Commit Graph

95 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Christian Schabesberger b1429366da fixes acording to code review
fixes moreacording to code review

fixed link handling once more
2018-08-28 12:19:07 +02:00
Christian Schabesberger 2003f51d49 fix thumbnail not shown in background player 2018-08-27 16:37:21 +02:00
John Zhen Mo ca679f5932 -Fixed potential NPE when updating thumbnail in background player. 2018-06-28 12:18:02 -07:00
John Zhen Mo aa1878c15a -Changed baseplayer metadata getters to use media tag as source.
-Changed background player notification to no longer update bitmap on progress time change.
-Changed popup player to move above soft keyboard when it is opened.
2018-06-28 12:04:30 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 2d6317bd24 -Fixed audio-only streams thumbnail not displaying on video players.
-Fixed potential play queue desynchronization due to fast forwarding on silence.
-Added current thumbnail storing in base player to allow immediate retrieval for notification building.
-Removed video player buffer spinner during interim buffering but not initial buffering.
-Reverted foreground notification stopping on pause and on complete.
2018-06-28 12:03:20 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 0ece4851d2 -Updated ExoPlayer to 2.8.1, fixing livestream with long duration not loading.
-Updated OkHttp to 3.10.0 and RxJava to 2.1.14.
-Changed player recovery seek to use ExoPlayer built-in window seeking instead of seeking after stream window starts playing.
-Changed playback speed changer default step size to 25%.
-Changed player notification to reset on all state changes.
-Fixed gradle dependency version incorrect variable names.
-Fixed video player double tap not working during pause.
-[#1412] Fixed NPE when sharing video to main video activity when it was playing but is out of focus: Reset main player state when new intent is received.
-[#1410] Fixed fast forwarding and rewinding not working within 10 seconds from beginning or end of a stream window.
2018-06-28 12:01:34 -07:00
John Zhen Mo f1f5996975 -Refactored playback resolvers and other persistent player objects to instantiate once only during player creation to enforce non-nullity.
-Fixed background and popup player service staying in foreground when playback is paused or completed.
-Fixed player metadata not updating on new stream.
-Fixed player intent playback quality not applied.
-Fixed player auto-queue not applied after stream transition or swapping.
2018-06-28 12:00:00 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 19b8796cbc -Fixed statistics fragment button not animating when pressed.
-Removed background player notification button opacity change.
2018-06-28 11:58:33 -07:00
John Zhen Mo bc6fdf81d2 -Refactored player media source resolution into external helpers.
-Baked resolved media metadata into media source for one-way data passing.
2018-06-28 11:58:32 -07:00
Christian Schabesberger a099fe35d2 reorder playqueue/localPlaylist classes 2018-04-29 12:51:57 +02:00
Christian Schabesberger bcfd8a2450 rename playlist to player.playqueue 2018-04-29 12:49:52 +02:00
John Zhen Mo 42d19d98ad -Changed media source manager near edge loading to no longer load while player position is not progressing.
-Changed main video player to always self-destruct on stop.
-Extracted main video player lifecycle states into separate data class.
-Fixed play queue in full repeat mode does not load first item after expiring.
2018-04-11 20:27:39 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 74199c8624 -Designated background player as default media button receiver.
-Fixed media button intent causing illegal state exception when sent from external apps.
2018-04-11 20:27:38 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 72eaff148c -Fixed main player paused video not abandoning audio focus after navigating away from activity during interruption, when resume on focus regain is enabled.
-Separated onPause and onPlay functions from onPlayPause.
-Renamed onVideoPlayPause to onPlayPause.
2018-03-22 18:12:11 -07:00
John Zhen Mo bc7188c8a8 -Added media session implementation for all players.
-Extracted version numbers in gradle dependencies.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.
-Updated RxJava to 2.1.10, RxAndroid to 2.0.2 and RxBinding to 2.1.1.
-Removed deprecated implementation of media buttons.
2018-03-19 16:44:18 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 0258726f0a -Changed thumbnail toggle in disabled mode to load dark dummy image.
-Changed play queue items to display service names.
-Fixed Soundcloud playlist not fitting thumbnail.
-Refactored image display options to follow uniform behavior.
-Refactoring and style changes on audio reactor and media button receiver.
2018-03-19 16:44:17 -07:00
Christian Schabesberger 96a327af17 made frontend combatible to latest extractor refactorings 2018-03-18 16:37:49 +01:00
alexandre patelli 24f2999669 Handling play/pause button from different headsets 2018-03-13 22:57:59 +01:00
alexandre patelli 36457400e7 Review Fixes 2018-03-11 19:23:00 +01:00
alexandre patelli 1d629e7b2e Direct use of AudioManager from AudioReactor 2018-03-11 15:09:11 +01:00
alexandre patelli 5f764ab8f5 Media Button Play/Pause, Previous and Next in Background Player 2018-03-10 18:25:20 +01:00
John Zhen Mo 59558efed1 -Added seamless shuffling.
-Reenabled full window loading in MediaSourceManager.
2018-03-03 20:58:06 -08:00
John Zhen Mo a88e19a8ed -Added toggle to enable fast inexact seek in players.
-Improved player sync calls to recognize different metadata updates.
-Changed MediaSourceManager to synchronize only after timeline changes and reenabled multiple sync calls to player.
-Renamed listener and synchronization methods related to MediaSourceManager.
2018-03-03 14:24:21 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 0c17f0825b -Added loader eviction to avoid spawning too many threads in MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints to variables in MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints on context related objects in BasePlayer.
-Fixed Hls livestreams crashing player when behind live window for too long.
-Fixed cache miss when InfoCache key mismatch between StreamInfo and StreamInfoItem.
2018-03-03 11:42:23 -08:00
John Zhen Mo b3b2748bb7 -Improved player queue stability by using more aggressive synchronization policy.
-Added sync buttons on live streams to allow seeking to live edge.
-Added custom cache key for extractor sources to allow more persistent reuse.
-Refactored player data source factories into own class and separating live and non-live data sources.
2018-02-26 19:57:59 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 563a4137bd -Fixed inconsistent audio focus state when audio becomes noisy (e.g. headset unplugged).
-Fixed live media sources failing when using cached data source by introducing
cacheless data sources.
-Added custom track selector to circumvent ExoPlayer's language normalization NPE.
-Updated Extractor to correctly load live streams.
-Removed deprecated deferred media source and media source manager.
-Removed Livestream exceptions.
2018-02-25 15:10:11 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 39b0b2f032 -Added player conversion to background and popup players.
-[#919] Fixed custom notification does not trigger unlocking on lockscreen.
-[#947] Fixes player crashing on internet outage, issue partially addressed.
-Fixed main player losing state after destroy while in background.
-Fixed main player controls not hiding automatically after orientation change.
-Fixed dialog uploader not marqueeing when too long.
-Fixed popup permission throwing NPE on BaseList.
-Refactored popup permissions to start in NavigationHelper.
-Extracted hardcoded string for player menus.
-Bump Java version to 1.8.
-Some lambda conversions.
2018-01-03 22:53:38 -08:00
Schabi 7f88c3d0a9 roleback wrong fix 2017-12-30 00:27:29 +01:00
Schabi 11e8e38f2c setup context for making notifications open via setContextIntent() 2017-12-29 17:29:15 +01:00
TobiGr 0119d62a35 change notification bar icon for popup and background player 2017-12-20 16:29:32 +01:00
Coffeemakr bb2af96deb
Use getters for extractor items 2017-12-10 11:07:51 +01:00
John Zhen Mo b1ee22cde6 -Added scroll to fetch for external play queues.
-Modified service player activity scrolling to be instantaneous when difference is too large.
-Modified service player activity to no longer update metadata if nothing change when sync is called.
2017-11-11 14:48:16 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 1d136c6c35 -Added fast seeking on background notification when play queue size is 1.
-Fixed player intent with quality selection not used in detail fragment.
-Fixed window index not reset on sync when not playing.
-Fix dropdown play string for stream info item.
2017-11-11 14:48:16 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 87febf8679 -Added dropdown to start play for all StreamInfoItem.
-Refactored NavigationHelper to allow service player control to open anywhere.
-Refactored NavigationHelper to allow starting player at anywhere.
2017-11-11 14:48:16 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 0b1eda3050 -Improved null checks in player stream resolution.
-Improved naming in MediaSourceManager
2017-11-11 14:48:16 -08:00
John Zhen Mo 3d5c173d61 -Fixed new task intent for opening controls on players between sdk 21 and 24. 2017-10-31 07:17:51 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 86c16fa5d8 -Fixed activity padding.
-Fixed expanded notification artist name.
