import Vue from 'vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' import FtCard from '../../components/ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtButton from '../../components/ft-button/ft-button.vue' import FtInput from '../../components/ft-input/ft-input.vue' import FtSelect from '../../components/ft-select/ft-select.vue' import FtFlexBox from '../../components/ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import FtChannelBubble from '../../components/ft-channel-bubble/ft-channel-bubble.vue' import FtLoader from '../../components/ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtElementList from '../../components/ft-element-list/ft-element-list.vue' import FtAgeRestricted from '../../components/ft-age-restricted/ft-age-restricted.vue' import ytch from 'yt-channel-info' import autolinker from 'autolinker' import { MAIN_PROFILE_ID } from '../../../constants' import i18n from '../../i18n/index' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'Search', components: { 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-button': FtButton, 'ft-input': FtInput, 'ft-select': FtSelect, 'ft-flex-box': FtFlexBox, 'ft-channel-bubble': FtChannelBubble, 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-element-list': FtElementList, 'ft-age-restricted': FtAgeRestricted }, data: function () { return { isLoading: false, isElementListLoading: false, currentTab: 'videos', id: '', idType: 0, channelName: '', bannerUrl: '', thumbnailUrl: '', subCount: 0, latestVideosPage: 2, searchPage: 2, videoContinuationString: '', playlistContinuationString: '', searchContinuationString: '', channelDescription: '', videoSortBy: 'newest', playlistSortBy: 'last', lastSearchQuery: '', relatedChannels: [], latestVideos: [], latestPlaylists: [], searchResults: [], shownElementList: [], apiUsed: '', isFamilyFriendly: false, errorMessage: '', videoSelectValues: [ 'newest', 'oldest', 'popular' ], playlistSelectValues: [ 'last', 'newest' ] } }, computed: { backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback }, hideUnsubscribeButton: function() { return this.$store.getters.getHideUnsubscribeButton }, showFamilyFriendlyOnly: function() { return this.$store.getters.getShowFamilyFriendlyOnly }, currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, sessionSearchHistory: function () { return this.$store.getters.getSessionSearchHistory }, profileList: function () { return this.$store.getters.getProfileList }, activeProfile: function () { return this.$store.getters.getActiveProfile }, subscriptionInfo: function () { return this.activeProfile.subscriptions.find((channel) => { return === }) ?? null }, isSubscribed: function () { return this.subscriptionInfo !== null }, subscribedText: function () { if (this.isSubscribed) { return this.$t('Channel.Unsubscribe').toUpperCase() } else { return this.$t('Channel.Subscribe').toUpperCase() } }, videoSelectNames: function () { return [ this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Newest'), this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Oldest'), this.$t('Channel.Videos.Sort Types.Most Popular') ] }, playlistSelectNames: function () { return [ this.$t('Channel.Playlists.Sort Types.Last Video Added'), this.$t('Channel.Playlists.Sort Types.Newest') ] }, currentLocale: function () { return i18n.locale.replace('_', '-') }, formattedSubCount: function () { if (this.hideChannelSubscriptions) { return null } return Intl.NumberFormat(this.currentLocale).format(this.subCount) }, showFetchMoreButton: function () { switch (this.currentTab) { case 'videos': if (this.apiUsed === 'invidious' || (this.videoContinuationString !== '' && this.videoContinuationString !== null)) { return true } break case 'playlists': if (this.playlistContinuationString !== '' && this.playlistContinuationString !== null) { return true } break case 'search': if (this.searchContinuationString !== '' && this.searchContinuationString !== null) { return true } break } return false }, hideChannelSubscriptions: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelSubscriptions } }, watch: { $route() { // react to route changes... this.originalId = this.$ = this.$ this.idType = this.$route.query.idType ? Number(this.$route.query.idType) : 0 this.currentTab = this.$route.params.currentTab ?? 'videos' this.latestVideosPage = 2 this.searchPage = 2 this.relatedChannels = [] this.latestVideos = [] this.latestPlaylists = [] this.searchResults = [] this.shownElementList = [] this.apiUsed = '' this.isLoading = true if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { this.getChannelInfoInvidious() this.getPlaylistsInvidious() } else { this.getChannelInfoLocal() this.getChannelVideosLocal() this.getPlaylistsLocal() } }, videoSortBy () { this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestVideos = [] switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getChannelVideosLocal() break case 'invidious': this.latestVideosPage = 1 this.channelInvidiousNextPage() break default: this.getChannelVideosLocal() } }, playlistSortBy () { this.isElementListLoading = true this.latestPlaylists = [] this.playlistContinuationString = '' switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getPlaylistsLocal() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousNextPage() break default: this.getPlaylistsLocal() } } }, mounted: function () { this.originalId = this.$ = this.$ this.idType = this.$route.query.idType ? Number(this.$route.query.idType) : 0 this.currentTab = this.$route.params.currentTab ?? 'videos' this.isLoading = true if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { this.getChannelInfoInvidious() this.getPlaylistsInvidious() } else { this.getChannelInfoLocal() this.getChannelVideosLocal() this.getPlaylistsLocal() } }, methods: { goToChannel: function (id) { this.