import IsEqual from 'lodash.isequal' import FtToastEvents from '../../components/ft-toast/ft-toast-events' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import i18n from '../../i18n/index' import { IpcChannels } from '../../../constants' const state = { isSideNavOpen: false, sessionSearchHistory: [], popularCache: null, trendingCache: { default: null, music: null, gaming: null, movies: null }, showProgressBar: false, progressBarPercentage: 0, regionNames: [], regionValues: [], recentBlogPosts: [], searchSettings: { sortBy: 'relevance', time: '', type: 'all', duration: '' }, externalPlayerNames: [], externalPlayerNameTranslationKeys: [], externalPlayerValues: [], externalPlayerCmdArguments: {} } const getters = { getIsSideNavOpen () { return state.isSideNavOpen }, getCurrentVolume () { return state.currentVolume }, getSessionSearchHistory () { return state.sessionSearchHistory }, getPopularCache () { return state.popularCache }, getTrendingCache () { return state.trendingCache }, getSearchSettings () { return state.searchSettings }, getShowProgressBar () { return state.showProgressBar }, getProgressBarPercentage () { return state.progressBarPercentage }, getRegionNames () { return state.regionNames }, getRegionValues () { return state.regionValues }, getRecentBlogPosts () { return state.recentBlogPosts }, getExternalPlayerNames () { return state.externalPlayerNames }, getExternalPlayerNameTranslationKeys () { return state.externalPlayerNameTranslationKeys }, getExternalPlayerValues () { return state.externalPlayerValues }, getExternalPlayerCmdArguments () { return state.externalPlayerCmdArguments } } /** * Wrapper function that calls `ipcRenderer.invoke(IRCtype, payload)` if the user is * using Electron or a provided custom callback otherwise. * @param {Object} context Object * @param {String} IRCtype String * @param {Function} webCbk Function * @param {Object} payload any (default: null) */ async function invokeIRC(context, IRCtype, webCbk, payload = null) { let response = null if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') response = await ipcRenderer.invoke(IRCtype, payload) } else if (webCbk) { response = await webCbk() } return response } const actions = { openExternalLink (_, url) { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer ipcRenderer.send(IpcChannels.OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINK, url) } else {, '_blank') } }, replaceFilenameForbiddenChars(_, filenameOriginal) { let filenameNew = filenameOriginal let forbiddenChars = {} switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': forbiddenChars = { '<': '<', // U+FF1C '>': '>', // U+FF1E ':': ':', // U+FF1A '"': '"', // U+FF02 '/': '/', // U+FF0F '\\': '\', // U+FF3C '|': '|', // U+FF5C '?': '?', // U+FF1F '*': '*' // U+FF0A } break case 'darwin': forbiddenChars = { '/': '/', ':': ':' } break case 'linux': forbiddenChars = { '/': '/' } break default: break } for (const forbiddenChar in forbiddenChars) { filenameNew = filenameNew.replaceAll(forbiddenChar, forbiddenChars[forbiddenChar]) } return filenameNew }, /** * This writes to the clipboard. If an error occurs during the copy, * a toast with the error is shown. If the copy is successful and * there is a success message, a toast with that message is shown. * @param {string} content the content to be copied to the clipboard * @param {string} messageOnSuccess the message to be displayed as a toast when the copy succeeds (optional) * @param {string} messageOnError the message to be displayed as a toast when the copy fails (optional) */ async copyToClipboard ({ dispatch }, { content, messageOnSuccess, messageOnError }) { if (navigator.clipboard !== undefined && window.isSecureContext) { try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(content) if (messageOnSuccess !== undefined) { dispatch('showToast', { message: messageOnSuccess }) } } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to copy ${content} to clipboard`, error) if (messageOnError !== undefined) { dispatch('showToast', { message: `${messageOnError}: ${error}`, time: 5000 }) } else { dispatch('showToast', { message: `${i18n.t('Clipboard.Copy failed')}: ${error}`, time: 5000 }) } } } else { dispatch('showToast', { message: i18n.t('Clipboard.Cannot access clipboard without a secure connection'), time: 5000 }) } }, async downloadMedia({ rootState, dispatch }, { url, title, extension, fallingBackPath }) { const fileName = `${await dispatch('replaceFilenameForbiddenChars', title)}.