# Put the name of your locale in the same language Locale Name: 'Latviešu' FreeTube: 'FreeTube' # Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History 'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': > # Webkit Menu Bar File: 'Datne' New Window: 'Jauns logs' Preferences: 'Iestatījumi' Quit: 'Iziet' Edit: 'Rediģēt' Undo: 'Atcelt' Redo: 'Darīt vēlreiz' Cut: 'Izgriezt' Copy: 'Kopēt' Paste: 'Ielīmēt' Delete: 'Dzēst' Select all: 'Iezīmēt visu' Reload: 'Pārlādēt' Force Reload: 'Piespiedu pārlāde' Toggle Developer Tools: 'Ieslēgt izstrādātāja rīkus' Actual size: 'Patiesais izmērs' Zoom in: 'Tuvināt' Zoom out: 'Tālināt' Toggle fullscreen: 'Pilnekrāns' Window: 'Logs' Minimize: 'Samazināt' Close: 'Aizvērt' Back: 'Atpakaļ' Forward: 'Uz priekšu' Open New Window: 'Atvērt jaunu logu' Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: '' Download From Site: 'Lejuplādēt no vietnes' A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: '' Are you sure you want to open this link?: '' # Global # Anything shared among components / views should be put here Global: Videos: 'Video' Shorts: 'Īsie' Live: 'Tiešraides' Community: 'Kopiena' Counts: Video Count: '' Channel Count: '' Subscriber Count: '' View Count: '' Watching Count: '' # Search Bar Search / Go to URL: '' Search Bar: Clear Input: 'Tīrīt ievadi' # In Filter Button Search Filters: Search Filters: '' Sort By: Sort By: '' Most Relevant: 'Visatbilstošākie' Rating: 'Vērtējums' Upload Date: 'Augšuplādes datums' View Count: 'Skatījumi' Time: Time: 'Laiks' Any Time: 'Jebkurā laikā' Last Hour: 'Pēdējā stundā' Today: 'Šodien' This Week: 'Šonedēļ' This Month: 'Šomēnes' This Year: 'Šogad' Type: Type: 'Veids' All Types: 'Visi veidi' Videos: 'Video' Channels: 'Kanāli' Movies: 'Filmas' #& Playlists Duration: Duration: 'Ilgums' All Durations: 'Visi ilgumi' Short (< 4 minutes): 'Īss (<4 minūtēm)' Medium (4 - 20 minutes): 'Vidējs (4 - 20 minūtes)' Long (> 20 minutes): 'Ilgs (> 20 minūtes)' # On Search Page Search Results: '' Fetching results. Please wait: '' Fetch more results: '' There are no more results for this search: '' # Sidebar Subscriptions: # On Subscriptions Page Subscriptions: '' # channels that were likely deleted Error Channels: '' Latest Subscriptions: '' This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: '' 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': '' Disabled Automatic Fetching: '' Empty Channels: '' 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': '' Empty Posts: '' Refresh Subscriptions: '' Load More Videos: '' Load More Posts: 'Ielādēt vairāk ierakstus' Subscriptions Tabs: '' All Subscription Tabs Hidden: '' More: '' Channels: Channels: '' Title: '' Search bar placeholder: '' Count: '' Empty: '' Unsubscribe: '' Unsubscribed: '' Unsubscribe Prompt: '' Trending: Trending: '' Default: '' Music: 'Mūzika' Gaming: 'Spēles' Movies: 'Filmas' Trending Tabs: '' Most Popular: '' Playlists: '' User Playlists: Your Playlists: '' Playlist Message: '' Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: '' Empty Search Message: '' Search bar placeholder: '' History: # On History Page History: '' Watch History: '' Your history list is currently empty.: '' Empty Search Message: '' Search bar placeholder: "" Settings: # On Settings Page Settings: '' The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: '' General Settings: General Settings: 'Galvenie iestatījumi' Check for Updates: 'Pārbaudīt atjauninājumus' Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Skatīt jaunākos bloga ierakstus' Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: '' Enable Search Suggestions: '' Default Landing Page: '' Locale Preference: 'Vietas iestatījums' System Default: '' Preferred API Backend: Preferred API Backend: '' Local API: 'Vietējais API' Invidious API: '' Video View Type: Video View Type: 'Video skata