/* * Copyright 2017 Mauricio Colli * BasePlayer.java is part of NewPipe * * License: GPL-3.0+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.schabi.newpipe.player; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.C; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.DefaultRenderersFactory; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlaybackException; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.LoadControl; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.PlaybackParameters; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.Player; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.RenderersFactory; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.SimpleExoPlayer; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.Timeline; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.BehindLiveWindowException; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.MediaSource; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.TrackGroupArray; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.trackselection.TrackSelection; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.trackselection.TrackSelectionArray; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DefaultBandwidthMeter; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoader; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.FailReason; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.listener.ImageLoadingListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.BuildConfig; import org.schabi.newpipe.DownloaderImpl; import org.schabi.newpipe.R; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.stream.StreamInfo; import org.schabi.newpipe.local.history.HistoryRecordManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.LoadController; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.MediaSessionManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerDataSource; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.mediasource.FailedMediaSource; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.BasePlayerMediaSession; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.CustomTrackSelector; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.MediaSourceManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playback.PlaybackListener; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueue; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueueAdapter; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.PlayQueueItem; import org.schabi.newpipe.player.resolver.MediaSourceTag; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ImageDisplayConstants; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.SerializedCache; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import io.reactivex.Observable; import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable; import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.disposables.SerialDisposable; import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_INTERNAL; import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_PERIOD_TRANSITION; import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK; import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK_ADJUSTMENT; import static io.reactivex.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers.mainThread; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; /** * Base for the players, joining the common properties. * * @author mauriciocolli */ @SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess"}) public abstract class BasePlayer implements Player.EventListener, PlaybackListener, ImageLoadingListener { public static final boolean DEBUG = !BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE.equals("release"); @NonNull public static final String TAG = "BasePlayer"; public static final int STATE_PREFLIGHT = -1; public static final int STATE_BLOCKED = 123; public static final int STATE_PLAYING = 124; public static final int STATE_BUFFERING = 125; public static final int STATE_PAUSED = 126; public static final int STATE_PAUSED_SEEK = 127; public static final int STATE_COMPLETED = 128; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Intent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @NonNull public static final String REPEAT_MODE = "repeat_mode"; @NonNull public static final String PLAYBACK_QUALITY = "playback_quality"; @NonNull public static final String PLAY_QUEUE_KEY = "play_queue_key"; @NonNull public static final String APPEND_ONLY = "append_only"; @NonNull public static final String RESUME_PLAYBACK = "resume_playback"; @NonNull public static final String START_PAUSED = "start_paused"; @NonNull public static final String SELECT_ON_APPEND = "select_on_append"; @NonNull public static final String IS_MUTED = "is_muted"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ protected static final float[] PLAYBACK_SPEEDS = {0.5f, 0.75f, 1f, 1.25f, 1.5f, 1.75f, 2f}; protected PlayQueue playQueue; protected PlayQueueAdapter playQueueAdapter; @Nullable protected MediaSourceManager playbackManager; @Nullable private PlayQueueItem currentItem; @Nullable private MediaSourceTag currentMetadata; @Nullable private Bitmap currentThumbnail; @Nullable protected Toast errorToast; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ protected static final int PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS = 5000; // 5 seconds protected static final int PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 500; protected SimpleExoPlayer simpleExoPlayer; protected AudioReactor audioReactor; protected MediaSessionManager mediaSessionManager; @NonNull protected final Context context; @NonNull protected final BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver; @NonNull protected final IntentFilter intentFilter; @NonNull protected final HistoryRecordManager recordManager; @NonNull protected final CustomTrackSelector trackSelector; @NonNull protected final PlayerDataSource dataSource; @NonNull private final LoadControl loadControl; @NonNull private final RenderersFactory renderFactory; @NonNull private final SerialDisposable progressUpdateReactor; @NonNull private final CompositeDisposable databaseUpdateReactor; private boolean isPrepared = false; private Disposable stateLoader; protected int currentState = STATE_PREFLIGHT; public BasePlayer(@NonNull final Context context) { this.context = context; this.broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(final Context ctx, final Intent intent) { onBroadcastReceived(intent); } }; this.intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); setupBroadcastReceiver(intentFilter); this.recordManager = new HistoryRecordManager(context); this.progressUpdateReactor = new SerialDisposable(); this.databaseUpdateReactor = new CompositeDisposable(); final String userAgent = DownloaderImpl.USER_AGENT; final DefaultBandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder(context) .build(); this.dataSource = new PlayerDataSource(context, userAgent, bandwidthMeter); final TrackSelection.Factory trackSelectionFactory = PlayerHelper .getQualitySelector(context); this.trackSelector = new CustomTrackSelector(trackSelectionFactory); this.loadControl = new LoadController(); this.renderFactory = new DefaultRenderersFactory(context); } public void setup() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { initPlayer(/*playOnInit=*/true); } initListeners(); } public void initPlayer(final boolean playOnReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "initPlayer() called with: playOnReady = [" + playOnReady + "]"); } simpleExoPlayer = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context, renderFactory) .setTrackSelector(trackSelector) .setLoadControl(loadControl) .build(); simpleExoPlayer.addListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(playOnReady); simpleExoPlayer.setSeekParameters(PlayerHelper.getSeekParameters(context)); simpleExoPlayer.setWakeMode(C.WAKE_MODE_NETWORK); simpleExoPlayer.setHandleAudioBecomingNoisy(true); audioReactor = new AudioReactor(context, simpleExoPlayer); mediaSessionManager = new MediaSessionManager(context, simpleExoPlayer, new BasePlayerMediaSession(this)); registerBroadcastReceiver(); } public void initListeners() { } public void handleIntent(final Intent intent) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "handleIntent() called with: intent = [" + intent + "]"); } if (intent == null) { return; } // Resolve play queue if (!intent.hasExtra(PLAY_QUEUE_KEY)) { return; } final String intentCacheKey = intent.getStringExtra(PLAY_QUEUE_KEY); final PlayQueue queue = SerializedCache.getInstance().take(intentCacheKey, PlayQueue.class); if (queue == null) { return; } // Resolve append intents if (intent.getBooleanExtra(APPEND_ONLY, false) && playQueue != null) { int sizeBeforeAppend = playQueue.size(); playQueue.append(queue.getStreams()); if ((intent.getBooleanExtra(SELECT_ON_APPEND, false) || getCurrentState() == STATE_COMPLETED) && queue.getStreams().size() > 0) { playQueue.setIndex(sizeBeforeAppend); } return; } final PlaybackParameters savedParameters = retrievePlaybackParametersFromPreferences(); final float playbackSpeed = savedParameters.speed; final float playbackPitch = savedParameters.pitch; final boolean playbackSkipSilence = savedParameters.skipSilence; final int repeatMode = intent.getIntExtra(REPEAT_MODE, getRepeatMode()); final boolean isMuted = intent .getBooleanExtra(IS_MUTED, simpleExoPlayer != null && isMuted()); // seek to timestamp if stream is already playing if (simpleExoPlayer != null && queue.size() == 1 && playQueue != null && playQueue.getItem() != null && queue.getItem().getUrl().equals(playQueue.getItem().getUrl()) && queue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET ) { simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(playQueue.getIndex(), queue.getItem().getRecoveryPosition()); return; } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra(RESUME_PLAYBACK, false) && isPlaybackResumeEnabled()) { final PlayQueueItem item = queue.getItem(); if (item != null && item.getRecoveryPosition() == PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { stateLoader = recordManager.loadStreamState(item) .observeOn(mainThread()) .doFinally(() -> initPlayback(queue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, true, isMuted)) .subscribe( state -> queue .setRecovery(queue.getIndex(), state.getProgressTime()), error -> { if (DEBUG) { error.printStackTrace(); } } ); databaseUpdateReactor.add(stateLoader); return; } } // Good