
370 lines
20 KiB

package org.schabi.newpipe.util.text;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.util.Linkify;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.StreamingService;
import org.schabi.newpipe.util.NavigationHelper;
import org.schabi.newpipe.util.external_communication.ShareUtils;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import io.noties.markwon.Markwon;
import io.noties.markwon.linkify.LinkifyPlugin;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers;
public final class TextLinkifier {
public static final String TAG = TextLinkifier.class.getSimpleName();
// Looks for hashtags with characters from any language (\p{L}), numbers, or underscores
private static final Pattern HASHTAGS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(#[\\p{L}0-9_]+)");
public static final Consumer<TextView> SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD =
v -> v.setMovementMethod(LongPressLinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
private TextLinkifier() {
* Create links for contents with an {@link Description} in the various possible formats.
* <p>
* This will call one of these three functions based on the format: {@link #fromHtml},
* {@link #fromMarkdown} or {@link #fromPlainText}.
* @param textView the TextView to set the htmlBlock linked
* @param description the htmlBlock to be linked
* @param htmlCompatFlag the int flag to be set if {@link HtmlCompat#fromHtml(String, int)}
* will be called (not used for formats different than HTML)
* @param relatedInfoService if given, handle hashtags to search for the term in the correct
* service
* @param relatedStreamUrl if given, used alongside {@code relatedInfoService} to handle
* timestamps to open the stream in the popup player at the specific
* time
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
* @param onCompletion will be run when setting text to the textView completes; use {@link
* #SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD} to make links clickable and focusable
public static void fromDescription(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@NonNull final Description description,
final int htmlCompatFlag,
@Nullable final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@Nullable final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
switch (description.getType()) {
case Description.HTML:
TextLinkifier.fromHtml(textView, description.getContent(), htmlCompatFlag,
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
case Description.MARKDOWN:
TextLinkifier.fromMarkdown(textView, description.getContent(),
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
case Description.PLAIN_TEXT: default:
TextLinkifier.fromPlainText(textView, description.getContent(),
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
* Create links for contents with an HTML description.
* <p>
* This method will call {@link #changeLinkIntents(TextView, CharSequence, StreamingService,
* String, CompositeDisposable, Consumer)} after having linked the URLs with
* {@link HtmlCompat#fromHtml(String, int)}.
* </p>
* @param textView the {@link TextView} to set the the HTML string block linked
* @param htmlBlock the HTML string block to be linked
* @param htmlCompatFlag the int flag to be set when {@link HtmlCompat#fromHtml(String,
* int)} will be called
* @param relatedInfoService if given, handle hashtags to search for the term in the correct
* service
* @param relatedStreamUrl if given, used alongside {@code relatedInfoService} to handle
* timestamps to open the stream in the popup player at the specific
* time
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
* @param onCompletion will be run when setting text to the textView completes; use {@link
* #SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD} to make links clickable and focusable
public static void fromHtml(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@NonNull final String htmlBlock,
final int htmlCompatFlag,
@Nullable final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@Nullable final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
textView, HtmlCompat.fromHtml(htmlBlock, htmlCompatFlag), relatedInfoService,
relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
* Create links for contents with a plain text description.
* <p>
* This method will call {@link #changeLinkIntents(TextView, CharSequence, StreamingService,
* String, CompositeDisposable, Consumer)} after having linked the URLs with
* {@link TextView#setAutoLinkMask(int)} and
* {@link TextView#setText(CharSequence, TextView.BufferType)}.
* </p>
* @param textView the {@link TextView} to set the plain text block linked
* @param plainTextBlock the block of plain text to be linked
* @param relatedInfoService if given, handle hashtags to search for the term in the correct
* service
* @param relatedStreamUrl if given, used alongside {@code relatedInfoService} to handle
* timestamps to open the stream in the popup player at the specific
* time
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
* @param onCompletion will be run when setting text to the textView completes; use {@link
* #SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD} to make links clickable and focusable
public static void fromPlainText(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@NonNull final String plainTextBlock,
@Nullable final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@Nullable final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
textView.setText(plainTextBlock, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
changeLinkIntents(textView, textView.getText(), relatedInfoService,
relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
* Create links for contents with a markdown description.
* <p>
* This method will call {@link #changeLinkIntents(TextView, CharSequence, StreamingService,
* String, CompositeDisposable, Consumer)} after creating a {@link Markwon} object and using
* {@link Markwon#setMarkdown(TextView, String)}.
* </p>
* @param textView the {@link TextView} to set the plain text block linked
* @param markdownBlock the block of markdown text to be linked
* @param relatedInfoService if given, handle hashtags to search for the term in the correct
* service
* @param relatedStreamUrl if given, used alongside {@code relatedInfoService} to handle
* timestamps to open the stream in the popup player at the specific
* time
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
* @param onCompletion will be run when setting text to the textView completes; use {@link
* #SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD} to make links clickable and focusable
public static void fromMarkdown(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@NonNull final String markdownBlock,
@Nullable final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@Nullable final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(textView.getContext())
changeLinkIntents(textView, markwon.toMarkdown(markdownBlock),
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, disposables, onCompletion);
* Change links generated by libraries in the description of a content to a custom link action
* and add click listeners on timestamps in this description.
* <p>
* Instead of using an {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW} intent in the description of
* a content, this method will parse the {@link CharSequence} and replace all current web links
* with {@link ShareUtils#openUrlInBrowser(Context, String, boolean)}.
