import i18n from '../../i18n/index' import { MAIN_PROFILE_ID, IpcChannels, SyncEvents } from '../../../constants' import { DBSettingHandlers } from '../../../datastores/handlers/index' import { showToast } from '../../helpers/utils' /* * Due to the complexity of the settings module in FreeTube, a more * in-depth explanation for adding new settings is required. * * The explanation will be written with the assumption that * the reader knows how Vuex works. * * And no, there's no need to read the entire wall of text. * We'll direct you where you need to go as we walk you through it. * Additionally, the text actually looks bigger than it truly is. * Each line has, at most, 72 characters. * **** * Introduction * * You can add a new setting in three different methods. * * The first two methods benefit from the auto-generation of * a getter, a mutation and a few actions related to the setting. * Those two methods should be preferred whenever possible: * - `state` * - `stateWithSideEffects` * * The last one DOES NOT feature any kind of auto-generation and should * only be used in scenarios that don't fall under the other 2 options: * - `customState` * **** * ASIDE: * The aforementioned "side effects" cover a large area * of interactions with other modules * A good example would be a setting that utilizes the Electron API * when its value changes. * **** * First and foremost, you have to understand what type of setting * you intend to add to the app. * * You'll have to select one of these three scenarios: * * 1) You just want to add a simple setting that does not actively * interact with the Electron API, `localStorage` or * other parts outside of the settings module. * -> Please consult the `state` section. * * 2) You want to add a more complex setting that interacts * with other parts of the app and tech stack. * -> Please consult the `state` and `stateWithSideEffects` sections. * * 3) You want to add a completely custom state based setting * that does not work like the usual settings. * -> Please consult the `state` and `customState` sections. * **** * `state` * This object contains settings that have NO SIDE EFFECTS. * * A getter, mutation and an action function is auto-generated * for every setting present in the `state` object. * They have the following format (exemplified with setting 'example'): * * Getter: `getExample` (gets the value from current state) * Mutation: * `setExample` * (takes a value * and uses it to update the current state) * Action: * `updateExample` * (takes a value, * saves it to the database * and calls `setExample` with it) * *** * `stateWithSideEffects` * This object contains settings that have SIDE EFFECTS. * * Each one of these settings must specify an object * with the following properties: * - `defaultValue` * (which is the value you would put down if * you were to add the setting to the regular `state` object) * * - `sideEffectsHandler` * (which should essentially be a callback of type * `(store, value) => void` * that deals with the side effects for that setting) * * NOTE: Example implementations of such settings can be found * in the `stateWithSideEffects` object in case * the explanation isn't clear enough. * * All functions auto-generated for settings in `state` * (if you haven't read the `state` section, do it now), * are also auto-generated for settings in `stateWithSideEffects`, * with a few key differences (exemplified with setting 'example'): * * - an additional action is auto-generated: * - `triggerExampleSideEffects` * (triggers the `sideEffectsHandler` for that setting; * you'll most likely never call this directly) * * - the behavior of `updateExample` changes a bit: * - `updateExample` * (saves value to the database, * calls `triggerExampleSideEffects` and calls `setExample`) * *** * `customState` * This object contains settings that * don't linearly fall under the other two options. * * No auto-generation of any kind is performed * when a setting is added to `customState` * * You must manually add any getters, mutations and actions to * `customGetters`, `customMutations` and `customActions` respectively * that you find appropriate for that setting. * * NOTE: * When adding a setting to the `customState`, * additional consultation with the FreeTube team is preferred * to evaluate if it is truly necessary * and to ensure that the implementation works as intended. * * A good example of a setting of this type would be `usingElectron`. * This setting doesn't need to be persisted in the database * and it doesn't change over time. * Therefore, it needs a getter (which we add to `customGetters`), but * has no need for a mutation or any sort of action. * **** * ENDING NOTES * * Only two more things that need mentioning. * * 1) It's perfectly fine to add extra functionality * to the `customGetters`, `customMutations` and `customActions`, * whether it's related to a setting or just serving as * standalone functionality for the module * (e.g. `grabUserSettings` (standalone