
524 lines
17 KiB

import { defineComponent, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
import FtLoader from '../ft-loader/ft-loader.vue'
import FtCard from '../ft-card/ft-card.vue'
import FtListVideoNumbered from '../ft-list-video-numbered/ft-list-video-numbered.vue'
import { copyToClipboard, showToast } from '../../helpers/utils'
import {
} from '../../helpers/api/local'
import { invidiousGetPlaylistInfo } from '../../helpers/api/invidious'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'WatchVideoPlaylist',
components: {
'ft-loader': FtLoader,
'ft-card': FtCard,
'ft-list-video-numbered': FtListVideoNumbered
props: {
playlistId: {
type: String,
required: true,
playlistType: {
type: String,
default: null
videoId: {
type: String,
required: true,
playlistItemId: {
type: String,
default: null,
watchViewLoading: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,
data: function () {
return {
isLoading: true,
shuffleEnabled: false,
loopEnabled: false,
reversePlaylist: false,
pauseOnCurrentVideo: false,
channelName: '',
channelId: '',
playlistTitle: '',
playlistItems: [],
randomizedPlaylistItems: [],
getPlaylistInfoRun: false,
computed: {
backendPreference: function () {
return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference
backendFallback: function () {
return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback
isUserPlaylist: function () {
return this.playlistType === 'user'
userPlaylistsReady: function () {
return this.$store.getters.getPlaylistsReady
selectedUserPlaylist: function () {
if (this.playlistId == null || this.playlistId === '') { return null }
return this.$store.getters.getPlaylist(this.playlistId)
selectedUserPlaylistVideoCount () {
return this.selectedUserPlaylist?.videos?.length
selectedUserPlaylistLastUpdatedAt () {
return this.selectedUserPlaylist?.lastUpdatedAt
currentVideoIndexZeroBased: function () {
return this.playlistItems.findIndex((item) => {
if (item.playlistItemId != null && this.playlistItemId != null) {
return item.playlistItemId === this.playlistItemId
} else if (item.videoId != null) {
return item.videoId === this.videoId
} else {
return === this.videoId
currentVideoIndexOneBased: function () {
return this.currentVideoIndexZeroBased + 1
currentVideo: function () {
return this.playlistItems[this.currentVideoIndexZeroBased]
playlistVideoCount: function () {
return this.playlistItems.length
shouldStopDueToPlaylistEnd: function () {
if (!this.videoIsLastInInPlaylistItems) { return false }
// Loop enabled = should not stop
return !this.loopEnabled
videoIsLastInInPlaylistItems: function () {
if (this.shuffleEnabled) {
return this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === this.randomizedPlaylistItems.length - 1
} else {
return this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === this.playlistItems.length - 1
videoIndexInPlaylistItems: function () {
const playlistItems = this.shuffleEnabled ? this.randomizedPlaylistItems : this.playlistItems
return playlistItems.findIndex((item) => {
if (item.playlistItemId != null && this.playlistItemId != null) {
return item.playlistItemId === this.playlistItemId
} else if (item.videoId != null) {
return item.videoId === this.videoId
} else {
return === this.videoId
videoIsFirstPlaylistItem: function () {
return this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === 0
videoIsLastPlaylistItem: function () {
return this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === (this.playlistItems.length - 1)
videoIsNotPlaylistItem: function () {
return this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems === -1
playlistPageLinkTo() {
// For `router-link` attribute `to`
return {
path: `/playlist/${this.playlistId}`,
query: {
playlistType: this.isUserPlaylist ? 'user' : '',
watch: {
userPlaylistsReady: function() {
selectedUserPlaylistVideoCount () {
// Re-fetch from local store when current user playlist updated
this.parseUserPlaylist(this.selectedUserPlaylist, { allowPlayingVideoRemoval: true })
selectedUserPlaylistLastUpdatedAt () {
// Re-fetch from local store when current user playlist updated
this.parseUserPlaylist(this.selectedUserPlaylist, { allowPlayingVideoRemoval: true })
playlistItemId (newId, _oldId) {
// Playing online video
if (newId == null) { return }
// Re-fetch from local store when different item played
this.parseUserPlaylist(this.selectedUserPlaylist, { allowPlayingVideoRemoval: true })
