const { existsSync, readFileSync, statSync } = require('fs') const { brotliCompress, constants } = require('zlib') const { promisify } = require('util') const { load: loadYaml } = require('js-yaml') const brotliCompressAsync = promisify(brotliCompress) class ProcessLocalesPlugin { constructor(options = {}) { this.compress = !!options.compress this.isIncrementalBuild = false if (typeof options.inputDir !== 'string') { throw new Error('ProcessLocalesPlugin: no input directory `inputDir` specified.') } else if (!existsSync(options.inputDir)) { throw new Error('ProcessLocalesPlugin: the specified input directory does not exist.') } this.inputDir = options.inputDir if (typeof options.outputDir !== 'string') { throw new Error('ProcessLocalesPlugin: no output directory `outputDir` specified.') } this.outputDir = options.outputDir this.locales = {} this.localeNames = [] this.activeLocales = [] this.cache = {} this.loadLocales() } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('ProcessLocalesPlugin', (compilation) => { const IS_DEV_SERVER = !!compiler.watching const { CachedSource, RawSource } = compiler.webpack.sources; compilation.hooks.additionalAssets.tapPromise('process-locales-plugin', async (_assets) => { // While running in the webpack dev server, this hook gets called for every incremental build. // For incremental builds we can return the already processed versions, which saves time // and makes webpack treat them as cached const promises = [] // Prevents `loadLocales` called twice on first time (e.g. release build) if (this.isIncrementalBuild) { this.loadLocales(true) } else { this.isIncrementalBuild = true } Object.values(this.locales).forEach((localeEntry) => { const { locale, data, mtimeMs } = localeEntry promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (IS_DEV_SERVER) { const cacheEntry = this.cache[locale] if (cacheEntry != null) { const { filename, source, mtimeMs: cachedMtimeMs } = cacheEntry if (cachedMtimeMs === mtimeMs) { compilation.emitAsset(filename, source, { minimized: true }) resolve() return } } } this.removeEmptyValues(data) let filename = `${this.outputDir}/${locale}.json` let output = JSON.stringify(data) if (this.compress) { filename += '.br' output = await this.compressLocale(output) } let source = new RawSource(output) if (IS_DEV_SERVER) { source = new CachedSource(source) this.cache[locale] = { filename, source, mtimeMs } } compilation.emitAsset(filename, source, { minimized: true }) resolve() })) if (IS_DEV_SERVER) { // we don't need the unmodified sources anymore, as we use the cache `this.cache` // so we can clear this to free some memory delete } }) await Promise.all(promises) }) }) } loadLocales(loadModifiedFilesOnly = false) { if (this.activeLocales.length === 0) { this.activeLocales = JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${this.inputDir}/activeLocales.json`)) } for (const locale of this.activeLocales) { const filePath = `${this.inputDir}/${locale}.yaml` // Cannot use `mtime` since values never equal const mtimeMsFromStats = statSync(filePath).mtimeMs if (loadModifiedFilesOnly) { // Skip reading files where mtime (modified time) same as last read // (stored in mtime) const existingMtime = this.locales[locale]?.mtimeMs if (existingMtime != null && existingMtime === mtimeMsFromStats) { continue } } const contents = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8') const data = loadYaml(contents) this.locales[locale] = { locale, data, mtimeMs: mtimeMsFromStats } const localeName = data['Locale Name'] ?? locale if (!loadModifiedFilesOnly) { this.localeNames.push(localeName) } } } async compressLocale(data) { const buffer = Buffer.from(data, 'utf-8') return await brotliCompressAsync(buffer, { params: { [constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: constants.BROTLI_MODE_TEXT, [constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: constants.BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY, [constants.BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT]: buffer.byteLength } }) } /** * vue-i18n doesn't fallback if the translation is an empty string * so we want to get rid of them and also remove the empty objects that can get left behind * if we've removed all the keys and values in them * @param {object|string} data */ removeEmptyValues(data) { for (const key of Object.keys(data)) { const value = data[key] if (typeof value === 'object') { this.removeEmptyValues(value) } if (!value || (typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0)) { delete data[key] } } } } module.exports = ProcessLocalesPlugin