package; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.TimeAgoParser; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; /* * Copyright (C) Christian Schabesberger 2016 * is part of NewPipe. * * NewPipe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NewPipe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NewPipe. If not, see . */ public class YoutubeStreamInfoItemExtractor implements StreamInfoItemExtractor { private final Element item; private final TimeAgoParser timeAgoParser; private String cachedUploadDate; /** * Creates an extractor of StreamInfoItems from a YouTube page. * @param item The page element * @param timeAgoParser A parser of the textual dates or {@code null}. */ public YoutubeStreamInfoItemExtractor(Element item, @Nullable TimeAgoParser timeAgoParser) { this.item = item; this.timeAgoParser = timeAgoParser; } @Override public StreamType getStreamType() throws ParsingException { if (isLiveStream(item)) { return StreamType.LIVE_STREAM; } else { return StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM; } } @Override public boolean isAd() throws ParsingException { return !"span[class*=\"icon-not-available\"]").isEmpty() || !"span[class*=\"yt-badge-ad\"]").isEmpty() || isPremiumVideo(); } private boolean isPremiumVideo() { Element premiumSpan ="span[class=\"standalone-collection-badge-renderer-red-text\"]").first(); if(premiumSpan == null) return false; // if this span has text it most likely says ("Free Video") so we can play this if(premiumSpan.hasText()) return false; return true; } @Override public String getUrl() throws ParsingException { try { Element el ="div[class*=\"yt-lockup-video\"]").first(); Element dl ="h3").first().select("a").first(); return dl.attr("abs:href"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get web page url for the video", e); } } @Override public String getName() throws ParsingException { try { Element el ="div[class*=\"yt-lockup-video\"]").first(); Element dl ="h3").first().select("a").first(); return dl.text(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get title", e); } } @Override public long getDuration() throws ParsingException { try { if (getStreamType() == StreamType.LIVE_STREAM) return -1; final Element duration ="span[class*=\"video-time\"]").first(); // apparently on youtube, video-time element will not show up if the video has a duration of 00:00 // see: return duration == null ? 0 : YoutubeParsingHelper.parseDurationString(duration.text()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get Duration: " + getUrl(), e); } } @Override public String getUploaderName() throws ParsingException { try { return"div[class=\"yt-lockup-byline\"]").first() .select("a").first() .text(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get uploader", e); } } @Override public String getUploaderUrl() throws ParsingException { // this url is not always in the form "/channel/..." // sometimes Youtube provides urls in the from "/user/..." try { try { return"div[class=\"yt-lockup-byline\"]").first() .select("a").first() .attr("abs:href"); } catch (Exception e){} // try this if the first didn't work return"span[class=\"title\"") .text().split(" - ")[0]; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(item.html()); throw new ParsingException("Could not get uploader url", e); } } @Override public String getTextualUploadDate() throws ParsingException { if (getStreamType().equals(StreamType.LIVE_STREAM)) { return null; } if (cachedUploadDate != null) { return cachedUploadDate; } try { if (isVideoReminder()) { final Calendar calendar = getDateFromReminder(); if (calendar != null) { return cachedUploadDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") .format(calendar.getTime()); } } Element meta ="div[class=\"yt-lockup-meta\"]").first(); if (meta == null) return ""; final Elements li ="li"); if (li.isEmpty()) return ""; return cachedUploadDate = li.first().text(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get upload date", e); } } @Override public Calendar getUploadDate() throws ParsingException { if (getStreamType().equals(StreamType.LIVE_STREAM)) { return null; } if (isVideoReminder()) { final Calendar calendar = getDateFromReminder(); if (calendar != null) { return calendar; } } String textualUploadDate = getTextualUploadDate(); if (timeAgoParser != null && textualUploadDate != null && !textualUploadDate.isEmpty()) { return timeAgoParser.parse(textualUploadDate); } else { return null; } } @Override public long getViewCount() throws ParsingException { String input; final Element spanViewCount ="span.view-count").first(); if (spanViewCount != null) { input = spanViewCount.text(); } else if (getStreamType().equals(StreamType.LIVE_STREAM)) { Element meta ="").first(); if (meta == null) return 0; final Elements li ="li"); if (li.isEmpty()) return 0; input = li.first().text(); } else { try { Element meta ="").first(); if (meta == null) return -1; // This case can happen if google releases a special video if ("li").size() < 2) return -1; input ="li").get(1).text(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not parse yt-lockup-meta although available: " + getUrl(), e); } } if (input == null) { throw new ParsingException("Input is null"); } try { return Long.parseLong(Utils.removeNonDigitCharacters(input)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // if this happens the video probably has no views if (!input.isEmpty()){ return 0; } throw new ParsingException("Could not handle input: " + input, e); } } @Override public String getThumbnailUrl() throws ParsingException { try { String url; Element te ="div[class=\"yt-thumb video-thumb\"]").first() .select("img").first(); url = te.attr("abs:src"); // Sometimes youtube sends links to gif files which somehow seem to not exist // anymore. Items with such gif also offer a secondary image source. So we are going // to use that if we've caught such an item. if (url.contains(".gif")) { url = te.attr("abs:data-thumb"); } return url; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get thumbnail url", e); } } private boolean isVideoReminder() { return !"").isEmpty(); } private Calendar getDateFromReminder() throws ParsingException { final Element timeFuture ="").first(); if (timeFuture == null) { throw new ParsingException("Span timeFuture is null"); } final String timestamp = timeFuture.attr("data-timestamp"); if (!timestamp.isEmpty()) { try { final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date(Long.parseLong(timestamp) * 1000L)); return calendar; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not parse = \"" + timestamp + "\""); } } throw new ParsingException("Could not parse date from reminder element: \"" + timeFuture + "\""); } /** * Generic method that checks if the element contains any clues that it's a livestream item */ protected static boolean isLiveStream(Element item) { return !"span[class*=\"yt-badge-live\"]").isEmpty() || !"span[class*=\"video-time-overlay-live\"]").isEmpty(); } }