package org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Consumer; public final class PlayerUiList { final List playerUis = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Adds the provided player ui to the list and calls on it the initialization functions that * apply based on the current player state. The preparation step needs to be done since when UIs * are removed and re-added, the player will not call e.g. initPlayer again since the exoplayer * is already initialized, but we need to notify the newly built UI that the player is ready * nonetheless. * @param playerUi the player ui to prepare and add to the list; its {@link * PlayerUi#getPlayer()} will be used to query information about the player * state */ public void addAndPrepare(final PlayerUi playerUi) { if (playerUi.getPlayer().getFragmentListener().isPresent()) { // make sure UIs know whether a service is connected or not playerUi.onFragmentListenerSet(); } if (!playerUi.getPlayer().exoPlayerIsNull()) { playerUi.initPlayer(); if (playerUi.getPlayer().getPlayQueue() != null) { playerUi.initPlayback(); } } playerUis.add(playerUi); } /** * Destroys all matching player UIs and removes them from the list. * @param playerUiType the class of the player UI to destroy; the {@link * Class#isInstance(Object)} method will be used, so even subclasses will be * destroyed and removed * @param the class type parameter */ public void destroyAll(final Class playerUiType) { .filter(playerUiType::isInstance) .forEach(playerUi -> { playerUi.destroyPlayer(); playerUi.destroy(); }); playerUis.removeIf(playerUiType::isInstance); } /** * @param playerUiType the class of the player UI to return; the {@link * Class#isInstance(Object)} method will be used, so even subclasses could * be returned * @param the class type parameter * @return the first player UI of the required type found in the list, or an empty {@link * Optional} otherwise */ public Optional get(final Class playerUiType) { return .filter(playerUiType::isInstance) .map(playerUiType::cast) .findFirst(); } /** * Calls the provided consumer on all player UIs in the list. * @param consumer the consumer to call with player UIs */ public void call(final Consumer consumer) { //noinspection SimplifyStreamApiCallChains; } }