package org.schabi.newpipe.player; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ServiceList.YouTube; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.nextRepeatMode; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.retrievePlaybackParametersFromPrefs; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper.savePlaybackParametersToPrefs; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_CLOSE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_FAST_FORWARD; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_FAST_REWIND; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_NEXT; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_RECREATE_NOTIFICATION; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_REPEAT; import static org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationConstants.ACTION_SHUFFLE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper.getPopupResolutionIndex; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper.getResolutionIndex; import static org.schabi.newpipe.util.Localization.assureCorrectAppLanguage; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.core.math.MathUtils; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import com.squareup.picasso.Target; import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity; import org.schabi.newpipe.R; import org.schabi.newpipe.databinding.PlayerBinding; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.ErrorInfo; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.ErrorUtil; import org.schabi.newpipe.error.UserAction; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Image; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.fragments.detail.VideoDetailFragment; import org.schabi.newpipe.local.history.HistoryRecordManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.event.PlayerEventListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.event.PlayerServiceEventListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.CustomRenderersFactory; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.LoadController; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerDataSource; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediaitem.MediaItemTag; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediasession.MediaSessionPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.notification.NotificationPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.MediaSourceManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.PlaybackListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueue; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueueItem; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.AudioPlaybackResolver; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.VideoPlaybackResolver; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.VideoPlaybackResolver.SourceType; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.MainPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PlayerUiList; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.PopupPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.VideoPlayerUi; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.DependentPreferenceHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ListHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.NavigationHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.PicassoHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.SerializedCache; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.StreamTypeUtil; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.SerialDisposable; public final class Player implements PlaybackListener, Listener { public static final boolean DEBUG = MainActivity.DEBUG; public static final String TAG = Player.class.getSimpleName(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // States //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int STATE_PREFLIGHT = -1; public static final int STATE_BLOCKED = 123; public static final int STATE_PLAYING = 124; public static final int STATE_BUFFERING = 125; public static final int STATE_PAUSED = 126; public static final int STATE_PAUSED_SEEK = 127; public static final int STATE_COMPLETED = 128; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final String REPEAT_MODE = "repeat_mode"; public static final String PLAYBACK_QUALITY = "playback_quality"; public static final String PLAY_QUEUE_KEY = "play_queue_key"; public static final String ENQUEUE = "enqueue"; public static final String ENQUEUE_NEXT = "enqueue_next"; public static final String RESUME_PLAYBACK = "resume_playback"; public static final String PLAY_WHEN_READY = "play_when_ready"; public static final String PLAYER_TYPE = "player_type"; public static final String IS_MUTED = "is_muted"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS = 5000; // 5 seconds public static final int PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000; // 1 second /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public static final int RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE = -1; private static final String PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG = "PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // play queue might be null e.g. while player is starting @Nullable private PlayQueue playQueue; @Nullable private MediaSourceManager playQueueManager; @Nullable private PlayQueueItem currentItem; @Nullable private MediaItemTag currentMetadata; @Nullable private Bitmap currentThumbnail; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private ExoPlayer simpleExoPlayer; private AudioReactor audioReactor; @NonNull private final DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector; @NonNull private final LoadController loadController; @NonNull private final DefaultRenderersFactory renderFactory; @NonNull private final VideoPlaybackResolver videoResolver; @NonNull private final AudioPlaybackResolver audioResolver; private final PlayerService service; //TODO try to remove and replace everything with context /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player states //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private PlayerType playerType = PlayerType.MAIN; private int currentState = STATE_PREFLIGHT; // audio only mode does not mean that player type is background, but that the player was // minimized to background but will resume automatically to the original player type private boolean isAudioOnly = false; private boolean isPrepared = false; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UIs, listeners and disposables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @SuppressWarnings({"MemberName", "java:S116"}) // keep the unusual member name private final PlayerUiList UIs; private BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver; private IntentFilter intentFilter; @Nullable private PlayerServiceEventListener fragmentListener = null; @Nullable private PlayerEventListener activityListener = null; @NonNull private final SerialDisposable progressUpdateDisposable = new SerialDisposable(); @NonNull private final CompositeDisposable databaseUpdateDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(); // This is the only listener we need for thumbnail loading, since there is always at most only // one thumbnail being loaded at a time. This field is also here to maintain a strong reference, // which would otherwise be garbage collected since Picasso holds weak references to targets. @NonNull private final Target currentThumbnailTarget; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @NonNull private final Context context; @NonNull private final SharedPreferences prefs; @NonNull private final HistoryRecordManager recordManager; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Constructor public Player(@NonNull final PlayerService service) { this.service = service; context = service; prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); recordManager = new HistoryRecordManager(context); setupBroadcastReceiver(); trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(context, PlayerHelper.getQualitySelector()); final PlayerDataSource dataSource = new PlayerDataSource(context, new DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder(context).build()); loadController = new LoadController(); renderFactory = prefs.getBoolean( context.getString( R.string.always_use_exoplayer_set_output_surface_workaround_key), false) ? new CustomRenderersFactory(context) : new DefaultRenderersFactory(context); renderFactory.setEnableDecoderFallback( prefs.getBoolean( context.getString( R.string.use_exoplayer_decoder_fallback_key), false)); videoResolver = new VideoPlaybackResolver(context, dataSource, getQualityResolver()); audioResolver = new AudioPlaybackResolver(context, dataSource); currentThumbnailTarget = getCurrentThumbnailTarget(); // The UIs added here should always be present. They will be initialized when the player // reaches the initialization step. Make sure the media session ui is before the // notification ui in the UIs list, since the notification depends on the media session in // PlayerUi#initPlayer(), and guarantees UI order is preserved. UIs = new PlayerUiList( new MediaSessionPlayerUi(this), new NotificationPlayerUi(this) ); } private VideoPlaybackResolver.QualityResolver getQualityResolver() { return new VideoPlaybackResolver.QualityResolver() { @Override public int getDefaultResolutionIndex(final List sortedVideos) { return videoPlayerSelected() ? ListHelper.getDefaultResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos) : ListHelper.getPopupDefaultResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos); } @Override public int getOverrideResolutionIndex(final List sortedVideos, final String playbackQuality) { return videoPlayerSelected() ? getResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos, playbackQuality) : getPopupResolutionIndex(context, sortedVideos, playbackQuality); } }; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback initialization via intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback initialization via intent @SuppressWarnings("MethodLength") public void handleIntent(@NonNull final Intent intent) { // fail fast if no play queue was provided final String queueCache = intent.getStringExtra(PLAY_QUEUE_KEY); if (queueCache == null) { return; } final PlayQueue newQueue = SerializedCache.getInstance().take(queueCache, PlayQueue.class); if (newQueue == null) { return; } final PlayerType oldPlayerType = playerType; playerType = PlayerType.retrieveFromIntent(intent); initUIsForCurrentPlayerType(); // We need to setup audioOnly before super(), see "sourceOf" isAudioOnly = audioPlayerSelected(); if (intent.hasExtra(PLAYBACK_QUALITY)) { videoResolver.setPlaybackQuality(intent.getStringExtra(PLAYBACK_QUALITY)); } // Resolve enqueue intents if (intent.getBooleanExtra(ENQUEUE, false) && playQueue != null) { playQueue.append(newQueue.getStreams()); return; // Resolve enqueue next intents } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(ENQUEUE_NEXT, false) && playQueue != null) { final int currentIndex = playQueue.getIndex(); playQueue.append(newQueue.getStreams()); playQueue.move(playQueue.size() - 1, currentIndex + 1); return; } final PlaybackParameters savedParameters = retrievePlaybackParametersFromPrefs(this); final float playbackSpeed = savedParameters.speed; final float playbackPitch = savedParameters.pitch; final boolean playbackSkipSilence = getPrefs().getBoolean(getContext().getString( R.string.playback_skip_silence_key), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); final boolean samePlayQueue = playQueue != null && playQueue.equalStreamsAndIndex(newQueue); final int repeatMode = intent.getIntExtra(REPEAT_MODE, getRepeatMode()); final boolean playWhenReady = intent.getBooleanExtra(PLAY_WHEN_READY, true); final boolean isMuted = intent.getBooleanExtra(IS_MUTED, isMuted()); /* * TODO As seen in #7427 this does not work: * There are 3 situations when playback shouldn't be started from scratch (zero timestamp): * 1. User pressed on a timestamp link and the same video should be rewound to the timestamp * 2. User changed a player from, for example. main to popup, or from audio to main, etc * 3. User chose to resume a video based on a saved timestamp from history of played videos * In those cases time will be saved because re-init of the play queue is a not an instant * task and requires network calls * */ // seek to timestamp if stream is already playing if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && newQueue.size() == 1 && newQueue.getItem() != null && playQueue != null && playQueue.size() == 1 && playQueue.getItem() != null && newQueue.getItem().getUrl().equals(playQueue.getItem().getUrl()) && newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { // Player can have state = IDLE when playback is stopped or failed // and we should retry in this case if (simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == { simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(playQueue.getIndex(), newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition()); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady); } else if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && samePlayQueue && playQueue != null && !playQueue.isDisposed()) { // Do not re-init the same PlayQueue. Save time // Player can have state = IDLE when playback is stopped or failed // and we should retry in this case if (simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == { simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady); } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(RESUME_PLAYBACK, false) && DependentPreferenceHelper.getResumePlaybackEnabled(context) && !samePlayQueue && !newQueue.isEmpty() && newQueue.getItem() != null && newQueue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition() == PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { databaseUpdateDisposable.add(recordManager.loadStreamState(newQueue.getItem()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // Do not place initPlayback() in doFinally() because // it restarts playback after destroy() //.doFinally() .subscribe( state -> { if (!state.isFinished(newQueue.getItem().getDuration())) { // resume playback only if the stream was not played to the end newQueue.setRecovery(newQueue.getIndex(), state.getProgressMillis()); } initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); }, error -> { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to start playback", error); } // In case any error we can start playback without history initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); }, () -> { // Completed but not found in history initPlayback(newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); } )); } else { // Good to go... // In a case of equal PlayQueues we can re-init old one but only when it is disposed initPlayback(samePlayQueue ? playQueue : newQueue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, playWhenReady, isMuted); } if (oldPlayerType != playerType && playQueue != null) { // If playerType changes from one to another we should reload the player // (to disable/enable video stream or to set quality) setRecovery(); reloadPlayQueueManager(); }; NavigationHelper.sendPlayerStartedEvent(context); } private void initUIsForCurrentPlayerType() { if ((UIs.get(MainPlayerUi.class).isPresent() && playerType == PlayerType.MAIN) || (UIs.get(PopupPlayerUi.class).isPresent() && playerType == PlayerType.POPUP)) { // correct UI already in place return; } // try to reuse binding if possible final PlayerBinding binding = UIs.get(VideoPlayerUi.class).map(VideoPlayerUi::getBinding) .orElseGet(() -> { if (playerType == PlayerType.AUDIO) { return null; } else { return PlayerBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context)); } }); switch (playerType) { case MAIN: UIs.destroyAll(PopupPlayerUi.class); UIs.addAndPrepare(new MainPlayerUi(this, binding)); break; case POPUP: UIs.destroyAll(MainPlayerUi.class); UIs.addAndPrepare(new PopupPlayerUi(this, binding)); break; case AUDIO: UIs.destroyAll(VideoPlayerUi.class); break; } } private void initPlayback(@NonNull final PlayQueue queue, @RepeatMode final int repeatMode, final float playbackSpeed, final float playbackPitch, final boolean playbackSkipSilence, final boolean playOnReady, final boolean isMuted) { destroyPlayer(); initPlayer(playOnReady); setRepeatMode(repeatMode); setPlaybackParameters(playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence); playQueue = queue; playQueue.init(); reloadPlayQueueManager();; simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(isMuted ? 