const os = require('os') const builder = require('electron-builder') const Platform = builder.Platform const Arch = builder.Arch const { name, productName } = require('../package.json') const args = process.argv let targets const platform = os.platform() const cpus = os.cpus() if (platform === 'darwin') { let arch = Arch.x64 // Macbook Air 2020 with M1 = 'Apple M1' // Macbook Pro 2021 with M1 Pro = 'Apple M1 Pro' if (cpus[0].model.startsWith('Apple')) { arch = Arch.arm64 } targets = Platform.MAC.createTarget(['dmg'], arch) } else if (platform === 'win32') { targets = Platform.WINDOWS.createTarget() } else if (platform === 'linux') { let arch = Arch.x64 if (args[2] === 'arm64') { arch = Arch.arm64 } if (args[2] === 'arm32') { arch = Arch.armv7l } targets = Platform.LINUX.createTarget(['deb', 'zip', 'apk', 'rpm', 'AppImage', 'pacman'], arch) } const config = { appId: `io.freetubeapp.${name}`, copyright: 'Copyleft © 2020-2021', // asar: false, // compression: 'store', productName, directories: { output: './build/', }, protocols: [ { name: "FreeTube", schemes: [ "freetube" ] } ], files: [ '_icons/iconColor.*', 'icon.svg', './dist/**/*', '!dist/web/*', '!**/node_modules/**/.*', '!**/node_modules/**/index.html', '!**/{.github,Jenkinsfile}', '!**/{,,,,,docs,,docs.mli,examples,,,,,,}', '!**/{commitlint.config.js,.editorconfig,.eslintignore,.eslintrc.{js,yml},.gitmodules,.huskyrc,.lintstagedrc,.nvmrc,.nycrc{,.json},.prettierrc{,.yaml},tslint.json}', '!**/{.babelrc,bower.json,Gruntfile.js,Makefile,.npmrc.proregistry,rollup.config.js,.tm_properties,.tool-versions,tsconfig.json,webpack.config.js}', '!**/*.{{,c,m}js,min,ts}.map', '!**/*.d.ts', // only exclude the src directory for specific packages // as some of them have their dist code in there and we don't want to exclude those '!**/node_modules/{@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome,agent-base,jquery,localforage,m3u8-parser,marked,mpd-parser,performance-now,video.js,vue,vue-i18n,vue-router}/src/*', '!**/node_modules/**/{bin,man,scripts}/*', '!**/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.slim*.js', '!**/node_modules/video.js/dist/{alt/*,video.js}', '!**/node_modules/@videojs/*/src' ], dmg: { contents: [ { path: '/Applications', type: 'link', x: 410, y: 230, }, { type: 'file', x: 130, y: 230, }, ], window: { height: 380, width: 540, } }, linux: { category: 'Network', icon: '_icons/icon.svg', target: ['deb', 'zip', 'apk', 'rpm', 'AppImage', 'pacman'], }, // See the following issues for more information // // rpm: { fpm: [`--rpm-rpmbuild-define=_build_id_links none`] }, deb: { depends: [ "libgtk-3-0", "libnotify4", "libnss3", "libxss1", "libxtst6", "xdg-utils", "libatspi2.0-0", "libuuid1", "libsecret-1-0" ] }, mac: { category: '', icon: '_icons/iconMac.icns', target: ['dmg', 'zip'], type: 'distribution', extendInfo: { CFBundleURLTypes: [ 'freetube' ], CFBundleURLSchemes: [ 'freetube' ] } }, win: { icon: '_icons/icon.ico', target: ['nsis', 'zip', 'portable', 'squirrel'], }, nsis: { allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true, oneClick: false, }, } builder .build({ targets, config, publish: 'never' }) .then(m => { console.log(m) }) .catch(e => { console.error(e) })