import fs from 'fs/promises' import { IpcChannels } from '../../constants' import FtToastEvents from '../components/ft-toast/ft-toast-events' import i18n from '../i18n/index' import router from '../router/index' // allowed characters in channel handle: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, . // export const CHANNEL_HANDLE_REGEX = /^@[\w.-]{3,30}$/ const PUBLISHED_TEXT_REGEX = /(\d+)\s?([a-z]+)/i function currentLocale () { return i18n.locale.replace('_', '-') } /** * @param {string} publishedText * @param {boolean} isLive * @param {boolean} isUpcoming * @param {Date|undefined} premiereDate */ export function calculatePublishedDate(publishedText, isLive = false, isUpcoming = false, premiereDate = undefined) { const date = new Date() if (isLive) { return date.getTime() } else if (isUpcoming) { if (premiereDate) { return premiereDate.getTime() } else { // should never happen but just to be sure that we always return a number return date.getTime() } } if (!publishedText) { console.error("publishedText is missing but the video isn't live or upcoming") return undefined } const match = publishedText.match(PUBLISHED_TEXT_REGEX) const timeFrame = match[2] const timeAmount = parseInt(match[1]) let timeSpan = null if (timeFrame.startsWith('second') || timeFrame === 's') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 1000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('minute') || timeFrame === 'm') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 60000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('hour') || timeFrame === 'h') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 3600000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('day') || timeFrame === 'd') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 86400000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('week') || timeFrame === 'w') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 604800000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('month') || timeFrame === 'mo') { // 30 day month being used timeSpan = timeAmount * 2592000000 } else if (timeFrame.startsWith('year') || timeFrame === 'y') { timeSpan = timeAmount * 31556952000 } return date.getTime() - timeSpan } /** * @param {{ * liveNow: boolean, * isUpcoming: boolean, * premiereTimestamp: number, * published: number * }[]} videos */ export function setPublishedTimestampsInvidious(videos) { videos.forEach(video => { if (video.liveNow) { video.published = new Date().getTime() } else if (video.isUpcoming) { video.published = video.premiereTimestamp * 1000 } else if (typeof video.published === 'number') { video.published *= 1000 } }) } export function toLocalePublicationString ({ publishText, isLive = false, isUpcoming = false, isRSS = false }) { if (isLive) { return'Global.Counts.Watching Count', 0, { count: 0 }) } else if (isUpcoming || publishText === null) { // the check for null is currently just an inferring of knowledge, because there is no other possibility left return `${i18n.t('Video.Published.Upcoming')}: ${publishText}` } else if (isRSS) { return publishText } const match = publishText.match(PUBLISHED_TEXT_REGEX) const singular = (match[1] === '1') let unit = '' switch (match[2].substring(0, 2)) { case 'se': case 's': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Second') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Seconds') } break case 'mi': case 'm': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Minute') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Minutes') } break case 'ho': case 'h': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Hour') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Hours') } break case 'da': case 'd': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Day') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Days') } break case 'we': case 'w': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Week') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Weeks') } break case 'mo': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Month') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Months') } break case 'ye': case 'y': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Year') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Years') } break default: return publishText } return i18n.t('Video.Publicationtemplate', { number: match[1], unit }) } export function buildVTTFileLocally(storyboard, videoLengthSeconds) { let vttString = 'WEBVTT\n\n' // how many images are in one image const numberOfSubImagesPerImage = storyboard.columns * storyboard.rows // the number of storyboard images const numberOfImages = Math.ceil(storyboard.thumbnail_count / numberOfSubImagesPerImage) let intervalInSeconds if (storyboard.interval > 0) { intervalInSeconds = storyboard.interval / 1000 } else { intervalInSeconds = videoLengthSeconds / (numberOfImages * numberOfSubImagesPerImage) } let startHours = 0 let startMinutes = 0 let startSeconds = 0 let endHours = 0 let endMinutes = 0 let endSeconds = intervalInSeconds for (let i = 0; i < numberOfImages; i++) { const currentUrl = storyboard.template_url.replace('$M.jpg', `${i}.jpg`) let xCoord = 0 let yCoord = 0 for (let j = 0; j < numberOfSubImagesPerImage; j++) { // add the timestamp information const paddedStartHours = startHours.toString().padStart(2, '0') const paddedStartMinutes = startMinutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') const paddedStartSeconds = startSeconds.toFixed(3).padStart(6, '0') const paddedEndHours = endHours.toString().padStart(2, '0') const paddedEndMinutes = endMinutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') const paddedEndSeconds = endSeconds.toFixed(3).padStart(6, '0') vttString += `${paddedStartHours}:${paddedStartMinutes}:${paddedStartSeconds} --> ${paddedEndHours}:${paddedEndMinutes}:${paddedEndSeconds}\n` // add the current image url as well as the x, y, width, height information vttString += `${currentUrl}#xywh=${xCoord},${yCoord},${storyboard.thumbnail_width},${storyboard.thumbnail_height}\n\n` // update the variables startHours = endHours startMinutes = endMinutes startSeconds = endSeconds endSeconds += intervalInSeconds if (endSeconds >= 60) { endSeconds -= 60 endMinutes += 1 } if (endMinutes >= 60) { endMinutes -= 60 endHours += 1 } // x coordinate can only be smaller than the width of one subimage * the number of subimages per row xCoord = (xCoord + storyboard.thumbnail_width) % (storyboard.thumbnail_width * storyboard.columns) // only if the x coordinate is , so in a new row, we have to update the y coordinate if (xCoord === 0) { yCoord += storyboard.thumbnail_height } } } return vttString } export async function getFormatsFromHLSManifest(manifestUrl) { const response = await fetch(manifestUrl) const text = await response.text() const lines = text.split('\n').filter(line => line) const formats = [] let currentHeight = 0 let currentFPS = 0 for (const line of lines) { if (line.startsWith('#')) { if (!line.startsWith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:')) { continue } const parts = line.split(',') const height = parts.find(part => part.startsWith('RESOLUTION')) .split('x')[1] const fps = parts.find(part => part.startsWith('FRAME-RATE')) .split('=')[1] currentHeight = parseInt(height) currentFPS = parseInt(fps) } else { formats.push({ height: currentHeight, fps: currentFPS, url: line.trim() }) } } return formats } export function showToast(message, time = null, action = null) { FtToastEvents.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toast-open', { detail: { message, time, action } })) } /** * This writes to the clipboard. If an error occurs during the copy, * a toast with the error is shown. If the copy is successful and * there is a success message, a toast with that message is shown. * @param {string} content the content to be copied to the clipboard * @param {null|string} messageOnSuccess the message to be displayed as a toast when the copy succeeds (optional) * @param {null|string} messageOnError the message to be displayed as a toast when the copy fails (optional) */ export async function copyToClipboard(content, { messageOnSuccess = null, messageOnError = null } = {}) { if (navigator.clipboard !== undefined && window.isSecureContext) { try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(content) if (messageOnSuccess !== null) { showToast(messageOnSuccess) } } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to copy ${content} to clipboard`, error) if (messageOnError !== null) { showToast(`${messageOnError}: ${error}`, 5000) } else { showToast(`${i18n.t('Clipboard.Copy failed')}: ${error}`, 5000) } } } else { showToast(i18n.t('Clipboard.Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection'), 5000) } } /** * Opens a link in the default web browser or a new tab in the web builds * @param {string} url the URL to open */ export function openExternalLink(url) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer ipcRenderer.send(IpcChannels.OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINK, url) } else {, '_blank') } } /** * Opens an internal path in the same or a new window. * Optionally with query params and setting the contents of the search bar in the new window. * @param {object} params * @param {string} params.path the internal path to open * @param {boolean} params.doCreateNewWindow set to true to open a new window * @param {object} params.query the query params to use (optional) * @param {string} params.searchQueryText the text to show in the search bar in the new window (optional) */ export function openInternalPath({ path, query = {}, doCreateNewWindow, searchQueryText = null }) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON && doCreateNewWindow) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') // Combine current document path and new "hash" as new window startup URL const newWindowStartupURL = new URL(window.location.href) newWindowStartupURL.hash = `${path}?${(new URLSearchParams(query)).toString()}` ipcRenderer.send(IpcChannels.CREATE_NEW_WINDOW, { windowStartupUrl: newWindowStartupURL.toString(), searchQueryText }) } else { router.push({ path, query }) } } export async function showOpenDialog (options) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') return await ipcRenderer.invoke(IpcChannels.SHOW_OPEN_DIALOG, options) } else { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const fileInput = document.createElement('input') fileInput.setAttribute('type', 'file') if (options?.filters[0]?.extensions !== undefined) { // this will map the given extensions from the options to the accept attribute of the input fileInput.setAttribute('accept', options.filters[0] => { return `.${extension}` }).join(', ')) } fileInput.onchange = () => { const files = Array.from(fileInput.files) resolve({ canceled: false, files, filePaths:{ name }) => { return name }) }) delete fileInput.onchange } const listenForEnd = () => { window.removeEventListener('focus', listenForEnd) // 1 second timeout on the response from the file picker to prevent awaiting forever setTimeout(() => { if (fileInput.files.length === 0 && typeof fileInput.onchange === 'function') { // if there are no files and the onchange has not been triggered, the file-picker was canceled resolve({ canceled: true }) delete fileInput.onchange } }, 1000) } window.addEventListener('focus', listenForEnd) }) } } /** * @param {object} response the response from `showOpenDialog` * @param {number} index which file to read (defaults to the first in the response) * @returns the text contents of the selected file */ export function readFileFromDialog(response, index = 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { // if this is Electron, use fs fs.readFile(response.filePaths[index]) .then(data => { resolve(new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(data)) }) .catch(reject) } else { // if this is web, use FileReader try { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (file) { resolve(file.currentTarget.result) } reader.readAsText(response.files[index]) } catch (exception) { reject(exception) } } }) } export async function showSaveDialog (options) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') return await ipcRenderer.invoke(IpcChannels.SHOW_SAVE_DIALOG, options) } else { // If the native filesystem api is available if ('showSaveFilePicker' in window) { return { canceled: false, handle: await window.showSaveFilePicker({ suggestedName: options.defaultPath.split('/').at(-1), types: options.filters[0]?.extensions?.map((extension) => { return { accept: { 'application/octet-stream': '.' + extension } } }) }) } } else { return { canceled: false, filePath: options.defaultPath } } } } /** * Write to a file picked out from the `showSaveDialog` picker * @param {object} response the response from `showSaveDialog` * @param {string} content the content to be written to the file selected by the dialog */ export async function writeFileFromDialog (response, content) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { filePath } = response return await fs.writeFile(filePath, content) } else { if ('showOpenFilePicker' in window) { const { handle } = response const writableStream = await handle.createWritable() await writableStream.write(content) await writableStream.close() } else { // If the native filesystem api is not available, const { filePath } = response const filename = filePath.split('/').at(-1) const a = document.createElement('a') const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })) a.setAttribute('href', url) a.setAttribute('download', encodeURI(filename)) } } } /** * This creates an absolute web url from a given path. * It will assume all given paths are relative to the current window location. * @param {string} path relative path to resource * @returns {string} absolute web path */ export function createWebURL(path) { const url = new URL(window.location.href) const { origin } = url let windowPath = url.pathname // Remove the html file name from the path if (windowPath.endsWith('.html')) { windowPath = windowPath.replace(/[^./]*\.html$/, '') } // Remove proceeding slash in given path if there is one if (path.startsWith('/')) { path = path.substring(1, path.length) } // Remove trailing slash if there is one if (windowPath.endsWith('/')) { windowPath = windowPath.substring(0, windowPath.length - 1) } return `${origin}${windowPath}/${path}` } // strip html tags but keep
, , , , , export function stripHTML(value) { return value.replaceAll(/(<(?!br|\/?[abis]|img>)([^>]+)>)/gi, '') } /** * This formats the duration of a video in seconds into a user friendly timestamp. * It will return strings like LIVE or UPCOMING, without making any changes * @param {string|number} lengthSeconds the video duration in seconds or the strings LIVE or UPCOMING * @returns {string} timestamp or LIVE or UPCOMING */ export function formatDurationAsTimestamp(lengthSeconds) { if (typeof lengthSeconds === 'string') { return lengthSeconds } if (lengthSeconds === 0) { return '0:00' } let hours = 0 if (lengthSeconds >= 3600) { hours = Math.floor(lengthSeconds / 3600) lengthSeconds = lengthSeconds - hours * 3600 } let minutes = Math.floor(lengthSeconds / 60) if (minutes < 10 && hours > 0) { minutes = '0' + minutes } let seconds = lengthSeconds - minutes * 60 if (seconds < 10) { seconds = '0' + seconds } let timestamp = '' if (hours > 0) { timestamp = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds } else { timestamp = minutes + ':' + seconds } return timestamp } export function searchFiltersMatch(filtersA, filtersB) { return filtersA?.sortBy === filtersB?.sortBy && filtersA?.time === filtersB?.time && filtersA?.type === filtersB?.type && filtersA?.duration === filtersB?.duration } export function replaceFilenameForbiddenChars(filenameOriginal) { let filenameNew = filenameOriginal let forbiddenChars = {} switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': forbiddenChars = { '<': '<', // U+FF1C '>': '>', // U+FF1E ':': ':', // U+FF1A '"': '"', // U+FF02 '/': '/', // U+FF0F '\\': '\', // U+FF3C '|': '|', // U+FF5C '?': '?', // U+FF1F '*': '*' // U+FF0A } break case 'darwin': forbiddenChars = { '/': '/', ':': ':' } break case 'linux': forbiddenChars = { '/': '/' } break default: break } for (const forbiddenChar in forbiddenChars) { filenameNew = filenameNew.replaceAll(forbiddenChar, forbiddenChars[forbiddenChar]) } return filenameNew } export async function getSystemLocale() { let locale if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') locale = await ipcRenderer.invoke(IpcChannels.GET_SYSTEM_LOCALE) } else { if (navigator && navigator.language) { locale = navigator.language } } return locale || 'en-US' } export async function getUserDataPath() { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') return await ipcRenderer.invoke(IpcChannels.GET_USER_DATA_PATH) } else { // TODO: implement getUserDataPath web compatible callback return null } } export async function getPicturesPath() { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') return await ipcRenderer.invoke(IpcChannels.GET_PICTURES_PATH) } else { return null } } export function extractNumberFromString(str) { if (typeof str === 'string') { return parseInt(str.replaceAll(/\D+/g, '')) } else { return NaN } } export function showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast(externalPlayer, action) { const message = i18n.t('Video.External Player.UnsupportedActionTemplate', { externalPlayer, action }) showToast(message) } export function getVideoParamsFromUrl(url) { /** @type {URL} */ let urlObject const paramsObject = { videoId: null, timestamp: null, playlistId: null } try { urlObject = new URL(url) } catch (e) { return paramsObject } function extractParams(videoId) { paramsObject.videoId = videoId paramsObject.timestamp = urlObject.searchParams.get('t') } const extractors = [ // anything with /watch?v= function () { if (urlObject.pathname === '/watch' && urlObject.searchParams.has('v')) { extractParams(urlObject.searchParams.get('v')) paramsObject.playlistId = urlObject.searchParams.get('list') return paramsObject } }, // function () { if ( === '' && /^\/[\w-]+$/.test(urlObject.pathname)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.slice(1)) paramsObject.playlistId = urlObject.searchParams.get('list') return paramsObject } }, // function () { if (/^\/embed\/[\w-]+$/.test(urlObject.pathname)) { const urlTail = urlObject.pathname.replace('/embed/', '') if (urlTail === 'videoseries') { paramsObject.playlistId = urlObject.searchParams.get('list') } else { extractParams(urlTail) } return paramsObject } }, // function () { if (/^\/shorts\/[\w-]+$/.test(urlObject.pathname)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.replace('/shorts/', '')) return paramsObject } }, // function () { if (/^\/live\/[\w-]+$/.test(urlObject.pathname)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.replace('/live/', '')) return paramsObject } }, // cloudtube function () { if (/^cadence\.