0 : 1); notifyQueueUpdateToListeners(); } private void initPlayer(final boolean playOnReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "initPlayer() called with: playOnReady = [" + playOnReady + "]"); } simpleExoPlayer = new ExoPlayer.Builder(context, renderFactory) .setTrackSelector(trackSelector) .setLoadControl(loadController) .setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false) .build(); simpleExoPlayer.addListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playOnReady); simpleExoPlayer.setSeekParameters(PlayerHelper.getSeekParameters(context)); simpleExoPlayer.setWakeMode(C.WAKE_MODE_NETWORK); simpleExoPlayer.setHandleAudioBecomingNoisy(true); audioReactor = new AudioReactor(context, simpleExoPlayer); registerBroadcastReceiver(); // Setup UIs; // Disable media tunneling if requested by the user from ExoPlayer settings if (!PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.disable_media_tunneling_key), false)) { trackSelector.setParameters(trackSelector.buildUponParameters() .setTunnelingEnabled(true)); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destroy and recovery //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Destroy and recovery private void destroyPlayer() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroyPlayer() called"); }; if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.removeListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.stop(); simpleExoPlayer.release(); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } if (playQueue != null) { playQueue.dispose(); } if (audioReactor != null) { audioReactor.dispose(); } if (playQueueManager != null) { playQueueManager.dispose(); } } public void destroy() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroy() called"); } saveStreamProgressState(); setRecovery(); stopActivityBinding(); destroyPlayer(); unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); databaseUpdateDisposable.clear(); progressUpdateDisposable.set(null); cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail(); UIs.destroyAll(Object.class); // destroy every UI: obviously every UI extends Object } public void setRecovery() { if (playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } final int queuePos = playQueue.getIndex(); final long windowPos = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); final long duration = simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(); // No checks due to setRecovery(queuePos, MathUtils.clamp(windowPos, 0, duration)); } private void setRecovery(final int queuePos, final long windowPos) { if (playQueue == null || playQueue.size() <= queuePos) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Setting recovery, queue: " + queuePos + ", pos: " + windowPos); } playQueue.setRecovery(queuePos, windowPos); } public void reloadPlayQueueManager() { if (playQueueManager != null) { playQueueManager.dispose(); } if (playQueue != null) { playQueueManager = new MediaSourceManager(this, playQueue); } } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackShutdown() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaybackShutdown() called"); } // destroys the service, which in turn will destroy the player service.stopService(); } public void smoothStopForImmediateReusing() { // Pausing would make transition from one stream to a new stream not smooth, so only stop simpleExoPlayer.stop(); setRecovery();; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Broadcast receiver //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Broadcast receiver /** * This function prepares the broadcast receiver and is called only in the constructor. * Therefore if you want any PlayerUi to receive a broadcast action, you should add it here, * even if that player ui might never be added to the player. In that case the received * broadcast would not do anything. */ private void setupBroadcastReceiver() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "setupBroadcastReceiver() called"); } broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(final Context ctx, final Intent intent) { onBroadcastReceived(intent); } }; intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_CLOSE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_PLAY_NEXT); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_FAST_REWIND); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_FAST_FORWARD); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_REPEAT); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_SHUFFLE); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_RECREATE_NOTIFICATION); intentFilter.addAction(VideoDetailFragment.ACTION_VIDEO_FRAGMENT_RESUMED); intentFilter.addAction(VideoDetailFragment.ACTION_VIDEO_FRAGMENT_STOPPED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG); } private void onBroadcastReceived(final Intent intent) { if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBroadcastReceived() called with: intent = [" + intent + "]"); } switch (intent.getAction()) { case AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY: pause(); break; case ACTION_CLOSE: service.stopService(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE: playPause(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_PREVIOUS: playPrevious(); break; case ACTION_PLAY_NEXT: playNext(); break; case ACTION_FAST_REWIND: fastRewind(); break; case ACTION_FAST_FORWARD: fastForward(); break; case ACTION_REPEAT: cycleNextRepeatMode(); break; case ACTION_SHUFFLE: toggleShuffleModeEnabled(); break; case Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: assureCorrectAppLanguage(service); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED received"); } break; } -> playerUi.onBroadcastReceived(intent)); } private void registerBroadcastReceiver() { // Try to unregister current first unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter); } private void unregisterBroadcastReceiver() { try { context.unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException unregisteredException) { Log.w(TAG, "Broadcast receiver already unregistered: " + unregisteredException.getMessage()); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thumbnail loading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Thumbnail loading private Target getCurrentThumbnailTarget() { // a Picasso target is just a listener for thumbnail loading events return new Target() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(final Bitmap bitmap, final Picasso.LoadedFrom from) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onBitmapLoaded() called with: bitmap = [" + bitmap + " -> " + bitmap.getWidth() + "x" + bitmap.getHeight() + "], from = [" + from + "]"); } // there is a new thumbnail, so e.g. the end screen thumbnail needs to change, too. onThumbnailLoaded(bitmap); } @Override public void onBitmapFailed(final Exception e, final Drawable errorDrawable) { Log.e(TAG, "Thumbnail - onBitmapFailed() called", e); // there is a new thumbnail, so e.g. the end screen thumbnail needs to change, too. onThumbnailLoaded(null); } @Override public void onPrepareLoad(final Drawable placeHolderDrawable) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onPrepareLoad() called"); } } }; } private void loadCurrentThumbnail(final List thumbnails) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - loadCurrentThumbnail() called with thumbnails = [" + thumbnails.size() + "]"); } // first cancel any previous loading cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail(); // Unset currentThumbnail, since it is now outdated. This ensures it is not used in media // session metadata while the new thumbnail is being loaded by Picasso. onThumbnailLoaded(null); if (thumbnails.isEmpty()) { return; } // scale down the notification thumbnail for performance PicassoHelper.loadScaledDownThumbnail(context, thumbnails) .tag(PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG) .into(currentThumbnailTarget); } private void cancelLoadingCurrentThumbnail() { // cancel the Picasso job associated with the player thumbnail, if any PicassoHelper.cancelTag(PICASSO_PLAYER_THUMBNAIL_TAG); } private void onThumbnailLoaded(@Nullable final Bitmap bitmap) { // Avoid useless thumbnail updates, if the thumbnail has not actually changed. Based on the // thumbnail loading code, this if would be skipped only when both bitmaps are `null`, since // onThumbnailLoaded won't be called twice with the same nonnull bitmap by Picasso's target. if (currentThumbnail != bitmap) { currentThumbnail = bitmap; -> playerUi.onThumbnailLoaded(bitmap)); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback parameters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback parameters public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return getPlaybackParameters().speed; } public void setPlaybackSpeed(final float speed) { setPlaybackParameters(speed, getPlaybackPitch(), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); } public float getPlaybackPitch() { return getPlaybackParameters().pitch; } public boolean getPlaybackSkipSilence() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getSkipSilenceEnabled(); } public PlaybackParameters getPlaybackParameters() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return PlaybackParameters.DEFAULT; } return simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters(); } /** * Sets the playback parameters of the player, and also saves them to shared preferences. * Speed and pitch