChannelCommunity && response.tabs.includes('community')) { this.getCommunityPostsInvidious() } this.isLoading = false }).catch((err) => { this.setErrorMessage(err) console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) this.getChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, channelInvidiousVideos: function (sortByChanged) { const payload = { resource: 'channels', id:, subResource: 'videos', params: { sort_by: this.videoSortBy, } } if (sortByChanged) { this.videoContinuationData = null } let more = false if (this.videoContinuationData) { payload.params.continuation = this.videoContinuationData more = true } if (!more) { this.isElementListLoading = true } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { setPublishedTimestampsInvidious(response.videos) if (more) { this.latestVideos = this.latestVideos.concat(response.videos) } else { this.latestVideos = response.videos } this.videoContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && !more && this.latestVideos.length > 0 && this.videoSortBy === 'newest') { this.updateSubscriptionVideosCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, it will also contain all the next pages videos: [...this.latestVideos] }) } }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) }) }, channelInvidiousShorts: function (sortByChanged) { const payload = { resource: 'channels', id:, subResource: 'shorts', params: { sort_by: this.shortSortBy, } } if (sortByChanged) { this.shortContinuationData = null } let more = false if (this.shortContinuationData) { payload.params.continuation = this.shortContinuationData more = true } if (!more) { this.isElementListLoading = true } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { // workaround for Invidious sending incorrect information // response.videos.forEach(video => { video.isUpcoming = false delete video.published delete video.premiereTimestamp }) if (more) { this.latestShorts.push(...response.videos) } else { this.latestShorts = response.videos } this.shortContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && !more && this.latestShorts.length > 0 && this.shortSortBy === 'newest') { // As the shorts tab API response doesn't include the published dates, // we can't just write the results to the subscriptions cache like we do with videos and live (can't sort chronologically without the date). // However we can still update the metadata in the cache e.g. adding the duration, as that isn't included in the RSS feeds // and updating the view count and title that might have changed since it was cached this.updateSubscriptionShortsCacheWithChannelPageShorts({ channelId:, videos: this.latestShorts }) } }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) }) }, channelInvidiousLive: function (sortByChanged) { const payload = { resource: 'channels', id:, subResource: 'streams', params: { sort_by: this.liveSortBy, } } if (sortByChanged) { this.liveContinuationData = null } let more = false if (this.liveContinuationData) { payload.params.continuation = this.liveContinuationData more = true } if (!more) { this.isElementListLoading = true } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { setPublishedTimestampsInvidious(response.videos) if (more) { this.latestLive.push(...response.videos) } else { this.latestLive = response.videos } this.liveContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.isElementListLoading = false if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && !more && this.latestLive.length > 0 && this.liveSortBy === 'newest') { this.updateSubscriptionLiveCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, the store will get angry at us for modifying it outside of the store, // when the user clicks load more videos: [...this.latestLive] }) } }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) }) }, getChannelPlaylistsLocal: async function () { const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance let playlistsTab = await channel.getPlaylists() // some channels have more categories of playlists than just "Created Playlists" e.g. // for the moment we just want the "Created Playlists" category that has all playlists in it if (playlistsTab.content_type_filters.length > 1) { let viewId = '1' // Artist topic channels don't have any created playlists, so we went to select the "Albums & Singles" category instead if (this.channelName.endsWith('- Topic') && channel.metadata.music_artist_name) { viewId = '50' } /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.ChannelSubMenu} */ const menu = playlistsTab.current_tab.content.sub_menu const createdPlaylistsFilter = menu.content_type_sub_menu_items.find(contentType => { const url = `${contentType.endpoint.metadata.url}` return new URL(url).searchParams.get('view') === viewId }).title playlistsTab = await playlistsTab.applyContentTypeFilter(createdPlaylistsFilter) } // YouTube seems to allow the playlists tab to be sorted even if it only has one playlist // as it doesn't make sense to sort a list with a single playlist in it, we'll hide the sort by element if there is a single playlist this.showPlaylistSortBy = playlistsTab.sort_filters.length > 1 && playlistsTab.playlists.length > 1 if (this.showPlaylistSortBy && this.playlistSortBy !== 'newest') { const index = this.playlistSelectValues.indexOf(this.playlistSortBy) playlistsTab = await playlistsTab.applySort(playlistsTab.sort_filters[index]) } if (expectedId !== { return } this.latestPlaylists = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.playlistContinuationData = playlistsTab.has_continuation ? playlistsTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getPlaylistsInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelPlaylistsLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation} */ const continuation = await this.playlistContinuationData.getContinuation() const parsedPlaylists = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.latestPlaylists = this.latestPlaylists.concat(parsedPlaylists) this.playlistContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, getPlaylistsInvidious: function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'playlists', id:, params: { sort_by: this.playlistSortBy } } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.playlistContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestPlaylists = response.playlists this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch(async (err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) if (!this.channelInstance) { this.channelInstance = await getLocalChannel( } this.getChannelPlaylistsLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getPlaylistsInvidiousMore: function () { if (this.playlistContinuationData === null) { console.warn('There are no more playlists available for this channel') return } const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'playlists', id:, params: { sort_by: this.playlistSortBy } } if (this.playlistContinuationData) { payload.params.continuation = this.playlistContinuationData } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.playlistContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestPlaylists = this.latestPlaylists.concat(response.playlists) this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) this.getChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getChannelReleasesLocal: async function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance const releaseTab = await channel.getReleases() if (expectedId !== { return } this.latestReleases = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.releaseContinuationData = releaseTab.has_continuation ? releaseTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getChannelReleasesInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelReleasesLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation} */ const continuation = await this.releaseContinuationData.getContinuation() const parsedReleases = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.latestReleases = this.latestReleases.concat(parsedReleases) this.releaseContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, channelInvidiousReleases: function() { this.isElementListLoading = true const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'releases', id:, } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.releaseContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestReleases = response.playlists this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch(async (err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) if (!this.channelInstance) { this.channelInstance = await getLocalChannel( } this.getChannelReleasesLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, channelInvidiousReleasesMore: function () { if (this.releaseContinuationData === null) { console.warn('There are no more podcasts available for this channel') return } const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'releases', id: } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.releaseContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestReleases = this.latestReleases.concat(response.playlists) this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) this.getChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getChannelPodcastsLocal: async function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance const podcastTab = await channel.getPodcasts() if (expectedId !== { return } this.latestPodcasts = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.podcastContinuationData = podcastTab.has_continuation ? podcastTab : null this.isElementListLoading = false } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.channelInvidiousPodcasts() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getChannelPodcastsLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation} */ const continuation = await this.podcastContinuationData.getContinuation() const parsedPodcasts = => parseLocalListPlaylist(playlist,, this.channelName)) this.latestPodcasts = this.latestPodcasts.concat(parsedPodcasts) this.releaseContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, channelInvidiousPodcasts: function() { this.isElementListLoading = true const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'podcasts', id:, } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.podcastContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestPodcasts = response.playlists this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch(async (err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) if (!this.channelInstance) { this.channelInstance = await getLocalChannel( } this.getChannelPodcastsLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, channelInvidiousPodcastsMore: function () { if (this.podcastContinuationData === null) { console.warn('There are no more podcasts available for this channel') return } const payload = { resource: 'channels', subResource: 'podcasts', id: } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.podcastContinuationData = response.continuation || null this.latestPodcasts = this.latestPodcasts.concat(response.playlists) this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) this.getChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getCommunityPostsLocal: async function () { const expectedId = try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel} */ const channel = this.channelInstance /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.Channel|import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation} */ let communityTab = await channel.getCommunity() if (expectedId !== { return } // work around YouTube bug where it will return a bunch of responses with only continuations in them // e.g. let posts = communityTab.posts while (posts.length === 0 && communityTab.has_continuation) { communityTab = await communityTab.getContinuation() posts = communityTab.posts } this.latestCommunityPosts = parseLocalCommunityPosts(posts) this.communityContinuationData = communityTab.has_continuation ? communityTab : null if (this.latestCommunityPosts.length > 0) { this.latestCommunityPosts.forEach(post => { post.authorId = }) this.updateSubscriptionPostsCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, the store will get angry at us for modifying it outside of the store, // when the user clicks load more posts: [...this.latestCommunityPosts] }) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.getCommunityPostsInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } }, getCommunityPostsLocalMore: async function () { try { /** * @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.ChannelListContinuation} */ let continuation = await this.communityContinuationData.getContinuation() // work around YouTube bug where it will return a bunch of responses with only continuations in them // e.g. let posts = continuation.posts while (posts.length === 0 && continuation.has_continuation) { continuation = await continuation.getContinuation() posts = continuation.posts } this.latestCommunityPosts = this.latestCommunityPosts.concat(parseLocalCommunityPosts(posts)) this.communityContinuationData = continuation.has_continuation ? continuation : null } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) } }, getCommunityPostsInvidious: function() { const more = !isNullOrEmpty(this.communityContinuationData) invidiousGetCommunityPosts(, this.communityContinuationData).then(({ posts, continuation }) => { if (more) { this.latestCommunityPosts.push(...posts) } else { this.latestCommunityPosts = posts } this.communityContinuationData = continuation if (this.isSubscribedInAnyProfile && !more && this.latestCommunityPosts.length > 0) { this.latestCommunityPosts.forEach(post => { post.authorId = }) this.updateSubscriptionPostsCacheByChannel({ channelId:, // create a copy so that we only cache the first page // if we use the same array, the store will get angry at us for modifying it outside of the store, // when the user clicks load more posts: [...this.latestCommunityPosts] }) } }).catch(async (err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) if (!this.channelInstance) { this.channelInstance = await getLocalChannel( } this.getCommunityPostsLocal() } }) }, setErrorMessage: function (errorMessage, responseHasNameAndThumbnail = false) { this.isLoading = false this.errorMessage = errorMessage if (!responseHasNameAndThumbnail) { this.channelName = this.subscriptionInfo?.name this.thumbnailUrl = this.subscriptionInfo?.thumbnail } this.bannerUrl = null this.subCount = null }, handleFetchMore: function () { switch (this.currentTab) { case 'videos': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.channelLocalNextPage() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousVideos() break } break case 'shorts': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelShortsLocalMore() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousShorts() break } break case 'live': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelLiveLocalMore() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousLive() break } break case 'releases': this.getChannelReleasesLocalMore() break case 'podcasts': this.getChannelPodcastsLocalMore() break case 'playlists': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelPlaylistsLocalMore() break case 'invidious': this.getPlaylistsInvidiousMore() break } break case 'search': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.searchChannelLocal() break case 'invidious': this.searchChannelInvidious() break } break case 'community': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getCommunityPostsLocalMore() break case 'invidious': this.getCommunityPostsInvidious() break } break default: console.error(this.currentTab) } }, changeTab: function (tab, event) { if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent) { if (event.altKey) { return } // use arrowkeys to navigate event.preventDefault() if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft' || event.key === 'ArrowRight') { const index = this.tabInfoValues.indexOf(tab) // focus left or right tab with wrap around tab = (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') ? this.tabInfoValues[(index > 0 ? index : this.tabInfoValues.length) - 1] : this.tabInfoValues[(index + 1) % this.tabInfoValues.length] const tabNode = document.getElementById(`${tab}Tab`) tabNode.focus() this.showOutlines() return } } // `newTabNode` can be `null` when `tab` === "search" const newTabNode = document.getElementById(`${tab}Tab`) this.currentTab = tab newTabNode?.focus() this.showOutlines() }, newSearch: function (query) { this.lastSearchQuery = query this.searchContinuationData = null this.isElementListLoading = true this.searchPage = 1 this.searchResults = [] this.changeTab('search') switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.searchChannelLocal() break case 'invidious': this.searchChannelInvidious() break } }, searchChannelLocal: async function () { const isNewSearch = this.searchContinuationData === null try { let result let contents if (isNewSearch) { if (!this.channelInstance.has_search) { showToast(this.$t('Channel.This channel does not allow searching'), 5000) this.showSearchBar = false return } result = await contents = result.current_tab.content.contents } else { result = await this.searchContinuationData.getContinuation() contents = result.contents.contents } const results = contents .filter(node => node.type === 'ItemSection') .flatMap(itemSection => itemSection.contents) .filter(item => item.type === 'Video' || (!this.hideChannelPlaylists && item.type === 'Playlist')) .map(item => { if (item.type === 'Video') { return parseLocalListVideo(item) } else { return parseLocalListPlaylist(item,, this.channelName) } }) if (isNewSearch) { this.searchResults = results } else { this.searchResults = this.searchResults.concat(results) } this.searchContinuationData = result.has_continuation ? result : null this.isElementListLoading = false } catch (err) { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (isNewSearch) { if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API')) this.searchChannelInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } } } }, searchChannelInvidious: function () { const payload = { resource: 'channels', id:, subResource: 'search', params: { q: this.lastSearchQuery, page: this.searchPage } } invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { setPublishedTimestampsInvidious(response.filter(item => item.type === 'video')) if (this.hideChannelPlaylists) { this.searchResults = this.searchResults.concat(response.filter(item => item.type !== 'playlist')) } else { this.searchResults = this.searchResults.concat(response) } this.isElementListLoading = false this.searchPage++ }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => { copyToClipboard(err) }) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API')) this.searchChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, keyboardShortcutHandler: function (event) { ctrlFHandler(event, this.$refs.channelSearchBar) }, ...mapActions([ 'showOutlines', 'updateSubscriptionDetails', 'updateSubscriptionVideosCacheByChannel', 'updateSubscriptionLiveCacheByChannel', 'updateSubscriptionShortsCacheWithChannelPageShorts', 'updateSubscriptionPostsCacheByChannel' ]) } })