to go... initPlayback(queue, repeatMode, playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence, /*playOnInit=*/!intent.getBooleanExtra(START_PAUSED, false), isMuted); } private PlaybackParameters retrievePlaybackParametersFromPreferences() { final SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final float speed = preferences .getFloat(context.getString(R.string.playback_speed_key), getPlaybackSpeed()); final float pitch = preferences.getFloat(context.getString(R.string.playback_pitch_key), getPlaybackPitch()); final boolean skipSilence = preferences .getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.playback_skip_silence_key), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); return new PlaybackParameters(speed, pitch, skipSilence); } protected void initPlayback(@NonNull final PlayQueue queue, @Player.RepeatMode final int repeatMode, final float playbackSpeed, final float playbackPitch, final boolean playbackSkipSilence, final boolean playOnReady, final boolean isMuted) { destroyPlayer(); initPlayer(playOnReady); setRepeatMode(repeatMode); setPlaybackParameters(playbackSpeed, playbackPitch, playbackSkipSilence); playQueue = queue; playQueue.init(); if (playbackManager != null) { playbackManager.dispose(); } playbackManager = new MediaSourceManager(this, playQueue); if (playQueueAdapter != null) { playQueueAdapter.dispose(); } playQueueAdapter = new PlayQueueAdapter(context, playQueue); simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(isMuted ? 0 : 1); } public void destroyPlayer() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroyPlayer() called"); } if (simpleExoPlayer != null) { simpleExoPlayer.removeListener(this); simpleExoPlayer.stop(); simpleExoPlayer.release(); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } if (playQueue != null) { playQueue.dispose(); } if (audioReactor != null) { audioReactor.dispose(); } if (playbackManager != null) { playbackManager.dispose(); } if (mediaSessionManager != null) { mediaSessionManager.dispose(); } if (stateLoader != null) { stateLoader.dispose(); } if (playQueueAdapter != null) { playQueueAdapter.unsetSelectedListener(); playQueueAdapter.dispose(); } } public void destroy() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "destroy() called"); } destroyPlayer(); unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); databaseUpdateReactor.clear(); progressUpdateReactor.set(null); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thumbnail Loading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private void initThumbnail(final String url) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - initThumbnail() called"); } if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) { return; } ImageLoader.getInstance().resume(); ImageLoader.getInstance() .loadImage(url, ImageDisplayConstants.DISPLAY_THUMBNAIL_OPTIONS, this); } @Override public void onLoadingStarted(final String imageUri, final View view) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onLoadingStarted() called on: " + "imageUri = [" + imageUri + "], view = [" + view + "]"); } } @Override public void onLoadingFailed(final String imageUri, final View view, final FailReason failReason) { Log.e(TAG, "Thumbnail - onLoadingFailed() called on imageUri = [" + imageUri + "]", failReason.getCause()); currentThumbnail = null; } @Override public void onLoadingComplete(final String imageUri, final View view, final Bitmap loadedImage) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onLoadingComplete() called with: " + "imageUri = [" + imageUri + "], view = [" + view + "], " + "loadedImage = [" + loadedImage + "]"); } currentThumbnail = loadedImage; } @Override public void onLoadingCancelled(final String imageUri, final View view) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Thumbnail - onLoadingCancelled() called with: " + "imageUri = [" + imageUri + "], view = [" + view + "]"); } currentThumbnail = null; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Broadcast Receiver //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Add your action in the intentFilter. * * @param intentFltr intent filter that will be used for register the receiver */ protected void setupBroadcastReceiver(final IntentFilter intentFltr) { intentFltr.addAction(AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY); } public void onBroadcastReceived(final Intent intent) { if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) { return; } switch (intent.getAction()) { case AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY: onPause(); break; } } protected void registerBroadcastReceiver() { // Try to unregister current first unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter); } protected void unregisterBroadcastReceiver() { try { context.unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException unregisteredException) { Log.w(TAG, "Broadcast receiver already unregistered " + "(" + unregisteredException.getMessage() + ")"); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // States Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public void changeState(final int state) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "changeState() called with: state = [" + state + "]"); } currentState = state; switch (state) { case STATE_BLOCKED: onBlocked(); break; case STATE_PLAYING: onPlaying(); break; case STATE_BUFFERING: onBuffering(); break; case STATE_PAUSED: onPaused(); break; case STATE_PAUSED_SEEK: onPausedSeek(); break; case STATE_COMPLETED: onCompleted(); break; } } public void onBlocked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onBlocked() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); } } public void onPlaying() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaying() called"); } if (!isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); } } public void onBuffering() { } public void onPaused() { if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } } public void onPausedSeek() { } public void onCompleted() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted() called"); } if (playQueue.getIndex() < playQueue.size() - 1) { playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); } if (isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repeat and shuffle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public void onRepeatClicked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onRepeatClicked() called"); } final int mode; switch (getRepeatMode()) { case Player.REPEAT_MODE_OFF: mode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE; break; case Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE: mode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL; break; case Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL: default: mode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_OFF; break; } setRepeatMode(mode); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onRepeatClicked() currentRepeatMode = " + getRepeatMode()); } } public void onShuffleClicked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onShuffleClicked() called"); } if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } simpleExoPlayer.setShuffleModeEnabled(!simpleExoPlayer.getShuffleModeEnabled()); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mute / Unmute //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public void onMuteUnmuteButtonClicked() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onMuteUnmuteButtonClicled() called"); } simpleExoPlayer.setVolume(isMuted() ? 1 : 0); } public boolean isMuted() { return simpleExoPlayer.getVolume() == 0; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Progress Updates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public abstract void onUpdateProgress(int currentProgress, int duration, int bufferPercent); protected void startProgressLoop() { progressUpdateReactor.set(getProgressReactor()); } protected void stopProgressLoop() { progressUpdateReactor.set(null); } public void triggerProgressUpdate() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } onUpdateProgress( Math.max((int) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(), 0), (int) simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(), simpleExoPlayer.getBufferedPercentage() ); } private Disposable getProgressReactor() { return Observable.interval(PROGRESS_LOOP_INTERVAL_MILLIS, MILLISECONDS, mainThread()) .observeOn(mainThread()) .subscribe(ignored -> triggerProgressUpdate(), error -> Log.e(TAG, "Progress update failure: ", error)); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExoPlayer Listener //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @Override public void onTimelineChanged(final Timeline timeline, final int reason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with " + "timeline size = [" + timeline.getWindowCount() + "], " + "reason = [" + reason + "]"); } maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata(); } @Override public void onTracksChanged(final TrackGroupArray trackGroups, final TrackSelectionArray trackSelections) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), " + "track group size = " + trackGroups.length); } maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata(); } @Override public void onPlaybackParametersChanged(final PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - playbackParameters(), " + "speed: " + playbackParameters.speed + ", " + "pitch: " + playbackParameters.pitch); } } @Override public void onLoadingChanged(final boolean isLoading) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: " + "isLoading = [" + isLoading + "]"); } if (!isLoading && getCurrentState() == STATE_PAUSED && isProgressLoopRunning()) { stopProgressLoop(); } else if (isLoading && !isProgressLoopRunning()) { startProgressLoop(); } maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata(); } @Override public void onPlayerStateChanged(final boolean playWhenReady, final int playbackState) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: " + "playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "], " + "playbackState = [" + playbackState + "]"); } if (getCurrentState() == STATE_PAUSED_SEEK) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() is currently blocked"); } return; } switch (playbackState) { case Player.STATE_IDLE: // 1 isPrepared = false; break; case Player.STATE_BUFFERING: // 2 if (isPrepared) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } break; case Player.STATE_READY: //3 maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata(); maybeCorrectSeekPosition(); if (!isPrepared) { isPrepared = true; onPrepared(playWhenReady); break; } changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); break; case Player.STATE_ENDED: // 4 changeState(STATE_COMPLETED); if (currentMetadata != null) { resetPlaybackState(currentMetadata.getMetadata()); } isPrepared = false; break; } } private void maybeCorrectSeekPosition() { if (playQueue == null || simpleExoPlayer == null || currentMetadata == null) { return; } final PlayQueueItem currentSourceItem = playQueue.getItem(); if (currentSourceItem == null) { return; } final StreamInfo currentInfo = currentMetadata.getMetadata(); final long presetStartPositionMillis = currentInfo.getStartPosition() * 1000; if (presetStartPositionMillis > 0L) { // Has another start position? if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - Seeking to preset start " + "position=[" + presetStartPositionMillis + "]"); } seekTo(presetStartPositionMillis); } } /** * Process exceptions produced by {@link com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayer ExoPlayer}. *

There are multiple types of errors:

* * * @see #processSourceError(IOException) * @see Player.EventListener#onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException) */ @Override public void onPlayerError(final ExoPlaybackException error) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPlayerError() called with: " + "error = [" + error + "]"); } if (errorToast != null) { errorToast.cancel(); errorToast = null; } savePlaybackState(); switch (error.type) { case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE: processSourceError(error.getSourceException()); showStreamError(error); break; case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_UNEXPECTED: showRecoverableError(error); setRecovery(); reload(); break; default: showUnrecoverableError(error); onPlaybackShutdown(); break; } } private void processSourceError(final IOException error) { if (simpleExoPlayer == null || playQueue == null) { return; } setRecovery(); final Throwable cause = error.getCause(); if (error instanceof BehindLiveWindowException) { reload(); } else if (cause instanceof UnknownHostException) { playQueue.error(/*isNetworkProblem=*/true); } else if (isCurrentWindowValid()) { playQueue.error(/*isTransitioningToBadStream=*/true); } else if (cause instanceof FailedMediaSource.MediaSourceResolutionException) { playQueue.error(/*recoverableWithNoAvailableStream=*/false); } else if (cause instanceof FailedMediaSource.StreamInfoLoadException) { playQueue.error(/*recoverableIfLoadFailsWhenNetworkIsFine=*/false); } else { playQueue.error(/*noIdeaWhatHappenedAndLetUserChooseWhatToDo=*/true); } } @Override public void onPositionDiscontinuity(@Player.DiscontinuityReason final int reason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onPositionDiscontinuity() called with " + "reason = [" + reason + "]"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } // Refresh the playback if there is a transition to the next video final int newWindowIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentWindowIndex(); switch (reason) { case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_PERIOD_TRANSITION: // When player is in single repeat mode and a period transition occurs, // we need to register a view count here since no metadata has changed if (getRepeatMode() == Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE && newWindowIndex == playQueue.getIndex()) { registerView(); break; } case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK_ADJUSTMENT: case DISCONTINUITY_REASON_INTERNAL: if (playQueue.getIndex() != newWindowIndex) { resetPlaybackState(playQueue.getItem()); playQueue.setIndex(newWindowIndex); } break; } maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata(); } @Override public void onRepeatModeChanged(@Player.RepeatMode final int reason) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onRepeatModeChanged() called with: " + "mode = [" + reason + "]"); } } @Override public void onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(final boolean shuffleModeEnabled) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onShuffleModeEnabledChanged() called with: " + "mode = [" + shuffleModeEnabled + "]"); } if (playQueue == null) { return; } if (shuffleModeEnabled) { playQueue.shuffle(); } else { playQueue.unshuffle(); } } @Override public void onSeekProcessed() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "ExoPlayer - onSeekProcessed() called"); } if (isPrepared) { savePlaybackState(); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playback Listener //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @Override public boolean isApproachingPlaybackEdge(final long timeToEndMillis) { // If live, then not near playback edge // If not playing, then not approaching playback edge if (simpleExoPlayer == null || isLive() || !isPlaying()) { return false; } final long currentPositionMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); final long currentDurationMillis = simpleExoPlayer.getDuration(); return currentDurationMillis - currentPositionMillis < timeToEndMillis; } @Override public void