package org.schabi.newpipe.error; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Ensures that a Exception is serializable. * This is */ public final class EnsureExceptionSerializable { private static final String TAG = "EnsureExSerializable"; private EnsureExceptionSerializable() { // No instance } /** * Ensures that an exception is serializable. *
* If that is not the case a {@link WorkaroundNotSerializableException} is created. * * @param exception * @return if an exception is not serializable a new {@link WorkaroundNotSerializableException} * otherwise the exception from the parameter */ public static Exception ensureSerializable(@NonNull final Exception exception) { return checkIfSerializable(exception) ? exception : WorkaroundNotSerializableException.create(exception); } public static boolean checkIfSerializable(@NonNull final Exception exception) { try { // Check by creating a new ObjectOutputStream which does the serialization try (ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos) ) { oos.writeObject(exception); oos.flush(); bos.toByteArray(); } return true; } catch (final IOException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception is not serializable", ex); return false; } } public static class WorkaroundNotSerializableException extends Exception { protected WorkaroundNotSerializableException( final Throwable notSerializableException, final Throwable cause) { super(notSerializableException.toString(), cause); setStackTrace(notSerializableException.getStackTrace()); } protected WorkaroundNotSerializableException(final Throwable notSerializableException) { super(notSerializableException.toString()); setStackTrace(notSerializableException.getStackTrace()); } public static WorkaroundNotSerializableException create( @NonNull final Exception notSerializableException ) { // Build a list of the exception + all causes final List throwableList = new ArrayList<>(); int pos = 0; Throwable throwableToProcess = notSerializableException; while (throwableToProcess != null) { throwableList.add(throwableToProcess); pos++; throwableToProcess = throwableToProcess.getCause(); } // Reverse list so that it starts with the last one Collections.reverse(throwableList); // Build exception stack WorkaroundNotSerializableException cause = null; for (final Throwable t : throwableList) { cause = cause == null ? new WorkaroundNotSerializableException(t) : new WorkaroundNotSerializableException(t, cause); } return cause; } } }