package org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.dao; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.database.BasicDAO; import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistMetadataEntry; import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistStreamEntry; import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistStreamEntity; import java.util.List; import io.reactivex.Flowable; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistMetadataEntry.PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistEntity.*; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistStreamEntity.*; import static*; @Dao public abstract class PlaylistStreamDAO implements BasicDAO { @Override @Query("SELECT * FROM " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE) public abstract Flowable> getAll(); @Override @Query("DELETE FROM " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE) public abstract int deleteAll(); @Override public Flowable> listByService(int serviceId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Query("DELETE FROM " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId") public abstract void deleteBatch(final long playlistId); @Query("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(" + JOIN_INDEX + "), -1)" + " FROM " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId") public abstract Flowable getMaximumIndexOf(final long playlistId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT * FROM " + STREAM_TABLE + " INNER JOIN " + // get ids of streams of the given playlist "(SELECT " + JOIN_STREAM_ID + "," + JOIN_INDEX + " FROM " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " WHERE " + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " = :playlistId)" + // then merge with the stream metadata " ON " + STREAM_ID + " = " + JOIN_STREAM_ID + " ORDER BY " + JOIN_INDEX + " ASC") public abstract Flowable> getOrderedStreamsOf(long playlistId); @Transaction @Query("SELECT " + PLAYLIST_ID + ", " + PLAYLIST_NAME + ", " + PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_URL + ", " + "COALESCE(COUNT(" + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + "), 0) AS " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT + " FROM " + PLAYLIST_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE + " ON " + PLAYLIST_ID + " = " + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " GROUP BY " + JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID + " ORDER BY " + PLAYLIST_NAME + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC") public abstract Flowable> getPlaylistMetadata(); }