onPlaybackBlock() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackBlock() called"); } currentItem = null; currentMetadata = null; simpleExoPlayer.stop(); isPrepared = false; changeState(STATE_BLOCKED); } @Override public void onPlaybackUnblock(final MediaSource mediaSource) { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackUnblock() called"); } if (getCurrentState() == STATE_BLOCKED) { changeState(STATE_BUFFERING); } simpleExoPlayer.prepare(mediaSource); } public void onPlaybackSynchronize(@NonNull final PlayQueueItem item) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onPlaybackSynchronize() called with " + "item=[" + item.getTitle() + "], url=[" + item.getUrl() + "]"); } if (simpleExoPlayer == null || playQueue == null) { return; } final boolean onPlaybackInitial = currentItem == null; final boolean hasPlayQueueItemChanged = currentItem != item; final int currentPlayQueueIndex = playQueue.indexOf(item); final int currentPlaylistIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentWindowIndex(); final int currentPlaylistSize = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline().getWindowCount(); // If nothing to synchronize if (!hasPlayQueueItemChanged) { return; } currentItem = item; // Check if on wrong window if (currentPlayQueueIndex != playQueue.getIndex()) { Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Play Queue may be desynchronized: item " + "index=[" + currentPlayQueueIndex + "], " + "queue index=[" + playQueue.getIndex() + "]"); // Check if bad seek position } else if ((currentPlaylistSize > 0 && currentPlayQueueIndex >= currentPlaylistSize) || currentPlayQueueIndex < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Playback - Trying to seek to invalid " + "index=[" + currentPlayQueueIndex + "] with " + "playlist length=[" + currentPlaylistSize + "]"); } else if (currentPlaylistIndex != currentPlayQueueIndex || onPlaybackInitial || !isPlaying()) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - Rewinding to correct " + "index=[" + currentPlayQueueIndex + "], " + "from=[" + currentPlaylistIndex + "], " + "size=[" + currentPlaylistSize + "]."); } if (item.getRecoveryPosition() != PlayQueueItem.RECOVERY_UNSET) { simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(currentPlayQueueIndex, item.getRecoveryPosition()); playQueue.unsetRecovery(currentPlayQueueIndex); } else { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(currentPlayQueueIndex); } } } protected void onMetadataChanged(@NonNull final MediaSourceTag tag) { final StreamInfo info = tag.getMetadata(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: " + info.getName()); } initThumbnail(info.getThumbnailUrl()); registerView(); } @Override public void onPlaybackShutdown() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Shutting down..."); } destroy(); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public void showStreamError(final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); if (errorToast == null) { errorToast = Toast .makeText(context, R.string.player_stream_failure, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); errorToast.show(); } } public void showRecoverableError(final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); if (errorToast == null) { errorToast = Toast .makeText(context, R.string.player_recoverable_failure, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); errorToast.show(); } } public void showUnrecoverableError(final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); if (errorToast != null) { errorToast.cancel(); } errorToast = Toast .makeText(context, R.string.player_unrecoverable_failure, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); errorToast.show(); } public void onPrepared(final boolean playWhenReady) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [" + playWhenReady + "]"); } if (playWhenReady) { audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); } changeState(playWhenReady ? STATE_PLAYING : STATE_PAUSED); } public void onPlay() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlay() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || playQueue == null || simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } audioReactor.requestAudioFocus(); if (getCurrentState() == STATE_COMPLETED) { if (playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); } else { playQueue.setIndex(0); } } simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(true); } public void onPause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPause() called"); } if (audioReactor == null || simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } audioReactor.abandonAudioFocus(); simpleExoPlayer.setPlayWhenReady(false); } public void onPlayPause() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPause() called"); } if (isPlaying()) { onPause(); } else { onPlay(); } } public void onFastRewind() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onFastRewind() called"); } seekBy(-getSeekDuration()); } public void onFastForward() { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onFastForward() called"); } seekBy(getSeekDuration()); } private int getSeekDuration() { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final String key = context.getString(R.string.seek_duration_key); final String value = prefs .getString(key, context.getString(R.string.seek_duration_default_value)); return Integer.parseInt(value); } public void onPlayPrevious() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null || playQueue == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayPrevious() called"); } /* If current playback has run for PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS milliseconds, * restart current track. Also restart the track if the current track * is the first in a queue.