are rounded up to 2 decimal places before being used or saved. * * @param speed the playback speed, will be rounded to up to 2 decimal places * @param pitch the playback pitch, will be rounded to up to 2 decimal places * @param skipSilence skip silence during playback */ public void setPlaybackParameters(final float speed, final float pitch, final boolean skipSilence) { final float roundedSpeed = Math.round(speed * 100.0f) / 100.0f; final float roundedPitch = Math.round(pitch * 100.0f) / 100.0f; savePlaybackParametersToPrefs(this, roundedSpeed, roundedPitch, skipSilence); simpleExoPlayer.setPlaybackParameters( new PlaybackParameters(roundedSpeed, roundedPitch)); simpleExoPlayer.setSkipSilenceEnabled(skipSilence); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Progress loop and updates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Progress loop and updates private void onUpdateProgress(final int currentProgress, final int duration, final int bufferPercent) { if (isPrepared) { -> ui.onUpdateProgress(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent)); notifyProgressUpdateToListeners(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } } public void startProgressLoop() { progressUpdateDisposable.set(getProgressUpdateDisposable()); } private void stopProgressLoop() { progressUpdateDisposable.set(null); } public boolean isProgressLoopRunning() { return progressUpdateDisposable.get() != null; } public void triggerProgressUpdate() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } onUpdateProgress(Math.max((int) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(), 0), (int) simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(), simpleExoPlayer.getBufferedPercentage()); } private Disposable getProgressUpdateDisposable() { return Observable.interval(PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS, MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(ignored -> triggerProgressUpdate(), error -> Log.e(TAG, "Progress update failure: ", error)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback states //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback states @Override public void onPlayWhenReadyChanged(final boolean playWhenReady, final int reason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayWhenReadyChanged() called with: " + "playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], " + "reason = [" + reason + "]"); } final int playbackState = exoPlayerIsNull() ? : simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState(); updatePlaybackState(playWhenReady, playbackState); } @Override public void onPlaybackStateChanged(final int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlaybackStateChanged() called with: " + "playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); } updatePlaybackState(getPlayWhenReady(), playbackState); } private void updatePlaybackState(final boolean playWhenReady, final int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - updatePlaybackState() called with: " + "playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], " + "playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); } if (currentState == STATE_PAUSED_SEEK) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "updatePlaybackState() is currently blocked"); } return; } switch (playbackState) { case // 1 isPrepared = false; break; case // 2 if (isPrepared) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } break; case //3 if (!isPrepared) { isPrepared = true; onPrepared(playWhenReady); } changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); break; case // 4 changeState(STATE_COMPLETED); saveStreamProgressStateCompleted(); isPrepared = false; break; } } @Override // exoplayer listener public void onIsLoadingChanged(final boolean isLoading) { if (!isLoading && currentState == STATE_PAUSED && isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } else if (isLoading && !isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); } } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackBlock() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackBlock() called"); } currentItem = null; currentMetadata = null; simpleExoPlayer.stop(); isPrepared = false; changeState(STATE_BLOCKED); } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackUnblock(final MediaSource mediaSource) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackUnblock() called"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } if (currentState == STATE_BLOCKED) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } simpleExoPlayer.setMediaSource(mediaSource, false); simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); } public void changeState(final int state) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "changeState() called with: state = [" + state + "]"); } currentState = state; switch (state) { case STATE_BLOCKED: onBlocked(); break; case STATE_PLAYING: onPlaying(); break; case STATE_BUFFERING: onBuffering(); break; case STATE_PAUSED: onPaused(); break; case STATE_PAUSED_SEEK: onPausedSeek(); break; case STATE_COMPLETED: onCompleted(); break; } notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } private void onPrepared(final boolean playWhenReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "]"); }; if (playWhenReady && !isMuted()) { audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); } } private void onBlocked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBlocked() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); }; } private void onPlaying() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaying() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); }; } private void onBuffering() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBuffering() called"); }; } private void onPaused() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPaused() called"); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); }; } private void onPausedSeek() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPausedSeek() called"); }; } private void onCompleted() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted() called" + (playQueue == null ? ". playQueue is null" : "")); } if (playQueue == null) { return; }; if (playQueue.getIndex() < playQueue.size() - 1) { playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repeat and shuffle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Repeat and shuffle @RepeatMode public int getRepeatMode() { return exoPlayerIsNull() ? REPEAT_MODE_OFF : simpleExoPlayer.getRepeatMode(); } public void setRepeatMode(@RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.setRepeatMode(repeatMode); } } public void cycleNextRepeatMode() { setRepeatMode(nextRepeatMode(getRepeatMode())); } @Override public void onRepeatModeChanged(@RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onRepeatModeChanged() called with: " + "repeatMode = [" + repeatMode + "]"); } -> playerUi.onRepeatModeChanged(repeatMode)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } @Override public void onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(final boolean shuffleModeEnabled) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onShuffleModeEnabledChanged() called with: " + "mode = [" + shuffleModeEnabled + "]"); } if (playQueue != null) { if (shuffleModeEnabled) { playQueue.shuffle(); } else { playQueue.unshuffle(); } } -> playerUi.onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(shuffleModeEnabled)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } public void toggleShuffleModeEnabled() { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.setShuffleModeEnabled(!simpleExoPlayer.getShuffleModeEnabled()); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mute / Unmute //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Mute / Unmute public void toggleMute() { final boolean wasMuted = isMuted(); simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(wasMuted ? 1 : 0); if (wasMuted) { audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); } else { audioReactor.abandonAudioFocus(); } -> playerUi.onMuteUnmuteChanged(!wasMuted)); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); } public boolean isMuted() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getVolume() == 0; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExoPlayer listeners (that didn't fit in other categories) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region ExoPlayer listeners (that didn't fit in other categories) /** *

Listens for event or state changes on ExoPlayer. When any event happens, we check for * changes in the currently-playing metadata and update the encapsulating * {@link Player}. Downstream listeners are also informed.

* *

When the renewed metadata contains any error, it is reported as a notification. * This is done because not all source resolution errors are {@link PlaybackException}, which * are also captured by {@link ExoPlayer} and stops the playback.

* * @param player The {@link} whose state changed. * @param events The {@link} that has triggered * the player state changes. **/ @Override public void onEvents(@NonNull final player, @NonNull final events) { Listener.super.onEvents(player, events); MediaItemTag.from(player.getCurrentMediaItem()).ifPresent(tag -> { if (tag == currentMetadata) { return; // we still have the same metadata, no need to do anything } final StreamInfo previousInfo = Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeStreamInfo).orElse(null); final MediaItemTag.AudioTrack previousAudioTrack = Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeAudioTrack).orElse(null); currentMetadata = tag; if (!currentMetadata.getErrors().isEmpty()) { // new errors might have been added even if previousInfo == tag.getMaybeStreamInfo() final ErrorInfo errorInfo = new ErrorInfo( currentMetadata.getErrors(), UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Loading failed for [" + currentMetadata.getTitle() + "]: " + currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(), currentMetadata.getServiceId()); ErrorUtil.createNotification(context, errorInfo); } currentMetadata.getMaybeStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onEvents() update stream info: " + info.getName()); } if (previousInfo == null || !previousInfo.getUrl().equals(info.getUrl())) { // only update with the new stream info if it has actually changed updateMetadataWith(info); } else if (previousAudioTrack == null || tag.getMaybeAudioTrack() .map(t -> t.getSelectedAudioStreamIndex() != previousAudioTrack.getSelectedAudioStreamIndex()) .orElse(false)) { notifyAudioTrackUpdateToListeners(); } }); }); } @Override public void onTracksChanged(@NonNull final Tracks tracks) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), " + "track group size = " + tracks.getGroups().size()); } -> playerUi.onTextTracksChanged(tracks)); } @Override public void onPlaybackParametersChanged(@NonNull final PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - playbackParameters(), speed = [" + playbackParameters.speed + "], pitch = [" + playbackParameters.pitch + "]"); } -> playerUi.onPlaybackParametersChanged(playbackParameters)); } @Override public void onPositionDiscontinuity(@NonNull final PositionInfo oldPosition, @NonNull final PositionInfo newPosition, @DiscontinuityReason final int discontinuityReason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPositionDiscontinuity() called with " + "oldPositionIndex = [" + oldPosition.mediaItemIndex + "], " + "oldPositionMs = [" + oldPosition.positionMs + "], " + "newPositionIndex = [" + newPosition.mediaItemIndex + "], " + "newPositionMs = [" + newPosition.positionMs + "], " + "discontinuityReason = [" + discontinuityReason + "]"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } // Refresh the playback if there is a transition to the next video final int newIndex = newPosition.mediaItemIndex; switch (discontinuityReason) { case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_AUTO_TRANSITION: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_REMOVE: // When player is in single repeat mode and a period transition occurs, // we need to register a view count here since no metadata has changed if (getRepeatMode() == REPEAT_MODE_ONE && newIndex == playQueue.getIndex()) { registerStreamViewed(); break; } case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK: if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onSeekProcessed() called"); } if (isPrepared) { saveStreamProgressState(); } case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK_ADJUSTMENT: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_INTERNAL: // Player index may be invalid when playback is blocked if (getCurrentState() != STATE_BLOCKED && newIndex != playQueue.getIndex()) { saveStreamProgressStateCompleted(); // current stream has ended playQueue.setIndex(newIndex); } break; case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SKIP: break; // only makes Android Studio linter happy, as there are no ads } } @Override public void onRenderedFirstFrame() {; } @Override public void onCues(@NonNull final CueGroup cueGroup) { -> playerUi.onCues(cueGroup.cues)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Errors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Errors /** * Process exceptions produced by {@link ExoPlayer}. *

There are multiple types of errors:

* * * @see */ // Any error code not explicitly covered here are either unrelated to NewPipe use case // (e.g. DRM) or not recoverable (e.g. Decoder error). In both cases, the player should // shutdown. @SuppressWarnings("SwitchIntDef") @Override public void onPlayerError(@NonNull final PlaybackException error) { Log.e(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayerError() called with:", error); saveStreamProgressState(); boolean isCatchableException = false; switch (error.errorCode) { case ERROR_CODE_BEHIND_LIVE_WINDOW: isCatchableException = true; simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(); simpleExoPlayer.prepare(); // Inform the user that we are reloading the stream by // switching to the buffering state onBuffering(); break; case ERROR_CODE_IO_INVALID_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE: case ERROR_CODE_IO_BAD_HTTP_STATUS: case ERROR_CODE_IO_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NO_PERMISSION: case ERROR_CODE_IO_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_CONTAINER_MALFORMED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_CONTAINER_UNSUPPORTED: case ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_UNSUPPORTED: // Source errors, signal on playQueue and move on: if (!exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { playQueue.error(); } break; case ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT: case ERROR_CODE_IO_UNSPECIFIED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_FAILED: case ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: case ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED: // Reload playback on unexpected errors: setRecovery(); reloadPlayQueueManager(); break; default: // API, remote and renderer errors belong here: onPlaybackShutdown(); break; } if (!isCatchableException) { createErrorNotification(error); } if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onPlayerError(error, isCatchableException); } } private void createErrorNotification(@NonNull final PlaybackException error) { final ErrorInfo errorInfo; if (currentMetadata == null) { errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(error, UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Player error[type=" + error.getErrorCodeName() + "] occurred, currentMetadata is null"); } else { errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(error, UserAction.PLAY_STREAM, "Player error[type=" + error.getErrorCodeName() + "] occurred while playing " + currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(), currentMetadata.getServiceId()); } ErrorUtil.createNotification(context, errorInfo); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback position and seek //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Playback position and seek @Override // own playback listener (this is a getter) public boolean isApproachingPlaybackEdge(final long timeToEndMillis) { // If live, then not near playback edge // If not playing, then not approaching playback edge if (exoPlayerIsNull() || isLive() || !isPlaying()) { return false; } final long currentPositionMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); final long currentDurationMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(); return currentDurationMillis - currentPositionMillis < timeToEndMillis; } /** * Checks if the current playback is a livestream AND is playing at or beyond the live edge. * * @return whether the livestream is playing at or beyond the edge */ @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted") public boolean isLiveEdge() { if (exoPlayerIsNull() || !isLive()) { return false; } final Timeline currentTimeline = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline(); final int currentWindowIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex(); if (currentTimeline.isEmpty() || currentWindowIndex < 0 || currentWindowIndex >= currentTimeline.getWindowCount()) { return false; } final Timeline.Window timelineWindow = new Timeline.Window(); currentTimeline.getWindow(currentWindowIndex, timelineWindow); return timelineWindow.getDefaultPositionMs() <= simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); } @Override // own playback listener public void onPlaybackSynchronize(@NonNull final PlayQueueItem item, final boolean wasBlocked) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackSynchronize(was blocked: " + wasBlocked + ") called with item=[" + item.getTitle() + "], url=[" + item.getUrl() + "]"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull() || playQueue == null || currentItem == item) { return; // nothing to synchronize } final int playQueueIndex = playQueue.indexOf(item); final int playlistIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex(); final int playlistSize = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline().getWindowCount(); final boolean removeThumbnailBeforeSync = currentItem == null || currentItem.getServiceId() != item.getServiceId() || !currentItem.getUrl().equals(item.getUrl()); currentItem = item; if (playQueueIndex != playQueue.getIndex()) { // wrong window (this should be impossible, as this method is called with // `item=playQueue.getItem()`, so the index of that item must be equal to `getIndex()`) Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Play Queue may be not in sync: item index=[" + playQueueIndex + "], " + "queue index=[" + playQueue.getIndex() + "]"); } else if ((playlistSize > 0 && playQueueIndex >= playlistSize) || playQueueIndex < 0) { // the queue and the player's timeline are not in sync, since the play queue index // points outside of the timeline Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Trying to seek to invalid index=[" + playQueueIndex + "] with playlist length=[" + playlistSize + "]"); } else if (wasBlocked || playlistIndex != playQueueIndex || !isPlaying()) { // either the player needs to be unblocked, or the play queue index has just been // changed and needs to be synchronized, or the player is not playing if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - Rewinding to correct index=[" + playQueueIndex + "], " + "from=[" + playlistIndex + "], size=[" + playlistSize + "]."); } if (removeThumbnailBeforeSync) { // unset the current (now outdated) thumbnail to ensure it is not used during sync onThumbnailLoaded(null); } // sync the player index with the queue index, and seek to the correct position if (item.getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(playQueueIndex, item.getRecoveryPosition()); playQueue.unsetRecovery(playQueueIndex); } else { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(playQueueIndex); } } } public void seekTo(final long positionMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: position = [" + positionMillis + "]"); } if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { // prevent invalid positions when fast-forwarding/-rewinding simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(MathUtils.clamp(positionMillis, 0, simpleExoPlayer.getDuration())); } } private void seekBy(final long offsetMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: offsetMillis = [" + offsetMillis + "]"); } seekTo(simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() + offsetMillis); } public void seekToDefault() { if (!exoPlayerIsNull()) { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(); } } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player actions (play, pause, previous, fast-forward, ...) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Player actions (play, pause, previous, fast-forward, ...) public void play() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "play() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } if (!isMuted()) { audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); } if (currentState == STATE_COMPLETED) { if (playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); } else { playQueue.setIndex(0); } }; saveStreamProgressState(); } public void pause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "pause() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } audioReactor.abandonAudioFocus(); simpleExoPlayer.pause(); saveStreamProgressState(); } public void playPause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPause() called"); } if (getPlayWhenReady() // When state is completed (replay button is shown) then (re)play and do not pause && currentState != STATE_COMPLETED) { pause(); } else { play(); } } public void playPrevious() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPrevious() called"); } if (exoPlayerIsNull() || playQueue == null) { return; } /* If current playback has run for PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS milliseconds, * restart current track. Also restart the track if the current track * is the first in a queue.*/ if (simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() > PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS || playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); playQueue.offsetIndex(0); } else { saveStreamProgressState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(-1); } triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void playNext() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayNext() called"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } saveStreamProgressState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void fastForward() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "fastRewind() called"); } seekBy(retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences(this)); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void fastRewind() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "fastRewind() called"); } seekBy(-retrieveSeekDurationFromPreferences(this)); triggerProgressUpdate(); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StreamInfo history: views and progress //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region StreamInfo history: views and progress private void registerStreamViewed() { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> databaseUpdateDisposable .add(recordManager.onViewed(info).onErrorComplete().subscribe())); } private void saveStreamProgressState(final long progressMillis) { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (!prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_watch_history_key), true)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "saveStreamProgressState() called with: progressMillis=" + progressMillis + ", currentMetadata=[" + info.getName() + "]"); } databaseUpdateDisposable.add(recordManager.saveStreamState(info, progressMillis) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnError(e -> { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } }) .onErrorComplete() .subscribe()); }); } public void saveStreamProgressState() { if (exoPlayerIsNull() || currentMetadata == null || playQueue == null || playQueue.getIndex() != simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex()) { // Make sure play queue and current window index are equal, to prevent saving state for // the wrong stream on discontinuity (e.g. when the stream just changed but the // playQueue index and currentMetadata still haven't updated) return; } // Save current position. It will help to restore this position once a user // wants to play prev or next stream from the queue playQueue.setRecovery(playQueue.getIndex(), simpleExoPlayer.getContentPosition()); saveStreamProgressState(simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); } public void saveStreamProgressStateCompleted() { // current stream has ended, so the progress is its duration (+1 to overcome rounding) getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> saveStreamProgressState((info.getDuration() + 1) * 1000)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Metadata //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Metadata private void updateMetadataWith(@NonNull final StreamInfo info) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: " + info.getName()); } if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } maybeAutoQueueNextStream(info); loadCurrentThumbnail(info.getThumbnails()); registerStreamViewed(); notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); notifyAudioTrackUpdateToListeners(); -> playerUi.onMetadataChanged(info)); } @NonNull public String getVideoUrl() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getStreamUrl(); } @NonNull public String getVideoUrlAtCurrentTime() { final long timeSeconds = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() / 1000; String videoUrl = getVideoUrl(); if (!isLive() && timeSeconds >= 0 && currentMetadata != null && currentMetadata.getServiceId() == YouTube.getServiceId()) { // Timestamp doesn't make sense in a live stream so drop it videoUrl += ("&t=" + timeSeconds); } return videoUrl; } @NonNull public String getVideoTitle() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getTitle(); } @NonNull public String getUploaderName() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getUploaderName(); } @Nullable public Bitmap getThumbnail() { return currentThumbnail; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Play queue, segments and streams //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Play queue, segments and streams private void maybeAutoQueueNextStream(@NonNull final StreamInfo info) { if (playQueue == null || playQueue.getIndex() != playQueue.size() - 1 || getRepeatMode() != REPEAT_MODE_OFF || !PlayerHelper.isAutoQueueEnabled(context)) { return; } // auto queue when starting playback on the last item when not repeating final PlayQueue autoQueue = PlayerHelper.autoQueueOf(info, playQueue.getStreams()); if (autoQueue != null) { playQueue.append(autoQueue.getStreams()); } } public void selectQueueItem(final PlayQueueItem item) { if (playQueue == null || exoPlayerIsNull()) { return; } final int index = playQueue.indexOf(item); if (index == -1) { return; } if (playQueue.getIndex() == index && simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentMediaItemIndex() == index) { seekToDefault(); } else { saveStreamProgressState(); } playQueue.setIndex(index); } @Override public void onPlayQueueEdited() { notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners();; } @Override // own playback listener @Nullable public MediaSource sourceOf(final PlayQueueItem item, final StreamInfo info) { if (audioPlayerSelected()) { return audioResolver.resolve(info); } if (isAudioOnly && videoResolver.getStreamSourceType().orElse( SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY) == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY) { // If the current info has only video streams with audio and if the stream is played as // audio, we need to use the audio resolver, otherwise the video stream will be played // in background. return audioResolver.resolve(info); } // Even if the stream is played in background, we need to use the video resolver if the // info played is separated video-only and audio-only streams; otherwise, if the audio // resolver was called when the app was in background, the app will only stream audio when // the user come back to the app and will never fetch the video stream. // Note that the video is not fetched when the app is in background because the video // renderer is fully disabled (see useVideoSource method), except for HLS streams // (see return videoResolver.resolve(info); } public void disablePreloadingOfCurrentTrack() { loadController.disablePreloadingOfCurrentTrack(); } public Optional getSelectedVideoStream() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeQuality) .filter(quality -> { final int selectedStreamIndex = quality.getSelectedVideoStreamIndex(); return selectedStreamIndex >= 0 && selectedStreamIndex < quality.getSortedVideoStreams().size(); }) .map(quality -> quality.getSortedVideoStreams() .get(quality.getSelectedVideoStreamIndex())); } public Optional getSelectedAudioStream() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata) .flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeAudioTrack) .map(MediaItemTag.AudioTrack::getSelectedAudioStream); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Captions (text tracks) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Captions (text tracks) public int getCaptionRendererIndex() { if (exoPlayerIsNull()) { return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } for (int t = 0; t < simpleExoPlayer.getRendererCount(); t++) { if (simpleExoPlayer.getRendererType(t) == C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT) { return t; } } return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video size //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Video size @Override // exoplayer listener public void onVideoSizeChanged(@NonNull final VideoSize videoSize) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onVideoSizeChanged() called with: " + "width / height = [" + videoSize.width + " / " + videoSize.height + " = " + (((float) videoSize.width) / videoSize.height) + "], " + "unappliedRotationDegrees = [" + videoSize.unappliedRotationDegrees + "], " + "pixelWidthHeightRatio = [" + videoSize.pixelWidthHeightRatio + "]"); } -> playerUi.onVideoSizeChanged(videoSize)); } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Activity / fragment binding //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Activity / fragment binding public void setFragmentListener(final PlayerServiceEventListener listener) { fragmentListener = listener;; notifyQueueUpdateToListeners(); notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); triggerProgressUpdate(); } public void removeFragmentListener(final PlayerServiceEventListener listener) { if (fragmentListener == listener) { fragmentListener = null; } } void setActivityListener(final PlayerEventListener listener) { activityListener = listener; // TODO why not queue update? notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners(); notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners(); triggerProgressUpdate(); } void removeActivityListener(final PlayerEventListener listener) { if (activityListener == listener) { activityListener = null; } } void stopActivityBinding() { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onServiceStopped(); fragmentListener = null; } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onServiceStopped(); activityListener = null; } } private void notifyQueueUpdateToListeners() { if (fragmentListener != null && playQueue != null) { fragmentListener.onQueueUpdate(playQueue); } if (activityListener != null && playQueue != null) { activityListener.onQueueUpdate(playQueue); } } private void notifyMetadataUpdateToListeners() { getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresent(info -> { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onMetadataUpdate(info, playQueue); } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onMetadataUpdate(info, playQueue); } }); } private void notifyPlaybackUpdateToListeners() { if (fragmentListener != null && !exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { fragmentListener.onPlaybackUpdate(currentState, getRepeatMode(), playQueue.isShuffled(), simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters()); } if (activityListener != null && !exoPlayerIsNull() && playQueue != null) { activityListener.onPlaybackUpdate(currentState, getRepeatMode(), playQueue.isShuffled(), getPlaybackParameters()); } } private void notifyProgressUpdateToListeners(final int currentProgress, final int duration, final int bufferPercent) { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onProgressUpdate(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onProgressUpdate(currentProgress, duration, bufferPercent); } } private void notifyAudioTrackUpdateToListeners() { if (fragmentListener != null) { fragmentListener.onAudioTrackUpdate(); } if (activityListener != null) { activityListener.onAudioTrackUpdate(); } } public void useVideoSource(final boolean videoEnabled) { if (playQueue == null || audioPlayerSelected()) { return; } isAudioOnly = !videoEnabled; getCurrentStreamInfo().ifPresentOrElse(info -> { // In case we don't know the source type, fall back to either video-with-audio, or // audio-only source type final SourceType sourceType = videoResolver.getStreamSourceType() .orElse(SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY); if (playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded(sourceType, info, getVideoRendererIndex())) { reloadPlayQueueManager(); } setRecovery(); // Disable or enable video and subtitles renderers depending of the videoEnabled value trackSelector.setParameters(trackSelector.buildUponParameters() .setTrackTypeDisabled(C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT, !videoEnabled) .setTrackTypeDisabled(C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO, !videoEnabled)); }, () -> { /* The current metadata may be null sometimes (for e.g. when using an unstable connection in livestreams) so we will be not able to execute the block below Reload the play queue manager in this case, which is the behavior when we don't know the index of the video renderer or playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded returns true */ reloadPlayQueueManager(); setRecovery(); }); } /** * Return whether the play queue manager needs to be reloaded when switching player type. * *

* The play queue manager needs to be reloaded if the video renderer index is not known and if * the content is not an audio content, but also if none of the following cases is met: * *

  • the content is an {@link StreamType#AUDIO_STREAM audio stream}, an * {@link StreamType#AUDIO_LIVE_STREAM audio live stream}, or a * {@link StreamType#POST_LIVE_AUDIO_STREAM ended audio live stream};
  • *
  • the content is a {@link StreamType#LIVE_STREAM live stream} and the source type is a * {@link SourceType#LIVE_STREAM live source};
  • *
  • the content's source is {@link SourceType#VIDEO_WITH_SEPARATED_AUDIO a video stream * with a separated audio source} or has no audio-only streams available and is a * {@link StreamType#VIDEO_STREAM video stream}, an * {@link StreamType#POST_LIVE_STREAM ended live stream}, or a * {@link StreamType#LIVE_STREAM live stream}. *
  • *

* * @param sourceType the {@link SourceType} of the stream * @param streamInfo the {@link StreamInfo} of the stream * @param videoRendererIndex the video renderer index of the video source, if that's a video * source (or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE}) * @return whether the play queue manager needs to be reloaded */ private boolean playQueueManagerReloadingNeeded(final SourceType sourceType, @NonNull final StreamInfo streamInfo, final int videoRendererIndex) { final StreamType streamType = streamInfo.getStreamType(); final boolean isStreamTypeAudio = StreamTypeUtil.isAudio(streamType); if (videoRendererIndex == RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE && !isStreamTypeAudio) { return true; } // The content is an audio stream, an audio live stream, or a live stream with a live // source: it's not needed to reload the play queue manager because the stream source will // be the same if (isStreamTypeAudio || (streamType == StreamType.LIVE_STREAM && sourceType == SourceType.LIVE_STREAM)) { return false; } // The content's source is a video with separated audio or a video with audio -> the video // and its fetch may be disabled // The content's source is a video with embedded audio and the content has no separated // audio stream available: it's probably not needed to reload the play queue manager // because the stream source will be probably the same as the current played if (sourceType == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_SEPARATED_AUDIO || (sourceType == SourceType.VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO_OR_AUDIO_ONLY && isNullOrEmpty(streamInfo.getAudioStreams()))) { // It's not needed to reload the play queue manager only if the content's stream type // is a video stream, a live stream or an ended live stream return !StreamTypeUtil.isVideo(streamType); } // Other cases: the play queue manager reload is needed return true; } //endregion /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //region Getters public Optional getCurrentStreamInfo() { return Optional.ofNullable(currentMetadata).flatMap(MediaItemTag::getMaybeStreamInfo); } public int getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public boolean exoPlayerIsNull() { return simpleExoPlayer == null; } public ExoPlayer getExoPlayer() { return simpleExoPlayer; } public boolean isStopped() { return exoPlayerIsNull() || simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackState() == ExoPlayer.STATE_IDLE; } public boolean isPlaying() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isPlaying(); } public boolean getPlayWhenReady() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.getPlayWhenReady(); } public boolean isLoading() { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isLoading(); } private boolean isLive() { try { return !exoPlayerIsNull() && simpleExoPlayer.isCurrentMediaItemDynamic(); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Why would this even happen =(... but lets log it anyway, better safe than sorry if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "player.isCurrentWindowDynamic() failed: ", e); } return false; } } public void setPlaybackQuality(@Nullable final String quality) { saveStreamProgressState(); setRecovery(); videoResolver.setPlaybackQuality(quality); reloadPlayQueueManager(); } public void setAudioTrack(@Nullable final String audioTrackId) { saveStreamProgressState(); setRecovery(); videoResolver.setAudioTrack(audioTrackId); audioResolver.setAudioTrack(audioTrackId); reloadPlayQueueManager(); } @NonNull public Context getContext() { return context; } @NonNull public SharedPreferences getPrefs() { return prefs; } public PlayerType getPlayerType() { return playerType; } public boolean audioPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.AUDIO; } public boolean videoPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.MAIN; } public boolean popupPlayerSelected() { return playerType == PlayerType.POPUP; } @Nullable public PlayQueue getPlayQueue() { return playQueue; } public AudioReactor getAudioReactor() { return audioReactor; } public PlayerService getService() { return service; } public boolean isAudioOnly() { return isAudioOnly; } @NonNull public DefaultTrackSelector getTrackSelector() { return trackSelector; } @Nullable public MediaItemTag getCurrentMetadata() { return currentMetadata; } @Nullable public PlayQueueItem getCurrentItem() { return currentItem; } public Optional getFragmentListener() { return Optional.ofNullable(fragmentListener); } /** * @return the user interfaces connected with the player */ @SuppressWarnings("MethodName") // keep the unusual method name public PlayerUiList UIs() { return UIs; } /** * Get the video renderer index of the current playing stream. *

* This method returns the video renderer index of the current * {@link MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo} or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE} if the current * {@link MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo} is null or if there is no video renderer index. * * @return the video renderer index or {@link #RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE} if it cannot be get */ private int getVideoRendererIndex() { final MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo = trackSelector .getCurrentMappedTrackInfo(); if (mappedTrackInfo == null) { return RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE; } // Check every renderer return IntStream.range(0, mappedTrackInfo.getRendererCount()) // Check the renderer is a video renderer and has at least one track .filter(i -> !mappedTrackInfo.getTrackGroups(i).isEmpty() && simpleExoPlayer.getRendererType(i) == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) // Return the first index found (there is at most one renderer per renderer type) .findFirst() // No video renderer index with at least one track found: return unavailable index .orElse(RENDERER_UNAVAILABLE); } //endregion }