package org.schabi.newpipe.database.feed.dao import import import import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe import org.schabi.newpipe.database.feed.model.FeedEntity import org.schabi.newpipe.database.feed.model.FeedGroupEntity import org.schabi.newpipe.database.feed.model.FeedLastUpdatedEntity import import import org.schabi.newpipe.database.subscription.NotificationMode import org.schabi.newpipe.database.subscription.SubscriptionEntity import java.time.OffsetDateTime @Dao abstract class FeedDAO { @Query("DELETE FROM feed") abstract fun deleteAll(): Int /** * @param groupId the group id to get feed streams of; use * [FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID] to not filter by group * @param includePlayed if false, only return all of the live, never-played or non-finished * feed streams (see `@see` items); if true no filter is applied * @param uploadDateBefore get only streams uploaded before this date (useful to filter out * future streams); use null to not filter by upload date * @return the feed streams filtered according to the conditions provided in the parameters * @see StreamStateEntity.isFinished() * @see StreamStateEntity.PLAYBACK_FINISHED_END_MILLISECONDS * @see StreamStateEntity.PLAYBACK_SAVE_THRESHOLD_START_MILLISECONDS */ @Query( """ SELECT s.*, sst.progress_time FROM streams s LEFT JOIN stream_state sst ON s.uid = sst.stream_id LEFT JOIN stream_history sh ON s.uid = sh.stream_id INNER JOIN feed f ON s.uid = f.stream_id LEFT JOIN feed_group_subscription_join fgs ON ( :groupId <> ${FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID} AND fgs.subscription_id = f.subscription_id ) WHERE ( :groupId = ${FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID} OR fgs.group_id = :groupId ) AND ( :includePlayed OR sh.stream_id IS NULL OR sst.stream_id IS NULL OR sst.progress_time < s.duration * 1000 - ${StreamStateEntity.PLAYBACK_FINISHED_END_MILLISECONDS} OR sst.progress_time < s.duration * 1000 * 3 / 4 OR s.stream_type = 'LIVE_STREAM' OR s.stream_type = 'AUDIO_LIVE_STREAM' ) AND ( :includePartiallyPlayed OR sh.stream_id IS NULL OR sst.stream_id IS NULL OR (sst.progress_time <= ${StreamStateEntity.PLAYBACK_SAVE_THRESHOLD_START_MILLISECONDS} AND sst.progress_time <= s.duration * 1000 / 4) OR (sst.progress_time >= s.duration * 1000 - ${StreamStateEntity.PLAYBACK_FINISHED_END_MILLISECONDS} AND sst.progress_time >= s.duration * 1000 * 3 / 4) ) AND ( :uploadDateBefore IS NULL OR s.upload_date IS NULL OR s.upload_date < :uploadDateBefore ) ORDER BY s.upload_date IS NULL DESC, s.upload_date DESC, s.uploader ASC LIMIT 500 """ ) abstract fun getStreams( groupId: Long, includePlayed: Boolean, includePartiallyPlayed: Boolean, uploadDateBefore: OffsetDateTime? ): Maybe> @Query( """ DELETE FROM feed WHERE feed.stream_id IN ( SELECT s.uid FROM streams s INNER JOIN feed f ON s.uid = f.stream_id WHERE s.upload_date < :offsetDateTime ) """ ) abstract fun unlinkStreamsOlderThan(offsetDateTime: OffsetDateTime) @Query( """ DELETE FROM feed WHERE feed.subscription_id = :subscriptionId AND feed.stream_id IN ( SELECT s.uid FROM streams s INNER JOIN feed f ON s.uid = f.stream_id WHERE s.stream_type = "LIVE_STREAM" OR s.stream_type = "AUDIO_LIVE_STREAM" ) """ ) abstract fun unlinkOldLivestreams(subscriptionId: Long) @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE) abstract fun insert(feedEntity: FeedEntity) @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE) abstract fun insertAll(entities: List): List @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE) internal abstract fun insertLastUpdated(lastUpdatedEntity: FeedLastUpdatedEntity): Long @Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE) internal abstract fun updateLastUpdated(lastUpdatedEntity: FeedLastUpdatedEntity) @Transaction open fun setLastUpdatedForSubscription(lastUpdatedEntity: FeedLastUpdatedEntity) { val id = insertLastUpdated(lastUpdatedEntity) if (id == -1L) { updateLastUpdated(lastUpdatedEntity) } } @Query( """ SELECT MIN(lu.last_updated) FROM feed_last_updated lu INNER JOIN feed_group_subscription_join fgs ON fgs.subscription_id = lu.subscription_id AND fgs.group_id = :groupId """ ) abstract fun oldestSubscriptionUpdate(groupId: Long): Flowable> @Query("SELECT MIN(last_updated) FROM feed_last_updated") abstract fun oldestSubscriptionUpdateFromAll(): Flowable> @Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feed_last_updated WHERE last_updated IS NULL") abstract fun notLoadedCount(): Flowable @Query( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptions s INNER JOIN feed_group_subscription_join fgs ON s.uid = fgs.subscription_id AND fgs.group_id = :groupId LEFT JOIN feed_last_updated lu ON s.uid = lu.subscription_id WHERE lu.last_updated IS NULL """ ) abstract fun notLoadedCountForGroup(groupId: Long): Flowable @Query( """ SELECT s.* FROM subscriptions s LEFT JOIN feed_last_updated lu ON s.uid = lu.subscription_id WHERE lu.last_updated IS NULL OR lu.last_updated < :outdatedThreshold """ ) abstract fun getAllOutdated(outdatedThreshold: OffsetDateTime): Flowable> @Query( """ SELECT s.* FROM subscriptions s INNER JOIN feed_group_subscription_join fgs ON s.uid = fgs.subscription_id AND fgs.group_id = :groupId LEFT JOIN feed_last_updated lu ON s.uid = lu.subscription_id WHERE lu.last_updated IS NULL OR lu.last_updated < :outdatedThreshold """ ) abstract fun getAllOutdatedForGroup(groupId: Long, outdatedThreshold: OffsetDateTime): Flowable> @Query( """ SELECT s.* FROM subscriptions s LEFT JOIN feed_last_updated lu ON s.uid = lu.subscription_id WHERE (lu.last_updated IS NULL OR lu.last_updated < :outdatedThreshold) AND s.notification_mode = :notificationMode """ ) abstract fun getOutdatedWithNotificationMode( outdatedThreshold: OffsetDateTime, @NotificationMode notificationMode: Int ): Flowable> }