import Vue from 'vue' import FtCard from '../ft-card/ft-card.vue' import $ from 'jquery' import videojs from 'video.js' import qualitySelector from '@silvermine/videojs-quality-selector' import 'videojs-vtt-thumbnails-freetube' import 'videojs-contrib-quality-levels' import 'videojs-http-source-selector' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'FtVideoPlayer', components: { 'ft-card': FtCard }, props: { format: { type: String, required: true }, sourceList: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] } }, dashSrc: { type: Array, default: null }, hlsSrc: { type: Array, default: null }, captionList: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] } }, storyboardSrc: { type: String, default: '' }, thumbnail: { type: String, default: '' } }, data: function () { return { id: '', volume: 1, player: null, useDash: false, useHls: false, selectedDefaultQuality: '', activeSourceList: [], mouseTimeout: null, dataSetup: { aspectRatio: '16:9', nativeTextTracks: false, plugins: {}, controlBar: { children: [ 'playToggle', 'volumePanel', 'currentTimeDisplay', 'timeDivider', 'durationDisplay', 'progressControl', 'liveDisplay', 'seekToLive', 'remainingTimeDisplay', 'customControlSpacer', 'playbackRateMenuButton', 'chaptersButton', 'descriptionsButton', 'subsCapsButton', 'audioTrackButton', 'QualitySelector', 'pictureInPictureToggle', 'fullscreenToggle' ] }, playbackRates: [ 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3 ] } } }, computed: { defaultPlayback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultPlayback }, defaultQuality: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultQuality }, defaultVideoFormat: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultVideoFormat }, autoplayVideos: function () { return this.$store.getters.getAutoplayVideos } }, watch: { sourceList: function () { this.determineFormatType() }, captionList: function () { this.player.caption({ data: this.captionList }) } }, mounted: function () { = this._uid const volume = sessionStorage.getItem('volume') if (volume !== null) { this.volume = volume } this.determineFormatType() }, beforeDestroy: function () { if (this.player !== null && !this.player.isInPictureInPicture()) { this.player.dispose() this.player = null clearTimeout(this.mouseTimeout) } }, methods: { initializePlayer: async function () { const videoPlayer = document.getElementById( if (videoPlayer !== null) { if (!this.useDash) { qualitySelector(videojs, { showQualitySelectionLabelInControlBar: true }) await this.determineDefaultQuality() } this.player = videojs(videoPlayer) this.player.volume(this.volume) this.player.playbackRate(this.defaultPlayback) if (this.storyboardSrc !== '') { this.player.vttThumbnails({ src: this.storyboardSrc, showTimestamp: true }) } if (this.useDash) { this.dataSetup.plugins.httpSourceSelector = { default: 'auto' } this.player.httpSourceSelector() } if (this.autoplayVideos) { // Calling play() won't happen right away, so a quick timeout will make it function properly. setTimeout(() => { }, 200) } $(document).on('keydown', this.keyboardShortcutHandler) this.player.on('mousemove', this.hideMouseTimeout) this.player.on('mouseleave', this.removeMouseTimeout) this.player.on('volumechange', this.updateVolume) const v = this this.player.on('ready', function () { v.$emit('ready') }) this.player.on('ended', function () { v.$emit('ended') }) this.player.on('error', function (error, message) { v.$emit('error', }) } }, updateVolume: function (event) { const volume = this.player.volume() sessionStorage.setItem('volume', volume) }, determineFormatType: function () { if (this.format === 'dash') { this.enableDashFormat() } else { this.enableLegacyFormat() } }, determineDefaultQuality: function (label) { if (this.useDash) { return } if (this.sourceList.length === 0) { return '' } if (typeof (this.sourceList[0].qualityLabel) === 'number') { return '' } let maxAvailableQuality = parseInt(this.sourceList[this.sourceList.length - 1].qualityLabel.replace(/p|k/, '')) if (maxAvailableQuality === 4) { maxAvailableQuality = 2160 } if (maxAvailableQuality === 8) { maxAvailableQuality = 4320 } if (maxAvailableQuality < this.defaultQuality) { this.selectedDefaultQuality = this.sourceList[this.sourceList.length - 1].qualityLabel } const reversedList = [].concat(this.sourceList).reverse() reversedList.forEach((source, index) => { let qualityNumber = parseInt(source.qualityLabel.replace(/p|k/, '')) if (qualityNumber === 4) { qualityNumber = 2160 } if (qualityNumber === 8) { qualityNumber = 4320 } if (index < (this.sourceList.length - 1)) { let upperQualityNumber = parseInt(reversedList[index + 1].qualityLabel.replace(/p|k/, '')) if (upperQualityNumber === 4) { upperQualityNumber = 2160 } if (upperQualityNumber === 8) { upperQualityNumber = 4320 } if (this.defaultQuality >= qualityNumber && this.defaultQuality < upperQualityNumber) { this.selectedDefaultQuality = source.qualityLabel } } else if (qualityNumber === this.defaultQuality) { this.selectedDefaultQuality = source.qualityLabel } }) if (this.selectedDefaultQuality === '') { this.selectedDefaultQuality = this.sourceList[this.sourceList.length - 1].qualityLabel } }, enableDashFormat: function () { if (this.dashSrc === null) { console.log('No dash format available.') return } this.useDash = true this.useHls = false this.activeSourceList = this.dashSrc setTimeout(this.initializePlayer, 100) }, enableLegacyFormat: function () { if (this.sourceList.length === 0) { console.log('No sources available') return } this.useDash = false this.useHls = false this.activeSourceList = this.sourceList setTimeout(this.initializePlayer, 100) }, togglePlayPause: function () { if (this.player.paused()) { } else { this.player.pause() } }, changeDurationBySeconds: function (seconds) { const currentTime = this.player.currentTime() const newTime = currentTime + seconds if (newTime < 0) { this.player.currentTime(0) } else if (newTime > this.player.duration) { this.player.currentTime(this.player.duration) } else { this.player.currentTime(newTime) } }, changeDurationByPercentage: function (percentage) { const duration = this.player.duration() const newTime = duration * percentage this.player.currentTime(newTime) }, changePlayBackRate: function (rate) { const newPlaybackRate = this.player.playbackRate() + rate if (newPlaybackRate >= 0.25 && newPlaybackRate <= 3) { this.player.playbackRate(newPlaybackRate) } }, changeVolume: function (volume) { const currentVolume = this.player.volume() const newVolume = currentVolume + volume if (newVolume < 0) { this.player.volume(0) } else if (newVolume > 1) { this.player.volume(1) } else { this.player.volume(newVolume) } }, toggleMute: function () { if (this.player.muted()) { this.player.muted(false) } else { this.player.muted(true) } }, toggleFullscreen: function () { if (this.player.isFullscreen()) { this.player.exitFullscreen() } else { this.player.requestFullscreen() } }, toggleCaptions: function () { const tracks = this.player.textTracks().tracks_ if (tracks.length > 1) { if (tracks[1].mode === 'showing') { tracks[1].mode = 'disabled' } else { tracks[1].mode = 'showing' } } }, hideMouseTimeout: function () { if ( === '') { return } const videoPlayer = $(`#${} video`).get(0) if (typeof (videoPlayer) !== 'undefined') { = 'default' clearTimeout(this.mouseTimeout) this.mouseTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { = 'none' }, 2650) } }, removeMouseTimeout: function () { if (this.mouseTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.mouseTimeout) } }, keyboardShortcutHandler: function (event) { const activeInputs = $('.ft-input') for (let i = 0; i < activeInputs.length; i++) { if (activeInputs[i] === document.activeElement) { return } } if (this.player !== null) { switch (event.which) { case 32: // Space Bar // Toggle Play/Pause event.preventDefault() this.togglePlayPause() break case 74: // J Key // Rewind by 10 seconds event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationBySeconds(-10) break case 75: // K Key // Toggle Play/Pause event.preventDefault() this.togglePlayPause() break case 76: // L Key // Fast Forward by 10 seconds event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationBySeconds(10) break case 79: // O Key // Decrease playback rate by 0.25x event.preventDefault() this.changePlayBackRate(-0.25) break case 80: // P Key // Increase playback rate by 0.25x event.preventDefault() this.changePlayBackRate(0.25) break case 70: // F Key // Toggle Fullscreen Playback event.preventDefault() this.toggleFullscreen() break case 77: // M Key // Toggle Mute event.preventDefault() this.toggleMute() break case 67: // C Key // Toggle Captions event.preventDefault() this.toggleCaptions() break case 38: // Up Arrow Key // Increase volume event.preventDefault() this.changeVolume(0.05) break case 40: // Down Arrow Key // Descrease Volume event.preventDefault() this.changeVolume(-0.05) break case 37: // Left Arrow Key // Rewind by 5 seconds event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationBySeconds(-5) break case 39: // Right Arrow Key // Fast Foward by 5 seconds event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationBySeconds(5) break case 49: // 1 Key // Jump to 10% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.1) break case 50: // 2 Key // Jump to 20% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.2) break case 51: // 3 Key // Jump to 30% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.3) break case 52: // 4 Key // Jump to 40% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.4) break case 53: // 5 Key // Jump to 50% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.5) break case 54: // 6 Key // Jump to 60% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.6) break case 55: // 7 Key // Jump to 70% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.7) break case 56: // 8 Key // Jump to 80% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.8) break case 57: // 9 Key // Jump to 90% in the video event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0.9) break case 48: // 0 Key // Jump to 0% in the video (The beginning) event.preventDefault() this.changeDurationByPercentage(0) break } } } }, beforeRouteLeave: function () { if (this.player !== null && !this.player.isInPictureInPicture()) { this.player.dispose() this.player = null clearTimeout(this.mouseTimeout) } else if (this.player.isInPictureInPicture()) { } } })