package org.schabi.newpipe.extractor; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.comments.CommentsExtractor; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.feed.FeedExtractor; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.kiosk.KioskList; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.*; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.ContentCountry; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.Localization; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.TimeAgoParser; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.TimeAgoPatternsManager; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.playlist.PlaylistExtractor; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.subscription.SubscriptionExtractor; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.suggestion.SuggestionExtractor; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /* * Copyright (C) Christian Schabesberger 2018 * is part of NewPipe. * * NewPipe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NewPipe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NewPipe. If not, see . */ public abstract class StreamingService { /** * This class holds meta information about the service implementation. */ public static class ServiceInfo { private final String name; private final List mediaCapabilities; /** * Creates a new instance of a ServiceInfo * @param name the name of the service * @param mediaCapabilities the type of media this service can handle */ public ServiceInfo(String name, List mediaCapabilities) { = name; this.mediaCapabilities = Collections.unmodifiableList(mediaCapabilities); } public String getName() { return name; } public List getMediaCapabilities() { return mediaCapabilities; } public enum MediaCapability { AUDIO, VIDEO, LIVE, COMMENTS } } /** * LinkType will be used to determine which type of URL you are handling, and therefore which part * of NewPipe should handle a certain URL. */ public enum LinkType { NONE, STREAM, CHANNEL, PLAYLIST } private final int serviceId; private final ServiceInfo serviceInfo; /** * Creates a new Streaming service. * If you Implement one do not set id within your implementation of this extractor, instead * set the id when you put the extractor into * ServiceList. * All other parameters can be set directly from the overriding constructor. * @param id the number of the service to identify him within the NewPipe frontend * @param name the name of the service * @param capabilities the type of media this service can handle */ public StreamingService(int id, String name, List capabilities) { this.serviceId = id; this.serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(name, capabilities); } public final int getServiceId() { return serviceId; } public ServiceInfo getServiceInfo() { return serviceInfo; } @Override public String toString() { return serviceId + ":" + serviceInfo.getName(); } public abstract String getBaseUrl(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Url Id handler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Must return a new instance of an implementation of LinkHandlerFactory for streams. * @return an instance of a LinkHandlerFactory for streams */ public abstract LinkHandlerFactory getStreamLHFactory(); /** * Must return a new instance of an implementation of ListLinkHandlerFactory for channels. * If support for channels is not given null must be returned. * @return an instance of a ListLinkHandlerFactory for channels or null */ public abstract ListLinkHandlerFactory getChannelLHFactory(); /** * Must return a new instance of an implementation of ListLinkHandlerFactory for playlists. * If support for playlists is not given null must be returned. * @return an instance of a ListLinkHandlerFactory for playlists or null */ public abstract ListLinkHandlerFactory getPlaylistLHFactory(); /** * Must return an instance of an implementation of SearchQueryHandlerFactory. * @return an instance of a SearchQueryHandlerFactory */ public abstract SearchQueryHandlerFactory getSearchQHFactory(); public abstract ListLinkHandlerFactory getCommentsLHFactory(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extractors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Must create a new instance of a SearchExtractor implementation. * @param queryHandler specifies the keyword lock for, and the filters which should be applied. * @return a new SearchExtractor instance */ public abstract SearchExtractor getSearchExtractor(SearchQueryHandler queryHandler); /** * Must create a new instance of a SuggestionExtractor implementation. * @return a new SuggestionExtractor instance */ public abstract SuggestionExtractor getSuggestionExtractor(); /** * Outdated or obsolete. null can be returned. * @return just null */ public abstract SubscriptionExtractor getSubscriptionExtractor(); /** * This method decides which strategy will be chosen to fetch the feed. In YouTube, for example, a separate feed * exists which is lightweight and made specifically to be used like this. *

* In services which there's no other way to retrieve them, null should be returned. * * @return a {@link FeedExtractor} instance or null. */ @Nullable public FeedExtractor getFeedExtractor(String url) throws ExtractionException { return null; } /** * Must create a new instance of a KioskList implementation. * @return a new KioskList instance * @throws ExtractionException */ public abstract KioskList getKioskList() throws ExtractionException; /** * Must create a new instance of a ChannelExtractor implementation. * @param linkHandler is pointing to the channel which should be handled by this new instance. * @return a new ChannelExtractor * @throws ExtractionException */ public abstract ChannelExtractor getChannelExtractor(ListLinkHandler linkHandler) throws ExtractionException; /** * Must crete a new instance of a PlaylistExtractor implementation. * @param linkHandler is pointing to the playlist which should be handled by this new instance. * @return a new PlaylistExtractor * @throws ExtractionException */ public abstract PlaylistExtractor getPlaylistExtractor(ListLinkHandler