$router.push({ path: `/channel/${id}` }) }, getChannelInfoLocal: function () { this.apiUsed = 'local' const expectedId = this.originalId ytch.getChannelInfo({ channelId:, channelIdType: this.idType }).then((response) => { if (response.alertMessage) { this.setErrorMessage(response.alertMessage) return } this.errorMessage = '' if (expectedId !== this.originalId) { return } const channelId = response.authorId const channelName = const channelThumbnailUrl = response.authorThumbnails[2].url = channelId // set the id type to 1 so that searching and sorting work this.idType = 1 this.channelName = channelName this.isFamilyFriendly = response.isFamilyFriendly document.title = `${this.channelName} - ${process.env.PRODUCT_NAME}` if (this.hideChannelSubscriptions || response.subscriberCount === 0) { this.subCount = null } else { this.subCount = response.subscriberCount.toFixed(0) } this.thumbnailUrl = channelThumbnailUrl this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl, channelName, channelId }) this.channelDescription = this.relatedChannels = response.relatedChannels.items this.relatedChannels.forEach(relatedChannel => { => { if (!thumbnail.url.includes('https')) { thumbnail.url = `https:${thumbnail.url}` } return thumbnail }) relatedChannel.authorThumbnails = relatedChannel.thumbnail }) if (response.authorBanners !== null) { const bannerUrl = response.authorBanners[response.authorBanners.length - 1].url if (!bannerUrl.includes('https')) { this.bannerUrl = `https://${bannerUrl}` } else { this.bannerUrl = bannerUrl } } else { this.bannerUrl = null } this.isLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getChannelVideosLocal: function () { this.isElementListLoading = true const expectedId = this.originalId ytch.getChannelVideos({ channelId:, channelIdType: this.idType, sortBy: this.videoSortBy }).then((response) => { if (expectedId !== this.originalId) { return } this.latestVideos = response.items this.videoContinuationString = response.continuation this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.getChannelInfoInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, channelLocalNextPage: function () { ytch.getChannelVideosMore({ continuation: this.videoContinuationString }).then((response) => { this.latestVideos = this.latestVideos.concat(response.items) this.videoContinuationString = response.continuation }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) }) }, getChannelInfoInvidious: function () { this.isLoading = true this.apiUsed = 'invidious' const expectedId = this.originalId this.invidiousGetChannelInfo( => { if (expectedId !== this.originalId) { return } const channelName = const channelId = response.authorId this.channelName = channelName document.title = `${this.channelName} - ${process.env.PRODUCT_NAME}` = channelId this.isFamilyFriendly = response.isFamilyFriendly if (this.hideChannelSubscriptions) { this.subCount = null } else { this.subCount = response.subCount } const thumbnail = response.authorThumbnails[3].url this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnail.replace('', `${this.currentInvidiousInstance}/ggpht/`) this.updateSubscriptionDetails({ channelThumbnailUrl: thumbnail, channelName: channelName, channelId: channelId }) this.channelDescription = this.relatedChannels = => { channel.authorThumbnails[channel.authorThumbnails.length - 1].url = channel.authorThumbnails[channel.authorThumbnails.length - 1].url.replace('', `${this.currentInvidiousInstance}/ggpht/`) channel.channelId = channel.authorId return channel }) this.latestVideos = response.latestVideos if (response.authorBanners instanceof Array && response.authorBanners.length > 0) { this.bannerUrl = response.authorBanners[0].url.replace('', `${this.currentInvidiousInstance}/ggpht/`) } else { this.bannerUrl = null } this.errorMessage = '' this.isLoading = false }).catch((err) => { this.setErrorMessage(err.responseJSON.error) console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err.responseJSON.error}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err.responseJSON.error }) } }) this.isLoading = false }) }, channelInvidiousNextPage: function () { const payload = { resource: 'channels/videos', id:, params: { sort_by: this.videoSortBy, page: this.latestVideosPage } } this.invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.latestVideos = this.latestVideos.concat(response) this.latestVideosPage++ this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) }) }, getPlaylistsLocal: function () { const expectedId = this.originalId ytch.getChannelPlaylistInfo({ channelId:, channelIdType: this.idType, sortBy: this.playlistSortBy }).then((response) => { if (expectedId !== this.originalId) { return } this.latestPlaylists = => { item.proxyThumbnail = false return item }) this.playlistContinuationString = response.continuation this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.getPlaylistsInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getPlaylistsLocalMore: function () { ytch.getChannelPlaylistsMore({ continuation: this.playlistContinuationString }).then((response) => { this.latestPlaylists = this.latestPlaylists.concat(response.items) this.playlistContinuationString = response.continuation }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) }) }, getPlaylistsInvidious: function () { const payload = { resource: 'channels/playlists', id:, params: { sort_by: this.playlistSortBy } } this.invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.playlistContinuationString = response.continuation