import Vue from 'vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' import FtCard from '../ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtButton from '../ft-button/ft-button.vue' import FtFlexBox from '../ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import FtIconButton from '../ft-icon-button/ft-icon-button.vue' import FtShareButton from '../ft-share-button/ft-share-button.vue' import { MAIN_PROFILE_ID } from '../../../constants' import i18n from '../../i18n/index' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'WatchVideoInfo', components: { 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-button': FtButton, 'ft-flex-box': FtFlexBox, 'ft-icon-button': FtIconButton, 'ft-share-button': FtShareButton }, props: { id: { type: String, required: true }, title: { type: String, required: true }, channelId: { type: String, required: true }, channelName: { type: String, required: true }, channelThumbnail: { type: String, required: true }, published: { type: Number, required: true }, viewCount: { type: Number, required: true }, subscriptionCountText: { type: String, required: true }, likeCount: { type: Number, default: 0 }, dislikeCount: { type: Number, default: 0 }, getTimestamp: { type: Function, required: true }, isLive: { type: Boolean, required: false }, isLiveContent: { type: Boolean, required: true }, isUpcoming: { type: Boolean, required: true }, downloadLinks: { type: Array, required: true }, watchingPlaylist: { type: Boolean, required: true }, playlistId: { type: String, default: null }, getPlaylistIndex: { type: Function, required: true }, getPlaylistReverse: { type: Function, required: true }, getPlaylistShuffle: { type: Function, required: true }, getPlaylistLoop: { type: Function, required: true }, theatrePossible: { type: Boolean, required: true }, lengthSeconds: { type: Number, required: true }, videoThumbnail: { type: String, required: true } }, data: function () { return { formatTypeLabel: 'VIDEO FORMATS' } }, computed: { currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, hideSharingActions: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideSharingActions }, hideUnsubscribeButton: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideUnsubscribeButton }, currentLocale: function () { return i18n.locale.replace('_', '-') }, profileList: function () { return this.$store.getters.getProfileList }, activeProfile: function () { return this.$store.getters.getActiveProfile }, hideRecommendedVideos: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideRecommendedVideos }, hideLiveChat: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideLiveChat }, hideVideoLikesAndDislikes: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoLikesAndDislikes }, hideVideoViews: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoViews }, favoritesPlaylist: function () { return this.$store.getters.getFavorites }, inFavoritesPlaylist: function () { const index = this.favoritesPlaylist.videos.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === }) return index !== -1 }, favoriteIconTheme: function () { return this.inFavoritesPlaylist ? 'base favorite' : 'base' }, downloadLinkOptions: function () { return => { return { label: download.label, value: download.url } }) }, downloadBehavior: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDownloadBehavior }, formatTypeOptions: function () { return [ { label: this.$t('Change Format.Use Dash Formats').toUpperCase(), value: 'dash' }, { label: this.$t('Change Format.Use Legacy Formats').toUpperCase(), value: 'legacy' }, { label: this.$t('Change Format.Use Audio Formats').toUpperCase(), value: 'audio' } ] }, totalLikeCount: function () { return this.likeCount + this.dislikeCount }, parsedLikeCount: function () { if (this.hideVideoLikesAndDislikes || this.likeCount === null) { return null } const locale = this.currentLocale.replace('_', '-') return this.likeCount.toLocaleString([locale, 'en']) }, parsedDislikeCount: function () { if (this.hideVideoLikesAndDislikes || this.dislikeCount === null) { return null } const locale = this.currentLocale.replace('_', '-') return this.dislikeCount.toLocaleString([locale, 'en']) }, likePercentageRatio: function () { return parseInt(this.likeCount / this.totalLikeCount * 100) }, parsedViewCount: function () { if (this.hideVideoViews) { return null } return Intl.NumberFormat(this.currentLocale).format(this.viewCount) + ` ${this.$t('Video.Views').toLowerCase()}` }, isSubscribed: function () { const subIndex = this.activeProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((channel) => { return === this.channelId }) if (subIndex === -1) { return false } else { return true } }, subscribedText: function () { if (this.isSubscribed) { return `${this.$t('Channel.Unsubscribe').toUpperCase()} ${this.subscriptionCountText}` } else { return `${this.$t('Channel.Subscribe').toUpperCase()} ${this.subscriptionCountText}` } }, dateString() { const date = new Date(this.published) const locale = this.currentLocale.replace('_', '-') const localeDateString = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([locale, 'en'], { dateStyle: 'medium' }).format(date) return `${localeDateString}` }, publishedString() { if (this.isLiveContent && this.isLive) { return this.