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Raw Blame History

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FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: '檔案'
Quit: '結束'
Edit: '編輯'
Undo: '復原'
Redo: '回復'
Cut: '剪下'
Copy: '複製'
Paste: '黏貼'
Delete: '刪除'
Select all: '全選'
Reload: '重載'
Force Reload: '強制重載'
Toggle Developer Tools: '切換開發者工具'
Actual size: '實際大小'
Zoom in: '放大'
Zoom out: '縮小'
Toggle fullscreen: '切換全屏'
Window: '視窗'
Minimize: '最小化'
Close: '關閉'
Back: '后退'
Forward: '前進'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: '搜索 / 前往URL'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: '搜索過濾'
Sort By:
Sort By: '排序方式'
Most Relevant: '最相關'
Rating: '評分'
Upload Date: '上傳日期'
View Count: '觀看數量'
Time: '時間'
Any Time: '任何時間'
Last Hour: '上一小時'
Today: '今天'
This Week: '本周'
This Month: '本月'
This Year: '本年'
Type: '類別'
All Types: '所有類別'
Videos: '影片'
Channels: '頻道'
#& Playlists
Duration: '時長'
All Durations: '所有時長'
Short (< 4 minutes): '短(< 4分鐘'
Long (> 20 minutes): '長(> 20分鐘'
# On Search Page
Search Results: '搜索結果'
Fetching results. Please wait: '擷取結果中。請稍候'
Fetch more results: '擷取更多結果'
# Sidebar
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: '訂閱'
Latest Subscriptions: '最新訂閱'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': '您的訂閱清單目前是空的。在這裡開始添加訂閱。'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': '抓取訂閱中。請稍等。'
Refresh Subscriptions: 重新整理訂閱
Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.: 正在取得訂閱。請稍候。
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: 這個設定檔有大量訂閱。
Load More Videos: 載入更多影片
Trending: '熱門'
Most Popular: '最流行'
Playlists: '播放清單'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: '您的播放清單'
# On History Page
History: '歷史紀錄'
Watch History: '觀看曆史紀錄'
Your history list is currently empty.: 您的曆史紀錄清單目前是空的。
# On Settings Page
Settings: '設定'
General Settings:
General Settings: '常規設定'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: '失敗時回撤到非偏好后端'
Enable Search Suggestions: '允許搜索建議'
Default Landing Page: '預設加載頁面'
Locale Preference: '地域偏好'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: '偏好API后端'
Local API: '區域API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: '影片觀看類別'
Grid: '網格'
List: '清單'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: '縮略圖偏好'
Default: '預設'
Beginning: '開始'
Middle: '中間'
End: '結尾'
'Invidious Instance (Default is': 'Invidious實例預設'
Region for Trending: '熱門區域'
#! List countries
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 檢查最新的部落格貼文
Check for Updates: 檢查更新
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: '主題設定'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: '頂部功能表欄對應主色彩'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: '基本主題'
Black: '黑'
Dark: '深'
Light: '淺'
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: '主題色'
Red: '紅'
Pink: '粉'
Purple: '紫'
Deep Purple: '深紫'
Indigo: '靛藍'
Blue: '藍'
Light Blue: '淺藍'
Cyan: '青'
Teal: '淺灰'
Green: '綠'
Light Green: '淺綠'
Lime: '青檸綠'
Yellow: '黃'
Amber: '黃褐'
Orange: '橙'
Deep Orange: '深橙'
Secondary Color Theme: '次主題色'
#* Main Color Theme
UI Scale: UI縮放
Expand Side Bar by Default: 預設展開側邊欄
Disable Smooth Scrolling: 禁用平滑捲動
Player Settings:
Player Settings: '播放器選項'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: '強制區域后端給傳統格式'
Remember History: '記住曆史'
Play Next Video: '播放下一影片'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: '預設開啟字幕'
Autoplay Videos: '自動播放影片'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: '通過Invidious代理影片'
Autoplay Playlists: '自動播放清單'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: '預設允許劇場型態'
Default Volume: '預設音量'
Default Playback Rate: '預設重播速率'
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: '預設影片格式'
Dash Formats: 'Dash格式'
Legacy Formats: '傳統格式'
Audio Formats: '音訊格式'
Default Quality:
Default Quality: '預設品質'
Auto: '自動'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
480p: '480p'
720p: '720p'
1080p: '1080p'
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: '訂閱設定'
Hide Videos on Watch: '觀看時隱藏影片'
Subscriptions Export Format:
Subscriptions Export Format: '導出訂閱格式'
#& Freetube
Newpipe: 'Newpipe'
Manage Subscriptions: '管理訂閱'
Import Subscriptions: '導入訂閱'
Export Subscriptions: '導出訂閱'
How do I import my subscriptions?: '如何導入我的訂閱?'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 從RSS擷取推送
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: '進階設定'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): '允許除錯型態(列印資料在控制板)'
'Proxy Address (Example: SOCKS5:// )': '代理位址例如SOCKS5://'
'Clicking "TEST PROXY" button will send a request to': '點擊“測試代理”健將傳送要求給'
Use Tor / Proxy for API calls: '用Tor / 代理給API呼叫'
TEST PROXY: '測試代理'
#& Invidious Instance (Default is
See Public Instances: '察看公用實例'
Clear History:
Clear History: '清除曆史紀錄'
# On Click
Are you sure you want to delete your history?: '您確認想刪除您的曆史紀錄?'
#& Yes
#& No
Clear Subscriptions:
Clear Subscriptions: '清除訂閱'
# On Click
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions?: '您確定想移除所有訂閱?'
#& Yes
#& No
Privacy Settings:
Watch history has been cleared: 觀看歷史紀錄已清除
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 您確定您想移除您全部的觀看歷史紀錄?
Remove Watch History: 移除觀看歷史紀錄
Search cache has been cleared: 搜尋快取已清除
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: 您確定您想清除您的搜尋快取?
Clear Search Cache: 清除搜尋快取
Save Watched Progress: 儲存觀看進度
Remember History: 記住歷史紀錄
Privacy Settings: 隱私設定
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 您確定您想移除所有訂閱與設定檔嗎?這無法復原。
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 移除所有訂閱/設定檔
Data Settings:
How do I import my subscriptions?: 我要如何匯入我的訂閱?
Unknown data key: 未知的資料金鑰
Unable to write file: 無法寫入檔案
Unable to read file: 無法讀取檔案
All watched history has been successfully exported: 所有觀看的曆史紀錄已成功匯出
All watched history has been successfully imported: 所有觀看的歷史紀錄已成功匯入
History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 歷史紀錄物件資料不足,正在跳過項目
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 訂閱已成功匯出
Invalid history file: 無效的歷史紀錄檔案
This might take a while, please wait: 這可能需要一段時間,請稍候
Invalid subscriptions file: 無效的訂閱檔案
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: 所有訂閱已成功匯入
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 所有訂閱與設定檔已成功匯入
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 設定檔物件資料不足,正在跳過項目
Export History: 匯出歷史紀錄
Import History: 匯入歷史紀錄
Export NewPipe: 匯出NewPipe
Export YouTube: 匯出YouTube
Export FreeTube: 匯出FreeTube
Export Subscriptions: 匯出訂閱
Import NewPipe: 匯入NewPipe
Import YouTube: 匯入YouTube
Import FreeTube: 匯入FreeTube
Import Subscriptions: 匯入訂閱
Select Export Type: 選取匯出類型
Select Import Type: 選取匯入類型
Data Settings: 資料設定
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: 一個或者更多訂閱無法被導入
Check for Legacy Subscriptions: 檢查傳統訂閱
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: 隱藏影片喜歡與不喜歡
Distraction Free Settings: 零打擾設定
Hide Video Views: 隱藏影片觀看數量
Hide Popular Videos: 隱藏流行影片
Hide Trending Videos: 隱藏熱門影片
Hide Live Chat: 隱藏在線聊天
Hide Comment Likes: 隱藏評論點讚
Hide Recommended Videos: 隱藏推薦影片
Hide Channel Subscribers: 隱藏頻道訂閱者
Hide Active Subscriptions: 隱藏作用中的訂閱
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 應用需要重啟讓修改生效。重啟并且應用修改?
#On About page
About: '關於'
#& About
'This software is FOSS and released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.': '這個自由軟體發布在AGPL-3.0自由許可證下。'
'Found a bug? Want to suggest a feature? Want to help out? Check out our GitHub page. Pull requests are welcome.': >-
發現bug想建議新功能想輔助說明檢視我們的GitHub頁面。 歡迎pull requests。
Thank you very much to the People and Projects that make FreeTube possible!: '非常感謝讓FreeTube變得有可能的人和項目'
'Want to chat? Join our Element / Matrix Server . Please check the rules before joining.': '想聊天加入我們的Element
/ Matrix伺服器。加入前請檢查規則。'
'Looking for help? Check out our Wiki page.': '尋求輔助說明檢視我們的Wiki頁面。'
Check out our Firefox extension!: '檢視我們的Firefox插件'
'If you enjoy using FreeTube, consider donating via Liberapay or through our Bitcoin address.': '如果您喜歡使用FreeTube考慮通過Liberapay或者Bitcoin位址捐贈。'
#~ 'BTC: 1Lih7Ho5gnxb1CwPD4o59ss78pwo2T91eS'
Latest FreeTube News: '最新FreeTube新聞'
#On Channel Page
Translate via Weblate: 透過 Weblate 翻譯
Website: 網站
Source Code: 原始碼
Release Notes: 版本註記
Blog: 部落格
Credits: 貢獻者
Wiki: Wiki
Report an Issue: 回報問題
Channel Rules: 頻道規則
Email: 電子郵件
License: 授權條款
Beta: 測試版
Donate: 捐款
Useful Links: 有用連結
Help: 說明
Contact: 聯絡
Subscriber: '訂閱者'
Subscribers: '訂閱者'
Subscribe: '訂閱'
Unsubscribe: '取消訂閱'
Search Channel: '搜索頻道'
Your search results have returned 0 results: '您的搜索結果是0結果'
Sort By: '排序方式'
Videos: '影片'
This channel does not currently have any videos: '這個頻道目前沒有任何影片'
Sort Types:
Newest: '最新'
Oldest: '最老'
Most Popular: '最流行'
Playlists: '播放清單'
This channel does not currently have any playlists: '這個頻道目前沒有任何播放清單'
Sort Types:
Last Video Added: '最新添加的影片'
Newest: '最新'
Oldest: '最老'
About: '關於'
Channel Description: '頻道說明'
Featured Channels: '列出頻道'
Added channel to your subscriptions: 已新增頻道至您的訂閱
Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): 從$個其他頻道移除訂閱
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: 頻道已從您的訂閱中移除
Open in YouTube: '在YouTube中開啟'
Copy YouTube Link: '複製YouTube鏈結'
Open YouTube Embedded Player: '開啟YouTube內嵌播放器'
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: '複製YouTube內嵌播放器鏈結'
Open in Invidious: '在Invidious中開啟'
Copy Invidious Link: '複製Invidious鏈結'
View: '觀看'
Views: '觀看'
# Context is "X People Watching"
Watching: '觀看中'
Watched: '已觀看'
# As in a Live Video
Live: '直播'
Live Now: '現在直播'
Live Chat: '在線聊天'
Enable Live Chat: '允許在線聊天'
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: '在線聊天在此版本中目前不被支援。'
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': '聊天被禁用或者在線直播已結束。'
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: '在線聊天結束。 聊天資訊一旦傳送將出現在這裡。'
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': '在線聊天目前不被Invidious
API支援。 需要直接連線YouTube。'
Jan: '一月'
Feb: '二月'
Mar: '三月'
Apr: '四月'
May: '五月'
Jun: '六月'
Jul: '七月'
Aug: '八月'
Sep: '九月'
Oct: '十月'
Nov: '十一月'
Dec: '十二月'
Second: '秒'
Seconds: '秒'
Hour: '小時'
Hours: '小時'
Day: '日'
Days: '日'
Week: '周'
Weeks: '周'
Month: '月'
Months: '月'
Year: '年'
Years: '年'
Ago: '前'
Upcoming: '首映於'
Minutes: 分鐘
Minute: 分鐘
Published on: '發布於'
# $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...)
Publicationtemplate: '$ %前'
#& Videos
Video has been removed from your history: 影片已從您的曆史紀錄中移除
Video has been marked as watched: 影片已記號為已觀看
Remove From History: 從曆史紀錄中移除
Mark As Watched: 記號為已觀看
Autoplay: 自動播放
Play Previous Video: 播放前一影片
Play Next Video: 播放下一影片
Reverse Playlist: 反向播放清單
Shuffle Playlist: 隨機播放清單
Loop Playlist: 循環播放清單
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: 即將開始,請重新整理頁面以再次檢查
Best: 最佳
audio only: 僅音訊
video only: 僅影片
Download Video: 下載影片
Copy Invidious Channel Link: 複製Invidious頻道連結
Open Channel in Invidious: 在Invidious開啟頻道
Copy YouTube Channel Link: 複製YouTube頻道連結
Open Channel in YouTube: 在YouTube開啟頻道
Started streaming on: 開始在線直播於
Streamed on: 直播于
#& Sort By
Sort By:
Newest: '最新'
Oldest: '最老'
#& Most Popular
#& Playlists
#& About
View Full Playlist: '觀看完整播放清單'
Videos: '影片'
View: '觀看'
Views: '觀看'
Last Updated On: '最后更新於'
Share Playlist:
Share Playlist: '分享播放清單'
Copy YouTube Link: '複製YouTube鏈結'
Open in YouTube: '在YouTube中開啟'
Copy Invidious Link: '複製Invidious鏈結'
Open in Invidious: '在Invidious中開啟'
# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
Toggle Theatre Mode: '切換劇場型態'
Change Format:
Change Video Formats: '更換影片格式'
Use Dash Formats: '使用Dash格式'
Use Legacy Formats: '使用傳統格式'
Use Audio Formats: '使用音訊格式'
Audio formats are not available for this video: 這個影片沒有音訊格式
Dash formats are not available for this video: 這個影片沒有Dash格式
Share Video: '分享影片'
Copy Link: '複製鏈結'
Open Link: '開啟鏈結'
Copy Embed: '複製內嵌'
Open Embed: '開啟內嵌'
# On Click
Invidious URL copied to clipboard: '複製Invidious URL到剪貼簿'
Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: '複製Invidious內嵌URL到剪貼簿'
YouTube URL copied to clipboard: '複製YouTube URL到剪下板'
YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: '複製YouTube內嵌URL到剪貼簿'
Include Timestamp: 包含時間戳
YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: YouTube頻道URL已複製到剪貼簿
Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: Invidious頻道URL已複製到剪貼簿
Mini Player: '迷你播放器'
Comments: '評論'
Click to View Comments: '點擊觀看評論'
Getting comment replies, please wait: '抓取評論中,請稍候'
Show Comments: '察看評論'
Hide Comments: '隱藏評論'
# Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply
View: '觀看'
Hide: '隱藏'
Replies: '回覆'
Reply: '回覆'
There are no comments available for this video: '這個影片沒有評論'
Load More Comments: '加載更多評論'
There are no more comments for this video: 此影片無更多評論
Newest first: 最新優先
Top comments: 最熱評論
Sort by: 排序方式
No more comments available: 沒有更多評論
Up Next: 'Up Next'
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): '區域API錯誤點擊複製'
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): 'Invidious API錯誤點擊複製'
Falling back to Invidious API: '回退到Invidious API'
Falling back to the local API: '回退到區域API'
