package; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.JavaScript; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Parser; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.StringUtils; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** *

* YouTube's media is protected with a cipher, * which modifies the "n" query parameter of it's video playback urls. * This class handles extracting that "n" query parameter, * applying the cipher on it and returning the resulting url which is not throttled. *

* *
* becomes *

* Decoding the "n" parameter is time intensive. For this reason, the results are cached. * The cache can be cleared using {@link #clearCache()} *

* */ public class YoutubeThrottlingDecrypter { private static final Pattern N_PARAM_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[&?]n=([^&]+)"); private static final Pattern FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "\\.get\\(\"n\"\\)\\)&&\\(b=([a-zA-Z0-9$]+)(?:\\[(\\d+)])?\\([a-zA-Z0-9]\\)"); private static final Map N_PARAMS_CACHE = new HashMap<>(); @SuppressWarnings("StaticVariableName") private static String FUNCTION; @SuppressWarnings("StaticVariableName") private static String FUNCTION_NAME; private final String functionName; private final String function; /** *

* Use this if you care about the off chance that YouTube tracks with which videoId the cipher * is requested. *

* Otherwise use the no-arg constructor which uses a constant value. * * @deprecated Use static function instead */ public YoutubeThrottlingDecrypter(final String videoId) throws ParsingException { final String playerJsCode = YoutubeJavaScriptExtractor.extractJavaScriptCode(videoId); functionName = parseDecodeFunctionName(playerJsCode); function = parseDecodeFunction(playerJsCode, functionName); } /** * @deprecated Use static function instead */ public YoutubeThrottlingDecrypter() throws ParsingException { final String playerJsCode = YoutubeJavaScriptExtractor.extractJavaScriptCode(); functionName = parseDecodeFunctionName(playerJsCode); function = parseDecodeFunction(playerJsCode, functionName); } /** *

* The videoId is only used to fetch the decryption function. * It can be a constant value of any existing video. * A constant value is discouraged, because it could allow tracking. */ public static String apply(final String url, final String videoId) throws ParsingException { if (containsNParam(url)) { if (FUNCTION == null) { final String playerJsCode = YoutubeJavaScriptExtractor.extractJavaScriptCode(videoId); FUNCTION_NAME = parseDecodeFunctionName(playerJsCode); FUNCTION = parseDecodeFunction(playerJsCode, FUNCTION_NAME); } final String oldNParam = parseNParam(url); final String newNParam = decryptNParam(FUNCTION, FUNCTION_NAME, oldNParam); return replaceNParam(url, oldNParam, newNParam); } else { return url; } } private static String parseDecodeFunctionName(final String playerJsCode) throws Parser.RegexException { final Matcher matcher = FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(playerJsCode); final boolean foundMatch = matcher.find(); if (!foundMatch) { throw new Parser.RegexException("Failed to find pattern \"" + FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN + "\""); } final String functionName =; if (matcher.groupCount() == 1) { return functionName; } final int arrayNum = Integer.parseInt(; final Pattern arrayPattern = Pattern.compile( "var " + Pattern.quote(functionName) + "\\s*=\\s*\\[(.+?)];"); final String arrayStr = Parser.matchGroup1(arrayPattern, playerJsCode); final String[] names = arrayStr.split(","); return names[arrayNum]; } @Nonnull private static String parseDecodeFunction(final String playerJsCode, final String functionName) throws Parser.RegexException { try { return parseWithParenthesisMatching(playerJsCode, functionName); } catch (final Exception e) { return parseWithRegex(playerJsCode, functionName); } } @Nonnull private static String parseWithParenthesisMatching(final String playerJsCode, final String functionName) { final String functionBase = functionName + "=function"; return functionBase + StringUtils.matchToClosingParenthesis(playerJsCode, functionBase) + ";"; } @Nonnull private static String parseWithRegex(final String playerJsCode, final String functionName) throws Parser.RegexException { final Pattern functionPattern = Pattern.compile(functionName + "=function(.*?}};)\n", Pattern.DOTALL); return "function " + functionName + Parser.matchGroup1(functionPattern, playerJsCode); } @Deprecated public String apply(final String url) throws ParsingException { if (containsNParam(url)) { final String oldNParam = parseNParam(url); final String newNParam = decryptNParam(function, functionName, oldNParam); return replaceNParam(url, oldNParam, newNParam); } else { return url; } } private static boolean containsNParam(final String url) { return Parser.isMatch(N_PARAM_PATTERN, url); } private static String parseNParam(final String url) throws Parser.RegexException { return Parser.matchGroup1(N_PARAM_PATTERN, url); } private static String decryptNParam(final String function, final String functionName, final String nParam) { if (N_PARAMS_CACHE.containsKey(nParam)) { return N_PARAMS_CACHE.get(nParam); } final String decryptedNParam =, functionName, nParam); N_PARAMS_CACHE.put(nParam, decryptedNParam); return decryptedNParam; } @Nonnull private static String replaceNParam(@Nonnull final String url, final String oldValue, final String newValue) { return url.replace(oldValue, newValue); } /** * @return the number of the cached "n" query parameters. */ public static int getCacheSize() { return N_PARAMS_CACHE.size(); } /** * Clears all stored "n" query parameters. */ public static void clearCache() { N_PARAMS_CACHE.clear(); } }