$t('Video.Started streaming on') } else if (this.isLiveContent && !this.isLive) { return this.$t('Video.Streamed on') } else { return this.$t('Video.Published on') } }, externalPlayer: function () { return this.$store.getters.getExternalPlayer }, defaultPlayback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultPlayback } }, mounted: function () { if ('mediaSession' in navigator) { /* eslint-disable-next-line */ navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ title: this.title, artist: this.channelName, artwork: [ { src: this.videoThumbnail, sizes: '128x128', type: 'image/png' } ] }) this.$watch('$refs.downloadButton.dropdownShown', (dropdownShown) => { this.$parent.infoAreaSticky = !dropdownShown if (dropdownShown && window.innerWidth >= 901) { // adds a slight delay so we know that the dropdown has shown up // and won't mess up our scrolling Promise.resolve().then(() => { this.$parent.$refs.infoArea.scrollIntoView() }) } }) } }, methods: { handleExternalPlayer: function () { this.$emit('pause-player') this.openInExternalPlayer({ watchProgress: this.getTimestamp(), playbackRate: this.defaultPlayback, videoId:, videoLength: this.lengthSeconds, playlistId: this.playlistId, playlistIndex: this.getPlaylistIndex(), playlistReverse: this.getPlaylistReverse(), playlistShuffle: this.getPlaylistShuffle(), playlistLoop: this.getPlaylistLoop() }) }, goToChannel: function () { this.$router.push({ path: `/channel/${this.channelId}` }) }, toggleSave: function () { if (this.inFavoritesPlaylist) { this.removeFromPlaylist() } else { this.addToPlaylist() } }, handleSubscription: function () { if (this.channelId === '') { return } const currentProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.activeProfile)) const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0])) if (this.isSubscribed) { currentProfile.subscriptions = currentProfile.subscriptions.filter((channel) => { return !== this.channelId }) this.updateProfile(currentProfile) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Channel has been removed from your subscriptions') }) if (this.activeProfile._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { // Check if a subscription exists in a different profile. // Remove from there as well. let duplicateSubscriptions = 0 this.profileList.forEach((profile) => { if (profile._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { return } const parsedProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(profile)) const index = parsedProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((channel) => { return === this.channelId }) if (index !== -1) { duplicateSubscriptions++ parsedProfile.subscriptions = parsedProfile.subscriptions.filter((x) => { return !== this.channelId }) this.updateProfile(parsedProfile) } }) if (duplicateSubscriptions > 0) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s)', { count: duplicateSubscriptions }) }) } } } else { const subscription = { id: this.channelId, name: this.channelName, thumbnail: this.channelThumbnail } currentProfile.subscriptions.push(subscription) this.updateProfile(currentProfile) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Added channel to your subscriptions') }) if (this.activeProfile._id !== MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { const index = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((channel) => { return === this.channelId }) if (index === -1) { primaryProfile.subscriptions.push(subscription) this.updateProfile(primaryProfile) } } } }, handleFormatChange: function (format) { switch (format) { case 'dash': this.$parent.enableDashFormat() break case 'legacy': this.$parent.enableLegacyFormat() break case 'audio': this.$parent.enableAudioFormat() break } }, handleDownload: function (index) { const selectedDownloadLinkOption = this.downloadLinkOptions[index] const url = selectedDownloadLinkOption.value const linkName = selectedDownloadLinkOption.label const extension = this.grabExtensionFromUrl(linkName) if (this.downloadBehavior === 'open') { this.openExternalLink(url) } else { this.downloadMedia({ url: url, title: this.title, extension: extension }) } }, grabExtensionFromUrl: function (url) { const regex = /\/(\w*)/i const group = url.match(regex) if (group.length === 0) { return '' } return group[1] }, addToPlaylist: function () { const videoData = { videoId:, title: this.title, author: this.channelName, authorId: this.channelId, published: '', description: this.description, viewCount: this.viewCount, lengthSeconds: this.lengthSeconds, timeAdded: new Date().getTime(), isLive: false, paid: false, type: 'video' } const payload = { playlistName: 'Favorites', videoData: videoData } this.addVideo(payload) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been saved') }) }, removeFromPlaylist: function () { const payload = { playlistName: 'Favorites', videoId: } this.removeVideo(payload) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been removed from your saved list') }) }, ...mapActions([ 'showToast', 'openInExternalPlayer', 'updateProfile', 'addVideo', 'removeVideo', 'openExternalLink', 'downloadMedia' ]) } })