package org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.comments; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ListExtractor.InfoItemsPage; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ListInfo; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.NewPipe; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Page; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.StreamingService; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.ListLinkHandler; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.ExtractorHelper; import; public final class CommentsInfo extends ListInfo { private CommentsInfo( final int serviceId, final ListLinkHandler listUrlIdHandler, final String name) { super(serviceId, listUrlIdHandler, name); } public static CommentsInfo getInfo(final String url) throws IOException, ExtractionException { return getInfo(NewPipe.getServiceByUrl(url), url); } public static CommentsInfo getInfo(final StreamingService service, final String url) throws ExtractionException, IOException { return getInfo(service.getCommentsExtractor(url)); } public static CommentsInfo getInfo(final CommentsExtractor commentsExtractor) throws IOException, ExtractionException { // for services which do not have a comments extractor if (commentsExtractor == null) { return null; } commentsExtractor.fetchPage(); final String name = commentsExtractor.getName(); final int serviceId = commentsExtractor.getServiceId(); final ListLinkHandler listUrlIdHandler = commentsExtractor.getLinkHandler(); final CommentsInfo commentsInfo = new CommentsInfo(serviceId, listUrlIdHandler, name); commentsInfo.setCommentsExtractor(commentsExtractor); final InfoItemsPage initialCommentsPage = ExtractorHelper.getItemsPageOrLogError(commentsInfo, commentsExtractor); commentsInfo.setCommentsDisabled(commentsExtractor.isCommentsDisabled()); commentsInfo.setRelatedItems(initialCommentsPage.getItems()); try { commentsInfo.setCommentsCount(commentsExtractor.getCommentsCount()); } catch (Exception e) { commentsInfo.addError(e); } commentsInfo.setNextPage(initialCommentsPage.getNextPage()); return commentsInfo; } public static InfoItemsPage getMoreItems( final CommentsInfo commentsInfo, final Page page) throws ExtractionException, IOException { return getMoreItems(NewPipe.getService(commentsInfo.getServiceId()), commentsInfo.getUrl(), page); } public static InfoItemsPage getMoreItems( final StreamingService service, final CommentsInfo commentsInfo, final Page page) throws IOException, ExtractionException { return getMoreItems(service, commentsInfo.getUrl(), page); } public static InfoItemsPage getMoreItems( final StreamingService service, final String url, final Page page) throws IOException, ExtractionException { return service.getCommentsExtractor(url).getPage(page); } private transient CommentsExtractor commentsExtractor; private boolean commentsDisabled = false; private int commentsCount; public CommentsExtractor getCommentsExtractor() { return commentsExtractor; } public void setCommentsExtractor(final CommentsExtractor commentsExtractor) { this.commentsExtractor = commentsExtractor; } /** * @return true if the comments are disabled otherwise false (default) * @apiNote Warning: This method is experimental and may get removed in a future release. * @return {@code true} if the comments are disabled otherwise {@code false} (default) * @see CommentsExtractor#isCommentsDisabled() */ public boolean isCommentsDisabled() { return commentsDisabled; } /** * @param commentsDisabled true if the comments are disabled otherwise false * @apiNote Warning: This method is experimental and may get removed in a future release. * @param commentsDisabled {@code true} if the comments are disabled otherwise {@code false} */ public void setCommentsDisabled(final boolean commentsDisabled) { this.commentsDisabled = commentsDisabled; } /** * Returns the total number of comments. * * @return totalComments */ public int getCommentsCount() { return commentsCount; } /** * Sets the total number of comments. * * @param commentsCount */ public void setCommentsCount(int commentsCount) { this.commentsCount = commentsCount; } }