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import Datastore from '@seald-io/nedb'
let dbPath = null
if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON_MAIN) {
const { app } = require('electron')
const { join } = require('path')
// this code only runs in the electron main process, so hopefully using sync fs code here should be fine 😬
const { statSync, realpathSync } = require('fs')
const userDataPath = app.getPath('userData') // This is based on the user's OS
dbPath = (dbName) => {
let path = join(userDataPath, `${dbName}.db`)
// returns undefined if the path doesn't exist
if (statSync(path, { throwIfNoEntry: false })?.isSymbolicLink) {
path = realpathSync(path)
return path
} else {
dbPath = (dbName) => `${dbName}.db`
const db = {}
db.settings = new Datastore({ filename: dbPath('settings'), autoload: true })
db.profiles = new Datastore({ filename: dbPath('profiles'), autoload: true })
db.playlists = new Datastore({ filename: dbPath('playlists'), autoload: true })
db.history = new Datastore({ filename: dbPath('history'), autoload: true })
export default db