import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import { mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex' import debounce from 'lodash.debounce' import FtLoader from '../../components/ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtCard from '../../components/ft-card/ft-card.vue' import PlaylistInfo from '../../components/playlist-info/playlist-info.vue' import FtListVideoNumbered from '../../components/ft-list-video-numbered/ft-list-video-numbered.vue' import FtFlexBox from '../../components/ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import FtButton from '../../components/ft-button/ft-button.vue' import { getLocalPlaylist, getLocalPlaylistContinuation, parseLocalPlaylistVideo, } from '../../helpers/api/local' import { extractNumberFromString, setPublishedTimestampsInvidious, showToast } from '../../helpers/utils' import { invidiousGetPlaylistInfo, youtubeImageUrlToInvidious } from '../../helpers/api/invidious' export default defineComponent({ name: 'Playlist', components: { 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-card': FtCard, 'playlist-info': PlaylistInfo, 'ft-list-video-numbered': FtListVideoNumbered, 'ft-flex-box': FtFlexBox, 'ft-button': FtButton }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) { if (!this.isLoading && !this.isUserPlaylistRequested && to.path.startsWith('/watch') && to.query.playlistId === this.playlistId) { this.setCachedPlaylist({ id: this.playlistId, title: this.playlistTitle, channelName: this.channelName, channelId: this.channelId, items: this.playlistItems, continuationData: this.continuationData, }) } next() }, data: function () { return { isLoading: true, playlistTitle: '', playlistDescription: '', firstVideoId: '', firstVideoPlaylistItemId: '', playlistThumbnail: '', viewCount: 0, videoCount: 0, lastUpdated: undefined, channelName: '', channelThumbnail: '', channelId: '', infoSource: 'local', playlistItems: [], userPlaylistVisibleLimit: 100, continuationData: null, isLoadingMore: false, getPlaylistInfoDebounce: function() {}, playlistInEditMode: false, playlistInVideoSearchMode: false, videoSearchQuery: '', promptOpen: false, } }, computed: { backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback }, currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, currentLocale: function () { return this.$i18n.locale.replace('_', '-') }, playlistId: function() { return this.$ }, userPlaylistsReady: function () { return this.$store.getters.getPlaylistsReady }, selectedUserPlaylist: function () { if (!this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { return null } if (this.playlistId == null || this.playlistId === '') { return null } return this.$store.getters.getPlaylist(this.playlistId) }, selectedUserPlaylistLastUpdatedAt: function () { return this.selectedUserPlaylist?.lastUpdatedAt }, selectedUserPlaylistVideos: function () { if (this.selectedUserPlaylist != null) { return this.selectedUserPlaylist.videos } else { return [] } }, selectedUserPlaylistVideoCount: function() { return this.selectedUserPlaylistVideos.length }, moreVideoDataAvailable() { if (this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { return this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit < this.sometimesFilteredUserPlaylistItems.length } else { return this.continuationData !== null } }, searchVideoModeAllowed() { return this.isUserPlaylistRequested }, searchQueryTextRequested() { return this.$route.query.searchQueryText }, searchQueryTextPresent() { const searchQueryText = this.searchQueryTextRequested return typeof searchQueryText === 'string' && searchQueryText !== '' }, isUserPlaylistRequested: function () { return this.$route.query.playlistType === 'user' }, quickBookmarkPlaylistId() { return this.$store.getters.getQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId }, quickBookmarkButtonEnabled() { if (this.selectedUserPlaylist == null) { return true } return this.selectedUserPlaylist?._id !== this.quickBookmarkPlaylistId }, sometimesFilteredUserPlaylistItems() { if (!this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { return this.playlistItems } if (this.processedVideoSearchQuery === '') { return this.playlistItems } return this.playlistItems.filter((v) => { if (typeof (v.title) === 'string' && v.title.toLowerCase().includes(this.processedVideoSearchQuery)) { return true } else if (typeof ( === 'string' && { return true } return false }) }, visiblePlaylistItems: function () { if (!this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { // No filtering for non user playlists yet return this.playlistItems } if (this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit < this.sometimesFilteredUserPlaylistItems.length) { return this.sometimesFilteredUserPlaylistItems.slice(0, this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit) } else { return this.sometimesFilteredUserPlaylistItems } }, processedVideoSearchQuery() { return this.videoSearchQuery.trim().toLowerCase() }, }, watch: { $route () { // react to route changes... this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, userPlaylistsReady () { // Fetch from local store when playlist data ready if (!this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { return } this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, selectedUserPlaylist () { // Fetch from local store when current user playlist changed this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, selectedUserPlaylistLastUpdatedAt () { // Re-fetch from local store when current user playlist updated this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, selectedUserPlaylistVideoCount () { // Monitoring `selectedUserPlaylistVideos` makes this function called // Even when the same array object is returned // So length is monitored instead // Assuming in user playlist video cannot be swapped without length change // Re-fetch from local store when current user playlist videos updated this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, }, created: function () { this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce = debounce(this.getPlaylistInfo, 100) if (this.searchVideoModeAllowed && this.searchQueryTextPresent) { this.playlistInVideoSearchMode = true this.videoSearchQuery = this.searchQueryTextRequested } }, mounted: function () { this.getPlaylistInfoDebounce() }, methods: { getPlaylistInfo: function () { this.isLoading = true // `selectedUserPlaylist` result accuracy relies on data being ready if (this.isUserPlaylistRequested && !this.userPlaylistsReady) { return } if (this.isUserPlaylistRequested) { if (this.selectedUserPlaylist != null) { this.parseUserPlaylist(this.selectedUserPlaylist) } else { this.showUserPlaylistNotFound() } return } switch (this.backendPreference) { case 'local': this.getPlaylistLocal() break case 'invidious': this.getPlaylistInvidious() break } }, getPlaylistLocal: function () { getLocalPlaylist(this.playlistId).then((result) => { let channelName if ( { channelName = } else { const subtitle = const index = subtitle.lastIndexOf('•') channelName = subtitle.substring(0, index).trim() } this.playlistTitle = this.playlistDescription = ?? '' this.firstVideoId = result.items[0].id this.playlistThumbnail =[0].url this.viewCount = extractNumberFromString( this.videoCount = extractNumberFromString( this.lastUpdated = ?? '' this.channelName = channelName ?? '' this.channelThumbnail = ?? '' this.channelId = this.infoSource = 'local' this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl: this.channelThumbnail, channelName: this.channelName, channelId: this.channelId }) this.playlistItems = let shouldGetNextPage = false if (result.has_continuation) { this.continuationData = result shouldGetNextPage = this.playlistItems.length < 100 } // To workaround the effect of useless continuation data // auto load next page again when no. of parsed items < page size if (shouldGetNextPage) { this.getNextPageLocal() } this.isLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { console.warn('Falling back to Invidious API') this.getPlaylistInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getPlaylistInvidious: function () { invidiousGetPlaylistInfo(this.playlistId).then((result) => { this.playlistTitle = result.title this.playlistDescription = result.description this.firstVideoId = result.videos[0].videoId this.viewCount = result.viewCount this.videoCount = result.videoCount this.channelName = this.channelThumbnail = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(result.authorThumbnails[2].url, this.currentInvidiousInstance) this.channelId = result.authorId this.infoSource = 'invidious' this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl: result.authorThumbnails[2].url, channelName: this.channelName, channelId: this.channelId }) const dateString = new Date(result.updated * 1000) this.lastUpdated = dateString.toLocaleDateString(this.currentLocale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }) setPublishedTimestampsInvidious(result.videos) this.playlistItems = result.videos this.isLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { console.warn('Error getting data with Invidious, falling back to local backend') this.getPlaylistLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false // TODO: Show toast with error message } }) }, parseUserPlaylist: function (playlist) { this.playlistTitle = playlist.playlistName this.playlistDescription = playlist.description ?? '' if (playlist.videos.length > 0) { this.firstVideoId = playlist.videos[0].videoId this.firstVideoPlaylistItemId = playlist.videos[0].playlistItemId } else { this.firstVideoId = '' this.firstVideoPlaylistItemId = '' } this.viewCount = 0 this.videoCount = playlist.videos.length const dateString = new Date(playlist.lastUpdatedAt) this.lastUpdated = dateString.toLocaleDateString(this.currentLocale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }) this.channelName = '' this.channelThumbnail = '' this.channelId = '' this.infoSource = 'user' this.playlistItems = playlist.videos this.isLoading = false }, showUserPlaylistNotFound() { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.This playlist does not exist')) }, getNextPage: function () { switch (this.infoSource) { case 'local': this.getNextPageLocal() break case 'user': // Stop users from spamming the load more button, by replacing it with a loading symbol until the newly added items are renderered this.isLoadingMore = true setTimeout(() => { if (this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit + 100 < this.videoCount) { this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit += 100 } else { this.userPlaylistVisibleLimit = this.videoCount } this.isLoadingMore = false }) break case 'invidious': console.error('Playlist pagination is not currently supported when the Invidious backend is selected.') break } }, getNextPageLocal: function () { this.isLoadingMore = true getLocalPlaylistContinuation(this.continuationData).then((result) => { let shouldGetNextPage = false if (result) { const parsedVideos = this.playlistItems = this.playlistItems.concat(parsedVideos) if (result.has_continuation) { this.continuationData = result // To workaround the effect of useless continuation data // auto load next page again when no. of parsed items < page size shouldGetNextPage = parsedVideos.length < 100 } else { this.continuationData = null } } else { this.continuationData = null } this.isLoadingMore = false if (shouldGetNextPage) { this.getNextPageLocal() } }) }, moveVideoUp: function (videoId, playlistItemId) { const playlistItems = [].concat(this.playlistItems) const videoIndex = playlistItems.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === videoId && video.playlistItemId === playlistItemId }) if (videoIndex === 0) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["This video cannot be moved up."]')) return } const videoObject = playlistItems[videoIndex] playlistItems.splice(videoIndex, 1) playlistItems.splice(videoIndex - 1, 0, videoObject) const playlist = { playlistName: this.playlistTitle, protected: this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected, description: this.playlistDescription, videos: playlistItems, _id: this.playlistId } try { this.updatePlaylist(playlist) this.playlistItems = playlistItems } catch (e) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["There was an issue with updating this playlist."]')) console.error(e) } }, moveVideoDown: function (videoId, playlistItemId) { const playlistItems = [].concat(this.playlistItems) const videoIndex = playlistItems.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === videoId && video.playlistItemId === playlistItemId }) if (videoIndex + 1 === playlistItems.length || videoIndex + 1 > playlistItems.length) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["This video cannot be moved down."]')) return } const videoObject = playlistItems[videoIndex] playlistItems.splice(videoIndex, 1) playlistItems.splice(videoIndex + 1, 0, videoObject) const playlist = { playlistName: this.playlistTitle, protected: this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected, description: this.playlistDescription, videos: playlistItems, _id: this.playlistId } try { this.updatePlaylist(playlist) this.playlistItems = playlistItems } catch (e) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["There was an issue with updating this playlist."]')) console.error(e) } }, removeVideoFromPlaylist: function (videoId, playlistItemId) { try { this.removeVideo({ _id: this.playlistId, videoId: videoId, playlistItemId: playlistItemId, }) // Update playlist's `lastUpdatedAt` this.updatePlaylist({ _id: this.playlistId }) showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.Video has been removed')) } catch (e) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.There was a problem with removing this video')) console.error(e) } }, ...mapActions([ 'updateSubscriptionDetails', 'updatePlaylist', 'removeVideo', ]), ...mapMutations([ 'setCachedPlaylist' ]) } })