${extension}` const errorMessage = i18n.t('Downloading failed', { videoTitle: title }) let folderPath = rootState.settings.downloadFolderPath if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { dispatch('openExternalLink', url) return } if (folderPath === '') { const options = { defaultPath: fileName, filters: [ { name: extension.toUpperCase(), extensions: [extension] } ] } const response = await dispatch('showSaveDialog', { options }) if (response.canceled || response.filePath === '') { // User canceled the save dialog return } folderPath = response.filePath } else { if (!fs.existsSync(folderPath)) { try { fs.mkdirSync(folderPath, { recursive: true }) } catch (err) { console.error(err) dispatch('showToast', { message: err }) return } } folderPath = path.join(folderPath, fileName) } dispatch('showToast', { message: i18n.t('Starting download', { videoTitle: title }) }) const response = await fetch(url).catch((error) => { console.error(error) dispatch('showToast', { message: errorMessage }) }) const reader = response.body.getReader() const chunks = [] const handleError = (err) => { console.error(err) dispatch('showToast', { message: errorMessage }) } const processText = async ({ done, value }) => { if (done) { return } chunks.push(value) // Can be used in the future to determine download percentage // const contentLength = response.headers.get('Content-Length') // const receivedLength = value.length // const percentage = receivedLength / contentLength await } await const blobFile = new Blob(chunks) const buffer = await blobFile.arrayBuffer() fs.writeFile(folderPath, new DataView(buffer), (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err) dispatch('showToast', { message: errorMessage }) } else { dispatch('showToast', { message: i18n.t('Downloading has completed', { videoTitle: title }) }) } }) }, async getSystemLocale (context) { const webCbk = () => { if (navigator && navigator.language) { return navigator.language } } return (await invokeIRC(context, IpcChannels.GET_SYSTEM_LOCALE, webCbk)) || 'en-US' }, /** * @param {Object} response the response from `showOpenDialog` * @param {Number} index which file to read (defaults to the first in the response) * @returns the text contents of the selected file */ async readFileFromDialog(context, { response, index = 0 }) { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON) { // if this is Electron, use fs fs.readFile(response.filePaths[index], (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err) return } resolve(new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(data)) }) } else { // if this is web, use FileReader try { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (file) { resolve(file.currentTarget.result) } reader.readAsText(response.files[index]) } catch (exception) { reject(exception) } } }) }, async showOpenDialog (context, options) { const webCbk = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const fileInput = document.createElement('input') fileInput.setAttribute('type', 'file') if (options?.filters[0]?.extensions !== undefined) { // this will map the given extensions from the options to the accept attribute of the input fileInput.setAttribute('accept', options.filters[0] => { return `.${extension}` }).join(', ')) } fileInput.onchange = () => { const files = Array.from(fileInput.files) resolve({ canceled: false, files }) delete fileInput.onchange } const listenForEnd = () => { window.removeEventListener('focus', listenForEnd) // 1 second timeout on the response from the file picker to prevent awaiting forever setTimeout(() => { if (fileInput.files.length === 0 && typeof fileInput.onchange === 'function') { // if there are no files and the onchange has not been triggered, the file-picker was canceled resolve({ canceled: true }) delete fileInput.onchange } }, 1000) } window.addEventListener('focus', listenForEnd) }) } return await invokeIRC(context, IpcChannels.SHOW_OPEN_DIALOG, webCbk, options) }, async showSaveDialog (context, { options, useModal = false }) { // TODO: implement showSaveDialog web compatible callback const webCbk = () => null return await invokeIRC(context, IpcChannels.SHOW_SAVE_DIALOG, webCbk, { options, useModal }) }, async getUserDataPath (context) { // TODO: implement getUserDataPath web compatible callback const webCbk = () => null return await invokeIRC(context, IpcChannels.GET_USER_DATA_PATH, webCbk) }, async getPicturesPath (context) { const webCbk = () => null return await invokeIRC(context, IpcChannels.GET_PICTURES_PATH, webCbk) }, parseScreenshotCustomFileName: function({ rootState }, payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { pattern = rootState.settings.screenshotFilenamePattern, date, playerTime, videoId } = payload const keywords = [ ['%Y', date.getFullYear()], // year 4 digits ['%M', (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')], // month 2 digits ['%D', date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')], // day 2 digits ['%H', date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0')], // hour 2 digits ['%N', date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0')], // minute 2 digits ['%S', date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0')], // second 2 digits ['%T', date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(3, '0')], // millisecond 3 digits ['%s', parseInt(playerTime)], // video position second n digits ['%t', (playerTime % 1).toString().slice(2, 5) || '000'], // video position millisecond 3 digits ['%i', videoId] // video id ] let parsedString = pattern for (const [key, value] of keywords) { parsedString = parsedString.replaceAll(key, value) } const platform = process.platform if (platform === 'win32') { // // const noForbiddenChars = ['<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '|', '?', '*'].every(char => { return parsedString.indexOf(char) === -1 }) if (!noForbiddenChars) { reject(new Error('Forbidden Characters')) // use message as translation key } } else if (platform === 'darwin') { // if (parsedString.indexOf(':') !