veids' Grid: 'Režģis' List: 'Saraksts' Thumbnail Preference: Thumbnail Preference: 'Sīktēlu iestatījums' Default: '' Beginning: 'Sākums' Middle: 'Vidus' End: 'Beigas' Hidden: 'Paslēpts' Current Invidious Instance: 'Pašreizējais Invidious gadījums' The currently set default instance is {instance}: '' No default instance has been set: '' Current instance will be randomized on startup: 'Pašreizējais gadījums tiks nejaušots sāknējot' Set Current Instance as Default: '' Clear Default Instance: '' View all Invidious instance information: 'Skatīt visu Invidious gadījuma informāciju' Region for Trending: 'Tendenču apgabals' #! List countries External Link Handling: External Link Handling: 'Ārējo saišu vadība' Open Link: 'Atvērt saiti' Ask Before Opening Link: 'Jautāt pirms saites atvēršanas' No Action: 'Nedarīt neko' Theme Settings: Theme Settings: 'Izskata iestatījumi' Match Top Bar with Main Color: '' Expand Side Bar by Default: '' Disable Smooth Scrolling: 'Atspējot plūdeno ritināšanu' UI Scale: 'Saskarnes izmērs' Hide Side Bar Labels: 'Paslēpt sānu paneļa etiķetes' Hide FreeTube Header Logo: 'Paslēpt FreeTube galvenes logo' Base Theme: Base Theme: 'Pamata izskats' Black: 'Melns' Dark: 'Tumšs' System Default: '' Light: 'Gaišs' Dracula: 'Drakula' Catppuccin Mocha: 'Kaķpučīn moka' Pastel Pink: 'Pasteļu rozā' Hot Pink: 'Karsti rozā' Main Color Theme: Main Color Theme: 'Galvenās krāsas izskats' Red: 'Sarkans' Pink: 'Rozā' Purple: 'Violets' Deep Purple: 'Dziļi violets' Indigo: 'Indigo' Blue: 'Zils' Light Blue: 'Gaiši zils' Cyan: '' Teal: '' Green: 'Zaļš' Light Green: 'Gaiši zaļš' Lime: 'Laims' Yellow: 'Dzeltens' Amber: 'Dzintars' Orange: 'Oranžs' Deep Orange: 'Dziļi oranžs' Dracula Cyan: '' Dracula Green: 'Drakulas zaļš' Dracula Orange: 'Drakulas oranžs' Dracula Pink: 'Drakulas rozā' Dracula Purple: 'Drakulas violets' Dracula Red: 'Drakulas sarkans' Dracula Yellow: 'Drakulas dzeltens' Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater: 'Kaķpučīn moka rožūdens' Catppuccin Mocha Flamingo: 'Kaķpučīn moka flamingo' Catppuccin Mocha Pink: 'Kaķpučīn moka rozā' Catppuccin Mocha Mauve: 'Kaķpučīn moka purpursarkans' Catppuccin Mocha Red: 'Kaķpučīn moka sarkans' Catppuccin Mocha Maroon: 'Kaķpučīn moka kastaņbrūns' Catppuccin Mocha Peach: 'Kaķpučīn moka persiks' Catppuccin Mocha Yellow: 'Kaķpučīn moka dzeltens' Catppuccin Mocha Green: 'Kaķpučīn moka zaļš' Catppuccin Mocha Teal: '' Catppuccin Mocha Sky: 'Kaķpučīn moka debess' Catppuccin Mocha Sapphire: 'Kaķpučīn moka safīrs' Catppuccin Mocha Blue: 'Kaķpučīn moka zils' Catppuccin Mocha Lavender: 'Kaķpučīn moka lavanda' Secondary Color Theme: 'Otrās krāsas izskats' #* Main Color Theme Player Settings: Player Settings: 'Atskaņotāja iestatījumi' Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Piespiest vietējo aizmugursistēmu priekš mantojuma formātiem' Play Next Video: 'Atskaņot nākamo video' Turn on Subtitles by Default: '' Autoplay Videos: 'Autoatskaņot video' Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Starpniekot video caur Invidious' Autoplay Playlists: 'Autoatskaņot sarakstus' Enable Theatre Mode by Default: '' Scroll Volume Over Video Player: '' Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: 'Ritināt atskaņošanas ātrumu pāri video atskaņotājam' Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: 'Izlaist ritinot pāri video atskaņotājam' Display Play Button In Video Player: 'Attēlot Atskaņošanas pogu video atskaņotājā' Enter Fullscreen on Display Rotate: 'Pagriežot ekrānu pārslēgt uz pilnekrānu' Next Video Interval: 'Nākošā video intervāls' Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: '' Default Volume: '' Default Playback Rate: '' Max Video Playback Rate: 'Maksimālais video atskaņošanas ātrums' Video Playback Rate Interval: 'Video atskaņošanas ātruma intervāls' Default Video Format: Default Video Format: '' Dash Formats: 'DASH formāti' Legacy Formats: 'Mantojuma formāti' Audio Formats: 'Audio formāti' Default Quality: Default Quality: '' Auto: '' 144p: '144p' 240p: '240p' 360p: '360p' 480p: '480p' 720p: '720p' 1080p: '1080p' 1440p: '1440p' 4k: '4k' 8k: '8k' Allow DASH AV1 formats: 'Atļaut DASH AV1 formātus' Screenshot: Enable: 'Iespējot ekrānšāviņu' Format Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa formāti' Quality Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa kvalitāte' Ask Path: 'Jautāt saglabāšanas mapi' Folder Label: 'Ekrānšāviņa mape' Folder Button: 'Izvēlēties mapi' File Name Label: 'Nosaukuma šablons' File Name Tooltip: '' Error: Forbidden Characters: 'Aizliegtās rakstzīmes' Empty File Name: 'Tukšs datnes nosaukums' Comment Auto Load: Comment Auto Load: 'Komentāru autoielāde' External Player Settings: External Player Settings: 'Ārējā atskaņotāja iestatījumi' External Player: 'Ārējais atskaņotājs' Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: 'Ignorēt neatbalstītas darbības brīdinājumus' Custom External Player Executable: 'Pielāgota ārējā atskaņotāja izpilddatne' Custom External Player Arguments: 'Pielāgoti ārējā atskaņotāja mainīgie' Players: None: Name: 'Nekas' Privacy Settings: Privacy Settings: 'Privātuma iestatījumi' Remember History: 'Atcerēties vēsturi' Save Watched Progress: 'Saglabāt skatīto attīstību' Save Watched Videos With Last Viewed Playlist: '' Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: 'Automātiski noņemt video metadatus' Clear Search Cache: '' Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: '' Search cache has been cleared: '' Remove Watch History: 'Noņemt skatīšanās vēsturi' Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Vai tu esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies noņemt visu skatīšanās vēsturi?' Watch history has been cleared: 'Skatīšanās vēsture tika noņemta' Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: '' Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: '' Subscription Settings: Subscription Settings: '' Hide Videos on Watch: 'Paslēpt video pēc skatīšanas' Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Iegūt plūsmu no RSS' Manage Subscriptions: '' Fetch Automatically: 'Iegūt plūsmu automātiski' Distraction Free Settings: Distraction Free Settings: 'Beztraucēšanas iestatījumi' Sections: Side Bar: 'Sānu panelis' Subscriptions Page: '' Channel Page: 'Kanāla lapa' Watch Page: 'Skatīšanās lapa' General: 'Galvenais' Blur Thumbnails: 'Izpludināt sīktēlus' Hide Video Views: 'Paslēpt video skatījumus' Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: 'Paslēpt video novērtējuma atzīmes' Hide Channel Subscribers: 'Paslēpt kanāla abonentus' Hide Comment Likes: 'Paslēpt komentāru vērtējumus' Hide Recommended Videos: 'Paslēpt ieteiktos video' Hide Trending Videos: 'Paslēpt tendenču video' Hide Popular Videos: 'Paslēpt populāros video' Hide Playlists: 'Paslēpt sarakstus' Hide Live Chat: 'Paslēpt dzīvo čatu' Hide Active Subscriptions: '' Hide Video Description: 'Paslēpt video aprakstu' Hide Comments: 'Paslēpt komentārus' Hide Profile Pictures in Comments: 'Paslēpt kontu atēlus komentāros' Display Titles Without Excessive Capitalisation: 'Attēlot nosaukumus nepārspīlējot ar lielajiem burtiem' Hide Live Streams: 'Paslēpt dzīvās straumes' Hide Upcoming Premieres: 'Paslēpt tuvojošās pirmizrādes' Hide Sharing Actions: 'Paslēpt dalīšanās darbības' Hide Chapters: 'Paslēpt nodaļas' Hide Channels: 'Kanālos paslēpt video' Hide Channels Placeholder: 'Kanāla vārds vai ID' Hide Featured Channels: 'Paslēpt izceltos kanālus' Hide Channel Playlists: 'Kanālā paslēpt sarakstus' Hide Channel Community: 'Kanālā paslēpt kopienu' Hide Channel Shorts: 'Kanālā paslēpt īsos' Hide Channel Podcasts: 'Kanālā paslēpt podkāstus' Hide Channel Releases: 'Kanālā paslēpt relīzes' Hide Subscriptions Videos: '' Hide Subscriptions Shorts: '' Hide Subscriptions Live: '' Hide Subscriptions Community: '' Data Settings: Data Settings: 'Datu iestatījumi' Select Import Type: 'Izvēlēties importa veidu' Select Export Type: 'Izvēlēties eksporta veidu' Import Subscriptions: '' Subscription File: '' History File: 'Vēstures datne' Playlist File: '' Check for Legacy Subscriptions: '' Export Subscriptions: '' Export FreeTube: 'Eksportēt FreeTube' Export YouTube: 'Eksportēt YouTube' Export NewPipe: 'Eksportēt NewPipe' Import History: 'Importēt vēsturi' Export History: 'Eksportēt vēsturi' Import Playlists: 'Importēt sarakstus' Export Playlists: 'Eksportēt sarakstus' Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Profila objektam nav pietiekami datu, izlaiž vienumu' All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: '' All subscriptions have been successfully imported: '' One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: '' Invalid subscriptions file: '' This might take a while, please wait: 'Tas var aizņemt kādu laiku, lūdzu gaidiet' Invalid history file: 'Nederīga vēstures datne' Subscriptions have been successfully exported: '' History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Vēstures objektam nav pietiekami datu, izlaiž vienumu' All watched history has been successfully imported: 'Visa skatīšanās vēstures tika veiksmīgi importēta' All watched history has been successfully exported: 'Visa skatīšanās vēstures tika veiksmīgi eksportēta' Playlist insufficient data: '' All playlists has been successfully imported: 'Visi saraksti tika veiksmīgi importēti' All playlists has been successfully exported: 'Visi saraksti tika veiksmīgi eksportēti' Unable to read file: 'Nespēj nolasīt datni' Unable to write file: 'Nespēj ierakstīt datni' Unknown data key: 'Nezināma datu atslēga' How do I import my subscriptions?: '' Manage Subscriptions: '' Proxy Settings: Proxy Settings: 'Starpniekserveru iestatījumi' Enable Tor / Proxy: 'Iespējot Tor / starpniekserveri' Proxy Protocol: 'Starpniekservera protokols' Proxy Host: 'Starpniekservera saimnieks' Proxy Port Number: 'Starpniekservera porta numurs' Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: 'Nospiežot "Pārbaudīt starpniekserveri" tiks nosūtīts pieprasījums uz' Test Proxy: 'Pārbaudīt starpniekserveri' Your Info: 'Tavs info' Ip: 'IP' Country: 'Valsts' Region: 'Apgabals' City: 'Pilsēta' Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: 'Kļūda saņemot tīkla informāciju. Vai jūsu starpniekserveris ir uzstādīts pareizi?' SponsorBlock Settings: SponsorBlock Settings: 'SponsorBlock iestatījumi' Enable SponsorBlock: 'Iespējot SponsorBlock' 'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': '' Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: 'Ziņot, kad sponsora gabals tiek izlaists' UseDeArrowTitles: 'Izmantot DeArrow video nosaukumus' Skip Options: Skip Option: 'Izlaišanas iestatījums' Auto Skip: 'Autoizlaist' Show In Seek Bar: 'Rādīt tīšanas joslā' Prompt To Skip: 'Jautāt, lai izlaistu' Do Nothing: 'Nedarīt neko' Category Color: 'Iedalījuma krāsa' Parental Control Settings: Parental Control Settings: 'Vecāku vadības iestatījumi' Hide Unsubscribe Button: 'Paslēpt Atabonēt pogu' Show Family Friendly Only: 'Rādīt tikai ģimenei draudzīgi' Hide Search Bar: '' Download Settings: Download Settings: 'Lejuplādes iestatījumi' Ask Download Path: 'Jautāt lejuplādes ceļu' Choose Path: 'Izvēlēties ceļu' Download Behavior: 'Lejuplādes uzvedība' Download in app: 'Lejuplādēt aplikācijā' Open in web browser: 'Atvērt tīkla pārlūkā' Experimental Settings: Experimental Settings: 'Izmēģinājuma iestatījumi' Warning: '' Replace HTTP Cache: 'Aizvietot HTTP kešatmiņu' Password Dialog: Password: 'Parole' Enter Password To Unlock: 'Ievadi paroli, lai atslēgtu iestatījumus' Password Incorrect: 'Parole nepareiza' Unlock: 'Atslēgt' Password