*/ if (simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() > PLAY_PREV_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_MILLIS || playQueue.getIndex() == 0) { seekToDefault(); playQueue.offsetIndex(0); } else { savePlaybackState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(-1); } } public void onPlayNext() { if (playQueue == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlayNext() called"); } savePlaybackState(); playQueue.offsetIndex(+1); } public void onSelected(final PlayQueueItem item) { if (playQueue == null || simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } final int index = playQueue.indexOf(item); if (index == -1) { return; } if (playQueue.getIndex() == index && simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentWindowIndex() == index) { seekToDefault(); } else { savePlaybackState(); } playQueue.setIndex(index); } public void seekTo(final long positionMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: position = [" + positionMillis + "]"); } if (simpleExoPlayer != null) { simpleExoPlayer.seekTo(positionMillis); } } public void seekBy(final long offsetMillis) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "seekBy() called with: offsetMillis = [" + offsetMillis + "]"); } seekTo(simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() + offsetMillis); } public boolean isCurrentWindowValid() { return simpleExoPlayer != null && simpleExoPlayer.getDuration() >= 0 && simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() >= 0; } public void seekToDefault() { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) { simpleExoPlayer.seekToDefaultPosition(); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ private void registerView() { if (currentMetadata == null) { return; } final StreamInfo currentInfo = currentMetadata.getMetadata(); final Disposable viewRegister = recordManager.onViewed(currentInfo).onErrorComplete() .subscribe( ignored -> { /* successful */ }, error -> Log.e(TAG, "Player onViewed() failure: ", error) ); databaseUpdateReactor.add(viewRegister); } protected void reload() { if (playbackManager != null) { playbackManager.dispose(); } if (playQueue != null) { playbackManager = new MediaSourceManager(this, playQueue); } } private void savePlaybackState(final StreamInfo info, final long progress) { if (info == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "savePlaybackState() called"); } final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); if (prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_watch_history_key), true)) { final Disposable stateSaver = recordManager.saveStreamState(info, progress) .observeOn(mainThread()) .doOnError((e) -> { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } }) .onErrorComplete() .subscribe(); databaseUpdateReactor.add(stateSaver); } } private void resetPlaybackState(final PlayQueueItem queueItem) { if (queueItem == null) { return; } final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); if (prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_watch_history_key), true)) { final Disposable stateSaver = queueItem.getStream() .flatMapCompletable(info -> recordManager.saveStreamState(info, 0)) .observeOn(mainThread()) .doOnError((e) -> { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } }) .onErrorComplete() .subscribe(); databaseUpdateReactor.add(stateSaver); } } public void resetPlaybackState(final StreamInfo info) { savePlaybackState(info, 0); } public void savePlaybackState() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null || currentMetadata == null) { return; } final StreamInfo currentInfo = currentMetadata.getMetadata(); savePlaybackState(currentInfo, simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); } private void maybeUpdateCurrentMetadata() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } final MediaSourceTag metadata; try { metadata = (MediaSourceTag) simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTag(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException | ClassCastException error) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Could not update metadata: " + error.getMessage()); error.printStackTrace(); } return; } if (metadata == null) { return; } maybeAutoQueueNextStream(metadata); if (currentMetadata == metadata) { return; } currentMetadata = metadata; onMetadataChanged(metadata); } private void maybeAutoQueueNextStream(@NonNull final MediaSourceTag metadata) { if (playQueue == null || playQueue.getIndex() != playQueue.size() - 1 || getRepeatMode() != Player.REPEAT_MODE_OFF || !PlayerHelper.isAutoQueueEnabled(context)) { return; } // auto queue when starting playback on the last item when not repeating final PlayQueue autoQueue = PlayerHelper.autoQueueOf(metadata.getMetadata(), playQueue.getStreams()); if (autoQueue != null) { playQueue.append(autoQueue.getStreams()); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters and Setters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public SimpleExoPlayer getPlayer() { return simpleExoPlayer; } public AudioReactor getAudioReactor() { return audioReactor; } public int getCurrentState() { return currentState; } @Nullable public MediaSourceTag getCurrentMetadata() { return currentMetadata; } @NonNull public String getVideoUrl() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getMetadata().getUrl(); } @NonNull public String getVideoTitle() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getMetadata().getName(); } @NonNull public String getUploaderName() { return currentMetadata == null ? context.getString(R.string.unknown_content) : currentMetadata.getMetadata().getUploaderName(); } @Nullable public Bitmap getThumbnail() { return currentThumbnail == null ? BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.dummy_thumbnail) : currentThumbnail; } /** * Checks if the current playback is a livestream AND is playing at or beyond the live edge. * * @return whether the livestream is playing at or beyond the edge */ @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted") public boolean isLiveEdge() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null || !isLive()) { return false; } final Timeline currentTimeline = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentTimeline(); final int currentWindowIndex = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentWindowIndex(); if (currentTimeline.isEmpty() || currentWindowIndex < 0 || currentWindowIndex >= currentTimeline.getWindowCount()) { return false; } Timeline.Window timelineWindow = new Timeline.Window(); currentTimeline.getWindow(currentWindowIndex, timelineWindow); return timelineWindow.getDefaultPositionMs() <= simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); } public boolean isLive() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return false; } try { return simpleExoPlayer.isCurrentWindowDynamic(); } catch (@NonNull IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Why would this even happen =( // But lets log it anyway. Save is save if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Could not update metadata: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } public boolean isPlaying() { return simpleExoPlayer != null && simpleExoPlayer.isPlaying(); } @Player.RepeatMode public int getRepeatMode() { return simpleExoPlayer == null ? Player.REPEAT_MODE_OFF : simpleExoPlayer.getRepeatMode(); } public void setRepeatMode(@Player.RepeatMode final int repeatMode) { if (simpleExoPlayer != null) { simpleExoPlayer.setRepeatMode(repeatMode); } } public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return getPlaybackParameters().speed; } public void setPlaybackSpeed(final float speed) { setPlaybackParameters(speed, getPlaybackPitch(), getPlaybackSkipSilence()); } public float getPlaybackPitch() { return getPlaybackParameters().pitch; } public boolean getPlaybackSkipSilence() { return getPlaybackParameters().skipSilence; } public PlaybackParameters getPlaybackParameters() { if (simpleExoPlayer == null) { return PlaybackParameters.DEFAULT; } final PlaybackParameters parameters = simpleExoPlayer.getPlaybackParameters(); return parameters == null ? PlaybackParameters.DEFAULT : parameters; } public void setPlaybackParameters(final float speed, final float pitch, final boolean skipSilence) { savePlaybackParametersToPreferences(speed, pitch, skipSilence); simpleExoPlayer.setPlaybackParameters(new PlaybackParameters(speed, pitch, skipSilence)); } private void savePlaybackParametersToPreferences(final float speed, final float pitch, final boolean skipSilence) { PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .edit() .putFloat(context.getString(R.string.playback_speed_key), speed) .putFloat(context.getString(R.string.playback_pitch_key), pitch) .putBoolean(context.getString(R.string.playback_skip_silence_key), skipSilence) .apply(); } public PlayQueue getPlayQueue() { return playQueue; } public PlayQueueAdapter getPlayQueueAdapter() { return playQueueAdapter; } public boolean isPrepared() { return isPrepared; } public boolean isProgressLoopRunning() { return progressUpdateReactor.get() != null; } public void setRecovery() { if (playQueue == null || simpleExoPlayer == null) { return; } final int queuePos = playQueue.getIndex(); final long windowPos = simpleExoPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); if (windowPos > 0 && windowPos <= simpleExoPlayer.getDuration()) { setRecovery(queuePos, windowPos); } } public void setRecovery(final int queuePos, final long windowPos) { if (playQueue.size() <= queuePos) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Setting recovery, queue: " + queuePos + ", pos: " + windowPos); } playQueue.setRecovery(queuePos, windowPos); } public boolean gotDestroyed() { return simpleExoPlayer == null; } private boolean isPlaybackResumeEnabled() { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_watch_history_key), true) && prefs.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.enable_playback_resume_key), true); } }