* </p>
* <p>
* This method will also add click listeners on timestamps in this description, which will play
* the content in the popup player at the time indicated in the timestamp, by using
* {@link TextLinkifier#addClickListenersOnTimestamps(Context, SpannableStringBuilder,
* StreamingService, String, CompositeDisposable)} method and click listeners on hashtags, by
* using {@link TextLinkifier#addClickListenersOnHashtags(Context, SpannableStringBuilder,
* StreamingService)}, which will open a search on the current service with the hashtag.
* </p>
* <p>
* This method is required in order to intercept links and e.g. show a confirmation dialog
* before opening a web link.
* </p>
* @param textView the {@link TextView} to which the converted {@link CharSequence}
* will be applied
* @param chars the {@link CharSequence} to be parsed
* @param relatedInfoService if given, handle hashtags to search for the term in the correct
* service
* @param relatedStreamUrl if given, used alongside {@code relatedInfoService} to handle
* timestamps to open the stream in the popup player at the specific
* time
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
* @param onCompletion will be run when setting text to the textView completes; use {@link
* #SET_LINK_MOVEMENT_METHOD} to make links clickable and focusable
private static void changeLinkIntents(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@NonNull final CharSequence chars,
@Nullable final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@Nullable final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
disposables.add(Single.fromCallable(() -> {
final Context context = textView.getContext();
// add custom click actions on web links
final SpannableStringBuilder textBlockLinked =
new SpannableStringBuilder(chars);
final URLSpan[] urls = textBlockLinked.getSpans(0, chars.length(),
for (final URLSpan span : urls) {
final String url = span.getURL();
final LongPressClickableSpan longPressClickableSpan =
new UrlLongPressClickableSpan(context, disposables, url);
// add click actions on plain text timestamps only for description of contents,
// unneeded for meta-info or other TextViews
if (relatedInfoService != null) {
if (relatedStreamUrl != null) {
addClickListenersOnTimestamps(context, textBlockLinked,
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, disposables);
addClickListenersOnHashtags(context, textBlockLinked, relatedInfoService);
return textBlockLinked;
textBlockLinked ->
setTextViewCharSequence(textView, textBlockLinked, onCompletion),
throwable -> {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to linkify text", throwable);
// this should never happen, but if it does, just fallback to it
setTextViewCharSequence(textView, chars, onCompletion);
* Add click listeners which opens a search on hashtags in a plain text.
* <p>
* This method finds all timestamps in the {@link SpannableStringBuilder} of the description
* using a regular expression, adds for each a {@link LongPressClickableSpan} which opens
* {@link NavigationHelper#openSearch(Context, int, String)} and makes a search on the hashtag,
* in the service of the content when pressed, and copy the hashtag to clipboard when
* long-pressed, if allowed by the caller method (parameter {@code addLongClickCopyListener}).
* </p>
* @param context the {@link Context} to use
* @param spannableDescription the {@link SpannableStringBuilder} with the text of the
* content description
* @param relatedInfoService used to search for the term in the correct service
private static void addClickListenersOnHashtags(
@NonNull final Context context,
@NonNull final SpannableStringBuilder spannableDescription,
@NonNull final StreamingService relatedInfoService) {
final String descriptionText = spannableDescription.toString();
final Matcher hashtagsMatches = HASHTAGS_PATTERN.matcher(descriptionText);
while (hashtagsMatches.find()) {
final int hashtagStart = hashtagsMatches.start(1);
final int hashtagEnd = hashtagsMatches.end(1);
final String parsedHashtag = descriptionText.substring(hashtagStart, hashtagEnd);
// Don't add a LongPressClickableSpan if there is already one, which should be a part
// of an URL, already parsed before
if (spannableDescription.getSpans(hashtagStart, hashtagEnd,
LongPressClickableSpan.class).length == 0) {
final int serviceId = relatedInfoService.getServiceId();
new HashtagLongPressClickableSpan(context, parsedHashtag, serviceId),
hashtagStart, hashtagEnd, 0);
* Add click listeners which opens the popup player on timestamps in a plain text.
* <p>
* This method finds all timestamps in the {@link SpannableStringBuilder} of the description
* using a regular expression, adds for each a {@link LongPressClickableSpan} which opens the
* popup player at the time indicated in the timestamps and copy the timestamp in clipboard
* when long-pressed.
* </p>
* @param context the {@link Context} to use
* @param spannableDescription the {@link SpannableStringBuilder} with the text of the
* content description
* @param relatedInfoService the service of the {@code relatedStreamUrl}
* @param relatedStreamUrl what to open in the popup player when timestamps are clicked
* @param disposables disposables created by the method are added here and their
* lifecycle should be handled by the calling class
private static void addClickListenersOnTimestamps(
@NonNull final Context context,
@NonNull final SpannableStringBuilder spannableDescription,
@NonNull final StreamingService relatedInfoService,
@NonNull final String relatedStreamUrl,
@NonNull final CompositeDisposable disposables) {
final String descriptionText = spannableDescription.toString();
final Matcher timestampsMatches = TimestampExtractor.TIMESTAMPS_PATTERN.matcher(
while (timestampsMatches.find()) {
final TimestampExtractor.TimestampMatchDTO timestampMatchDTO =
TimestampExtractor.getTimestampFromMatcher(timestampsMatches, descriptionText);
if (timestampMatchDTO == null) {
new TimestampLongPressClickableSpan(context, descriptionText, disposables,
relatedInfoService, relatedStreamUrl, timestampMatchDTO),
private static void setTextViewCharSequence(@NonNull final TextView textView,
@Nullable final CharSequence charSequence,
@Nullable final Consumer<TextView> onCompletion) {
if (onCompletion != null) {