package org.schabi.newpipe.player; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoader; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.listener.SimpleImageLoadingListener; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * Base for the players, joining the common properties * * @author mauriciocolli */ @SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused"}) public abstract class BasePlayer implements ExoPlayer.EventListener, AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener { public static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final String TAG = "BasePlayer"; protected Context context; protected SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; protected AudioManager audioManager; protected BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver; protected IntentFilter intentFilter; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final String VIDEO_URL = "video_url"; public static final String VIDEO_TITLE = "video_title"; public static final String VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_URL = "video_thumbnail_url"; public static final String START_POSITION = "start_position"; public static final String CHANNEL_NAME = "channel_name"; public static final String PLAYBACK_SPEED = "playback_speed"; protected Bitmap videoThumbnail = null; protected String videoUrl = ""; protected String videoTitle = ""; protected String videoThumbnailUrl = ""; protected int videoStartPos = -1; protected String channelName = ""; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public int FAST_FORWARD_REWIND_AMOUNT = 10000; // 10 Seconds public static final String CACHE_FOLDER_NAME = "exoplayer"; protected SimpleExoPlayer simpleExoPlayer; protected boolean isPrepared = false; protected MediaSource mediaSource; protected CacheDataSourceFactory cacheDataSourceFactory; protected final DefaultExtractorsFactory extractorsFactory = new DefaultExtractorsFactory(); protected final DefaultBandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter(); protected int PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL = 100; protected AtomicBoolean isProgressLoopRunning = new AtomicBoolean(); protected Handler progressLoop; protected Runnable progressUpdate; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public BasePlayer(Context context) { this.context = context; this.progressLoop = new Handler(); this.sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); this.audioManager = ((AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE)); this.broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { onBroadcastReceived(intent); } }; this.intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); setupBroadcastReceiver(intentFilter); context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter); } public void setup() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) initPlayer(); initListeners(); } private void initExoPlayerCache() { if (cacheDataSourceFactory == null) { DefaultDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, Util.getUserAgent(context, context.getPackageName()), bandwidthMeter); File cacheDir = new File(context.getExternalCacheDir(), CACHE_FOLDER_NAME); if (!cacheDir.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored cacheDir.mkdir(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "initExoPlayerCache: cacheDir = " + cacheDir.getAbsolutePath()); SimpleCache simpleCache = new SimpleCache(cacheDir, new LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(64 * 1024 * 1024L)); cacheDataSourceFactory = new CacheDataSourceFactory(simpleCache, dataSourceFactory, CacheDataSource.FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE, 512 * 1024); } } public void initPlayer() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "initPlayer() called with: context = [" + context + "]"); initExoPlayerCache(); AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory trackSelectionFactory = new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter); DefaultTrackSelector defaultTrackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(trackSelectionFactory); DefaultLoadControl loadControl = new DefaultLoadControl(); simpleExoPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(context, defaultTrackSelector, loadControl); simpleExoPlayer.addListener(this); } public void initListeners() { progressUpdate = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //if(DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "progressUpdate run() called"); onUpdateProgress((int) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(), (int) simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(), simpleExoPlayer.getBufferedPercentage()); if (isProgressLoopRunning.get()) progressLoop.postDelayed(this, PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL); } }; } public void handleIntent(Intent intent) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "handleIntent() called with: intent = [" + intent + "]"); if (intent == null) return; videoUrl = intent.getStringExtra(VIDEO_URL); videoTitle = intent.getStringExtra(VIDEO_TITLE); videoThumbnailUrl = intent.getStringExtra(VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_URL); videoStartPos = intent.getIntExtra(START_POSITION, -1); channelName = intent.getStringExtra(CHANNEL_NAME); setPlaybackSpeed(intent.getFloatExtra(PLAYBACK_SPEED, getPlaybackSpeed())); initThumbnail(); //play(getSelectedVideoStream(), true); } public void initThumbnail() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "initThumbnail() called"); videoThumbnail = null; if (videoThumbnailUrl == null || videoThumbnailUrl.isEmpty()) return; ImageLoader.getInstance().resume(); ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImage(videoThumbnailUrl, new SimpleImageLoadingListener() { @Override public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) return; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onLoadingComplete() called with: imageUri = [" + imageUri + "], view = [" + view + "], loadedImage = [" + loadedImage + "]"); videoThumbnail = loadedImage; onThumbnailReceived(loadedImage); } }); } public void playUrl(String url, String format, boolean autoPlay) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "play() called with: url = [" + url + "], autoPlay = [" + autoPlay + "]"); } if (url == null || simpleExoPlayer == null) { RuntimeException runtimeException = new RuntimeException((url == null ? "Url " : "Player ") + " null"); onError(runtimeException); throw runtimeException; } changeState(STATE_LOADING); isPrepared = false; mediaSource = buildMediaSource(url, format); if (simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() != ExoPlayer.STATE_IDLE) simpleExoPlayer.stop(); if (videoStartPos > 0) simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(videoStartPos); simpleExoPlayer.prepare(mediaSource); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(autoPlay); } public void destroyPlayer() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "destroyPlayer() called"); if (simpleExoPlayer != null) { simpleExoPlayer.stop(); simpleExoPlayer.release(); } if (progressLoop != null && isProgressLoopRunning.get()) stopProgressLoop(); } public void destroy() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "destroy() called"); destroyPlayer(); unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); videoThumbnail = null; simpleExoPlayer = null; } public MediaSource buildMediaSource(String url, String overrideExtension) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "buildMediaSource() called with: url = [" + url + "], overrideExtension = [" + overrideExtension + "]"); } Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); int type = TextUtils.isEmpty(overrideExtension) ? Util.inferContentType(uri) : Util.inferContentType("." + overrideExtension); MediaSource mediaSource; switch (type) { case C.TYPE_SS: mediaSource = new SsMediaSource(uri, cacheDataSourceFactory, new DefaultSsChunkSource.Factory(cacheDataSourceFactory), null, null); break; case C.TYPE_DASH: mediaSource = new DashMediaSource(uri, cacheDataSourceFactory, new DefaultDashChunkSource.Factory(cacheDataSourceFactory), null, null); break; case C.TYPE_HLS: mediaSource = new HlsMediaSource(uri, cacheDataSourceFactory, null, null); break; case C.TYPE_OTHER: mediaSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(uri, cacheDataSourceFactory, extractorsFactory, null, null); break; default: { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported type: " + type); } } return mediaSource; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Broadcast Receiver //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Add your action in the intentFilter * * @param intentFilter intent filter that will be used for register the receiver */ protected void setupBroadcastReceiver(IntentFilter intentFilter) { intentFilter.addAction(AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY); } public void onBroadcastReceived(Intent intent) { switch (intent.getAction()) { case AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY: if (isPlaying()) simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(false); break; } } public void unregisterBroadcastReceiver() { if (broadcastReceiver != null && context != null) { context.unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); broadcastReceiver = null; } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AudioFocus //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private static final int DUCK_DURATION = 1500; private static final float DUCK_AUDIO_TO = .2f; @Override public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onAudioFocusChange() called with: focusChange = [" + focusChange + "]"); if (simpleExoPlayer == null) return; switch (focusChange) { case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN: onAudioFocusGain(); break; case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK: onAudioFocusLossCanDuck(); break; case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS: case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT: onAudioFocusLoss(); break; } } protected void onAudioFocusGain() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onAudioFocusGain() called"); if (simpleExoPlayer != null) simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(DUCK_AUDIO_TO); animateAudio(DUCK_AUDIO_TO, 1f, DUCK_DURATION); } protected void onAudioFocusLoss() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onAudioFocusLoss() called"); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(false); } protected void onAudioFocusLossCanDuck() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onAudioFocusLossCanDuck() called"); // Set the volume to 1/10 on ducking animateAudio(simpleExoPlayer.getVolume(), DUCK_AUDIO_TO, DUCK_DURATION); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // States Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int STATE_LOADING = 123; public static final int STATE_PLAYING = 124; public static final int STATE_BUFFERING = 125; public static final int STATE_PAUSED = 126; public static final int STATE_PAUSED_SEEK = 127; public static final int STATE_COMPLETED = 128; protected int currentState = -1; public void changeState(int state) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "changeState() called with: state = [" + state + "]"); currentState = state; switch (state) { case STATE_LOADING: onLoading(); break; case STATE_PLAYING: onPlaying(); break; case STATE_BUFFERING: onBuffering(); break; case STATE_PAUSED: onPaused(); break; case STATE_PAUSED_SEEK: onPausedSeek(); break; case STATE_COMPLETED: onCompleted(); break; } } public void onLoading() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onLoading() called"); if (!isProgressLoopRunning.get()) startProgressLoop(); } public void onPlaying() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPlaying() called"); if (!isProgressLoopRunning.get()) startProgressLoop(); } public void onBuffering() { } public void onPaused() { if (isProgressLoopRunning.get()) stopProgressLoop(); } public void onPausedSeek() { } public void onCompleted() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted() called"); if (isProgressLoopRunning.get()) stopProgressLoop(); if (currentRepeatMode == RepeatMode.REPEAT_ONE) { changeState(STATE_LOADING); simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(0); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repeat //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ protected RepeatMode currentRepeatMode = RepeatMode.REPEAT_DISABLED; public enum RepeatMode { REPEAT_DISABLED, REPEAT_ONE, REPEAT_ALL } public void onRepeatClicked() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onRepeatClicked() called"); // TODO: implement repeat all when playlist is implemented // Switch the modes between DISABLED and REPEAT_ONE, till playlist is implemented setCurrentRepeatMode(getCurrentRepeatMode() == RepeatMode.REPEAT_DISABLED ? RepeatMode.REPEAT_ONE : RepeatMode.REPEAT_DISABLED); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onRepeatClicked() currentRepeatMode = " + getCurrentRepeatMode().name()); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExoPlayer Listener //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @Override public void onTimelineChanged(Timeline timeline, Object manifest) { } @Override public void onTracksChanged(TrackGroupArray trackGroups, TrackSelectionArray trackSelections) { } @Override public void onPlaybackParametersChanged(PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) { } @Override public void onLoadingChanged(boolean isLoading) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [" + isLoading + "]"); if (!isLoading && getCurrentState() == STATE_PAUSED && isProgressLoopRunning.get()) stopProgressLoop(); else if (isLoading && !isProgressLoopRunning.get()) startProgressLoop(); } @Override public void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); if (getCurrentState() == STATE_PAUSED_SEEK) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPlayerStateChanged() currently on PausedSeek"); return; } switch (playbackState) { case ExoPlayer.STATE_IDLE: // 1 isPrepared = false; break; case ExoPlayer.STATE_BUFFERING: // 2 if (isPrepared && getCurrentState() != STATE_LOADING) changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); break; case ExoPlayer.STATE_READY: //3 if (!isPrepared) { isPrepared = true; onPrepared(playWhenReady); break; } if (currentState == STATE_PAUSED_SEEK) break; changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); break; case ExoPlayer.STATE_ENDED: // 4 changeState(STATE_COMPLETED); isPrepared = false; break; } } @Override public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPlayerError() called with: error = [" + error + "]"); onError(error); } @Override public void onPositionDiscontinuity() { } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public abstract void onError(Exception exception); public void onPrepared(boolean playWhenReady) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "]"); if (playWhenReady) audioManager.requestAudioFocus(this, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); } public abstract void onUpdateProgress(int currentProgress, int duration, int bufferPercent); public void onVideoPlayPause() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onVideoPlayPause() called"); if (currentState == STATE_COMPLETED) { onVideoPlayPauseRepeat(); return; } if (!isPlaying()) audioManager.requestAudioFocus(this, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); else audioManager.abandonAudioFocus(this); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(!isPlaying()); } public void onVideoPlayPauseRepeat() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onVideoPlayPauseRepeat() called"); changeState(STATE_LOADING); setVideoStartPos(0); simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(0); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(true); audioManager.requestAudioFocus(this, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); } public