/* This file is part of FreeTube. FreeTube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FreeTube is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeTube. If not, see . */ /** * Perform a search using the YouTube API. The search query is grabbed from the #search element. * * @param {string} nextPageToken - Optional: The page token to be inlcuded in the search. * * @return {Void} */ function search(nextPageToken = '') { const query = document.getElementById('search').value; if (query === '') { return; } if (nextPageToken === '') { clearMainContainer(); startLoadingAnimation(); } else { console.log(nextPageToken); showToast('Fetching results. Please wait...'); } youtubeAPI('search', { q: query, part: 'id', type: 'video', pageToken: nextPageToken, maxResults: 25, }, function (data){ let grabDuration = getDuration(data.items); grabDuration.then((videoList) => { videoList.items.forEach(displayVideo); }); if (nextPageToken === '') { createVideoListContainer('Search results:'); stopLoadingAnimation(); } addNextPage(data.nextPageToken); }) } /** * Grab the duration of the videos * * @param {array} data - An array of videos to get the duration from * * @return {promise} - The list of videos with the duration included. */ function getDuration(data){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let videoIdList = ''; for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ if (videoIdList === ''){ if(typeof(data[i]['id']) === 'string'){ videoIdList = data[i]['id']; } else{ videoIdList = data[i]['id']['videoId']; } } else{ if(typeof(data[i]['id']) === 'string'){ videoIdList = videoIdList + ', ' + data[i]['id']; } else{ videoIdList = videoIdList + ', ' + data[i]['id']['videoId']; } } } youtubeAPI('videos', { part: 'snippet, contentDetails', id: videoIdList }, (data) => { resolve(data); }); }); } /** * Display a video on the page. Function is typically contained in a loop. * * @param {video} video - The video ID of the video to be displayed. * @param {string} listType - Optional: Specifies the list type of the video * Used for displaying the remove icon for history and saved videos. * * @return {Void} */ function displayVideo(video, listType = '') { const videoSnippet = video.snippet; const videoDuration = parseVideoDuration(video.contentDetails.duration); //const videoDuration = '00:00'; // Grab the published date for the video and convert to a user readable state. const dateString = new Date(videoSnippet.publishedAt); const publishedDate = dateFormat(dateString, "mmm dS, yyyy"); const searchMenu = $('#videoListContainer').html(); const videoId = video.id; // Include a remove icon in the list if the application is displaying the history list or saved videos. const deleteHtml = () => { switch (listType) { case 'saved': return `
  • Remove Saved Video
  • `; case 'history': return `
  • Remove From History
  • `; } }; // Includes text if the video is live. const liveText = (videoSnippet.liveBroadcastContent === 'live')? 'LIVE NOW' : ''; const videoListTemplate = require('./templates/videoList.html'); mustache.parse(videoListTemplate); const rendered = mustache.render(videoListTemplate, { videoId: videoId, videoThumbnail: videoSnippet.thumbnails.medium.url, videoTitle: videoSnippet.title, channelName: videoSnippet.channelTitle, videoDescription: videoSnippet.description, channelId: videoSnippet.channelId, videoDuration: videoDuration, publishedDate: publishedDate, liveText: liveText, deleteHtml: deleteHtml, }); // Apply the render to the page const nextButton = document.getElementById('getNextPage'); if (nextButton === null) { $('#videoListContainer').append(rendered); } else { $(rendered).insertBefore('#getNextPage'); } } /** * Changes the page token to the next page button during a video search. * * @param {string} nextPageToken - The page token to replace the button function. * * @return {Void} */ function addNextPage(nextPageToken) { let oldFetchButton = document.getElementById('getNextPage'); // Creates the element if it doesn't exist. if (oldFetchButton === null) { let fetchButton = document.createElement('div'); fetchButton.id = 'getNextPage'; fetchButton.innerHTML = ' Fetch more results...'; $('#videoListContainer').append(fetchButton); } // Update the on click method of the button. $(document).off('click', '#getNextPage'); $(document).on('click', '#getNextPage', (event) => { search(nextPageToken); }); } /** * Grab the video recommendations for a video. This does not get recommendations based on what you watch, * as that would defeat the main purpose of using FreeTube. At any time you can check the video on HookTube * and compare the recommendations there. They should be nearly identical. * * @param {string} videoId - The video ID of the video to get recommendations from. */ function showVideoRecommendations(videoId) { youtubeAPI('search', { part: 'id', type: 'video', relatedToVideoId: videoId, maxResults: 15, }, function (data){ let grabDuration = getDuration(data.items); grabDuration.then((videoList) => { videoList.items.forEach((video) => { const snippet = video.snippet; const videoDuration = parseVideoDuration(video.contentDetails.duration); const recommTemplate = require('./templates/recommendations.html') mustache.parse(recommTemplate); const rendered = mustache.render(recommTemplate, { videoId: video.id, videoTitle: snippet.title, channelName: snippet.channelTitle, videoThumbnail: snippet.thumbnails.medium.url, videoDuration: videoDuration, publishedDate: dateFormat(snippet.publishedAt, "mmm dS, yyyy") }); const recommendationHtml = $('#recommendations').html(); $('#recommendations').html(recommendationHtml + rendered); }); }); }); } /** * Check if a link is a valid YouTube/HookTube link and play that video. Gets input * from the #jumpToInput element. * * @return {Void} */ function parseVideoLink() { let input = document.getElementById('jumpToInput').value; if (input === '') { return; } // The regex to get the video id from a YouTube link. Thanks StackOverflow. let rx = /^.*(?:(?:(you|hook)tu\.?be\/|v\/|vi\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/)|(?:(?:watch)?\?v(?:i)?=|\&v(?:i)?=))([^#\&\?]*).*/; let match = input.match(rx); console.log(match); // Play video if a match is found. try { playVideo(match[2]); } catch (err) { showToast('Video Not Found'); } } /** * Convert duration into a more readable format * * @param {string} durationString - The string containing the video duration. Formated as 'PT12H34M56S' * * @return {string} - The formated string. Ex: 12:34:56 */ function parseVideoDuration(durationString){ let match = durationString.match(/PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?/); let duration = ''; match = match.slice(1).map(function(x) { if (x != null) { return x.replace(/\D/, ''); } }); let hours = (parseInt(match[0]) || 0); let minutes = (parseInt(match[1]) || 0); let seconds = (parseInt(match[2]) || 0); if (hours != 0){ duration = hours + ':'; } else{ duration = minutes + ':'; } if (hours != 0 && minutes < 10){ duration = duration + '0' + minutes + ':'; } else if (hours != 0 && minutes > 10){ duration = duration + minutes + ':'; } else if (hours != 0 && minutes == 0){ duration = duration + '00:'; } if (seconds == 0){ duration = duration + '00'; } else if (seconds < 10){ duration = duration + '0' + seconds; } else{ duration = duration + seconds; } return duration; } /** * Grab the most popular videos over the last couple of days and display them. * * @return {Void} */ function showMostPopular() { clearMainContainer(); startLoadingAnimation(); // Get the date of 2 days ago. var d = new Date(); d.setDate(d.getDate() - 2); // Grab all videos published 2 days ago and after and order them by view count. // These are the videos that are considered as 'most popular' and is how similar // Applications grab these. Videos in the 'Trending' tab on YouTube will be different. // And there is no way to grab those videos. youtubeAPI('search', { part: 'id', order: 'viewCount', type: 'video', publishedAfter: d.toISOString(), maxResults: 50, }, function (data){ createVideoListContainer('Most Popular:'); console.log(data); let grabDuration = getDuration(data.items); grabDuration.then((videoList) => { console.log(videoList); videoList.items.forEach(displayVideo); }); stopLoadingAnimation(); }); } /** * Create a link of the video to HookTube or YouTube and copy it to the user's clipboard. * * @param {string} website - The website to watch the video on. * @param {string} videoId - The video ID of the video to add to the URL * * @return {Void} */ function copyLink(website, videoId) { // Create the URL and copy to the clipboard. const url = 'https://' + website + '.com/watch?v=' + videoId; clipboard.writeText(url); showToast('URL has been copied to the clipboard'); } /** * Get the YouTube embeded player of a video as well as channel information.. * * @param {string} videoId - The video ID of the video to get. * * @return {promise} - The HTML of the embeded player */ function getChannelAndPlayer(videoId) { console.log(videoId); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { youtubeAPI('videos', { part: 'snippet,player', id: videoId, }, function (data){ let embedHtml = data.items[0].player.embedHtml; embedHtml = embedHtml.replace('src="', 'src="https:'); embedHtml = embedHtml.replace('width="480px"', ''); embedHtml = embedHtml.replace('height="270px"', ''); embedHtml = embedHtml.replace(/\"/g, '"'); resolve([embedHtml, data.items[0].snippet.channelId]); }); }); } /** * Check to see if the video URLs are valid. Change the video quality if one is not. * The API will grab video URLs, but they will sometimes return a 404. This * is why this check is needed. The video URL will typically be resolved over time. * * @param {string} video480p - The URL to the 480p video. * @param {string} video720p - The URL to the 720p video. */ function checkVideoUrls(video480p, video720p) { const currentQuality = $('#currentQuality').html(); let buttonEmbed = document.getElementById('qualityEmbed'); let valid480 = false; if (typeof(video480p) !== 'undefined'){ let get480pUrl = fetch(video480p); get480pUrl.then((status) => { switch (status.status) { case 404: showToast('Found valid URL for 480p, but returned a 404. Video type might be available in the future.'); $(document).off('click', '#quality480p'); $(document).on('click', '#quality480p', (event) => { changeQuality(''); }); buttonEmbed.click(); return; break; case 403: showToast('This video is unavailable in your country.'); $(document).off('click', '#quality480p'); $(document).on('click', '#quality480p', (event) => { changeQuality(''); }); return; break; default: console.log('480p is valid'); if (currentQuality === '720p' && typeof(video720p) === 'undefined'){ changeQuality(video480p); } break; } }); } if (typeof(video720p) !== 'undefined'){ let get720pUrl = fetch(video720p); get720pUrl.then((status) => { switch (status.status) { case 404: showToast('Found valid URL for 720p, but returned a 404. Video type might be available in the future.'); $(document).off('click', '#quality720p'); $(document).on('click', '#quality720p', (event) => { changeQuality(''); }); if (typeof(valid480) !== 'undefined'){ changeQuality(video480p, '480p'); } break; case 403: showToast('This video is unavailable in your country.'); $(document).off('click', '#quality720p'); $(document).on('click', '#quality720p', (event) => { changeQuality(''); }); return; break; default: console.log('720p is valid'); if (currentQuality === '720p'){ return; } break; } }); } }