== -1) { reject(new Error('Forbidden Characters')) } } const dirChar = platform === 'win32' ? '\\' : '/' let filename if (parsedString.indexOf(dirChar) !== -1) { const lastIndex = parsedString.lastIndexOf(dirChar) filename = parsedString.substring(lastIndex + 1) } else { filename = parsedString } if (!filename) { reject(new Error('Empty File Name')) } resolve(parsedString) }) }, updateShowProgressBar ({ commit }, value) { commit('setShowProgressBar', value) }, getRegionData ({ commit }, payload) { let fileData /* eslint-disable-next-line */ const fileLocation = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? './static/geolocations/' : `${__dirname}/static/geolocations/` if (fs.existsSync(`${fileLocation}${payload.locale}`)) { fileData = fs.readFileSync(`${fileLocation}${payload.locale}/countries.json`) } else { fileData = fs.readFileSync(`${fileLocation}en-US/countries.json`) } const countries = JSON.parse(fileData).map((entry) => { return { id:, name:, code: entry.alpha2 } }) countries.sort((a, b) => { return - }) const regionNames = => { return }) const regionValues = => { return entry.code }) commit('setRegionNames', regionNames) commit('setRegionValues', regionValues) }, getVideoParamsFromUrl (_, url) { /** @type {URL} */ let urlObject const paramsObject = { videoId: null, timestamp: null, playlistId: null } try { urlObject = new URL(url) } catch (e) { return paramsObject } function extractParams(videoId) { paramsObject.videoId = videoId paramsObject.timestamp = urlObject.searchParams.get('t') } const extractors = [ // anything with /watch?v= function() { if (urlObject.pathname === '/watch' && urlObject.searchParams.has('v')) { extractParams(urlObject.searchParams.get('v')) paramsObject.playlistId = urlObject.searchParams.get('list') return paramsObject } }, // function() { if ( === '' && urlObject.pathname.match(/^\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.slice(1)) return paramsObject } }, // function() { if (urlObject.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.replace('/embed/', '')) return paramsObject } }, // function() { if (urlObject.pathname.match(/^\/shorts\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.replace('/shorts/', '')) return paramsObject } }, // cloudtube function() { if (^cadence\.(gq|moe)$/) && urlObject.pathname.match(/^\/cloudtube\/video\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/)) { extractParams(urlObject.pathname.slice('/cloudtube/video/'.length)) return paramsObject } } ] return extractors.reduce((a, c) => a || c(), null) || paramsObject }, getYoutubeUrlInfo ({ state }, urlStr) { // Returns // - urlType [String] `video`, `playlist` // // If `urlType` is "video" // - videoId [String] // - timestamp [String] // // If `urlType` is "playlist" // - playlistId [String] // - query [Object] // // If `urlType` is "search" // - searchQuery [String] // - query [Object] // // If `urlType` is "hashtag" // Nothing else // // If `urlType` is "channel" // - channelId [String] // // If `urlType` is "unknown" // Nothing else // // If `urlType` is "invalid_url" // Nothing else const { videoId, timestamp, playlistId } = actions.getVideoParamsFromUrl(null, urlStr) if (videoId) { return { urlType: 'video', videoId, playlistId, timestamp } } let url try { url = new URL(urlStr) } catch { return { urlType: 'invalid_url' } } let urlType = 'unknown' const channelPattern = /^\/(?:(?channel|user|c)\/)?(?[^/]+)(?:\/(join|featured|videos|playlists|about|community|channels))?\/?$/ const typePatterns = new Map([ ['playlist', /^\/playlist\/?$/], ['search', /^\/results\/?$/], ['hashtag', /^\/hashtag\/([^/?