linkHandler) throws ExtractionException; /** * Must create a new instance of a StreamExtractor implementation. * @param linkHandler is pointing to the stream which should be handled by this new instance. * @return a new StreamExtractor * @throws ExtractionException */ public abstract StreamExtractor getStreamExtractor(LinkHandler linkHandler) throws ExtractionException; public abstract CommentsExtractor getCommentsExtractor(ListLinkHandler linkHandler) throws ExtractionException; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extractors without link handler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public SearchExtractor getSearchExtractor(String query, List contentFilter, String sortFilter) throws ExtractionException { return getSearchExtractor(getSearchQHFactory() .fromQuery(query, contentFilter, sortFilter)); } public ChannelExtractor getChannelExtractor(String id, List contentFilter, String sortFilter) throws ExtractionException { return getChannelExtractor(getChannelLHFactory() .fromQuery(id, contentFilter, sortFilter)); } public PlaylistExtractor getPlaylistExtractor(String id, List contentFilter, String sortFilter) throws ExtractionException { return getPlaylistExtractor(getPlaylistLHFactory() .fromQuery(id, contentFilter, sortFilter)); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Short extractors overloads //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public SearchExtractor getSearchExtractor(String query) throws ExtractionException { return getSearchExtractor(getSearchQHFactory().fromQuery(query)); } public ChannelExtractor getChannelExtractor(String url) throws ExtractionException { return getChannelExtractor(getChannelLHFactory().fromUrl(url)); } public PlaylistExtractor getPlaylistExtractor(String url) throws ExtractionException { return getPlaylistExtractor(getPlaylistLHFactory().fromUrl(url)); } public StreamExtractor getStreamExtractor(String url) throws ExtractionException { return getStreamExtractor(getStreamLHFactory().fromUrl(url)); } public CommentsExtractor getCommentsExtractor(String url) throws ExtractionException { ListLinkHandlerFactory llhf = getCommentsLHFactory(); if (llhf == null) { return null; } return getCommentsExtractor(llhf.fromUrl(url)); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Figures out where the link is pointing to (a channel, a video, a playlist, etc.) * @param url the url on which it should be decided of which link type it is * @return the link type of url */ public final LinkType getLinkTypeByUrl(final String url) throws ParsingException { final String polishedUrl = Utils.followGoogleRedirectIfNeeded(url); final LinkHandlerFactory sH = getStreamLHFactory(); final LinkHandlerFactory cH = getChannelLHFactory(); final LinkHandlerFactory pH = getPlaylistLHFactory(); if (sH != null && sH.acceptUrl(polishedUrl)) { return LinkType.STREAM; } else if (cH != null && cH.acceptUrl(polishedUrl)) { return LinkType.CHANNEL; } else if (pH != null && pH.acceptUrl(polishedUrl)) { return LinkType.PLAYLIST; } else { return LinkType.NONE; } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Localization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /** * Returns a list of localizations that this service supports. */ public List getSupportedLocalizations() { return Collections.singletonList(Localization.DEFAULT); } /** * Returns a list of countries that this service supports.
*/ public List getSupportedCountries() { return Collections.singletonList(ContentCountry.DEFAULT); } /** * Returns the localization that should be used in this service. It will get which localization * the user prefer (using {@link NewPipe#getPreferredLocalization()}), then it will: *

  • Check if the exactly localization is supported by this service.
  • *
  • If not, check if a less specific localization is available, using only the language code.
  • *
  • Fallback to the {@link Localization#DEFAULT default} localization.
  • *
*/ public Localization getLocalization() { final Localization preferredLocalization = NewPipe.getPreferredLocalization(); // Check the localization's language and country if (getSupportedLocalizations().contains(preferredLocalization)) { return preferredLocalization; } // Fallback to the first supported language that matches the preferred language for (Localization supportedLanguage : getSupportedLocalizations()) { if (supportedLanguage.getLanguageCode().equals(preferredLocalization.getLanguageCode())) { return supportedLanguage; } } return Localization.DEFAULT; } /** * Returns the country that should be used to fetch content in this service. It will get which country * the user prefer (using {@link NewPipe#getPreferredContentCountry()}), then it will: *
  • Check if the country is supported by this service.
  • *
  • If not, fallback to the {@link ContentCountry#DEFAULT default} country.
  • *
*/ public ContentCountry getContentCountry() { final ContentCountry preferredContentCountry = NewPipe.getPreferredContentCountry(); if (getSupportedCountries().contains(preferredContentCountry)) { return preferredContentCountry; } return ContentCountry.DEFAULT; } /** * Get an instance of the time ago parser using the patterns related to the passed localization.
* Just like {@link #getLocalization()}, it will also try to fallback to a less specific localization if * the exact one is not available/supported. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the localization is not supported (parsing patterns are not present). */ public TimeAgoParser getTimeAgoParser(Localization localization) { final TimeAgoParser targetParser = TimeAgoPatternsManager.getTimeAgoParserFor(localization); if (targetParser != null) { return targetParser; } if (!localization.getCountryCode().isEmpty()) { final Localization lessSpecificLocalization = new Localization(localization.getLanguageCode()); final TimeAgoParser lessSpecificParser = TimeAgoPatternsManager.getTimeAgoParserFor(lessSpecificLocalization); if (lessSpecificParser != null) { return lessSpecificParser; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Localization is not supported (\"" + localization.toString() + "\")"); } }