Settings: Password Settings: 'Paroles iestatījumi' Set Password To Prevent Access: 'Uzstādi paroli, lai neļautu piekļūt uzstādījumiem' Set Password: 'Uzstādi paroli' Remove Password: 'Noņem paroli' About: #On About page About: 'Par' Beta: 'Beta' Source code: 'Pirmkods' Licensed under the AGPLv3: '' View License: '' Downloads / Changelog: 'Lejuplādes / izmaiņu žurnāls' GitHub releases: 'GitHub laidieni' Help: 'Palīdzība' FreeTube Wiki: 'FreeTube Wiki' FAQ: 'BUJ' Discussions: 'Sarunas' Report a problem: 'Ziņot par problēmu' GitHub issues: 'GitHub problēmas' Please check for duplicates before posting: 'Lūdzu pārbaudi dublikātus pirms publicēšanas' Website: 'Vietne' Blog: 'Emuārs' Email: 'E-pasts' Mastodon: 'Mastodon' Chat on Matrix: 'Tērzēt Matrixā' Please read the: 'Lūdzu izlasi' room rules: 'istabas noteikumi' Translate: 'Tulkot' Credits: 'Nopelni' FreeTube is made possible by: 'FreeTube padarīja iespējamu' these people and projects: 'šie cilvēki un apvienības' Donate: 'Ziedot' Profile: Profile Settings: 'Profila iestatījumi' Toggle Profile List: 'Pārslēgt profilu sarakstu' Profile Select: 'Izvēlēties profilu' Profile Filter: 'Profilu filtrs' All Channels: 'Visi kanāli' Profile Manager: 'Profilu pārvaldnieks' Create New Profile: 'Veidot jaunu profilu' Edit Profile: 'Mainīt profilu' Color Picker: 'Krāsu izvēlētājs' Custom Color: 'Pielāgota krāsa' Profile Preview: 'Profila priekšskatījums' Create Profile: 'Veidot profilu' Update Profile: 'Atjaunināt profilu' Make Default Profile: '' Delete Profile: 'Dzēst profilu' Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: 'Vai tu esi drošs, ka gribi dzēst šo profilu?' All subscriptions will also be deleted.: '' Profile could not be found: 'Profils netika atrasts' Your profile name cannot be empty: 'Tavs profila vārds nevar būt tukšs' Profile has been created: 'Profils tika izveidots' Profile has been updated: 'Profils tika atjaunināts' Your default profile has been set to {profile}: '' Removed {profile} from your profiles: '' Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: '' '{profile} is now the active profile': '' Subscription List: '' Other Channels: 'Citi kanāli' '{number} selected': '' Select All: 'Izvēlēties visus' Select None: 'Neizvēlēties nevienu' Delete Selected: 'Dzēst izvēlētos' Add Selected To Profile: 'Izvēlētos pievienot profilam' No channel(s) have been selected: 'Neviens kanāls netika izvēlēts' ? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in. : '' Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: '' #On Channel Page Channel: Subscribe: 'Abonē' Unsubscribe: 'Atabonē' Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: '' Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s): '' Added channel to your subscriptions: '' Search Channel: '' Your search results have returned 0 results: '' Sort By: 'Kārto pēc' This channel does not exist: 'Šis kanāls nepastāv' This channel does not allow searching: 'Šis kanāls neatļauj meklēšanu' This channel is age-restricted and currently cannot be viewed in FreeTube.: 'Šim kanālam ir vecuma ierobežojums un pašlaik nevar tikt skatīts FreeTube.' Channel Tabs: 'Kanāla cilnes' Videos: Videos: 'Video' This channel does not currently have any videos: 'Šajā kanāla pašlaik nav video' Sort Types: Newest: 'Jaunākie' Oldest: 'Vecākie' Most Popular: 'Populārākie' Shorts: This channel does not currently have any shorts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav īso' Live: Live: 'Tiešraides' This channel does not currently have any live streams: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav tiešraižu' Playlists: Playlists: 'Saraksti' This channel does not currently have any playlists: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav sarakstu' Sort Types: Last Video Added: 'Pēdējais pievienotais video' Newest: 'Jaunākās' Oldest: 'Vecākās' Podcasts: Podcasts: 