action)) * * 2) It's also possible to OVERRIDE auto-generated functionality by * adding functions with the same identifier to * the respective `custom__` object, * but you must have an acceptable reason for doing so. **** */ // HELPERS const capitalize = str => str.replace(/^\w/, c => c.toUpperCase()) const defaultGetterId = settingId => 'get' + capitalize(settingId) const defaultMutationId = settingId => 'set' + capitalize(settingId) const defaultUpdaterId = settingId => 'update' + capitalize(settingId) const defaultSideEffectsTriggerId = settingId => 'trigger' + capitalize(settingId) + 'SideEffects' /*****/ const state = { autoplayPlaylists: true, autoplayVideos: true, backendFallback: true, backendPreference: 'local', barColor: false, checkForBlogPosts: true, checkForUpdates: true, baseTheme: 'system', mainColor: 'Red', secColor: 'Blue', defaultCaptionSettings: '{}', defaultInterval: 5, defaultPlayback: 1, defaultProfile: MAIN_PROFILE_ID, defaultQuality: '720', defaultSkipInterval: 5, defaultTheatreMode: false, defaultVideoFormat: 'dash', disableSmoothScrolling: false, displayVideoPlayButton: true, enableSearchSuggestions: true, enableSubtitles: true, externalLinkHandling: '', externalPlayer: '', externalPlayerExecutable: '', externalPlayerIgnoreWarnings: false, externalPlayerCustomArgs: '', expandSideBar: false, forceLocalBackendForLegacy: false, hideActiveSubscriptions: false, hideChannelSubscriptions: false, hideCommentLikes: false, hideComments: false, hideVideoDescription: false, hideLiveChat: false, hideLiveStreams: false, hidePlaylists: false, hidePopularVideos: false, hideRecommendedVideos: false, hideSearchBar: false, hideSharingActions: false, hideTrendingVideos: false, hideUnsubscribeButton: false, hideVideoLikesAndDislikes: false, hideVideoViews: false, hideWatchedSubs: false, hideLabelsSideBar: false, hideChapters: false, landingPage: 'subscriptions', listType: 'grid', maxVideoPlaybackRate: 3, playNextVideo: false, proxyHostname: '', proxyPort: '9050', proxyProtocol: 'socks5', proxyVideos: false, region: 'US', rememberHistory: true, removeVideoMetaFiles: true, saveWatchedProgress: true, showFamilyFriendlyOnly: false, sponsorBlockShowSkippedToast: true, sponsorBlockUrl: '', sponsorBlockSponsor: { color: 'Blue', skip: 'autoSkip' }, sponsorBlockSelfPromo: { color: 'Yellow', skip: 'showInSeekBar' }, sponsorBlockInteraction: { color: 'Green', skip: 'showInSeekBar' }, sponsorBlockIntro: { color: 'Orange', skip: 'doNothing' }, sponsorBlockOutro: { color: 'Orange', skip: 'doNothing' }, sponsorBlockRecap: { color: 'Orange', skip: 'doNothing' }, sponsorBlockMusicOffTopic: { color: 'Orange', skip: 'doNothing' }, sponsorBlockFiller: { color: 'Orange', skip: 'doNothing' }, thumbnailPreference: '', useProxy: false, useRssFeeds: false, useSponsorBlock: false, videoVolumeMouseScroll: false, videoPlaybackRateMouseScroll: false, videoPlaybackRateInterval: 0.25, downloadFolderPath: '', downloadBehavior: 'download', enableScreenshot: false, screenshotFormat: 'png', screenshotQuality: 95, screenshotAskPath: false, screenshotFolderPath: '', screenshotFilenamePattern: '%Y%M%D-%H%N%S', fetchSubscriptionsAutomatically: true } const stateWithSideEffects = { currentLocale: { defaultValue: 'en-US', sideEffectsHandler: async function ({ dispatch }, value) { const defaultLocale = 'en-US' let targetLocale = value if (value === 'system') { const systemLocaleName = (await dispatch('getSystemLocale')).replace('-', '_') // ex: en_US const systemLocaleLang = systemLocaleName.split('_')[0] // ex: en const targetLocaleOptions = i18n.allLocales.filter((locale) => { // filter out other languages const localeLang = locale.replace('-', '_').split('_')[0] return localeLang.includes(systemLocaleLang) }).sort((a, b) => { const aLocaleName = a.replace('-', '_') const bLocaleName = b.replace('-', '_') const aLocale = aLocaleName.split('_') // ex: [en, US] const bLocale = bLocaleName.split('_') if (aLocale.includes(systemLocaleName)) { // country & language match, prefer a return -1 } else if (bLocale.includes(systemLocaleName)) { // country & language match, prefer b return 1 } else if (aLocale.length === 1) { // no country code for a, prefer a return -1 } else if (bLocale.length === 1) { // no country code for b, prefer b return 1 } else { // a & b have different country code from system, sort alphabetically return aLocaleName.localeCompare(bLocaleName) } }) if (targetLocaleOptions.length > 0) { targetLocale = targetLocaleOptions[0] } // Go back to default value if locale is unavailable if (!targetLocale) { targetLocale = defaultLocale // Translating this string isn't necessary // because the user will always see it in the default locale // (in this case, English (US)) showToast(`Locale not found, defaulting to ${defaultLocale}`) } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' || !process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { await i18n.loadLocale(targetLocale) } i18n.locale = targetLocale dispatch('getRegionData', { locale: targetLocale }) } }, defaultInvidiousInstance: { defaultValue: '', sideEffectsHandler: ({ commit, getters }, value) => { if (value !