this.latestPlaylists = response.playlists this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err.responseJSON.error}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err.responseJSON.error }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Local API') }) this.getPlaylistsLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getPlaylistsInvidiousMore: function () { if (this.playlistContinuationString === null) { console.warn('There are no more playlists available for this channel') return } const payload = { resource: 'channels/playlists', id:, params: { sort_by: this.playlistSortBy } } if (this.playlistContinuationString) { payload.params.continuation = this.playlistContinuationString } this.invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.playlistContinuationString = response.continuation this.latestPlaylists = this.latestPlaylists.concat(response.playlists) this.isElementListLoading = false }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err.responseJSON.error}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err.responseJSON.error }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Local API') }) this.getPlaylistsLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, handleSubscription: function () { const currentProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.activeProfile)) const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0])) if (this.isSubscribed) { currentProfile.subscriptions = currentProfile.subscriptions.filter((channel) => { return !== }) this.updateProfile(currentProfile) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Channel has been removed from your subscriptions') }) if (this.activeProfile._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { // Check if a subscription exists in a different profile. // Remove from there as well. let duplicateSubscriptions = 0 this.profileList.forEach((profile) => { if (profile._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { return } const parsedProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(profile)) const index = parsedProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((channel) => { return === }) if (index !== -1) { duplicateSubscriptions++ parsedProfile.subscriptions = parsedProfile.subscriptions.filter((x) => { return !== }) this.updateProfile(parsedProfile) } }) if (duplicateSubscriptions > 0) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Removed subscription from {count} other channel(s)', { count: duplicateSubscriptions }) }) } } } else { const subscription = { id:, name: this.channelName, thumbnail: this.thumbnailUrl } currentProfile.subscriptions.push(subscription) this.updateProfile(currentProfile) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Channel.Added channel to your subscriptions') }) if (this.activeProfile._id !== MAIN_PROFILE_ID) { const index = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((channel) => { return === }) if (index === -1) { primaryProfile.subscriptions.push(subscription) this.updateProfile(primaryProfile) } } } }, setErrorMessage: function (errorMessage) { this.isLoading = false this.errorMessage = errorMessage = this.channelName = this.thumbnailUrl = this.subscriptionInfo.thumbnail this.bannerUrl = null this.subCount = null }, handleFetchMore: function () { switch (this.currentTab) { case 'videos': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.channelLocalNextPage() break case 'invidious': this.channelInvidiousNextPage() break } break case 'playlists': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.getPlaylistsLocalMore() break case 'invidious': this.getPlaylistsInvidiousMore() break } break case 'search': switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.searchChannelLocal() break case 'invidious': this.searchChannelInvidious() break } break } }, changeTab: function (tab) { this.currentTab = tab }, newSearch: function (query) { this.lastSearchQuery = query this.searchContinuationString = '' this.isElementListLoading = true this.searchPage = 1 this.searchResults = [] this.changeTab('search') switch (this.apiUsed) { case 'local': this.searchChannelLocal() break case 'invidious': this.searchChannelInvidious() break } }, searchChannelLocal: function () { if (this.searchContinuationString === '') { ytch.searchChannel({ channelId:, channelIdType: this.idType, query: this.lastSearchQuery }).then((response) => { this.searchResults = response.items this.isElementListLoading = false this.searchContinuationString = response.continuation }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.searchChannelInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) } else { ytch.searchChannelMore({ continuation: this.searchContinuationString }).then((response) => { this.searchResults = this.searchResults.concat(response.items) this.isElementListLoading = false this.searchContinuationString = response.continuation }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) }) } }, searchChannelInvidious: function () { const payload = { resource: 'channels/search', id:, params: { q: this.lastSearchQuery, page: this.searchPage } } this.invidiousAPICall(payload).then((response) => { this.searchResults = this.searchResults.concat(response) this.isElementListLoading = false this.searchPage++ }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { this.copyToClipboard({ content: err }) } }) if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Local API') }) this.searchChannelLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, ...mapActions([ 'showToast', 'updateProfile', 'invidiousGetChannelInfo', 'invidiousAPICall', 'updateSubscriptionDetails', 'copyToClipboard' ]) } })