import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import FtLoader from '../ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtCard from '../ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtButton from '../ft-button/ft-button.vue' import autolinker from 'autolinker' import { getRandomColorClass } from '../../helpers/colors' import { getLocalVideoInfo, parseLocalTextRuns } from '../../helpers/api/local' import { formatNumber } from '../../helpers/utils' export default defineComponent({ name: 'WatchVideoLiveChat', components: { 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-button': FtButton }, props: { liveChat: { type: EventTarget, default: null }, videoId: { type: String, required: true }, channelId: { type: String, required: true } }, data: function () { return { /** @type {import('youtubei.js').YT.LiveChat|null} */ liveChatInstance: null, isLoading: true, hasError: false, hasEnded: false, showEnableChat: false, errorMessage: '', stayAtBottom: true, showSuperChat: false, showScrollToBottom: false, comments: [], superChatComments: [], superChat: { id: '', author: { name: '', thumbnailUrl: '' }, message: '', superChat: { amount: '', colorClass: '' } }, /** @type {number|null} */ watchingCount: null, } }, computed: { backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback }, chatHeight: function () { if (this.superChatComments.length > 0) { return '390px' } else { return '445px' } }, scrollingBehaviour: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDisableSmoothScrolling ? 'auto' : 'smooth' }, hideVideoViews: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoViews }, formattedWatchingCount: function () { return this.watchingCount !== null ? formatNumber(this.watchingCount) : '0' } }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.hasEnded = true this.liveChatInstance?.stop() this.liveChatInstance = null }, created: function () { if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { this.hasError = true this.errorMessage = this.$t('Video["Live Chat is currently not supported in this build."]') this.isLoading = false } else { switch (this.backendPreference) { case 'local': if (this.liveChat) { this.liveChatInstance = this.liveChat this.startLiveChatLocal() } else { this.showLiveChatUnavailable() } break case 'invidious': if (this.backendFallback) { this.getLiveChatLocal() } else { this.hasError = true this.errorMessage = this.$t('Video["Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required."]') this.showEnableChat = true this.isLoading = false } break } } }, methods: { enableLiveChat: function () { this.hasError = false this.showEnableChat = false this.isLoading = true this.getLiveChatLocal() }, getLiveChatLocal: async function () { const videoInfo = await getLocalVideoInfo(this.videoId) if (videoInfo.livechat) { this.liveChatInstance = videoInfo.getLiveChat() this.startLiveChatLocal() } else { this.showLiveChatUnavailable() } }, showLiveChatUnavailable: function () { this.hasError = true this.errorMessage = this.$t('Video["Live Chat is unavailable for this stream. It may have been disabled by the uploader."]') this.isLoading = false this.showEnableChat = false }, startLiveChatLocal: function () { this.liveChatInstance.once('start', initialData => { /** * @type {import ('youtubei.js/dist/src/parser/index').LiveChatContinuation} */ const liveChatContinuation = initialData const actions = liveChatContinuation.actions.filter(action => action.type === 'AddChatItemAction') for (const { item } of actions) { switch (item.type) { case 'LiveChatTextMessage': this.parseLiveChatComment(item) break case 'LiveChatPaidMessage': this.parseLiveChatSuperChat(item) } } this.isLoading = false setTimeout(() => { this.$refs.liveChatComments?.scrollTo({ top: this.$refs.liveChatComments.scrollHeight, behavior: 'instant' }) }) }) this.liveChatInstance.on('chat-update', action => { if (this.hasEnded) { return } if (action.type === 'AddChatItemAction') { switch (action.item.type) { case 'LiveChatTextMessage': this.parseLiveChatComment(action.item) break case 'LiveChatPaidMessage': this.parseLiveChatSuperChat(action.item) break } } }) this.liveChatInstance.on('metadata-update', metadata => { if (!this.hideVideoViews && metadata.views && !isNaN(metadata.views.original_view_count)) { this.watchingCount = metadata.views.original_view_count } }) this.liveChatInstance.once('end', () => { this.hasEnded = true this.liveChatInstance = null }) this.liveChatInstance.once('error', error => { this.liveChatInstance.stop() this.liveChatInstance = null console.error(error) this.errorMessage = error this.hasError = true this.isLoading = false this.hasEnded = true }) this.liveChatInstance.start() }, /** * @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.LiveChatTextMessage} comment */ parseLiveChatComment: function (comment) { /** * can also be undefined if there is no badge * @type {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.LiveChatAuthorBadge} */ const badge = => badge.type === 'LiveChatAuthorBadge' && badge.custom_thumbnail) const parsedComment = { message:, 20)), author: { name:, thumbnailUrl:, isOwner: === this.channelId, isModerator:, isMember: !!badge } } if (badge) { parsedComment.badge = { url:, tooltip: badge.tooltip ?? '' } } this.pushComment(parsedComment) }, /** * @param {import('youtubei.js').YTNodes.LiveChatPaidMessage} superChat */ parseLiveChatSuperChat: function (superChat) { const parsedComment = { id:, message:, 20)), author: { name:, thumbnailUrl:[0].url }, superChat: { amount: superChat.purchase_amount, colorClass: getRandomColorClass() } } this.superChatComments.unshift(parsedComment) setTimeout(() => { this.removeFromSuperChat( }, 120000) this.pushComment(parsedComment) }, pushComment: function (comment) { this.comments.push(comment) if (!this.isLoading && this.stayAtBottom) { setTimeout(() => { this.$refs.liveChatComments?.scrollTo({ top: this.$refs.liveChatComments.scrollHeight, behavior: this.scrollingBehaviour }) }) } if (this.comments.length > 150 && this.stayAtBottom) { this.comments = this.comments.splice(this.comments.length - 150, this.comments.length) } }, removeFromSuperChat: function (id) { this.superChatComments = this.superChatComments.filter((comment) => { return !== id }) }, showSuperChatComment: function (comment) { if ( === && this.showSuperChat) { this.showSuperChat = false } else { this.superChat = comment this.showSuperChat = true } }, onScroll: function (event) { const liveChatComments = this.$refs.liveChatComments if (event.wheelDelta >= 0 && this.stayAtBottom) { this.stayAtBottom = false if (liveChatComments.scrollHeight > liveChatComments.clientHeight) { this.showScrollToBottom = true } } else if (event.wheelDelta < 0 && !this.stayAtBottom) { if ((liveChatComments.scrollHeight - liveChatComments.scrollTop) === liveChatComments.clientHeight) { this.scrollToBottom() } } }, scrollToBottom: function () { this.$refs.liveChatComments.scrollTo({ top: this.$refs.liveChatComments.scrollHeight, behavior: this.scrollingBehaviour }) this.stayAtBottom = true this.showScrollToBottom = false } } })