void onFastRewind() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onFastRewind() called"); seekBy(-FAST_FORWARD_REWIND_AMOUNT); } public void onFastForward() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onFastForward() called"); seekBy(FAST_FORWARD_REWIND_AMOUNT); } public void onThumbnailReceived(Bitmap thumbnail) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onThumbnailReceived() called with: thumbnail = [" + thumbnail + "]"); } public void seekBy(int milliSeconds) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: milliSeconds = [" + milliSeconds + "]"); if (simpleExoPlayer == null || (isCompleted() && milliSeconds > 0) || ((milliSeconds < 0 && simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() == 0))) return; int progress = (int) (simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() + milliSeconds); if (progress < 0) progress = 0; simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(progress); } public boolean isPlaying() { return simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == ExoPlayer.STATE_READY && simpleExoPlayer.getPlayWhenReady(); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(stringBuilder, Locale.getDefault()); private final NumberFormat speedFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0.##x"); public String getTimeString(int milliSeconds) { long seconds = (milliSeconds % 60000L) / 1000L; long minutes = (milliSeconds % 3600000L) / 60000L; long hours = (milliSeconds % 86400000L) / 3600000L; long days = (milliSeconds % (86400000L * 7L)) / 86400000L; stringBuilder.setLength(0); return days > 0 ? formatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds).toString() : hours > 0 ? formatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds).toString() : formatter.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds).toString(); } protected String formatSpeed(float speed) { return speedFormatter.format(speed); } protected void startProgressLoop() { progressLoop.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); isProgressLoopRunning.set(true);; } protected void stopProgressLoop() { isProgressLoopRunning.set(false); progressLoop.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } protected void tryDeleteCacheFiles(Context context) { File cacheDir = new File(context.getExternalCacheDir(), CACHE_FOLDER_NAME); if (cacheDir.exists()) { try { if (cacheDir.isDirectory()) { for (File file : cacheDir.listFiles()) { try { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "tryDeleteCacheFiles: " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " deleted = " + file.delete()); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } public void triggerProgressUpdate() { onUpdateProgress((int) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(), (int) simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(), simpleExoPlayer.getBufferedPercentage()); } public void animateAudio(final float from, final float to, int duration) { ValueAnimator valueAnimator = new ValueAnimator(); valueAnimator.setFloatValues(from, to); valueAnimator.setDuration(duration); valueAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(from); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(to); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(to); } }); valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(((float) animation.getAnimatedValue())); } }); valueAnimator.start(); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters and Setters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public SimpleExoPlayer getPlayer() { return simpleExoPlayer; } public SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() { return sharedPreferences; } public RepeatMode getCurrentRepeatMode() { return currentRepeatMode; } public void setCurrentRepeatMode(RepeatMode mode) { currentRepeatMode = mode; } public int getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public String getVideoUrl() { return videoUrl; } public void setVideoUrl(String videoUrl) { this.videoUrl = videoUrl; } public int getVideoStartPos() { return videoStartPos; } public void setVideoStartPos(int videoStartPos) { this.videoStartPos = videoStartPos; } public String getVideoTitle() { return videoTitle; } public void setVideoTitle(String videoTitle) { this.videoTitle = videoTitle; } public String getChannelName() { return channelName; } public void setChannelName(String channelName) { this.channelName = channelName; } public boolean isCompleted() { return simpleExoPlayer != null && simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == ExoPlayer.STATE_ENDED; } public boolean isPrepared() { return isPrepared; } public void setPrepared(boolean prepared) { isPrepared = prepared; } public Bitmap getVideoThumbnail() { return videoThumbnail; } public void setVideoThumbnail(Bitmap videoThumbnail) { this.videoThumbnail = videoThumbnail; } public String getVideoThumbnailUrl() { return videoThumbnailUrl; } public void setVideoThumbnailUrl(String videoThumbnailUrl) { this.videoThumbnailUrl = videoThumbnailUrl; } public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters().speed; } public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) { simpleExoPlayer.setPlaybackParameters(new PlaybackParameters(speed, 1f)); } }