'Podkāsti' This channel does not currently have any podcasts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav podkāstu' Releases: Releases: 'Laidieni' This channel does not currently have any releases: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav laidienu' About: About: 'Par' Channel Description: 'Kanāla apraksts' Tags: Tags: 'Birkas' Search for: '' Details: 'Detaļas' Joined: 'Pievienojās' Location: 'Vieta' Featured Channels: 'Izceltie kanāli' Community: This channel currently does not have any posts: 'Šajā kanālā pašlaik nav ierakstu' votes: '' Reveal Answers: 'Atklāj atbildes' Hide Answers: 'Paslēp atbildes' Video: Mark As Watched: 'Atzīmē kā skatītu' Remove From History: 'Noņem no vēstures' Video has been marked as watched: 'Video tika atzīmēts kā skatīts' Video has been removed from your history: 'Video tika noņemts no tavas vēstures' Save Video: 'Saglabā video' Video has been saved: 'Video tika saglabāts' Video has been removed from your saved list: 'Video tika noņemts no tava saglabāto saraksta' Open in YouTube: 'Atver YouTube' Copy YouTube Link: 'Kopē YouTube saiti' Open YouTube Embedded Player: 'Atver YouTube iegulto atskaņotāju' Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: 'Kopē YouTube iegultā atskaņotāja saiti' Open in Invidious: 'Atver Invidious' Copy Invidious Link: 'Kopē Invidious saiti' Open Channel in YouTube: 'Atver kanālu YouTube' Copy YouTube Channel Link: 'Kopē YouTube kanāla saiti' Open Channel in Invidious: 'Atver kanālu Invidious' Copy Invidious Channel Link: 'Kopē Invidious kanāla saiti' Views: 'Skatījumi' Loop Playlist: '' Shuffle Playlist: '' Reverse Playlist: '' Play Next Video: 'Atskaņo nākamo video' Play Previous Video: 'Atskaņo iepriekšējo video' Pause on Current Video: 'Apturēt uz pašreizējā video' Watched: 'Skatīts' Autoplay: 'Autoatskaņošana' Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: 'Drīz sāksies, lūdzu atsvaidzini lapu, lai pārbaudītu vēlreiz' # As in a Live Video Premieres on: 'Pirmizrādes' Premieres: 'Pirmizrādes' Upcoming: 'Tuvojošās' Live: 'Tiešraidē' Live Now: 'Tiešraidē tagad' Live Chat: 'Tiešraides čats' Enable Live Chat: 'Iespējo tiešraides čatu' Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: '' 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': '' Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: '' 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': '' 'Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader.': '' Show Super Chat Comment: '' Scroll to Bottom: '' Download Video: '' video only: '' audio only: '' Audio: Low: '' Medium: '' High: '' Best: '' Published: Jan: '' Feb: '' Mar: '' Apr: '' May: '' Jun: '' Jul: '' Aug: '' Sep: '' Oct: '' Nov: '' Dec: '' Second: '' Seconds: '' Minute: '' Minutes: '' Hour: '' Hours: '' Day: '' Days: '' Week: '' Weeks: '' Month: '' Months: '' Year: '' Years: '' Ago: '' Upcoming: '' In less than a minute: '' Published on: '' Streamed on: '' Started streaming on: '' translated from English: '' Publicationtemplate: '' Skipped segment: '' Sponsor Block category: sponsor: '' intro: '' outro: '' self-promotion: '' interaction: '' music offtopic: '' recap: '' filler: '' External Player: OpenInTemplate: '' video: '' playlist: '' OpeningTemplate: '' UnsupportedActionTemplate: '' Unsupported Actions: starting video at offset: '' setting a playback rate: '' opening playlists: '' opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): '' reversing playlists: '' shuffling playlists: '' looping playlists: '' Stats: Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: '' Video ID: '' Resolution: '' Player Dimensions: '' Bitrate: '' Volume: '' Bandwidth: '' Buffered: '' Dropped / Total Frames: '' Mimetype: '' #& Videos Videos: #& Sort By Sort By: Newest: '' Oldest: '' #& Most Popular #& Playlists Playlist: #& About Playlist: '' View Full Playlist: '' Videos: '' View: '' Views: '' Last Updated On: '' # On Video Watch Page #* Published #& Views Toggle Theatre Mode: '' Change Format: Change Media Formats: '' Use Dash Formats: '' Use Legacy Formats: '' Use Audio Formats: '' Dash formats are not available for this video: '' Audio formats are not available for this video: '' Share: Share Video: '' Share Channel: '' Share Playlist: '' Include Timestamp: '' Copy Link: '' Open Link: '' Copy Embed: '' Open Embed: '' # On Click Invidious URL copied to clipboard: '' Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: '' Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: '' YouTube URL copied to clipboard: '' YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: '' YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: '' Clipboard: Copy failed: '' Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection: '' Chapters: Chapters: '' 'Chapters list visible, current chapter: {chapterName}': '' 'Chapters list hidden, current chapter: {chapterName}': '' Mini Player: '' Comments: Comments: '' Click to View Comments: '' Getting comment replies, please wait: '' There are no more comments for this video: '' Show Comments: '' Hide Comments: '' Sort by: '' Top comments: '' Newest first: '' View {replyCount} replies: '' # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others View: '' Hide: '' Replies: '' Show More Replies: '' Reply: '' From {channelName}: '' And others: '' There are no comments available for this video: '' Load More Comments: '' No more comments available: '' Pinned by: '' Member: '' Subscribed: '' Hearted: '' Up Next: '' #Tooltips Tooltips: General Settings: Preferred API Backend: '' Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: '' Thumbnail Preference: '' Invidious Instance: '' Region for Trending: '' External Link Handling: | Player Settings: Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: '' Proxy Videos Through Invidious: '' Default Video Format: '' Allow DASH AV1 formats: '' Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: '' Skip by Scrolling Over Video Player: '' External Player Settings: External Player: '' Custom External Player Executable: '' Ignore Warnings: '' Custom External Player Arguments: '' DefaultCustomArgumentsTemplate: "" Distraction Free Settings: Hide Channels: '' Hide Subscriptions Live: '' Subscription Settings: Fetch Feeds from RSS: '' Fetch Automatically: '' Privacy Settings: Remove Video Meta Files: '' Experimental Settings: Replace HTTP Cache: '' SponsorBlock Settings: UseDeArrowTitles: '' # Toast Messages Local API Error (Click to copy): '' Invidious API Error (Click to copy): '' Falling back to Invidious API: '' Falling back to the local API: '' This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: '' Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '' Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: '' Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: '' Loop is now disabled: '' Loop is now enabled: '' Shuffle is now disabled: '' Shuffle is now enabled: '' The playlist has been reversed: '' Playing Next Video: '' Playing Previous Video: '' Playlist will not pause when current video is finished: '' Playlist will pause when current video is finished: '' Playing Next Video Interval: '' Canceled next video autoplay: '' Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: '' Default Invidious instance has been cleared: '' 'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': '' Age Restricted: This {videoOrPlaylist} is age restricted: '' Type: Channel: '' Video: '' External link opening has been disabled in the general settings: '' Downloading has completed: '' Starting download: '' Downloading failed: '' Screenshot Success: '' Screenshot Error: '' Hashtag: Hashtag: '' This hashtag does not currently have any videos: '' Yes: '' No: '' Ok: ''