&#]+)$/], ['channel', channelPattern] ]) for (const [type, pattern] of typePatterns) { const matchFound = pattern.test(url.pathname) if (matchFound) { urlType = type break } } switch (urlType) { case 'playlist': { if (!url.searchParams.has('list')) { throw new Error('Playlist: "list" field not found') } const playlistId = url.searchParams.get('list') url.searchParams.delete('list') const query = {} for (const [param, value] of url.searchParams) { query[param] = value } return { urlType: 'playlist', playlistId, query } } case 'search': { if (!url.searchParams.has('search_query')) { throw new Error('Search: "search_query" field not found') } const searchQuery = url.searchParams.get('search_query') url.searchParams.delete('search_query') const searchSettings = state.searchSettings const query = { sortBy: searchSettings.sortBy, time: searchSettings.time, type: searchSettings.type, duration: searchSettings.duration } for (const [param, value] of url.searchParams) { query[param] = value } return { urlType: 'search', searchQuery, query } } case 'hashtag': { return { urlType: 'hashtag' } } /* Using RegExp named capture groups from ES2018 To avoid access to specific captured value broken Channel URL (ID-based) Custom URL etc. Legacy Username URL etc. */ case 'channel': { const match = url.pathname.match(channelPattern) const channelId = match.groups.channelId const idType = ['channel', 'user', 'c'].indexOf(match.groups.type) + 1 if (!channelId) { throw new Error('Channel: could not extract id') } let subPath = null switch (url.pathname.split('/').filter(i => i)[2]) { case 'playlists': subPath = 'playlists' break case 'channels': case 'about': subPath = 'about' break case 'community': default: subPath = 'videos' break } return { urlType: 'channel', channelId, idType, subPath } } default: { // Unknown URL type return { urlType: 'unknown' } } } }, toLocalePublicationString ({ dispatch }, payload) { if (payload.isLive) { return '0' + i18n.t('Video.Watching') } else if (payload.isUpcoming || payload.publishText === null) { // the check for null is currently just an inferring of knowledge, because there is no other possibility left return `${i18n.t('Video.Published.Upcoming')}: ${payload.publishText}` } else if (payload.isRSS) { return payload.publishText } const strings = payload.publishText.split(' ') // filters out the streamed x hours ago and removes the streamed in order to keep the rest of the code working if (strings[0].toLowerCase() === 'streamed') { strings.shift() } const singular = (strings[0] === '1') let unit switch (strings[1].substring(0, 2)) { case 'se': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Second') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Seconds') } break case 'mi': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Minute') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Minutes') } break case 'ho': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Hour') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Hours') } break case 'da': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Day') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Days') } break case 'we': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Week') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Weeks') } break case 'mo': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Month') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Months') } break case 'ye': if (singular) { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Year') } else { unit = i18n.t('Video.Published.Years') } break } return i18n.t('Video.Publicationtemplate', { number: strings[0], unit }) }, clearSessionSearchHistory ({ commit }) { commit('setSessionSearchHistory', []) }, showToast (_, payload) { FtToastEvents.$emit('toast-open', payload.message, payload.action, payload.time) }, showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast: function ({ dispatch }, { externalPlayer, action }) { dispatch('showToast', { message: i18n.t('Video.External Player.UnsupportedActionTemplate', { externalPlayer, action }) }) }, getExternalPlayerCmdArgumentsData ({ commit }, payload) { const fileName = 'external-player-map.json' let fileData /* eslint-disable-next-line */ const fileLocation = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? './static/' : `${__dirname}/static/` if (fs.existsSync(`${fileLocation}${fileName}`)) { fileData = fs.readFileSync(`${fileLocation}${fileName}`) } else { fileData = '[{"name":"None","value":"","cmdArguments":null}]' } const externalPlayerMap = JSON.parse(fileData).map((entry) => { return { name:, nameTranslationKey: entry.nameTranslationKey, value: entry.value, cmdArguments: entry.cmdArguments } }) const externalPlayerNames = => { return }) const externalPlayerNameTranslationKeys = => { return entry.nameTranslationKey }) const externalPlayerValues = => { return entry.value }) const externalPlayerCmdArguments = externalPlayerMap.reduce((result, item) => { result[item.value] = item.cmdArguments return result }, {}) commit('setExternalPlayerNames', externalPlayerNames) commit('setExternalPlayerNameTranslationKeys', externalPlayerNameTranslationKeys) commit('setExternalPlayerValues', externalPlayerValues) commit('setExternalPlayerCmdArguments', externalPlayerCmdArguments) }, openInExternalPlayer ({ dispatch, state, rootState }, payload) { const args = [] const externalPlayer = rootState.settings.externalPlayer const cmdArgs = state.externalPlayerCmdArguments[externalPlayer] const executable = rootState.settings.externalPlayerExecutable !