import { settingsDb } from '../datastores' /** * NOTE: If someone wants to add a new setting to the app, * all that needs to be done in this file is adding * the setting name and its default value to the `state` object * * The respective getter, mutation (setter) and action (updater) will * be automatically generated with the following pattern: * * Setting: example * Getter: getExample * Mutation: setExample * Action: updateExample * * For more details on this, see the expanded exemplification below * * If, for whatever reason, the setting needs less or more * functionality than what these auto-generated functions can provide, * then that setting and its necessary functions must be manually added * only AFTER the generic ones have been auto-generated * Example: `usingElectron` (doesn't need an action) * * The same rule applies for standalone getters, mutations and actions * Example: `grabUserSettings` (standalone action) */ const state = { currentTheme: 'lightRed', uiScale: 100, backendFallback: true, checkForUpdates: true, checkForBlogPosts: true, backendPreference: 'local', landingPage: 'subscriptions', region: 'US', listType: 'grid', thumbnailPreference: '', invidiousInstance: '', defaultProfile: 'allChannels', barColor: false, enableSearchSuggestions: true, rememberHistory: true, saveWatchedProgress: true, removeVideoMetaFiles: true, autoplayVideos: true, autoplayPlaylists: true, playNextVideo: false, enableSubtitles: true, forceLocalBackendForLegacy: false, proxyVideos: false, defaultTheatreMode: false, defaultInterval: 5, defaultVolume: 1, defaultPlayback: 1, defaultVideoFormat: 'dash', defaultQuality: '720', defaultCaptionSettings: '{}', useProxy: false, proxyProtocol: 'socks5', proxyHostname: '', proxyPort: '9050', debugMode: false, disableSmoothScrolling: false, hideWatchedSubs: false, useRssFeeds: false, hideVideoViews: false, hideVideoLikesAndDislikes: false, hideChannelSubscriptions: false, hideCommentLikes: false, hideRecommendedVideos: false, hideTrendingVideos: false, hidePopularVideos: false, hidePlaylists: false, hideLiveChat: false, hideActiveSubscriptions: false, videoVolumeMouseScroll: false, useSponsorBlock: false, sponsorBlockUrl: '', sponsorBlockShowSkippedToast: true, displayVideoPlayButton: true } const getters = {} const mutations = {} const actions = {} /** * Build getters, mutations and actions for every setting id * e.g.: * Setting id: uiScale * Getter: * getUiScale: (state) => state.uiScale * Mutation: * setUiScale: (state, uiScaleValue) => state.uiScale = uiScaleValue * Action: * updateUiScale: ({ commit }, uiScaleValue) => { * await settingsDb.update( * { _id: 'uiScale' }, * { _id: 'uiScale', value: uiScaleValue }, * { upsert: true }, * (err, _) => { * commit('setUiScale', uiScaleValue) * } * ) */ for (const settingId of Object.keys(state)) { const capitalizedSettingId = settingId.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()) const getterId = 'get' + capitalizedSettingId const mutationId = 'set' + capitalizedSettingId const actionId = 'update' + capitalizedSettingId getters[getterId] = (state) => state[settingId] mutations[mutationId] = (state, value) => { state[settingId] = value } actions[actionId] = ({ commit }, value) => { settingsDb.update( { _id: settingId }, { _id: settingId, value: value }, { upsert: true }, (err, _) => { if (!err) { commit(mutationId, value) if (getters.getUsingElectron) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') // Propagate setting values to all other existing windows ipcRenderer.send('syncSetting', { _id: settingId, value: value }) } } } ) } } // Custom state Object.assign(state, { // Add `usingElectron` to the state usingElectron: window?.process?.type === 'renderer' }) // Custom getters Object.assign(getters, { // Getter for `usingElectron` getUsingElectron: (state) => state.usingElectron }) // Custom mutations // Object.assign(mutations, {}) // Custom actions Object.assign(actions, { // Add `grabUserSettings` to actions grabUserSettings: ({ commit, getters }) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { settingsDb.find( { _id: { $ne: 'bounds' } }, (err, userSettings) => { if (err) { reject(err) return } const specialSettings = new Map([ ['uiScale', (value) => { if (getters.getUsingElectron) { const { webFrame } = require('electron') webFrame.setZoomFactor(parseInt(value) / 100) } commit('setUiScale', value) } ], ['defaultVolume', (value) => { sessionStorage.setItem('volume', value) commit('setDefaultVolume', value) } ] ]) for (const setting of userSettings) { if (specialSettings.has(setting._id)) { const specialSettingHandler = specialSettings.get(setting._id) specialSettingHandler(setting.value) continue } const capitalizedSettingId = setting._id.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()) commit('set' + capitalizedSettingId, setting.value) } resolve() } ) }) }, setUpListenerToSyncSettings: ({ commit, getters }) => { if (getters.getUsingElectron) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') ipcRenderer.on('syncSetting', (_, setting) => { const capitalizedSettingId = setting._id.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()) commit('set' + capitalizedSettingId, setting.value) }) } } }) export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }