package; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonObject; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParser; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParserException; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.StreamingService; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Downloader; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Response; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.LinkHandlerFactory; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.ListLinkHandler; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.TimeAgoParser; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.playlist.PlaylistExtractor; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class YoutubePlaylistExtractor extends PlaylistExtractor { private Document doc; public YoutubePlaylistExtractor(StreamingService service, ListLinkHandler linkHandler) { super(service, linkHandler); } @Override public void onFetchPage(@Nonnull Downloader downloader) throws IOException, ExtractionException { final String url = getUrl(); final Response response = downloader.get(url, getExtractorLocalization()); doc = YoutubeParsingHelper.parseAndCheckPage(url, response); } @Override public String getNextPageUrl() throws ExtractionException { return getNextPageUrlFrom(doc); } @Nonnull @Override public String getName() throws ParsingException { try { return"div[id=pl-header] h1[class=pl-header-title]").first().text(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get playlist name", e); } } @Override public String getThumbnailUrl() throws ParsingException { try { return"div[id=pl-header] div[class=pl-header-thumb] img").first().attr("abs:src"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get playlist thumbnail", e); } } @Override public String getBannerUrl() { return ""; // Banner can't be handled by frontend right now. // Whoever is willing to implement this should also implement it in the frontend. } @Override public String getUploaderUrl() throws ParsingException { try { return YoutubeChannelExtractor.CHANNEL_URL_BASE +"button[class*=\"yt-uix-subscription-button\"]") .first().attr("data-channel-external-id"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get playlist uploader url", e); } } @Override public String getUploaderName() throws ParsingException { try { return"span[class=\"qualified-channel-title-text\"]").first().select("a").first().text(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get playlist uploader name", e); } } @Override public String getUploaderAvatarUrl() throws ParsingException { try { return"div[id=gh-banner] img[class=channel-header-profile-image]").first().attr("abs:src"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get playlist uploader avatar", e); } } @Override public long getStreamCount() throws ParsingException { String input; try { input ="ul[class=\"pl-header-details\"] li").get(1).text(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get video count from playlist", e); } try { return Long.parseLong(Utils.removeNonDigitCharacters(input)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // When there's no videos in a playlist, there's no number in the "innerHtml", // all characters that is not a number is removed, so we try to parse a empty string if (!input.isEmpty()) { return 0; } else { throw new ParsingException("Could not handle input: " + input, e); } } } @Nonnull @Override public InfoItemsPage getInitialPage() throws ExtractionException { StreamInfoItemsCollector collector = new StreamInfoItemsCollector(getServiceId()); Element tbody ="tbody[id=\"pl-load-more-destination\"]").first(); collectStreamsFrom(collector, tbody); return new InfoItemsPage<>(collector, getNextPageUrl()); } @Override public InfoItemsPage getPage(final String pageUrl) throws IOException, ExtractionException { if (pageUrl == null || pageUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new ExtractionException(new IllegalArgumentException("Page url is empty or null")); } StreamInfoItemsCollector collector = new StreamInfoItemsCollector(getServiceId()); JsonObject pageJson; try { final String responseBody = getDownloader().get(pageUrl, getExtractorLocalization()).responseBody(); pageJson = JsonParser.object().from(responseBody); } catch (JsonParserException pe) { throw new ParsingException("Could not parse ajax json", pe); } final Document pageHtml = Jsoup.parse("" + pageJson.getString("content_html") + "
", pageUrl); collectStreamsFrom(collector,"tbody[id=\"pl-load-more-destination\"]").first()); return new InfoItemsPage<>(collector, getNextPageUrlFromAjax(pageJson, pageUrl)); } private String getNextPageUrlFromAjax(final JsonObject pageJson, final String pageUrl) throws ParsingException { String nextPageHtml = pageJson.getString("load_more_widget_html"); if (!nextPageHtml.isEmpty()) { return getNextPageUrlFrom(Jsoup.parse(nextPageHtml, pageUrl)); } else { return ""; } } private String getNextPageUrlFrom(Document d) throws ParsingException { try { Element button ="button[class*=\"yt-uix-load-more\"]").first(); if (button != null) { return button.attr("abs:data-uix-load-more-href"); } else { // Sometimes playlists are simply so small, they don't have a more streams/videos return ""; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("could not get next streams' url", e); } } private void collectStreamsFrom(@Nonnull StreamInfoItemsCollector collector, @Nullable Element element) { collector.reset(); if (element == null) { return; } final LinkHandlerFactory streamLinkHandlerFactory = getService().getStreamLHFactory(); final TimeAgoParser timeAgoParser = getTimeAgoParser(); for (final Element li : element.children()) { if (isDeletedItem(li)) { continue; } collector.commit(new YoutubeStreamInfoItemExtractor(li, timeAgoParser) { public Element uploaderLink; @Override public boolean isAd() { return false; } @Override public String getUrl() throws ParsingException { try { return streamLinkHandlerFactory.fromId(li.attr("data-video-id")).getUrl(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get web page url for the video", e); } } @Override public String getName() throws ParsingException { try { return li.attr("data-title"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get title", e); } } @Override public long getDuration() throws ParsingException { try { if (getStreamType() == StreamType.LIVE_STREAM) return -1; Element first ="div[class=\"timestamp\"] span").first(); if (first == null) { // Video unavailable (private, deleted, etc.), this is a thing that happens specifically with playlists, // because in other cases, those videos don't even show up return -1; } return YoutubeParsingHelper.parseDurationString(first.text()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get duration" + getUrl(), e); } } private Element getUploaderLink() { // should always be present since we filter deleted items if (uploaderLink == null) { uploaderLink ="div[class=pl-video-owner] a").first(); } return uploaderLink; } @Override public String getUploaderName() throws ParsingException { return getUploaderLink().text(); } @Override public String getUploaderUrl() throws ParsingException { // this url is not always in the form "/channel/..." // sometimes Youtube provides urls in the from "/user/..." return getUploaderLink().attr("abs:href"); } @Override public String getTextualUploadDate() throws ParsingException { return ""; } @Override public long getViewCount() throws ParsingException { return -1; } @Override public String getThumbnailUrl() throws ParsingException { try { return "" + streamLinkHandlerFactory.fromUrl(getUrl()).getId() + "/hqdefault.jpg"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get thumbnail url", e); } } }); } } /** * Check if the playlist item is deleted * * @param li the list item * @return true if the item is deleted */ private boolean isDeletedItem(Element li) { return"div[class=pl-video-owner] a").isEmpty(); } }