videoId: function (newId, oldId) {
// Check if next video is from the shuffled list or if the user clicked a different video
if (this.shuffleEnabled) {
const newVideoIndex = this.randomizedPlaylistItems.findIndex((item) => {
return item.videoId === newId
const oldVideoIndex = this.randomizedPlaylistItems.findIndex((item) => {
return item.videoId === oldId
if ((newVideoIndex - 1) !== oldVideoIndex) {
// User clicked a different video than expected. Re-shuffle the list
watchViewLoading: function (newVal, oldVal) {
// This component is loaded/rendered before watch view loaded
if (oldVal && !newVal) {
// Scroll after watch view loaded, otherwise doesn't work
// Mainly for Local API
// nextTick(() => this.scrollToCurrentVideo())
isLoading: function (newVal, oldVal) {
// This component is loaded/rendered before watch view loaded
if (oldVal && !newVal) {
// Scroll after this component loaded, otherwise doesn't work
// Mainly for Invidious API
// `nextTick` is required (tested via reloading)
nextTick(() => this.scrollToCurrentVideo())
playlistId: function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (oldVal !== newVal) {
if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
} else {
mounted: function () {
const cachedPlaylist = this.$store.getters.getCachedPlaylist
if (cachedPlaylist?.id === this.playlistId) {
} else {
if ('mediaSession' in navigator) {
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', this.playPreviousVideo)
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', this.playNextVideo)
beforeDestroy: function () {
if ('mediaSession' in navigator) {
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', null)
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', null)
methods: {
getPlaylistInfoWithDelay: function () {
if (this.getPlaylistInfoRun) { return }
this.isLoading = true
// `selectedUserPlaylist` result accuracy relies on data being ready
if (this.isUserPlaylist && !this.userPlaylistsReady) { return }
this.getPlaylistInfoRun = true
if (this.selectedUserPlaylist != null) {
} else if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
} else {
toggleLoop: function () {
if (this.loopEnabled) {
this.loopEnabled = false
showToast(this.$t('Loop is now disabled'))
} else {
this.loopEnabled = true
showToast(this.$t('Loop is now enabled'))
toggleShuffle: function () {
if (this.shuffleEnabled) {
this.shuffleEnabled = false
showToast(this.$t('Shuffle is now disabled'))
} else {
this.shuffleEnabled = true
showToast(this.$t('Shuffle is now enabled'))
toggleReversePlaylist: function () {
this.isLoading = true
showToast(this.$t('The playlist has been reversed'))
this.reversePlaylist = !this.reversePlaylist
// Create a new array to avoid changing array in data store state
// it could be user playlist or cache playlist
this.playlistItems = [].concat(this.playlistItems).reverse()
setTimeout(() => {
this.isLoading = false
}, 1)
togglePauseOnCurrentVideo: function () {
if (this.pauseOnCurrentVideo) {
this.pauseOnCurrentVideo = false
showToast(this.$t('Playlist will not pause when current video is finished'))
} else {
this.pauseOnCurrentVideo = true
showToast(this.$t('Playlist will pause when current video is finished'))
playNextVideo: function () {
const playlistInfo = {
playlistId: this.playlistId,
playlistType: this.playlistType,
const videoIndex = this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems
const targetVideoIndex = (this.videoIsNotPlaylistItem || this.videoIsLastPlaylistItem) ? 0 : videoIndex + 1
if (this.shuffleEnabled) {
let doShufflePlaylistItems = false
if (this.videoIsLastPlaylistItem && !this.loopEnabled) {
showToast(this.$t('The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing'))
// loopEnabled = true
if (this.videoIsLastPlaylistItem || this.videoIsNotPlaylistItem) { doShufflePlaylistItems = true }
const targetPlaylistItem = this.randomizedPlaylistItems[targetVideoIndex]
path: `/watch/${targetPlaylistItem.videoId}`,
query: Object.assign(playlistInfo, { playlistItemId: targetPlaylistItem.playlistItemId }),
showToast(this.$t('Playing Next Video'))
if (doShufflePlaylistItems) { this.shufflePlaylistItems() }
} else {
const targetPlaylistItem = this.playlistItems[targetVideoIndex]
const stopDueToLoopDisabled = this.videoIsLastPlaylistItem && !this.loopEnabled
if (stopDueToLoopDisabled) {
showToast(this.$t('The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing'))
path: `/watch/${targetPlaylistItem.videoId}`,
query: Object.assign(playlistInfo, { playlistItemId: targetPlaylistItem.playlistItemId }),
showToast(this.$t('Playing Next Video'))
playPreviousVideo: function () {
showToast(this.$t('Playing Previous Video'))
const playlistInfo = {
playlistId: this.playlistId,
playlistType: this.playlistType,
const videoIndex = this.videoIndexInPlaylistItems
const targetVideoIndex = (this.videoIsFirstPlaylistItem || this.videoIsNotPlaylistItem) ? this.playlistItems.length - 1 : videoIndex - 1
if (this.shuffleEnabled) {
const targetPlaylistItem = this.randomizedPlaylistItems[targetVideoIndex]
path: `/watch/${targetPlaylistItem.videoId}`,
query: Object.assign(playlistInfo, { playlistItemId: targetPlaylistItem.playlistItemId }),
} else {
const targetPlaylistItem = this.playlistItems[targetVideoIndex]
path: `/watch/${targetPlaylistItem.videoId}`,
query: Object.assign(playlistInfo, { playlistItemId: targetPlaylistItem.playlistItemId }),
loadCachedPlaylistInformation: async function (cachedPlaylist) {
this.isLoading = true
this.getPlaylistInfoRun = true
this.playlistTitle = cachedPlaylist.title
this.channelName = cachedPlaylist.channelName
this.channelId = cachedPlaylist.channelId
if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON || this.backendPreference === 'invidious' || cachedPlaylist.continuationData === null) {
this.playlistItems = cachedPlaylist.items
} else {
const videos = cachedPlaylist.items
await untilEndOfLocalPlayList(cachedPlaylist.continuationData, (p) => {
}, { runCallbackOnceFirst: false })
this.playlistItems = videos
this.isLoading = false
getPlaylistInformationLocal: async function () {
this.isLoading = true
try {
const playlist = await getLocalPlaylist(this.playlistId)
let channelName
if ( {
channelName =
} else {
const subtitle =
const index = subtitle.lastIndexOf('•')
channelName = subtitle.substring(0, index).trim()
this.playlistTitle =
this.channelName = channelName
this.channelId =
const videos = []
await untilEndOfLocalPlayList(playlist, (p) => {
this.playlistItems = videos
this.isLoading = false
} catch (err) {
const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)')
showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => {
if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) {
showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API'))
} else {
this.isLoading = false
getPlaylistInformationInvidious: function () {
this.isLoading = true
invidiousGetPlaylistInfo(this.playlistId).then((result) => {
this.playlistTitle = result.title
this.channelName =
this.channelId = result.authorId
this.playlistItems = this.playlistItems.concat(result.videos)
this.isLoading = false
}).catch((err) => {
const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)')
showToast(`${errorMessage}: ${err}`, 10000, () => {
if (process.env.IS_ELECTRON && this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) {
showToast(this.$t('Falling back to Local API'))
} else {
this.isLoading = false
// TODO: Show toast with error message
parseUserPlaylist: function (playlist, { allowPlayingVideoRemoval = true } = {}) {
this.playlistTitle = playlist.playlistName
this.channelName = ''
this.channelId = ''
if (this.playlistItems.length === 0 || allowPlayingVideoRemoval) {
this.playlistItems = playlist.videos
} else {
// `this.currentVideo` relies on `playlistItems`
const latestPlaylistContainsCurrentVideo = playlist.videos.some(v => v.playlistItemId === this.playlistItemId)
// Only update list of videos if latest video list still contains currently playing video
if (latestPlaylistContainsCurrentVideo) {
this.playlistItems = playlist.videos
this.isLoading = false
shufflePlaylistItems: function () {
// Prevents the array from affecting the original object
const remainingItems = [].concat(this.playlistItems)
const items = []
remainingItems.splice(this.currentVideoIndexZeroBased, 1)
while (remainingItems.length > 0) {
const randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * remainingItems.length)
remainingItems.splice(randomInt, 1)
this.randomizedPlaylistItems = items
scrollToCurrentVideo: function () {
const container = this.$refs.playlistItems
const currentVideoItem = (this.$refs.currentVideoItem || [])[0]
if (container != null && currentVideoItem != null) {
// Watch view can be ready sooner than this component
container.scrollTop = currentVideoItem.$el.offsetTop - container.offsetTop