-Fixed playpause on complete setting wrong index.
2017-10-30 20:58:47 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 1fb3774e03 -Changed play queue item building to shrink thumbnail before caching.
-Renamed refactor directory in player to helper.
-Fixed background player notification update causing lag on older spec models.
-Fixed service activity theme not changing after user setting is changed.
-Fixed NPE on popup player fling to close.
-Fixed audio reactor volume and max volume mixup.
-Added correct toast for each player error case.
-Fixed button coloring for play queue service activity on landscape.
-Changed title and uploader text to marquee for vertical service activity.
-Removed cache clearing on every thumbnail load.
2017-10-30 20:58:47 -07:00
John Zhen Mo f284a799ef -Added wake and wifi lock to popup video player.
-Added seek time display to player binding activity.
-Added button effect for all image buttons on player binding activity.
-Added click to scroll to current selected on metadata layout for player binding activity.
-Refactored player utilities and preference getters into PlayerHelper.
-Refactored player caching into CacheFactory.
-Refactored player audio related methods into AudioReactor.
-Refactored player locks into LockManager.
-Refactored player loading and buffering mechanics into LoadController.
-Fixed outdated names for background player.
2017-10-30 20:58:47 -07:00
John Zhen Mo c6e759a94c -Fixed popup player not playing in foreground.
-Fixed activity binder memory leak in popup and background players.
-Fixed out of bound window after removing last item on play queue.
-Fixed MediaSourceManager continues to process update after disposed.
-Changed play queue append to shuffle if queue is already shuffled.
2017-10-30 20:58:46 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 052c9a9869 -Added persisting settings when switching between players. 2017-10-30 20:58:46 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 0806344ffb -Changed quality resolution to persist across player.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.5.4.
-Expanded button size in main video player play queue.
-Removed Quality event.
-Extracted player error strings to xml.
2017-10-30 20:58:46 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 9068247856 -Reverted manual track selection from exoplayer track selector.
-Added quality record to play queue items.
-Added quality and recovery record play queue events.
-Added landscape view for ServicePlayerActivity.
-Moved repeat and shuffle button to play queue panel in main video player.
-Fixed potential NPE in MediaSourceManager by no longer nulling play queue on dispose.
-Renamed PlayQueueEvent to PlayQueueEventType.
-Renamed PlayQueueMessage to PlayQueueEvent.
2017-10-30 20:58:46 -07:00
John Zhen Mo 4553850412 -Baked recovery records into play queue items.
-Added previous and next button on main video player.
-Reverted double tap to seek for popup and main video players.
-Improved shuffling to use recovery record.
-Changed shuffling to place current playing stream to top of queue.
-Fixed exception when removing last item on queue.
-Changed fast forward and rewind button to previous and next on background notification.
-Changed background notification to not update when screen is off and update immediately when screen is turned back on.
-Removed unused intent strings.
-Changed "Append" to "Enqueue" for append text.
2017-10-30 20:58:46 -07:00
John Zhen Mo d54a6e0b0e -Added helper text on click for background and popup button on detail fragment for feature discovery.
-Fixed popup video queuing causes existing popup player to change quality.
2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00
John Zhen M 87fca5cffe -Enabled play queue control panel for popup video player.
-Refactored background player activity into generic play queue control panel activity.
-Changed control panel activities into singleTask.
2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00
John Zhen M 9685456ee4 -Added new intents to append streams to current player.
-Added long clicks for popup and background player buttons on details fragment for append intents.
-Removed restrictions for preventing UI to show up when player is buffering.
-Fixed icons for all repeat modes.
-Added Progress bar to background activity when player is in not ready state.
-Fixed Track Selection when switching between video and audio only on video players.
-Fixed video player to enable tunnelling only after sdk > 21.
-Fixed activity exception from restarting after service is shutdown on earlier sdk versions.
2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00
John Zhen M 6a9e3ef639 -Added dropdown menu for background player activity.
-Added icons for shuffle and drag handle.
-Fixed exception when returning to background player activity after service shuts down.
-Fixed open detail only working for Youtube.
2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00
John Zhen M b5a9f042cc -Fixed background player activity crashes on receiving update when stopped (lifecycle still active). 2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00
John Zhen M 770dcc1832 -Fixed incorrect indexing due to item removed after shuffle.
-Fixed activity binding not unbound after service shutdown.
2017-10-30 20:58:45 -07:00