package org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public final class Utils { public static final String HTTP = "http://"; public static final String HTTPS = "https://"; private static final Pattern M_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(https?)?://m\\."); private static final Pattern WWW_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(https?)?://www\\."); private Utils() { // no instance } /** * Encodes a string to URL format using the UTF-8 character set. * * @param string The string to be encoded. * @return The encoded URL. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException This shouldn't be thrown, as UTF-8 should be supported. */ public static String encodeUrlUtf8(final String string) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // TODO: Switch to URLEncoder.encode(String, Charset) in Java 10. return URLEncoder.encode(string,; } /** * Decodes a URL using the UTF-8 character set. * @param url The URL to be decoded. * @return The decoded URL. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException This shouldn't be thrown, as UTF-8 should be supported. */ public static String decodeUrlUtf8(final String url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // TODO: Switch to URLDecoder.decode(String, Charset) in Java 10. return URLDecoder.decode(url,; } /** * Remove all non-digit characters from a string. * *

* Examples: *

* * * * @param toRemove string to remove non-digit chars * @return a string that contains only digits */ @Nonnull public static String removeNonDigitCharacters(@Nonnull final String toRemove) { return toRemove.replaceAll("\\D+", ""); } /** * Convert a mixed number word to a long. * *

* Examples: *

* * * * @param numberWord string to be converted to a long * @return a long */ public static long mixedNumberWordToLong(final String numberWord) throws NumberFormatException, ParsingException { String multiplier = ""; try { multiplier = Parser.matchGroup("[\\d]+([\\.,][\\d]+)?([KMBkmb])+", numberWord, 2); } catch (final ParsingException ignored) { } final double count = Double.parseDouble( Parser.matchGroup1("([\\d]+([\\.,][\\d]+)?)", numberWord).replace(",", ".")); switch (multiplier.toUpperCase()) { case "K": return (long) (count * 1e3); case "M": return (long) (count * 1e6); case "B": return (long) (count * 1e9); default: return (long) (count); } } /** * Check if the url matches the pattern. * * @param pattern the pattern that will be used to check the url * @param url the url to be tested */ public static void checkUrl(final String pattern, final String url) throws ParsingException { if (isNullOrEmpty(url)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Url can't be null or empty"); } if (!Parser.isMatch(pattern, url.toLowerCase())) { throw new ParsingException("Url don't match the pattern"); } } public static String replaceHttpWithHttps(final String url) { if (url == null) { return null; } if (url.startsWith(HTTP)) { return HTTPS + url.substring(HTTP.length()); } return url; } /** * Get the value of a URL-query by name. * *

* If an url-query is give multiple times, only the value of the first query is returned. *

* * @param url the url to be used * @param parameterName the pattern that will be used to check the url * @return a string that contains the value of the query parameter or {@code null} if nothing * was found */ @Nullable public static String getQueryValue(@Nonnull final URL url, final String parameterName) { final String urlQuery = url.getQuery(); if (urlQuery != null) { for (final String param : urlQuery.split("&")) { final String[] params = param.split("=", 2); String query; try { query = decodeUrlUtf8(params[0]); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Cannot decode string with UTF-8, using the string without decoding query = params[0]; } if (query.equals(parameterName)) { try { return decodeUrlUtf8(params[1]); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Cannot decode string with UTF-8, using the string without decoding return params[1]; } } } } return null; } /** * Convert a string to a {@link URL URL object}. * *