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '訂閱功能尚未被推行'
Loop is now disabled: '循環播放現在被禁用'
Loop is now enabled: '循環播放現在被允許'
Shuffle is now disabled: '隨機播放現在被禁用'
Shuffle is now enabled: '隨機播放現在被禁用'
Playing Next Video: '將播放下一影片'
Playing Previous Video: '將播放上一影片'
Playing next video in 5 seconds. Click to cancel: '下一影片將在5秒后播放。點擊取消。'
Canceled next video autoplay: '取消的自動播放下一影片'
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': '播放清單已結束。 允許循環播放以繼續播放'
Yes: '是'
No: '否'
Locale Name: 正體中文
$ is now the active profile: $現在是作用中的設定檔
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: 您的預設設定檔已變更為您的主要設定檔
Removed $ from your profiles: 已從您的設定檔移除$
Your default profile has been set to $: 您的預設設定檔已設定為$
Profile has been updated: 設定檔已更新
Profile has been created: 設定檔已建立
Your profile name cannot be empty: 您的設定檔名稱不能為空
Profile could not be found: 找不到設定檔
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: 所有訂閱將會被刪除。
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: 您確定您想刪除此設定檔嗎?
Delete Profile: 刪除設定檔
Make Default Profile: 設為預設設定檔
Update Profile: 更新設定檔
Create Profile: 建立設定檔
Profile Preview: 設定檔預覽
Custom Color: 自訂色彩
Color Picker: 選色器
Edit Profile: 編輯設定檔
Create New Profile: 建立新設定檔
Profile Manager: 設定檔管理器
All Channels: 所有頻道
Profile Select: 選取設定檔
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: 您確定您想移除選取的頻道?
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: 這是您的主設定檔。 您確定您想移除選取的頻道? 相同的頻道中任何找到的設定檔會被移除。
No channel(s) have been selected: 無頻道已選取
Add Selected To Profile: 添加選取的到設定檔
Delete Selected: 移除選取的
Select None: 全不選
Select All: 全選
$ selected: $個選取的
Other Channels: 其他頻道
Subscription List: 訂閱清單
The playlist has been reversed: 播放清單已反轉
A new blog is now available, $. Click to view more: 已有新的部落格文章,$。點擊以檢視更多
Download From Site: 從網站下載
Version $ is now available! Click for more details: 版本$已可使用! 點擊以取得更多資訊
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: 沒有這個影片因為缺少格式。這個可能發生由於國家不可用。
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 啟用後FreeTube 將使用 RSS 而非預設方式來取得您的訂閱推送。RSS 更快而且可避免 IP 封鎖,但不提供某些訊息,如影片長度與即時狀態
Player Settings:
Default Video Format: 設定要用於影片播放的格式。Dash格式有更高的品質。傳統格式會限制在 720p但頻寬需求更低。音訊格式為僅有音訊的串流
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 將連線到 Invidious而非直接連線到 YouTube 來提供影片。覆寫 API 偏好
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 僅當 Invidious API是您預設 API 時才有效。啟用後本地API
將會執行並使用由其回傳的的傳統格式,而非 Invidious 回傳的格式。對因為國家地區限制而無法播放 Invidious回傳的影片時有幫助
General Settings:
Invidious Instance: FreeTube將連線為 API呼叫的Invidious實例。清除目前的實例以檢視可供選擇的公用實例清單
Thumbnail Preference: FreeTube中所有缩略图都會被替換為影片畫面而非預設缩略图
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 當您的偏好API 有問題時FreeTube將自動嘗試使用您的非偏好API
Preferred API Backend: 選擇 FreeTube 要用於取得資料的後端。本地 API 是內建擷取器。Invidious API 需要 Invidious
Region for Trending: 熱門區域讓您挑選您想要顯示哪個國家的熱門影片。並非所有顯示的國家都被YouTube支援