package org.schabi.newpipe.local.feed.service import android.content.Context import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Completable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Notification import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single import io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer import io.reactivex.rxjava3.processors.PublishProcessor import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import org.schabi.newpipe.R import org.schabi.newpipe.database.feed.model.FeedGroupEntity import org.schabi.newpipe.database.subscription.NotificationMode import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Info import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.NewPipe import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.feed.FeedInfo import import org.schabi.newpipe.local.feed.FeedDatabaseManager import org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.SubscriptionManager import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ChannelTabHelper import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ExtractorHelper.getChannelInfo import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ExtractorHelper.getChannelTab import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ExtractorHelper.getMoreChannelTabItems import java.time.OffsetDateTime import java.time.ZoneOffset import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class FeedLoadManager(private val context: Context) { private val subscriptionManager = SubscriptionManager(context) private val feedDatabaseManager = FeedDatabaseManager(context) private val notificationUpdater = PublishProcessor.create() private val currentProgress = AtomicInteger(-1) private val maxProgress = AtomicInteger(-1) private val cancelSignal = AtomicBoolean() private val feedResultsHolder = FeedResultsHolder() val notification: Flowable = { description -> FeedLoadState(description, maxProgress.get(), currentProgress.get()) } /** * Start checking for new streams of a subscription group. * @param groupId The ID of the subscription group to load. When using * [FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID], all subscriptions are loaded. When using * [GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED], only subscriptions with enabled notifications for new streams * are loaded. Using an id of a group created by the user results in that specific group to be * loaded. * @param ignoreOutdatedThreshold When `false`, only subscriptions which have not been updated * within the `feed_update_threshold` are checked for updates. This threshold can be set by * the user in the app settings. When `true`, all subscriptions are checked for new streams. */ fun startLoading( groupId: Long = FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID, ignoreOutdatedThreshold: Boolean = false, ): Single>> { val defaultSharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val useFeedExtractor = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean( context.getString(R.string.feed_use_dedicated_fetch_method_key), false ) val outdatedThreshold = if (ignoreOutdatedThreshold) { } else { val thresholdOutdatedSeconds = ( defaultSharedPreferences.getString( context.getString(R.string.feed_update_threshold_key), context.getString(R.string.feed_update_threshold_default_value) ) ?: context.getString(R.string.feed_update_threshold_default_value) ).toInt() } /** * subscriptions which have not been updated within the feed updated threshold */ val outdatedSubscriptions = when (groupId) { FeedGroupEntity.GROUP_ALL_ID -> feedDatabaseManager.outdatedSubscriptions(outdatedThreshold) GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED -> feedDatabaseManager.outdatedSubscriptionsWithNotificationMode( outdatedThreshold, NotificationMode.ENABLED ) else -> feedDatabaseManager.outdatedSubscriptionsForGroup(groupId, outdatedThreshold) } return outdatedSubscriptions .take(1) .doOnNext { currentProgress.set(0) maxProgress.set(it.size) } .filter { it.isNotEmpty() } .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnNext { notificationUpdater.onNext("") broadcastProgress() } .observeOn( .flatMap { Flowable.fromIterable(it) } .takeWhile { !cancelSignal.get() } .parallel(PARALLEL_EXTRACTIONS, PARALLEL_EXTRACTIONS * 2) .runOn(, PARALLEL_EXTRACTIONS * 2) .filter { !cancelSignal.get() } .map { subscriptionEntity -> var error: Throwable? = null val storeOriginalErrorAndRethrow = { e: Throwable -> // keep original to prevent blockingGet() from wrapping it into RuntimeException error = e throw e } try { // check for and load new streams // either by using the dedicated feed method or by getting the channel info var originalInfo: Info? = null var streams: List? = null val errors = ArrayList() if (useFeedExtractor) { NewPipe.getService(subscriptionEntity.serviceId) .getFeedExtractor(subscriptionEntity.url) ?.also { feedExtractor -> // the user wants to use a feed extractor and there is one, use it val feedInfo = FeedInfo.getInfo(feedExtractor) errors.addAll(feedInfo.errors) originalInfo = feedInfo streams = feedInfo.relatedItems } } if (originalInfo == null) { // use the normal channel tabs extractor if either the user wants it, or // the current service does not have a dedicated feed extractor val channelInfo = getChannelInfo( subscriptionEntity.serviceId, subscriptionEntity.url, true ) .onErrorReturn(storeOriginalErrorAndRethrow) .blockingGet() errors.addAll(channelInfo.errors) originalInfo = channelInfo streams = channelInfo.tabs .filter(ChannelTabHelper::isStreamsTab) .map { Pair( getChannelTab(subscriptionEntity.serviceId, it, true) .onErrorReturn(storeOriginalErrorAndRethrow) .blockingGet(), it ) } .flatMap { (channelTabInfo, linkHandler) -> errors.addAll(channelTabInfo.errors) if (channelTabInfo.relatedItems.isEmpty()) { val infoItemsPage = getMoreChannelTabItems( subscriptionEntity.serviceId, linkHandler, channelTabInfo.nextPage ) .blockingGet() errors.addAll(infoItemsPage.errors) return@flatMap infoItemsPage.items } else { return@flatMap channelTabInfo.relatedItems } } .filterIsInstance() } return@map Notification.createOnNext( FeedUpdateInfo( subscriptionEntity, originalInfo!!, streams!!, errors, ) ) } catch (e: Throwable) { val request = "${subscriptionEntity.serviceId}:${subscriptionEntity.url}" val wrapper = FeedLoadService.RequestException( subscriptionEntity.uid, request, // do this to prevent blockingGet() from wrapping into RuntimeException error ?: e ) return@map Notification.createOnError(wrapper) } } .sequential() .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnNext(NotificationConsumer()) .observeOn( .buffer(BUFFER_COUNT_BEFORE_INSERT) .doOnNext(DatabaseConsumer()) .subscribeOn( .toList() .flatMap { x -> postProcessFeed().toSingleDefault(x.flatten()) } } fun cancel() { cancelSignal.set(true) } private fun broadcastProgress() { FeedEventManager.postEvent(FeedEventManager.Event.ProgressEvent(currentProgress.get(), maxProgress.get())) } /** * Keep the feed and the stream tables small * to reduce loading times when trying to display the feed. *
* Remove streams from the feed which are older than [FeedDatabaseManager.FEED_OLDEST_ALLOWED_DATE]. * Remove streams from the database which are not linked / used by any table. */ private fun postProcessFeed() = Completable.fromRunnable { FeedEventManager.postEvent(FeedEventManager.Event.ProgressEvent(R.string.feed_processing_message)) feedDatabaseManager.removeOrphansOrOlderStreams() FeedEventManager.postEvent(FeedEventManager.Event.SuccessResultEvent(feedResultsHolder.itemsErrors)) }.doOnSubscribe { currentProgress.set(-1) maxProgress.set(-1) notificationUpdater.onNext(context.getString(R.string.feed_processing_message)) FeedEventManager.postEvent(FeedEventManager.Event.ProgressEvent(R.string.feed_processing_message)) }.subscribeOn( private inner class NotificationConsumer : Consumer> { override fun accept(item: Notification) { currentProgress.incrementAndGet() notificationUpdater.onNext(item.value?.name.orEmpty()) broadcastProgress() } } private inner class DatabaseConsumer : Consumer>> { override fun accept(list: List>) { feedDatabaseManager.database().runInTransaction { for (notification in list) { when { notification.isOnNext -> { val info = notification.value!! notification.value!!.newStreams = filterNewStreams(info.streams) feedDatabaseManager.upsertAll(info.uid, info.streams) subscriptionManager.updateFromInfo(info.uid, info.originalInfo) if (info.errors.isNotEmpty()) { feedResultsHolder.addErrors( { FeedLoadService.RequestException( info.uid, "${info.originalInfo.serviceId}:${info.originalInfo.url}", it ) } ) feedDatabaseManager.markAsOutdated(info.uid) } } notification.isOnError -> { val error = notification.error feedResultsHolder.addError(error!!) if (error is FeedLoadService.RequestException) { feedDatabaseManager.markAsOutdated(error.subscriptionId) } } } } } } private fun filterNewStreams(list: List): List { return list.filter { !feedDatabaseManager.doesStreamExist(it) && it.uploadDate != null && // Streams older than this date are automatically removed from the feed. // Therefore, streams which are not in the database, // but older than this date, are considered old. it.uploadDate!!.offsetDateTime().isAfter( FeedDatabaseManager.FEED_OLDEST_ALLOWED_DATE ) } } } companion object { /** * Constant used to check for updates of subscriptions with [NotificationMode.ENABLED]. */ const val GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED = -2L /** * How many extractions will be running in parallel. */ private const val PARALLEL_EXTRACTIONS = 6 /** * Number of items to buffer to mass-insert in the database. */ private const val BUFFER_COUNT_BEFORE_INSERT = 20 } }