* Defaults to HTTP if no protocol is given. *

* * @param url the string to be converted to a URL-Object * @return a {@link URL URL object} containing the url */ @Nonnull public static URL stringToURL(final String url) throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(url); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { // If no protocol is given try prepending "https://" if (e.getMessage().equals("no protocol: " + url)) { return new URL(HTTPS + url); } throw e; } } public static boolean isHTTP(@Nonnull final URL url) { // Make sure it's HTTP or HTTPS final String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if (!protocol.equals("http") && !protocol.equals("https")) { return false; } final boolean usesDefaultPort = url.getPort() == url.getDefaultPort(); final boolean setsNoPort = url.getPort() == -1; return setsNoPort || usesDefaultPort; } public static String removeMAndWWWFromUrl(final String url) { if (M_PATTERN.matcher(url).find()) { return url.replace("m.", ""); } if (WWW_PATTERN.matcher(url).find()) { return url.replace("www.", ""); } return url; } @Nonnull public static String removeUTF8BOM(@Nonnull final String s) { String result = s; if (result.startsWith("\uFEFF")) { result = result.substring(1); } if (result.endsWith("\uFEFF")) { result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } return result; } @Nonnull public static String getBaseUrl(final String url) throws ParsingException { try { final URL uri = stringToURL(url); return uri.getProtocol() + "://" + uri.getAuthority(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { final String message = e.getMessage(); if (message.startsWith("unknown protocol: ")) { // Return just the protocol (e.g. return message.substring("unknown protocol: ".length()); } throw new ParsingException("Malformed url: " + url, e); } } /** * If the provided url is a Google search redirect, then the actual url is extracted from the * {@code url=} query value and returned, otherwise the original url is returned. * * @param url the url which can possibly be a Google search redirect * @return an url with no Google search redirects */ public static String followGoogleRedirectIfNeeded(final String url) { // If the url is a redirect from a Google search, extract the actual URL try { final URL decoded = stringToURL(url); if (decoded.getHost().contains("google") && decoded.getPath().equals("/url")) { return decodeUrlUtf8(Parser.matchGroup1("&url=([^&]+)(?:&|$)", url)); } } catch (final Exception ignored) { } // URL is not a Google search redirect return url; } public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(final String str) { return str == null || str.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if a collection is null or empty. * *

* This method can be also used for {@link com.grack.nanojson.JsonArray JsonArray}s. *

* * @param collection the collection on which check if it's null or empty * @return whether the collection is null or empty */ public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(final Collection collection) { return collection == null || collection.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if a {@link Map map} is null or empty. * *

* This method can be also used for {@link com.grack.nanojson.JsonObject JsonObject}s. *

* * @param map the {@link Map map} on which check if it's null or empty * @return whether the {@link Map map} is null or empty */ public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(final Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } public static boolean isBlank(final String string) { return string == null || string.isBlank(); } @Nonnull public static String join( final String delimiter, final String mapJoin, @Nonnull final Map elements) { return elements.entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> entry.getKey() + mapJoin + entry.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.joining(delimiter)); } /** * Concatenate all non-null, non-empty and strings which are not equal to "null". */ @Nonnull public static String nonEmptyAndNullJoin(final CharSequence delimiter, final String... elements) { return .filter(s -> !isNullOrEmpty(s) && !s.equals("null")) .collect(Collectors.joining(delimiter)); } /** * Find the result of an array of string regular expressions inside an input on the first * group ({@code 0}). * * @param input the input on which using the regular expressions * @param regexes the string array of regular expressions * @return the result * @throws Parser.RegexException if none of the patterns match the input */ @Nonnull public static String getStringResultFromRegexArray(@Nonnull final String input, @Nonnull final String[] regexes) throws Parser.RegexException { return getStringResultFromRegexArray(input, regexes, 0); } /** * Find the result of an array of {@link Pattern}s inside an input on the first group * ({@code 0}). * * @param input the input on which using the regular expressions * @param regexes the {@link Pattern} array * @return the result * @throws Parser.RegexException if none of the patterns match the input */ @Nonnull public static String getStringResultFromRegexArray(@Nonnull final String input, @Nonnull final Pattern[] regexes) throws Parser.RegexException { return getStringResultFromRegexArray(input, regexes, 0); } /** * Find the result of an array of string regular expressions inside an input on a specific * group. * * @param input the input on which using the regular expressions * @param regexes the string array of regular expressions * @param group the group to match * @return the result * @throws Parser.RegexException if none of the patterns match the input, or at least in the * specified group */ @Nonnull public static String getStringResultFromRegexArray(@Nonnull final String input, @Nonnull final String[] regexes, final int group) throws Parser.RegexException { return getStringResultFromRegexArray(input, .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(Pattern::compile) .toArray(Pattern[]::new), group); } /** * Find the result of an array of {@link Pattern}s inside an input on a specific * group. * * @param input the input on which using the regular expressions * @param regexes the {@link Pattern} array * @param group the group to match * @return the result * @throws Parser.RegexException if none of the patterns match the input, or at least in the * specified group */ @Nonnull public static String getStringResultFromRegexArray(@Nonnull final String input, @Nonnull final Pattern[] regexes, final int group) throws Parser.RegexException { for (final Pattern regex : regexes) { try { final String result = Parser.matchGroup(regex, input, group); if (result != null) { return result; } // Continue if the result is null } catch (final Parser.RegexException ignored) { } } throw new Parser.RegexException("No regex matched the input on group " + group); } }