
421 lines
12 KiB

import store from '../../store/index'
import { stripHTML, toLocalePublicationString } from '../utils'
import { isNullOrEmpty } from '../strings'
import autolinker from 'autolinker'
import { FormatUtils, Misc, Player } from 'youtubei.js'
function getCurrentInstance() {
return store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance
export function getProxyUrl(uri) {
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance()
const url = new URL(uri)
const { origin } = url
if (!url.searchParams.has('host') && origin !== currentInstance) {
// invidious requires host param to be filled with the origin of the stream
url.searchParams.append('host', origin.replace('https://', ''))
return url.toString().replace(origin, currentInstance)
export function invidiousAPICall({ resource, id = '', params = {}, doLogError = true, subResource = '' }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const requestUrl = getCurrentInstance() + '/api/v1/' + resource + '/' + id + (!isNullOrEmpty(subResource) ? `/${subResource}` : '') + '?' + new URLSearchParams(params).toString()
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
if (json.error !== undefined) {
// community is empty, no need to display error.
// This code can be removed when: is reolved
if (json.error === 'This channel hasn\'t posted yet') {
resolve({ comments: [] })
} else {
throw new Error(json.error)
.catch((error) => {
if (doLogError) {
console.error('Invidious API error', requestUrl, error)
* Gets the channel ID for a channel URL
* used to get the ID for channel usernames and handles
* @param {string} url
export async function invidiousGetChannelId(url) {
try {
const response = await invidiousAPICall({
resource: 'resolveurl',
params: {
doLogError: false
if (response.pageType === 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL') {
return response.ucid
} else {
return null
} catch {
return null
export async function invidiousGetChannelInfo(channelId) {
return await invidiousAPICall({
resource: 'channels',
id: channelId,
export async function invidiousGetPlaylistInfo(playlistId) {
return await invidiousAPICall({
resource: 'playlists',
id: playlistId,
export async function invidiousGetVideoInformation(videoId) {
return await invidiousAPICall({
resource: 'videos',
id: videoId,
export async function invidiousGetComments({ id, nextPageToken = '', sortNewest = true }) {
const payload = {
resource: 'comments',
id: id,
params: {
continuation: nextPageToken ?? '',
sort_by: sortNewest ? 'new' : 'top'
const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload)
const commentData = parseInvidiousCommentData(response)
return { response, commentData }
export async function invidiousGetCommentReplies({ id, replyToken }) {
const payload = {
resource: 'comments',
id: id,
params: {
continuation: replyToken
const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload)
return { commentData: parseInvidiousCommentData(response), continuation: response.continuation ?? null }
export function youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(url, currentInstance = null) {
if (url == null) {
return null
if (currentInstance === null) {
currentInstance = getCurrentInstance()
// Can be prefixed with `https://` or `//` (protocol relative)
if (url.startsWith('//')) {
url = 'https:' + url
const newUrl = `${currentInstance}/ggpht`
return url.replace('', newUrl)
.replace('', newUrl)
.replace(/https:\/\/i\d*\.ytimg\.com/, newUrl)
export function invidiousImageUrlToInvidious(url, currentInstance = null) {
return url.replaceAll(/(\/ggpht\/)/g, `${currentInstance}/ggpht/`)
function parseInvidiousCommentData(response) {
return => {
comment.showReplies = false
comment.authorLink = comment.authorId
comment.authorThumb = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(
comment.likes = comment.likeCount
comment.text =, getCurrentInstance())))
comment.dataType = 'invidious'
comment.isOwner = comment.authorIsChannelOwner
comment.numReplies = comment.replies?.replyCount ?? 0
comment.replyToken = comment.replies?.continuation ?? ''
comment.isHearted = comment.creatorHeart !== undefined
comment.isMember = comment.isSponsor
comment.memberIconUrl = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(comment.sponsorIconUrl)
comment.replies = []
comment.time = toLocalePublicationString({
publishText: comment.publishedText
return comment
export async function invidiousGetCommunityPosts(channelId, continuation = null) {
const payload = {
resource: 'channels',
id: channelId,
subResource: 'community',
params: {}
if (continuation) {
payload.params.continuation = continuation
const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload)
response.comments = => parseInvidiousCommunityData(communityPost))
return { posts: response.comments, continuation: response.continuation ?? null }
function parseInvidiousCommunityData(data) {
return {
// use #/ to support channel YT links.
// ex post:
postText: data.contentHtml.replaceAll('href="/', 'href="#/'),
postId: data.commentId,
authorThumbnails: => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
publishedText: data.publishedText,
voteCount: data.likeCount,
postContent: parseInvidiousCommunityAttachments(data.attachment),
commentCount: data?.replyCount ?? 0, //
type: 'community'
function parseInvidiousCommunityAttachments(data) {
if (!data) {
return null
// I've only seen this appear when a video was made private.
// This is not currently supported on local api.
if (data.error) {
return {
type: 'error',
message: data.error
if (data.type === 'image') {
return {
type: data.type,
content: => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
if (data.type === 'video') {
data.videoThumbnails = data.videoThumbnails?.map(thumbnail => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
return {
type: data.type,
content: data
if (data.type === 'multiImage') {
const content = => {
return => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
return {
type: 'multiImage',
content: content
if (data.type === 'poll') {
return {
type: 'poll',
totalVotes: data.totalVotes ?? 0,
content: => {
return {
text: choice.text,
image: choice.image?.map(thumbnail => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
if (data.type === 'quiz') {
return {
type: 'quiz',
totalVotes: data.totalVotes ?? 0,
content: => {
return {
text: choice.text,
isCorrect: choice.isCorrect,
image: choice.image?.map(thumbnail => {
thumbnail.url = youtubeImageUrlToInvidious(thumbnail.url)
return thumbnail
if (data.type === 'playlist') {
return {
type: data.type,
content: data
console.error(`Unknown Invidious community post type: ${data.type}`)
* video.js only supports MP4 DASH not WebM DASH
* so we filter out the WebM DASH formats
* @param {any[]} formats
* @param {boolean} allowAv1 Use the AV1 formats if they are available
export function filterInvidiousFormats(formats, allowAv1 = false) {
const audioFormats = []
const h264Formats = []
const av1Formats = []
formats.forEach(format => {
const mimeType = format.type
if (mimeType.startsWith('audio/mp4')) {
} else if (allowAv1 && mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="av01')) {
} else if (mimeType.startsWith('video/mp4; codecs="avc')) {
// Disabled AV1 as a workaround to
// Which is caused by Invidious API limitation on AV1 formats (see related issues)
// Commented code to be restored after Invidious issue fixed
// As we generate our own DASH manifest (using YouTube.js) for multiple audio track support when the local API is supported,
// we can allow AV1 in that situation. When the local API isn't supported,
// we still can't use them until Invidious fixes the issue on their side
if (process.env.SUPPORTS_LOCAL_API && allowAv1 && av1Formats.length > 0) {
return [...audioFormats, ...av1Formats]
return [...audioFormats, ...h264Formats]
export async function getHashtagInvidious(hashtag, page) {
const payload = {
resource: 'hashtag',
id: hashtag,
params: {
const response = await invidiousAPICall(payload)
return response.results
* Generates a DASH manifest locally from Invidious' adaptive formats and manifest,
* doing so allows us to support multiple audio tracks, which Invidious doesn't support yet
* @param {import('youtubei.js').Misc.Format[]} formats
export async function generateInvidiousDashManifestLocally(formats) {
// create a dummy player, as deciphering requires making requests to YouTube,
// which we want to avoid when Invidious is selected as the backend
const player = new Player()
player.decipher = (url) => url
let urlTransformer
if (store.getters.getProxyVideos) {
* @param {URL} url
urlTransformer = (url) => {
return new URL(getProxyUrl(url.toString()))
return await FormatUtils.toDash({
adaptive_formats: formats
}, false, urlTransformer, undefined, undefined, player)
export function convertInvidiousToLocalFormat(format) {
const [initStart, initEnd] = format.init.split('-')
const [indexStart, indexEnd] = format.index.split('-')
const duration = parseInt(parseFloat(new URL(format.url).searchParams.get('dur')) * 1000)
// only converts the properties that are needed to generate a DASH manifest with YouTube.js
// audioQuality and qualityLabel don't go inside the DASH manifest, but are used by YouTube.js
// to determine whether a format is an audio or video stream respectively.
/** @type {import('./local').LocalFormat} */
const localFormat = new Misc.Format({
itag: format.itag,
mimeType: format.type,
bitrate: format.bitrate,
width: format.width,
height: format.height,
initRange: {
start: initStart,
end: initEnd
indexRange: {
start: indexStart,
end: indexEnd
// lastModified: format.lmt,
// contentLength: format.clen,
url: format.url,
approxDurationMs: duration,
? {
audioQuality: format.audioQuality,
audioSampleRate: format.audioSampleRate,
audioChannels: format.audioChannels
: {
fps: format.fps,
qualityLabel: format.qualityLabel,
colorInfo: format.colorInfo
// Adding freeTubeUrl allows us to reuse the code,
// to generate the audio tracks for audio only mode, that we use for the local API
localFormat.freeTubeUrl = format.url
return localFormat