(gq|moe)$/.test( && /^\/cloudtube\/video\/[\w-]+$/.test(urlObject.pathname)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.slice('/cloudtube/video/'.length)) return paramsObject } } ] return extractors.reduce((a, c) => a || c(), null) || paramsObject } /** * This will match sequences of upper case characters and convert them into title cased words. * This will also match excessive strings of punctionation and convert them to one representative character * @param {string} title the title to process * @param {number} minUpperCase the minimum number of consecutive upper case characters to match * @returns {string} the title with upper case characters removed and punctuation normalized */ export function toDistractionFreeTitle(title, minUpperCase = 3) { const firstValidCharIndex = (word) => { const reg = /[\p{L}]/u return } const capitalizedWord = (word) => { const chars = word.split('') const index = firstValidCharIndex(word) chars[index] = chars[index].toUpperCase() return chars.join('') } const reg = RegExp(`[\\p{Lu}|']{${minUpperCase},}`, 'ug') return title .replaceAll(/!{2,}/g, '!') .replaceAll(/[!?]{2,}/g, '?') .replace(reg, x => capitalizedWord(x.toLowerCase())) } export function formatNumber(number, options = undefined) { return Intl.NumberFormat([i18n.locale.replace('_', '-'), 'en'], options).format(number) } export function getTodayDateStrLocalTimezone() { const timeNow = new Date() // `Date#getTimezoneOffset` returns the difference, in minutes // const timeNowStr = new Date(timeNow.getTime() - (timeNow.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString() // `Date#toISOString` returns string with `T` as date/time separator (ISO 8601 format) // e.g. 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z // return timeNowStr.split('T')[0] } export function getRelativeTimeFromDate(date, hideSeconds = false, useThirtyDayMonths = true) { if (!date) { return '' } const now = new Date().getTime() // Convert from ms to second // For easier code interpretation the value is made to be positive let timeDiffFromNow = ((now - date) / 1000) let timeUnit = 'second' if (timeDiffFromNow < 60 && hideSeconds) { return i18n.t('Moments Ago') } if (timeDiffFromNow >= 60) { timeDiffFromNow /= 60 timeUnit = 'minute' } if (timeUnit === 'minute' && timeDiffFromNow >= 60) { timeDiffFromNow /= 60 timeUnit = 'hour' } if (timeUnit === 'hour' && timeDiffFromNow >= 24) { timeDiffFromNow /= 24 timeUnit = 'day' } const timeDiffFromNowDays = timeDiffFromNow if (timeUnit === 'day' && timeDiffFromNow >= 7) { timeDiffFromNow /= 7 timeUnit = 'week' } /* Different months might have a different number of days. In some contexts, to ensure the display is fine, we use 31. In other contexts, like when working with calculatePublishedDate, we use 30. */ const daysInMonth = useThirtyDayMonths ? 30 : 31 if (timeUnit === 'week' && timeDiffFromNowDays >= daysInMonth) { timeDiffFromNow = timeDiffFromNowDays / daysInMonth timeUnit = 'month' } if (timeUnit === 'month' && timeDiffFromNow >= 12) { timeDiffFromNow /= 12 timeUnit = 'year' } // Using `Math.ceil` so that -1.x days ago displayed as 1 day ago // Notice that the value is turned to negative to be displayed as "ago" return new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat([currentLocale(), 'en']).format(Math.ceil(-timeDiffFromNow), timeUnit) } /** * Escapes HTML tags to avoid XSS * @param {string} untrusted * @returns {string} */ export function escapeHTML(untrusted) { return untrusted.replaceAll('&', '&') .replaceAll('<', '<') .replaceAll('>', '>') .replaceAll('"', '"') .replaceAll('\'', ''') } /** * Performs a deep copy of a javascript object * @param {Object} obj * @returns {Object} */ export function deepCopy(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) } /** * Check if the `name` of the error is `TimeoutError` to know if the error was caused by a timeout or something else. * @param {number} timeoutMs * @param {RequestInfo|URL} input * @param {RequestInit=} init */ export async function fetchWithTimeout(timeoutMs, input, init) { const timeoutSignal = AbortSignal.timeout(timeoutMs) if (typeof init !== 'undefined') { init.signal = timeoutSignal } else { init = { signal: timeoutSignal } } try { return await fetch(input, init) } catch (err) { if ( === 'AbortError' && timeoutSignal.aborted) { // According to the spec, fetch should use the original abort reason. // Unfortunately chromium browsers always throw an AbortError, even when it was caused by a TimeoutError, // so we need manually throw the original abort reason // throw timeoutSignal.reason } else { throw err } } }