== '' && getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance !== value) { commit('setCurrentInvidiousInstance', value) } } }, defaultVolume: { defaultValue: 1, sideEffectsHandler: (_, value) => { sessionStorage.setItem('volume', value) } }, uiScale: { defaultValue: 100, sideEffectsHandler: (_, value) => { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { webFrame } = require('electron') webFrame.setZoomFactor(value / 100) } } } } const customState = { } const customGetters = { } const customMutations = {} /**********/ /* * DO NOT TOUCH THIS SECTION * If you wanna add to custom data or logic to the module, * do so in the aproppriate `custom_` variable * * Some of the custom actions below use these properties, so I'll be * adding them here instead of further down for clarity's sake */ Object.assign(customState, { settingsWithSideEffects: Object.keys(stateWithSideEffects) }) Object.assign(customGetters, { settingHasSideEffects: (state) => { return (id) => state.settingsWithSideEffects.includes(id) } }) /**********/ const customActions = { grabUserSettings: async ({ commit, dispatch, getters }) => { try { const userSettings = await DBSettingHandlers.find() for (const setting of userSettings) { const { _id, value } = setting if (getters.settingHasSideEffects(_id)) { dispatch(defaultSideEffectsTriggerId(_id), value) } if (Object.keys(mutations).includes(defaultMutationId(_id))) { commit(defaultMutationId(_id), value) } } } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } }, // Should be a root action, but we'll tolerate setupListenersToSyncWindows: ({ commit, dispatch, getters }) => { // Already known to be Electron, no need to check const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') ipcRenderer.on(IpcChannels.SYNC_SETTINGS, (_, { event, data }) => { switch (event) { case SyncEvents.GENERAL.UPSERT: if (getters.settingHasSideEffects(data._id)) { dispatch(defaultSideEffectsTriggerId(data._id), data.value) } commit(defaultMutationId(data._id), data.value) break default: console.error('settings: invalid sync event received') } }) ipcRenderer.on(IpcChannels.SYNC_HISTORY, (_, { event, data }) => { switch (event) { case SyncEvents.GENERAL.UPSERT: commit('upsertToHistoryCache', data) break case SyncEvents.HISTORY.UPDATE_WATCH_PROGRESS: commit('updateRecordWatchProgressInHistoryCache', data) break case SyncEvents.GENERAL.DELETE: commit('removeFromHistoryCacheById', data) break case SyncEvents.GENERAL.DELETE_ALL: commit('setHistoryCache', []) break default: console.error('history: invalid sync event received') } }) ipcRenderer.on(IpcChannels.SYNC_PROFILES, (_, { event, data }) => { switch (event) { case SyncEvents.GENERAL.CREATE: commit('addProfileToList', data) break case SyncEvents.GENERAL.UPSERT: commit('upsertProfileToList', data) break case SyncEvents.GENERAL.DELETE: commit('removeProfileFromList', data) break default: console.error('profiles: invalid sync event received') } }) ipcRenderer.on(IpcChannels.SYNC_PLAYLISTS, (_, { event, data }) => { switch (event) { case SyncEvents.PLAYLISTS.UPSERT_VIDEO: commit('addVideo', data) break case SyncEvents.PLAYLISTS.DELETE_VIDEO: commit('removeVideo', data) break default: console.error('playlists: invalid sync event received') } }) } } /**********************/ /* * DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW * (unless you plan to change the architecture of this module) */ const getters = {} const mutations = {} const actions = {} // Add settings that contain side effects to the state Object.assign( state, Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(stateWithSideEffects).map( (key) => [ key, stateWithSideEffects[key].defaultValue ] ) ) ) // Build default getters, mutations and actions for every setting id for (const settingId of Object.keys(state)) { const getterId = defaultGetterId(settingId) const mutationId = defaultMutationId(settingId) const updaterId = defaultUpdaterId(settingId) const triggerId = defaultSideEffectsTriggerId(settingId) getters[getterId] = (state) => state[settingId] mutations[mutationId] = (state, value) => { state[settingId] = value } // If setting has side effects, generate action to handle them if (Object.keys(stateWithSideEffects).includes(settingId)) { actions[triggerId] = stateWithSideEffects[settingId].sideEffectsHandler } actions[updaterId] = async ({ commit, dispatch, getters }, value) => { try { await DBSettingHandlers.upsert(settingId, value) if (getters.settingHasSideEffects(settingId)) { dispatch(triggerId, value) } commit(mutationId, value) } catch (errMessage) { console.error(errMessage) } } } // Add all custom data/logic to their respective objects Object.assign(state, customState) Object.assign(getters, customGetters) Object.assign(mutations, customMutations) Object.assign(actions, customActions) export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }