package; import static; import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonArray; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonObject; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParser; import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParserException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MediaFormat; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.NewPipe; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.StreamingService; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Downloader; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Response; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ReCaptchaException; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.LinkHandler; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.DateWrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.JsonUtils; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class PeertubeStreamExtractor extends StreamExtractor { private static final String ACCOUNT_HOST = ""; private static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = ""; private static final String FILES = "files"; private static final String FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL = "fileDownloadUrl"; private static final String FILE_URL = "fileUrl"; private static final String PLAYLIST_URL = "playlistUrl"; private static final String RESOLUTION_ID = ""; private static final String STREAMING_PLAYLISTS = "streamingPlaylists"; private final String baseUrl; private JsonObject json; private final List subtitles = new ArrayList<>(); private final List audioStreams = new ArrayList<>(); private final List videoStreams = new ArrayList<>(); private ParsingException subtitlesException = null; public PeertubeStreamExtractor(final StreamingService service, final LinkHandler linkHandler) throws ParsingException { super(service, linkHandler); this.baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); } @Override public String getTextualUploadDate() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "publishedAt"); } @Override public DateWrapper getUploadDate() throws ParsingException { final String textualUploadDate = getTextualUploadDate(); if (textualUploadDate == null) { return null; } return new DateWrapper(PeertubeParsingHelper.parseDateFrom(textualUploadDate)); } @Nonnull @Override public String getThumbnailUrl() throws ParsingException { return baseUrl + JsonUtils.getString(json, "previewPath"); } @Nonnull @Override public Description getDescription() throws ParsingException { String text; try { text = JsonUtils.getString(json, "description"); } catch (final ParsingException e) { return Description.EMPTY_DESCRIPTION; } if (text.length() == 250 && text.substring(247).equals("...")) { // If description is shortened, get full description final Downloader dl = NewPipe.getDownloader(); try { final Response response = dl.get(baseUrl + PeertubeStreamLinkHandlerFactory.VIDEO_API_ENDPOINT + getId() + "/description"); final JsonObject jsonObject = JsonParser.object().from(response.responseBody()); text = JsonUtils.getString(jsonObject, "description"); } catch (final IOException | ReCaptchaException | JsonParserException ignored) { // Something went wrong when getting the full description, use the shortened one } } return new Description(text, Description.MARKDOWN); } @Override public int getAgeLimit() throws ParsingException { final boolean isNSFW = JsonUtils.getBoolean(json, "nsfw"); if (isNSFW) { return 18; } else { return NO_AGE_LIMIT; } } @Override public long getLength() { return json.getLong("duration"); } @Override public long getTimeStamp() throws ParsingException { final long timestamp = getTimestampSeconds( "((#|&|\\?)start=\\d{0,3}h?\\d{0,3}m?\\d{1,3}s?)"); if (timestamp == -2) { // regex for timestamp was not found return 0; } else { return timestamp; } } @Override public long getViewCount() { return json.getLong("views"); } @Override public long getLikeCount() { return json.getLong("likes"); } @Override public long getDislikeCount() { return json.getLong("dislikes"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getUploaderUrl() throws ParsingException { final String name = JsonUtils.getString(json, ACCOUNT_NAME); final String host = JsonUtils.getString(json, ACCOUNT_HOST); return getService().getChannelLHFactory().fromId("accounts/" + name + "@" + host, baseUrl) .getUrl(); } @Nonnull @Override public String getUploaderName() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "account.displayName"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getUploaderAvatarUrl() { String value; try { value = JsonUtils.getString(json, "account.avatar.path"); } catch (final Exception e) { value = "/client/assets/images/default-avatar.png"; } return baseUrl + value; } @Nonnull @Override public String getSubChannelUrl() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "channel.url"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getSubChannelName() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "channel.displayName"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getSubChannelAvatarUrl() { String value; try { value = JsonUtils.getString(json, "channel.avatar.path"); } catch (final Exception e) { value = "/client/assets/images/default-avatar.png"; } return baseUrl + value; } @Nonnull @Override public String getHlsUrl() { assertPageFetched(); if (getStreamType() == StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM && !isNullOrEmpty(json.getObject(FILES))) { return json.getObject(FILES).getString(PLAYLIST_URL, ""); } return json.getArray(STREAMING_PLAYLISTS).getObject(0).getString(PLAYLIST_URL, ""); } @Override public List getAudioStreams() throws ParsingException { assertPageFetched(); /* Some videos have audio streams; others don't. So an audio stream may be available if a video stream is available. Audio streams are also not returned as separated streams for livestreams. That's why the extraction of audio streams is only run when there are video streams extracted and when the content is not a livestream. */ if (audioStreams.isEmpty() && videoStreams.isEmpty() && getStreamType() == StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM) { getStreams(); } return audioStreams; } @Override public List getVideoStreams() throws ExtractionException { assertPageFetched(); if (videoStreams.isEmpty()) { if (getStreamType() == StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM) { getStreams(); } else { extractLiveVideoStreams(); } } return videoStreams; } @Override public List getVideoOnlyStreams() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Nonnull @Override public List getSubtitlesDefault() throws ParsingException { if (subtitlesException != null) { throw subtitlesException; } return subtitles; } @Nonnull @Override public List getSubtitles(final MediaFormat format) throws ParsingException { if (subtitlesException != null) { throw subtitlesException; } return .filter(sub -> sub.getFormat() == format) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public StreamType getStreamType() { return json.getBoolean("isLive") ? StreamType.LIVE_STREAM : StreamType.VIDEO_STREAM; } @Nullable @Override public StreamInfoItemsCollector getRelatedItems() throws IOException, ExtractionException { final List tags = getTags(); final String apiUrl; if (tags.isEmpty()) { apiUrl = baseUrl + "/api/v1/accounts/" + JsonUtils.getString(json, ACCOUNT_NAME) + "@" + JsonUtils.getString(json, ACCOUNT_HOST) + "/videos?start=0&count=8"; } else { apiUrl = getRelatedItemsUrl(tags); } if (Utils.isBlank(apiUrl)) { return null; } else { final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector = new StreamInfoItemsCollector( getServiceId()); getStreamsFromApi(collector, apiUrl); return collector; } } @Nonnull @Override public List getTags() { return JsonUtils.getStringListFromJsonArray(json.getArray("tags")); } @Nonnull @Override public String getSupportInfo() { try { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "support"); } catch (final ParsingException e) { return ""; } } @Nonnull private String getRelatedItemsUrl(@Nonnull final List tags) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final String url = baseUrl + PeertubeSearchQueryHandlerFactory.SEARCH_ENDPOINT_VIDEOS; final StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); params.append("start=0&count=8&sort=-createdAt"); for (final String tag : tags) { params.append("&tagsOneOf=").append(Utils.encodeUrlUtf8(tag)); } return url + "?" + params; } private void getStreamsFromApi(final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector, final String apiUrl) throws IOException, ReCaptchaException, ParsingException { final Response response = getDownloader().get(apiUrl); JsonObject relatedVideosJson = null; if (response != null && !Utils.isBlank(response.responseBody())) { try { relatedVideosJson = JsonParser.object().from(response.responseBody()); } catch (final JsonParserException e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not parse json data for related videos", e); } } if (relatedVideosJson != null) { collectStreamsFrom(collector, relatedVideosJson); } } private void collectStreamsFrom(final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector, final JsonObject jsonObject) throws ParsingException { final JsonArray contents; try { contents = (JsonArray) JsonUtils.getValue(jsonObject, "data"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not extract related videos", e); } for (final Object c : contents) { if (c instanceof JsonObject) { final JsonObject item = (JsonObject) c; final PeertubeStreamInfoItemExtractor extractor = new PeertubeStreamInfoItemExtractor(item, baseUrl); // Do not add the same stream in related streams if (!extractor.getUrl().equals(getUrl())) { collector.commit(extractor); } } } } @Override public void onFetchPage(@Nonnull final Downloader downloader) throws IOException, ExtractionException { final Response response = downloader.get( baseUrl + PeertubeStreamLinkHandlerFactory.VIDEO_API_ENDPOINT + getId()); if (response != null) { setInitialData(response.responseBody()); } else { throw new ExtractionException("Could not extract PeerTube channel data"); } loadSubtitles(); } private void setInitialData(final String responseBody) throws ExtractionException { try { json = JsonParser.object().from(responseBody); } catch (final JsonParserException e) { throw new ExtractionException("Could not extract PeerTube stream data", e); } if (json == null) { throw new ExtractionException("Could not extract PeerTube stream data"); } PeertubeParsingHelper.validate(json); } private void loadSubtitles() { if (subtitles.isEmpty()) { try { final Response response = getDownloader().get(baseUrl + PeertubeStreamLinkHandlerFactory.VIDEO_API_ENDPOINT + getId() + "/captions"); final JsonObject captionsJson = JsonParser.object().from(response.responseBody()); final JsonArray captions = JsonUtils.getArray(captionsJson, "data"); for (final Object c : captions) { if (c instanceof JsonObject) { final JsonObject caption = (JsonObject) c; final String url = baseUrl + JsonUtils.getString(caption, "captionPath"); final String languageCode = JsonUtils.getString(caption, ""); final String ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); final MediaFormat fmt = MediaFormat.getFromSuffix(ext); if (fmt != null && !isNullOrEmpty(languageCode)) { subtitles.add(new SubtitlesStream.Builder() .setContent(url, true) .setMediaFormat(fmt) .setLanguageCode(languageCode) .setAutoGenerated(false) .build()); } } } } catch (final Exception e) { subtitlesException = new ParsingException("Could not get subtitles", e); } } } private void extractLiveVideoStreams() throws ParsingException { try { final JsonArray streamingPlaylists = json.getArray(STREAMING_PLAYLISTS); .filter(JsonObject.class::isInstance) .map(JsonObject.class::cast) .map(stream -> new VideoStream.Builder() .setId(String.valueOf(stream.getInt("id", -1))) .setContent(stream.getString(PLAYLIST_URL, ""), true) .setIsVideoOnly(false) .setResolution("") .setMediaFormat(MediaFormat.MPEG_4) .setDeliveryMethod(DeliveryMethod.HLS) .build()) // Don't use the containsSimilarStream method because it will always return // false so if there are multiples HLS URLs returned, only the first will be // extracted in this case. .forEachOrdered(videoStreams::add); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get video streams", e); } } private void getStreams() throws ParsingException { // Progressive streams getStreamsFromArray(json.getArray(FILES), ""); // HLS streams try { for (final JsonObject playlist : json.getArray(STREAMING_PLAYLISTS).stream() .filter(JsonObject.class::isInstance) .map(JsonObject.class::cast) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { getStreamsFromArray(playlist.getArray(FILES), playlist.getString(PLAYLIST_URL)); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get streams", e); } } private void getStreamsFromArray(@Nonnull final JsonArray streams, final String playlistUrl) throws ParsingException { try { /* Starting with version 3.4.0 of PeerTube, the HLS playlist of stream resolutions contains the UUID of the streams, so we can't use the same method to get the URL of the HLS playlist without fetching the master playlist. These UUIDs are the same as the ones returned into the fileUrl and fileDownloadUrl strings. */ final boolean isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams = !isNullOrEmpty(playlistUrl) && playlistUrl.endsWith("-master.m3u8"); for (final JsonObject stream : .filter(JsonObject.class::isInstance) .map(JsonObject.class::cast) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { // Extract stream version of streams first final String url = JsonUtils.getString(stream, stream.has(FILE_URL) ? FILE_URL : FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL); if (isNullOrEmpty(url)) { // Not a valid stream URL return; } final String resolution = JsonUtils.getString(stream, "resolution.label"); final String idSuffix = stream.has(FILE_URL) ? FILE_URL : FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL; if (resolution.toLowerCase().contains("audio")) { // An audio stream addNewAudioStream(stream, isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams, resolution, idSuffix, url, playlistUrl); } else { // A video stream addNewVideoStream(stream, isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams, resolution, idSuffix, url, playlistUrl); } } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Could not get streams from array", e); } } @Nonnull private String getHlsPlaylistUrlFromFragmentedFileUrl( @Nonnull final JsonObject streamJsonObject, @Nonnull final String idSuffix, @Nonnull final String format, @Nonnull final String url) throws ParsingException { final String streamUrl = FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL.equals(idSuffix) ? JsonUtils.getString(streamJsonObject, FILE_URL) : url; return streamUrl.replace("-fragmented." + format, ".m3u8"); } @Nonnull private String getHlsPlaylistUrlFromMasterPlaylist(@Nonnull final JsonObject streamJsonObject, @Nonnull final String playlistUrl) throws ParsingException { return playlistUrl.replace("master", JsonUtils.getNumber(streamJsonObject, RESOLUTION_ID).toString()); } private void addNewAudioStream(@Nonnull final JsonObject streamJsonObject, final boolean isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams, @Nonnull final String resolution, @Nonnull final String idSuffix, @Nonnull final String url, @Nullable final String playlistUrl) throws ParsingException { final String extension = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); final MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.getFromSuffix(extension); final String id = resolution + "-" + extension; // Add progressive HTTP streams first audioStreams.add(new AudioStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + idSuffix + "-" + DeliveryMethod.PROGRESSIVE_HTTP) .setContent(url, true) .setMediaFormat(format) .setAverageBitrate(UNKNOWN_BITRATE) .build()); // Then add HLS streams if (!isNullOrEmpty(playlistUrl)) { final String hlsStreamUrl; if (isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams) { hlsStreamUrl = getHlsPlaylistUrlFromFragmentedFileUrl(streamJsonObject, idSuffix, extension, url); } else { hlsStreamUrl = getHlsPlaylistUrlFromMasterPlaylist(streamJsonObject, playlistUrl); } final AudioStream audioStream = new AudioStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + DeliveryMethod.HLS) .setContent(hlsStreamUrl, true) .setDeliveryMethod(DeliveryMethod.HLS) .setMediaFormat(format) .setAverageBitrate(UNKNOWN_BITRATE) .setManifestUrl(playlistUrl) .build(); if (!Stream.containSimilarStream(audioStream, audioStreams)) { audioStreams.add(audioStream); } } // Finally, add torrent URLs final String torrentUrl = JsonUtils.getString(streamJsonObject, "torrentUrl"); if (!isNullOrEmpty(torrentUrl)) { audioStreams.add(new AudioStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + idSuffix + "-" + DeliveryMethod.TORRENT) .setContent(torrentUrl, true) .setDeliveryMethod(DeliveryMethod.TORRENT) .setMediaFormat(format) .setAverageBitrate(UNKNOWN_BITRATE) .build()); } } private void addNewVideoStream(@Nonnull final JsonObject streamJsonObject, final boolean isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams, @Nonnull final String resolution, @Nonnull final String idSuffix, @Nonnull final String url, @Nullable final String playlistUrl) throws ParsingException { final String extension = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); final MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.getFromSuffix(extension); final String id = resolution + "-" + extension; // Add progressive HTTP streams first videoStreams.add(new VideoStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + idSuffix + "-" + DeliveryMethod.PROGRESSIVE_HTTP) .setContent(url, true) .setIsVideoOnly(false) .setResolution(resolution) .setMediaFormat(format) .build()); // Then add HLS streams if (!isNullOrEmpty(playlistUrl)) { final String hlsStreamUrl = isInstanceUsingRandomUuidsForHlsStreams ? getHlsPlaylistUrlFromFragmentedFileUrl(streamJsonObject, idSuffix, extension, url) : getHlsPlaylistUrlFromMasterPlaylist(streamJsonObject, playlistUrl); final VideoStream videoStream = new VideoStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + DeliveryMethod.HLS) .setContent(hlsStreamUrl, true) .setIsVideoOnly(false) .setDeliveryMethod(DeliveryMethod.HLS) .setResolution(resolution) .setMediaFormat(format) .setManifestUrl(playlistUrl) .build(); if (!Stream.containSimilarStream(videoStream, videoStreams)) { videoStreams.add(videoStream); } } // Add finally torrent URLs final String torrentUrl = JsonUtils.getString(streamJsonObject, "torrentUrl"); if (!isNullOrEmpty(torrentUrl)) { videoStreams.add(new VideoStream.Builder() .setId(id + "-" + idSuffix + "-" + DeliveryMethod.TORRENT) .setContent(torrentUrl, true) .setIsVideoOnly(false) .setDeliveryMethod(DeliveryMethod.TORRENT) .setResolution(resolution) .setMediaFormat(format) .build()); } } @Nonnull @Override public String getName() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "name"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getHost() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, ACCOUNT_HOST); } @Nonnull @Override public Privacy getPrivacy() { switch (json.getObject("privacy").getInt("id")) { case 1: return Privacy.PUBLIC; case 2: return Privacy.UNLISTED; case 3: return Privacy.PRIVATE; case 4: return Privacy.INTERNAL; default: return Privacy.OTHER; } } @Nonnull @Override public String getCategory() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "category.label"); } @Nonnull @Override public String getLicence() throws ParsingException { return JsonUtils.getString(json, "licence.label"); } @Override public Locale getLanguageInfo() { try { return new Locale(JsonUtils.getString(json, "")); } catch (final ParsingException e) { return null; } } }