== '' ? rootState.settings.externalPlayerExecutable : cmdArgs.defaultExecutable const ignoreWarnings = rootState.settings.externalPlayerIgnoreWarnings const customArgs = rootState.settings.externalPlayerCustomArgs // Append custom user-defined arguments, // or use the default ones specified for the external player. if (typeof customArgs === 'string' && customArgs !== '') { const custom = customArgs.split(';') args.push(...custom) } else if (typeof cmdArgs.defaultCustomArguments === 'string' && cmdArgs.defaultCustomArguments !== '') { const defaultCustomArguments = cmdArgs.defaultCustomArguments.split(';') args.push(...defaultCustomArguments) } if (payload.watchProgress > 0 && payload.watchProgress < payload.videoLength - 10) { if (typeof cmdArgs.startOffset === 'string') { args.push(`${cmdArgs.startOffset}${payload.watchProgress}`) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.starting video at offset') }) } } if (payload.playbackRate !== null) { if (typeof cmdArgs.playbackRate === 'string') { args.push(`${cmdArgs.playbackRate}${payload.playbackRate}`) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.setting a playback rate') }) } } // Check whether the video is in a playlist if (typeof cmdArgs.playlistUrl === 'string' && payload.playlistId !== null && payload.playlistId !== '') { if (payload.playlistIndex !== null) { if (typeof cmdArgs.playlistIndex === 'string') { args.push(`${cmdArgs.playlistIndex}${payload.playlistIndex}`) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video)') }) } } if (payload.playlistReverse) { if (typeof cmdArgs.playlistReverse === 'string') { args.push(cmdArgs.playlistReverse) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.reversing playlists') }) } } if (payload.playlistShuffle) { if (typeof cmdArgs.playlistShuffle === 'string') { args.push(cmdArgs.playlistShuffle) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.shuffling playlists') }) } } if (payload.playlistLoop) { if (typeof cmdArgs.playlistLoop === 'string') { args.push(cmdArgs.playlistLoop) } else if (!ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.looping playlists') }) } } if (cmdArgs.supportsYtdlProtocol) { args.push(`${cmdArgs.playlistUrl}ytdl://${payload.playlistId}`) } else { args.push(`${cmdArgs.playlistUrl}${payload.playlistId}`) } } else { if (payload.playlistId !== null && payload.playlistId !== '' && !ignoreWarnings) { dispatch('showExternalPlayerUnsupportedActionToast', { externalPlayer, action: i18n.t('Video.External Player.Unsupported Actions.opening playlists') }) } if (payload.videoId !== null) { if (cmdArgs.supportsYtdlProtocol) { args.push(`${cmdArgs.videoUrl}ytdl://${payload.videoId}`) } else { args.push(`${cmdArgs.videoUrl}${payload.videoId}`) } } } const videoOrPlaylist = payload.playlistId === null || payload.playlistId === '' ? i18n.t('Video.External') : i18n.t('Video.External Player.playlist') dispatch('showToast', { message: i18n.t('Video.External Player.OpeningTemplate', { videoOrPlaylist, externalPlayer }) }) const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') ipcRenderer.send(IpcChannels.OPEN_IN_EXTERNAL_PLAYER, { executable, args }) } } const mutations = { toggleSideNav (state) { state.isSideNavOpen = !state.isSideNavOpen }, setShowProgressBar (state, value) { state.showProgressBar = value }, setProgressBarPercentage (state, value) { state.progressBarPercentage = value }, setSessionSearchHistory (state, history) { state.sessionSearchHistory = history }, addToSessionSearchHistory (state, payload) { const sameSearch = state.sessionSearchHistory.findIndex((search) => { return search.query === payload.query && IsEqual(payload.searchSettings, search.searchSettings) }) if (sameSearch !== -1) { state.sessionSearchHistory[sameSearch].data = state.sessionSearchHistory[sameSearch].nextPageRef = payload.nextPageRef } else { state.sessionSearchHistory.push(payload) } }, setPopularCache (state, value) { state.popularCache = value }, setTrendingCache (state, { value, page }) { state.trendingCache[page] = value }, setSearchSortBy (state, value) { state.searchSettings.sortBy = value }, setSearchTime (state, value) { state.searchSettings.time = value }, setSearchType (state, value) { state.searchSettings.type = value }, setSearchDuration (state, value) { state.searchSettings.duration = value }, setRegionNames (state, value) { state.regionNames = value }, setRegionValues (state, value) { state.regionValues = value }, setRecentBlogPosts (state, value) { state.recentBlogPosts = value }, setExternalPlayerNames (state, value) { state.externalPlayerNames = value }, setExternalPlayerNameTranslationKeys (state, value) { state.externalPlayerNameTranslationKeys = value }, setExternalPlayerValues (state, value) { state.externalPlayerValues = value }, setExternalPlayerCmdArguments (state, value) { state.externalPlayerCmdArguments = value } } export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }