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package org.schabi.newpipe.database.subscription
import io.reactivex.Flowable
import io.reactivex.Maybe
import org.schabi.newpipe.database.BasicDAO
abstract class SubscriptionDAO : BasicDAO<SubscriptionEntity> {
@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptions")
abstract fun rowCount(): Flowable<Long>
@Query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE service_id = :serviceId")
abstract override fun listByService(serviceId: Int): Flowable<List<SubscriptionEntity>>
@Query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions ORDER BY name COLLATE NOCASE ASC")
abstract override fun getAll(): Flowable<List<SubscriptionEntity>>
@Query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE url LIKE :url AND service_id = :serviceId")
abstract fun getSubscriptionFlowable(serviceId: Int, url: String): Flowable<List<SubscriptionEntity>>
@Query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE url LIKE :url AND service_id = :serviceId")
abstract fun getSubscription(serviceId: Int, url: String): Maybe<SubscriptionEntity>
@Query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE uid = :subscriptionId")
abstract fun getSubscription(subscriptionId: Long): SubscriptionEntity
@Query("DELETE FROM subscriptions")
abstract override fun deleteAll(): Int
@Query("DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE url LIKE :url AND service_id = :serviceId")
abstract fun deleteSubscription(serviceId: Int, url: String): Int
@Query("SELECT uid FROM subscriptions WHERE url LIKE :url AND service_id = :serviceId")
internal abstract fun getSubscriptionIdInternal(serviceId: Int, url: String): Long?
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
internal abstract fun silentInsertAllInternal(entities: List<SubscriptionEntity>): List<Long>
open fun upsertAll(entities: List<SubscriptionEntity>): List<SubscriptionEntity> {
val insertUidList = silentInsertAllInternal(entities)
insertUidList.forEachIndexed { index: Int, uidFromInsert: Long ->
val entity = entities[index]
if (uidFromInsert != -1L) {
entity.uid = uidFromInsert
} else {
val subscriptionIdFromDb = getSubscriptionIdInternal(entity.serviceId, entity.url)
?: throw IllegalStateException("Subscription cannot be null just after insertion.")
entity.uid = subscriptionIdFromDb
return entities