import { defineComponent, nextTick } from 'vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' import FtShareButton from '../ft-share-button/ft-share-button.vue' import FtFlexBox from '../ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import FtIconButton from '../ft-icon-button/ft-icon-button.vue' import FtInput from '../ft-input/ft-input.vue' import FtPrompt from '../ft-prompt/ft-prompt.vue' import FtButton from '../ft-button/ft-button.vue' import { ctrlFHandler, formatNumber, showToast, } from '../../helpers/utils' import debounce from 'lodash.debounce' export default defineComponent({ name: 'PlaylistInfo', components: { 'ft-share-button': FtShareButton, 'ft-flex-box': FtFlexBox, 'ft-icon-button': FtIconButton, 'ft-input': FtInput, 'ft-prompt': FtPrompt, 'ft-button': FtButton, }, props: { id: { type: String, required: true, }, firstVideoId: { type: String, required: true, }, firstVideoPlaylistItemId: { type: String, required: true, }, playlistThumbnail: { type: String, required: true, }, title: { type: String, required: true, }, channelThumbnail: { type: String, required: true, }, channelName: { type: String, required: true, }, channelId: { type: String, default: null, }, videoCount: { type: Number, required: true, }, videos: { type: Array, required: true }, viewCount: { type: Number, required: true, }, lastUpdated: { type: String, default: undefined, }, description: { type: String, required: true, }, infoSource: { type: String, required: true, }, moreVideoDataAvailable: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, searchVideoModeAllowed: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, searchVideoModeEnabled: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, searchQueryText: { type: String, required: true, }, }, data: function () { return { searchVideoMode: false, query: '', updateQueryDebounce: function() {}, editMode: false, showDeletePlaylistPrompt: false, showRemoveVideosOnWatchPrompt: false, newTitle: '', newDescription: '', deletePlaylistPromptValues: [ 'yes', 'no' ], } }, computed: { hideSharingActions: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideSharingActions }, currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, historyCacheById: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHistoryCacheById }, thumbnailPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getThumbnailPreference }, blurThumbnails: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBlurThumbnails }, blurThumbnailsStyle: function () { return this.blurThumbnails ? 'blur(20px)' : null }, backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, hideViews: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoViews }, showPlaylists: function () { return !this.$store.getters.getHidePlaylists }, selectedUserPlaylist: function () { return this.$store.getters.getPlaylist( }, deletePlaylistPromptNames: function () { return [ this.$t('Yes'), this.$t('No') ] }, firstVideoIdExists() { return this.firstVideoId !== '' }, parsedViewCount() { return formatNumber(this.viewCount) }, parsedVideoCount() { return formatNumber(this.videoCount) }, thumbnail: function () { if (this.thumbnailPreference === 'hidden' || !this.firstVideoIdExists) { return require('../../assets/img/thumbnail_placeholder.svg') } let baseUrl = '' if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { baseUrl = this.currentInvidiousInstance } else if (typeof this.playlistThumbnail === 'string' && this.playlistThumbnail.length > 0) { // Use playlist thumbnail provided by YT when available return this.playlistThumbnail } switch (this.thumbnailPreference) { case 'start': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${this.firstVideoId}/mq1.jpg` case 'middle': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${this.firstVideoId}/mq2.jpg` case 'end': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${this.firstVideoId}/mq3.jpg` default: return `${baseUrl}/vi/${this.firstVideoId}/mqdefault.jpg` } }, isUserPlaylist() { return this.infoSource === 'user' }, videoPlaylistType() { return this.isUserPlaylist ? 'user' : '' }, deletePlaylistButtonVisible: function() { if (!this.isUserPlaylist) { return false } // Cannot delete during edit if (this.editMode) { return false } // Cannot delete protected playlist return !this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected }, sharePlaylistButtonVisible: function() { // Only online playlists can be shared if (this.isUserPlaylist) { return false } // Cannot delete protected playlist return !this.hideSharingActions }, quickBookmarkPlaylistId() { return this.$store.getters.getQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId }, quickBookmarkPlaylist() { return this.$store.getters.getPlaylist(this.quickBookmarkPlaylistId) }, quickBookmarkEnabled() { return this.quickBookmarkPlaylist != null }, markedAsQuickBookmarkTarget() { // Only user playlists can be target if (this.selectedUserPlaylist == null) { return false } if (this.quickBookmarkPlaylist == null) { return false } return this.quickBookmarkPlaylist._id === this.selectedUserPlaylist._id }, }, watch: { showDeletePlaylistPrompt(shown) { this.$emit(shown ? 'prompt-open' : 'prompt-close') }, showRemoveVideosOnWatchPrompt(shown) { this.$emit(shown ? 'prompt-open' : 'prompt-close') }, }, created: function () { this.newTitle = this.title this.newDescription = this.description if (this.videoCount > 0) { // Only enable search video mode when viewing non empty playlists this.searchVideoMode = this.searchVideoModeEnabled this.query = this.searchQueryText } this.updateQueryDebounce = debounce(this.updateQuery, 500) }, mounted: function () { document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardShortcutHandler) }, beforeDestroy: function () { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardShortcutHandler) }, methods: { toggleCopyVideosPrompt: function (force = false) { if (this.moreVideoDataAvailable && !this.isUserPlaylist && !force) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["Some videos in the playlist are not loaded yet. Click here to copy anyway."]'), 5000, () => { this.toggleCopyVideosPrompt(true) }) return } this.showAddToPlaylistPromptForManyVideos({ videos: this.videos, newPlaylistDefaultProperties: { title: this.title }, }) }, savePlaylistInfo: function () { if (this.newTitle === '') { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["Playlist name cannot be empty. Please input a name."]')) return } const playlist = { playlistName: this.newTitle, protected: this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected, description: this.newDescription, videos: this.selectedUserPlaylist.videos, _id:, } try { this.updatePlaylist(playlist) showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["Playlist has been updated."]')) } catch (e) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["There was an issue with updating this playlist."]')) console.error(e) } finally { this.exitEditMode() } }, enterEditMode: function () { this.newTitle = this.title this.newDescription = this.description this.editMode = true this.$emit('enter-edit-mode') nextTick(() => { // Some elements only present after rendering update this.$refs.playlistTitleInput.focus() }) }, exitEditMode: function () { this.editMode = false this.$emit('exit-edit-mode') }, handleRemoveVideosOnWatchPromptAnswer: function (option) { if (option === 'yes') { const videosToWatch = this.selectedUserPlaylist.videos.filter((video) => { return this.historyCacheById[video.videoId] == null }) const removedVideosCount = this.selectedUserPlaylist.videos.length - videosToWatch.length if (removedVideosCount === 0) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["There were no videos to remove."]')) this.showRemoveVideosOnWatchPrompt = false return } const playlist = { playlistName: this.title, protected: this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected, description: this.description, videos: videosToWatch, _id: } try { this.updatePlaylist(playlist) showToast(this.$tc('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.{videoCount} video(s) have been removed', removedVideosCount, { videoCount: removedVideosCount, })) } catch (e) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["There was an issue with updating this playlist."]')) console.error(e) } } this.showRemoveVideosOnWatchPrompt = false }, handleDeletePlaylistPromptAnswer: function (option) { if (option === 'yes') { if (this.selectedUserPlaylist.protected) { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["This playlist is protected and cannot be removed."]')) } else { this.removePlaylist( this.$router.push( { path: '/userPlaylists' } ) showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["Playlist {playlistName} has been deleted."]', { playlistName: this.title, })) } } this.showDeletePlaylistPrompt = false }, enableQuickBookmarkForThisPlaylist() { const currentQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylist = this.quickBookmarkPlaylist this.updateQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId( if (currentQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylist != null) { showToast( this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["This playlist is now used for quick bookmark instead of {oldPlaylistName}. Click here to undo"]', { oldPlaylistName: currentQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylist.playlistName, }), 5000, () => { this.updateQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId(currentQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylist._id) showToast( this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast["Reverted to use {oldPlaylistName} for quick bookmark"]', { oldPlaylistName: currentQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylist.playlistName, }), 5000, ) }, ) } else { showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.This playlist is now used for quick bookmark')) } }, disableQuickBookmark() { this.updateQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId(null) showToast(this.$t('User Playlists.SinglePlaylistView.Toast.Quick bookmark disabled')) }, updateQuery(query) { this.query = query this.$emit('search-video-query-change', query) }, keyboardShortcutHandler: function (event) { ctrlFHandler(event, this.$refs.searchInput) }, ...mapActions([ 'showAddToPlaylistPromptForManyVideos', 'updatePlaylist', 'removePlaylist', 'updateQuickBookmarkTargetPlaylistId', ]), }, })